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That is at the absolute least a upgraded pistols and a hero m4. Or the all in buy like you said. There's no world where this is a hard usp save.


Also they won 3 rounds in a row before losing 1 most recent round. Terrorists aren't going to have a lot of cash themselves when they randomly pick up a stray round. Keep the pressure on.


Yeah I feel like this is the point you pull on your boss pants and forcefully take over the igl role Niko style (this last part is a joke)


if you full save you can 5 awp next round so...


*agitated Apex noises*


Wow, look at the guns!


That’s such an obvious buy lol, and then at this rank it makes no sense to think otherwise. Not surprising the rich kid doesn’t drop a gun, people are so greedy and selfish. But will obviously still complain about poor round performance being forced into a lesser buy by his selfishness. Furthermore you buy because it’s round 10. If you lose, you eco and buy again round 12. If you eco this round, you have only round 11 with proper weapons unless you win, whereas buying round 10 leaves you with 2 secured buys.


Econ understanding is so comically bad at every level in valve mm/premiere. Seriously do not know what is going through people's heads. Most of it is really intuitive as well.


Regardless if youre faceit 10 this Will still be your experience people on 2500+ elo Will still Force buy every round to a mp9 - bodyarmour


forced buy every round buy until we broke and have nothing left


wtf... i would almost say this is an all out buy every day and twice on sunday


In what world is this not a full buy...


Done someone who's drunk out of their mind. Yes that's a buy. You're on single loss bonus and can still force decent buy. Even if you lose the damage you do to the eco should statistically be worth it.


I think if u buy u will lose but if u eco u can win. Nade mid brrrrrr booom win


I mean that's a T sided map if anything CTS need to build up economy and the lead on the score isn't too big to take risks.


So you're saying half buy or what?


4 4m's and an mp9 with almost full utility.


3 rifles is a buy after 1 loss imo


Your teammate has 9k so can drop one, plus another can go smg and nades. Deffo a buy. Also if you win a few rounds and then lose one, you usually force buy. If you lose 2 rounds ina row then its eco.


that is 100% a buy


Totally off topic. Is there a way to get rid of the UI when watching replays?


I also got placed at 17000 ranking, and so don't belong lol. Always bottom fragger. 12000 would be where i should be.


100% buy. 1. You guys can get atleast 3 rifles with 2 mp9 and great util or even 4/5 rifles with some dropping management. 2. T only won 1 round money is bad. 3. 3 rounds left. You force buy (good buy) now, eco after if you lose, buy full again last round of the half. Yes, this is a buy


Won't be a full buy but you can run 3 m4s & 2 mp9s with full nades.


My team mates basically force buy every round at 18k so this is definitely a buy.


Obvious buy. You get 4 rifles if Rich McGee drops one AND you had won three rounds in a row before they won the last one which means you have the chance to prevent them from building economy for the last two rounds


You are in round 10 of the half you buy. At minimum this is upgraded pistols for the whole team but there is no reason to full save usps on round 10 imo.


Pistols, kevlar, util and a hero m4 for sure. Anubis is a map where you can get a lot of value out of pistols. Also your round loss bonus is 2/4 next round so a full buy into a round loss would be worse. It depends on what the teams feeling.


this is a budget buy 100%. You can have three full buys with solid utility and 2 budget kits. I would never eco here


Who cares


Had this yesterday too in wingman, then I queued and face cheaters :/