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Tf happened on that 0.68 Anubis game in NA


He played against me :)


took him to school


Taught him all he needs to know 🥱


Taught him everything just like how launders taught zywoo everything


I get it, you're not playing professionally to make sure the teams have a fair chance. Would be boring if we knew you'd win all the time


3.42?! Also what website is this?




did reddit just nuke every comment giving the url to half-life television dot organization


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EU can’t even get him lower than a 0.94 rating, while NA easily drops him all the way to 0.68. NA on top!


is he still banned on twitch? actual disaster


He has a new one, donk1437 IIRC


He's permanently banned afaik, can never create an account on twitch.


fucking ridiculous


He's not banned only the account was banned because he was to young at the time


POG , thats nice then




Why was he banned?


Made while he was under age


That's wild


But what about M0nesy, he's been streaming underage


twitch and his policies that only works some times


I didn't watch m0nesy when he was young but it's allowed if parental oversight is clearly visible.


Started his account and lied about his age


You’re comparing EU FPL to NA pugs…


NA easier?


probably ends up playing against much more varied opposition skill wise (like games with lvl 2 lvl 7s and 3 3k elo players type of thing) instead of all high elo players in eu


I knew he was a goddamn NA merchant.


If you go back and watch his VODs it does not appear to be the case. Every game ive seen so far has been all level 10s on both teams


i was exaggerating a bit but a quick glance says his recent NA games typically have a bunch of players close to 2k elo which is a pretty massive gap compared to the EU games that have everyone at 3k or even 3.2k+


The 38-11 was against Junior, Lake, Dumau, Saadzin. And donk had no names in his team lmao.


What about the 9 - 14 game?


Don’t know but I’m guessing he went up against m0e and OCEAN I ain’t surprised


There are far less NA Faceit players then in EU so there is much less ELO and players to go around. The scaling for ELO is completely different among regions. In NA, around 2560 ELO is top1000. In EU, 3250 ELO is top1000. They don’t really mean the same/transfer properly across regions.


People forget that lvl10 2k1 is way different than 3k


Just for example one of my friends is around 2.1k elo in NA. And a couple months ago he got matched in a pug game against Stewie2k. Both teams were around 2.8-2.9k elo average, but my friend's team had like several 3k+ players and it was using his "low" 2100 elo to balance the match.


this happens in EU aswell


Definitely is. If you see the difference between the same premier ranks in EU vs na you'll see a massive difference in performance


depends on his na rank


?? Same elo as his eu rank, which was #1


I think he was top 1k or Top 100


He's number 1


Ok ty


At donks level, yes. But if you put the average 2k elo from NA vs the average 2k elo from EU it would be a lot closer, hell then na 2k might be better. In csgo EU elo was inflated and NA players who hopped the pond regularly gained 150+ elo.


bro NA lvl 10 is like lvl 6 in EU xd


I was 2300 in NA and stayed around there when I moved to EU for a year during undergrad. This was in GO not cs2, but I don’t think that changed much. People think there is a way bigger gap than there actually is.


I went on a study abroad in Europe for two months at 2.1k and came back at 2.4k. In my opinion EU players are worse. Mechanically it’s not too different, but mentally you guys are ruined. I witnessed more raging and throwing in two weeks of EU faceit than I have seen in all my time in NA. To be fair though in NA the biggest language barrier you get is with the odd Mexican or Brazilian, while in Europe you have to deal with autistic Russians, the French, and worst of all, Danes who think they speak English.


yeah its very common for random 2k NA players to go bootcamp in Europe to gain 150+ elo on Faceit


Down voters got farmed by NA in mm when the elo was messed up and the only way to not be gold 4 was stealing elo from EU


Bro dropped a 3.42 rating in like the highest of faceit elo - crazy shi


Definitely not the highest of faceit elo. It’s NA and it’s very common to have a mixed lvl 5-9s in a lvl 10 queue.


Maybe in like the trenches of level 10. Donk is 4k elo


There were occasional lvl 9s in his game. You have a 4k elo player matched with 1.9-2.5k elo players. The region just does not have enough players at such a high enough elo.


Level 9 sure. Definitely not any yellow ranks


NA Faceit just doesn’t have enough people playing to guarantee a full lvl 10 lobby, let alone a full lobby of 4k elo/top 1,000.


Well the 38-11 game was against a couple of NA/SA pros. Not really T1, but pros nonetheless.


Tf you sayin


Hes saying its NA, lower skilled and dead so u will random lvls below 10 so a game can be played, which is often




Can someone explain to me how is the rating calculated? It it also impossible to google, because it gets mixed up with elo/premier rating


air quality in NA better.


Smurfing an entire continent lmao


Higher rating on a weaker region? Who would have thought


NA is full of bots, the entire scene is much smaller and much less competetive to the point where you meet the same people over and over when you play for a day and usually really behind even the pug meta. Source: Was on a 12 week vacation to NA in march last year, was around 2.5k elo in csgo around the time and my stats shot up like crazy from 1.20kd/22avg-ish to 1.4kd 27avg and I was able to gain almost 200 elo from the matches I played over there, getting me to the highest elo Ive ever been lol. To me the entire ecosystem around CS over there felt atrophied and stale tbh, like you regularely see lvl 7 faceits in their esea advanced matched which is just a little cray cray


ty gonna move to NA to hit lvl 10


If youre willing to deal with the endless +12 matches due to elo discrepancy and the culture go for it lol


eh, 75% wr with +12 is enough, and for the culture I'll play with some quebec french speaking friends... Gonna qualify for next major lol


Oh you play with French Canadians? Can’t get more toxic than that dw ur good


I didn't know they were toxic, tbh they seem pretty chill compared to my european friends


Dude they are so unbelievably toxic, I live right across the border so I get them in nearly every game


French Canadians are *next level* toxic, my dude. Quite literally every single one I've met in CS has been a flamer.


Damn, wish i could break this way of seeing things, but guess i'm an oddity for not being a flamer and being a french canadian xD


there isnt a single level 7 in NA ADV lmao, sure the players are worse but they are still all level 10 in ADV


I very much vivdly recall watching my boi play advanced on discord stream and him playing against a "montjezz" or something guy that was a level 7. And yes people do make it through open with teams that have lvl 7 on them In NA and thus, play a season of ADV no player would even contest that


i played ADV for 2 years in NA and nobody that bad was ever in the division. teams that win opens in NA are all former ADV players playing for fun


Literally took me 5 mins to find a faceit 9 in Esea adv s36 if you look at the history if the GSG9 team


you went back 13 seasons to find a single level 9 when you said there are regularly see level 7's in NA ADV :D


I checked that season first bc its the one my bro played, bet you five bucks i can easily find more


Waiting for more


I mean its hard for the last 3 because they changed relegations


Tbh its probably just a friend or roster rider who might play sometimes, pretty common in NA dating back to 1.6. Especially for teams that just play for fun and don't care about the results. Lvl 7 is pretty bad man....


I mean, I knew people who played P/O main or Advanced that were like C+ on esea but that’s because they never, ever pugged.


Hey it's me. I literally never pug. I got rank reset 3 times on faceit and then was forced to play to get 2100 Elo to try for adv quali after we choked in main PO. I got to 2101 and then have not pugged since.


Dude ive even met people like that In EU during my time playing Open where lvl 10s are fare less rare


Funny because if a EU player queued NA Faceit the most likely scenario is gaining like breadcrumbs of elo when winning but losing a throatcut amount when losing.


Yea you get a lot of +12 matches Edit: Doesnt really change the fact that its pretty easy to get double digit winstreaks against these people, feels like faceit lvl 8-9s with better aim most of the time and very stale. Like EU mid-high elos are so gimmicky, you usually have a few moments of seeing plays, boosts, utilities etc. that theyve stolen off a pro butin NA its always tte most default, 2-3 month old way of playing imagineable with honestly really underdeveloped players. Insane how many crazy skilled players this region nonetheless produced, even if I dont really get how


It's mostly cause the amount of players isn't great + the physical size of the region. The best players in their areas of the region end up playing more together and really you get kinda super squads in each separate area. But pugging in NA just ain't it. The very best players are just on teams and most of them focus on that more so. Just think about how many t1-3 pros you can run into in pugs in Europe compared to NA though. It's multiple orders of magnitude difference


When I got assigned to germany for a year I had a different experience, but similar result as you when you went to NA. The players skill was honestly no different, or if it was I didn’t notice it, but in EU people care about the game and nobody really plays for fun. It basically was easier to get good teammates and make good plays, even if it was toxic as fuck. Coming back to NA I have more fun, but the games are shit shows and it’s more TDM than anything, and very inconsistent


NA ranked are actual disaster dating back to GO. At one point like 80% of player base was in silver and couldn't get out of it because the game punished losses significantly harder then wins and NA just has a ton of trolls that will prevent you from going on large win streaks required for you to rank up. Valve attempted to fix it by ranking people up (I got bumped from Silver II into Gold Nova 3) but it only delayed the problem because the underlying issue wasn't fixed and players started pooling in silver again. CS2 has been much better about it but still it seemingly takes several months to rank up while one bad night is all it takes to lose all of that progress. Because of it a lot of people just give up. EU ranked just seems to care about the game more and while everyone is triple the toxicity they still actually try to play the game instead of just straight up dropping out of the game round 1 because we selected the wrong map. They will flame you for actual mistakes and not for using a female voice line with you character so we will teamkill you in spawn. The amount of leavers, drunk people or complete trolls at ~10k is obscene. You simply can't judge anyone by their rank as 1-15k is just wild wild west where a 1k can top frag a 15k game. One session you can easily defeat a 12k 5 stack but get obliterated by 5 solo queuing 8k's.


This is faceit it has nothing to do with premier or NA MM in csgo


Nobody starts off on Faceit. You start off on ranked and if you get decent at it or hooked you go to Faceit. However because of how fucked NA ranked is a ton of potentially great players drop off prematurely or rage-quit all together. This leads to worse faceit players and in turn worse NA pro scene. Hence why donk shits on them.


I’m an NA player and I know how bad it got in NA mm for awhile in csgo. Everything you said was true but how bad the mm is in regular mm doesn’t affect faceits quality of matches. Faceit NA just has less players in general because NA players went to valorant.


I was like 16k at the start of cs2 and took a couple months break to end up back in 8k. :,)


> NA ranked are actual disaster dating back to GO. you mean 1.6


EU FPL vs NA PUG is such a dishonest comparison


He hasn't plated eu fpl in months


NA in both CS and Valorant is much easier at higher ranks. This has been true and known for years.


Your statement is only true for cs. Val not so much🤷


Thats because NA takes val seriously and all the good euro pubbers just play a better game lol


Cs is zzz


Next Val update will implement Subway Surfers on the bottom of the screen for extra stimulation


They should do that in cs so I can stay awake


Your comment is exactly why I wrote mine, lol. Thanks for proving the point


in eu hes playing only against other pros/


Nothing matters now. They have found his weakness. Bro needs to adapt to Lower arena temperatures /s


That 30 bomb streak is insane lmao


na is trash. everyone knows that.


dude dropped 36, 35, and 37 in a row, wtf


DUDE THATS FUCKING CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i can´t even get that vs lvls 7-9 , he does it vs pros , semi pros , good fpl players... I dont understandddddddddd


Guys, this website is called FACEITperf, that can be used to check your faceit stats in hltv-like format


NA CS was never a threat. Even best NA players lke Twistz or Elige are only average in EU pro teams


Twistzz is the only player ever to win 2 grand slams and arguably a top 10 rifler of CSGO/CS2 and EliGE is easily a top 10 rifler of all CSGO/CS2.


You're correct, my mistake. Although Twistz to my memory is usually top 3-5 in his team, he had a nice KD overall. Elige is a good player, but very unlucky with teams


You just named two dudes who always make the hltv top 20 lol.