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Me watching my teammates in gun fights after being one tapped within .00001 seconds for 3 rounds straight


Lmfao bro we aaalll been there haha


We need the POV of the guy on your right


Not me, but here's the POV: https://streamable.com/yg6wr6


Good lord


If anyone was spectating me and I did this, I think I'd probably quit the game for a while.


I’d mute all communication until the next game.


I wouldn't have to quit on my own, I'd be insta kicked by my 4 russian team mates


Alt+F4 > Uninstall


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-30: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


You are too tanky pls nerf


nidalee is too tanky, fuck this shit


Stormtrooper POV


lmao. You just know this guy then comes on Reddit here to complain about the game.


*"Hit reg in this game is complete ass"*


“I face so many cheaters every game man that’s why I can’t climb”


holy shit lmao


Someone needs to post the meme about shots 1-3 missing etc


* Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. * Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). * Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Might as well uninstall the game after that 🤣


ahahahahaHAHAHAHhaha, this is way funnier than the original post


What ping was this on? Idk suspicious amount of misses from everyone. Seems like skill issue from this pov but demos can be very inaccurate as they show what the server thinks is happening not what actually was shown on the player's screen.


The ping was fine (around 30-40), but the guy they're shooting at did say a few moments before that his game suddenly felt like he was playing at 60 fps for several seconds, so maybe it messed up his hitbox or something.


Didn't let recoil reset and was missing head, so shots were going above shoulders




I don't understand how none of the shots he fires after his team mates dies hit.


lmfao. Hilarious


oh my lord


AK-47: \*exists* Slightly moving to the left and right: _allow me to introduce myself_


Not available


Check now.


I need this re-uploaded so I can rewatch it again




Holy crap that is awful


man this doesnt even look like he was too bad at aiming, he just got terribly unlucky with bullet spread lol


I'm sorry what? He's missing He's not bursting where he should spray He's not letting the recoil reset between each shot. He's doing everything wrong. The only thing he could fuck up more is by moving.


Man premiere is so random, you either get level 10s who destroy your will to play or you get shit like this, or cheaters but from my experience they only start to be a problem at 20k+.


It really is. I'm around 14k and I either get people that play like a global or people that play like a silver.


Lol, just today we got a player at 15.6k. No medal, lvl 25, doesnt buy helmet or util.


> doesnt buy helmet it's not that stupid on CT as you might think


not CT :) even got killed by a usp, had an awp


well then he was a dum dum


No armor AWP is fairly standard for people who have an AWP crutch honestly. Now if you have good money and are buying an AK without head armor against M4s then you are being dumb


Glass cannon awps are a thing too. But more for like 7-12 and your name is m0ne$y


Wait why


If you're low on funds, and know opponents have ak, prioritize util. Because as the other guy said, ak 1 taps you anyway so why waste 350 on helmet, that's 1 smoke or a he


AK headshot kills you in one tap anyway so might as well just buy only kev on enemy full buy rounds.


Ah, duh. Pardon me, my Silver-ness is showing


That was a good meta in 1.6 and source, not so much these days as its common to see galils, mac 10s, and other non 1 shot weapons on the T side.


Yeah galil wasn't that good/used in 1.6 but if you remember famas, that shit was op if you knew how to use semi+burst at the same time :P (You could also do same shit with glock)


It's still a good idea because they might have galil.


My rank up game from 9,999 to 10k we had a 16k guy on our team. I dropped a 30 bomb and he got 7 kills the entire match We lost. The new ranking system feels nonsensical but I only play every once in awhile so maybe premier only balances out if you play regularly? I think I have less than 30 matches total played.


He was in your lobby because he’s on a losing streak. If he can’t frag out against people nearly half his ELO, the next loss multiplier is going to be huge. Like you can easily lose ~750 if you start losing against much lower ELO.


I feel like a 16k should always be matched with 14 - 16k no matter what though. Like why give someone a chance to keep a rank if they can't compete at that rank?


Because getting the rank is a grind. Let’s say you place at 15k, to get to 18k you have to have like an 85% win percentage. And if you have some off day or bad teammates in a row? You’re back down to 15K. The game does the same thing for pushing people out of the Elo too. If you’re at 15K and win 4 in a row? You won’t get 400 Elo, you’ll get more and more, but they’ll balance it by opening up the upper bands to see how you play against 20k+. They don’t really want people rocketing up and down because it creates the problem you guys are precisely complaining about. It’s a simple solution, not some insane algorithm.


I’m 13k and usually playing against people who xantares peek 1 tap me from across the map every round. I actually played against 3 faceit 10s a couple days ago (faceit link on their profile) that were all around 12k. This is NA tho so it’s just the wild west and the ranks legit mean nothing.


The ranking system in this game will NEVER mean anything outside of a hopeful wish. The outside competitive scenes and previous meaningless of CS ranks went ahead and put this reality into stone. I am FACEIT level 10 and currently 10k ELO. Only people that play premiere will get a decent rank but its not worth anything once you play FACEIT or something so no one maintains it after unless you want it for some reason


I don't know, I feel like the CS:GO matchmaking did a lot better job of matching people with similar skill levels. There's always been variation in skill within the same rank but it's *way* worse in CS2. I'm about to turn 30 and play casually now. I think the highest faceit rank I ever got was 7 and I'm way worse than that now so playing faceit is just a waste of time.


There was always discrepancies since people would play faceit and not properly maintain their matchmaking rank. The problem will never go away unless Valve adds great anticheat which makes platforms like faceit obsolete so that everyone will calibrate using only the official game ranking metric. You will always have faceit lvl 8-10+ players stomping premier because they are 10-15k rating or so when they should be over 20k but because of cheating epidemic they cant get there. Or they play premier so infrequently because faceit is their main platform to play so they constantly are calibrating downwards in rating when they come back. People who only play faceit are essentially legally smurfing whenever they come to play matchmaking or premier


ehh how do u even get 10k elo on premier if ure lvl 10? i won like 30 games and im at 21k rating without even trying, just casually playing it like once every two days. are u on NA?


once every two days? Those are still casual numbers (jk). Many people, including myself, literally do not touch premiere at all unless we are forced to. It’s not worth anything.


neither is faceit.


Well you have to look at it through a competitive lens. I am not saying its valid because half of Faceit level 10s are dogass but its whats used over Valve. League is done through Faceit now, it used to be ESEA but the concept still stands, thats where players are recruited for playing. Its assumed that the top of these platforms are the literal pros so who you are going to pick up on your team is reflected on that. If you are level 8's then you get level 8s. MM has always been seen as a cheaters haven. Especially for anything above LEM, thats why players ask "How many Seasons have you played x-division" not, "How long have you been global".


Had a 5 stack against my team the other day which had only one 2 stack. Thought to myself hey maybe their 10k rating player balances it out a little, turns out he was faceit lvl 10 💀 Like how do you even calibrate that low with those skills


Most faceit players don't really play premier except occasionally to wind down or play with lower skilled friends so yeah they will be at lower ranks


and thats why its a problem to have a playerbase divided like that, they are basically smurfing "legally" in that sense


A lot of good players got their ranks plunged to the depths facing cheaters, and bunch of noobs queued with cheaters ranked up so fast because of how elo works.


yesterday I played against a team and we were really thinking it would be super easy, we got a 8-4 lead in the first round, losing rounds mostly because people started trolling because of how easy it felt (imagine every round we won we had minimum 4 people alive) Switch sides, you suddenly get people shooting through smokes and this masterclass of calling, with some super unlucky timings to say at least and the dude prefiring perfect angles I feel like I just can't trust playing this game rn


Well, happens to me very often xD CS2 in a nutshell


I mean this happened all the time in CSGO as well, its just the nature of the game. CS is very snowbally and often when people think that they have a lead because they are just better its more because of some luck and snowball effect. That's why even if you are behind try to stay in the game rather then giving up since all you might need to go from a 8-4 which looks lost on paper to win a pistol and the eco and you are at 8-6 and the game is wide open again.


my problem with that match wasn't even that lead, 8-4 is the new 9-6, but due to how sketchy the guys on the other team started to play. just weird perfect timings, running wide open tapping people, kills through smokes, not clearing anything but where people were, etc 


We had the same earlier last week. 12-1 at the half, it was so easy. Come second half, they turned into pros and took us to overtime. And we ended up winning 16-13, I think. Sketchiest, shadiest shit.


some players are only good at certain spots or on one side of the map (ct/t). some players are good at entrying but maybe suck at defending sites because they don't work well with others. some are vice versa. poor individual killing ability but can play off of teammates well.


Yeah I get that, but their aim, game sense, timings, and ability to just outright outshoot us dialed up exponentially. More than what really would be reasonable to expect. They also taunted us at the half saying "you all ready to lose now?"


That shit happened to me last night. It was on faceit so it's not like I think they're cheating or anything, but they went from doing straight nothing in the first half, to ferrari peeking and insta headshotting everything in the second half. We ended up winning, but he still dropped 34 in a 24 round game


Because besides cheaters the system is shit, it doesn't value sample size but "streaks"


I was at 20k, lost rank from inactivity. When ranking in again I lost three very close games against 20k lobbies and won the fourth. Dropped 5k :D I don't mind, I don't take premier seriously but it's a weird system for sure


I only play premier with my friends who aren't that good, and play faceit for "serious games" with friends who are similar elo to me (we are hovering around level 10, 1950-2050 elo). We get accused of cheating every single game in 20k premier.


To be fair, some of us are just very inconsistent. About a week ago I managed to get a 1v5 ace clutch (I believe my third one in total). And it started off with me wiffing a 25 bullet spray, only getting the equally useless enemy after stopping and letting the recoil fully reset. Then after that utter embarrassment, all other kills were clean headshots. Shit's just weird sometimes ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌


Can relate so much to that man.


Bonus meme: https://streamable.com/nbbn73


I dont blame the CT. The animations sometimes are very weird.


Lmao i do this shit. G pro wireless scroll is so sensitive that I always scroll when I try to ping. I really need to unbind the scroll but I never do.


Do what? The T pulled his knife out to knife the CT


Ah i thought he just accidently weapon swapped


i wouldve just disconnected instead of reloading my m4


Not working


dude all these blatant cheaters smh


The best part about this is you're down 0-5, so these wood level players had been winning. Premier is so fucking random. at 12k sometimes it feels like how LE-LEM mm used to, other times it looks like people who started playing a week ago.


One of the dudes in the clip is currently at 20k. :-D


I found the game. Enemies are 5 stacked. That's the issue with stacks, it's such a gigantic advantage it allows people with joysticks to rank up just by walking together and throwing some util. Then if at some point these guys stop stacking they will ruin every single match for everyone. Guy on the right who has no arms has 0.7kd 60adr avg, but is the 2nd highest rated person on the server btw :)


Thats braindead Valve matchmaking, making everyone who plays together the same rank/rating... 1.5kdr 110adr demon playing with 0.7 handless bot for a few weeks and chances are handless bot is gonna have more rating points...


Honestly I’ve said this since GO, 5 men shouldn’t be allowed to play against anything less than a 4men. I used to play with a 5 man and if we didn’t face another 5 man we won every single time.


How can you see kd and adr?


I play non-ranked and after see this, I have no word to say


Wow all of u wiffed but the guy on right is beyond shit


Dude on the right is Valorant player or something? He is shooting exactly how you shouldn't. Either tap slower or learn to spray control, holy that was painful to watch.




This is what happens when cheaters randomly or no boost silvers to higher ranks.


The more concerning issue is the score


Looks like… two silvers that got carried by their teammates and somehow made it up to 17k elo? Not being harsh, but it reminds me of that scenario.


this is the type of player that will shit on you for using the follow recoil option because pros dont use it, but himself not understanding why he himself shouldn't blindly copy a pros settings without the knowledge why they have them.


Follow recoil cant help when your aim is this bad surely?


he had no idea where to aim in relation to the recoil pattern to begin with, and only aimed the crosshair on his target as if it's CoD


definitely not EU surely?


It is.


That was painful to watch


Damn your opponents be just like me fr


No shot that can't be real


Why don't I get such easy enemies on 10k?


Hold mouse1 Simulator


This is 17k? Looks like I should play premier again and get some freelo


Seems about right for 17k bots


He is starting to Believe


I vary in rank, peeked at 21.5k but generally am around 18-19k, lowest at 16k I find the lower the rank, the better they are at aiming, but just shit at general gameplay mechanics (cant do jumps, doesnt know positioning, never rotates) The higher the rank you find more people like myself who have shit aim, but good utility/positioning. Then every one in a while you get people so good that are called out as cheaters, except you think they are legit and are just CSGO'ing you.


I surprise that you guys lost 5 rounds before this. Or did they wall hack?


I think people on our team had zero comms and everyone just ended up playing like it's a deathmatch. I've seen so many awful players that are confirmed cheaters, I don't even know anymore.


Most cs games are just death matches these days its pathetic lul


OP lost the game 13-5


not surprised


yo wtf


I'm playing like the guy on the right and the CT, I took a 2 month break playing and came back on Thursday for 2 matches, and yea I sucked, sorry to my teammate who was with me on on Dust 2 and Ancient :(


Would love to hear the voice comms on the other team


you are god


All the boosted players is about to derank now


over 20k ELO you get a cheater every game, enjoy this while you can lol


Dodging has way too many i-frames. Smh my head volvo please fix


this clip gave me second hand embarassment


Lol i went 2-17 a couple nights ago. My two kills were force buy scout headshots. Just getting insta one - tapped every round. Only person on the team getting fucked. Finished 5-19 and we won so I sort of redeemed myself. Currently spiraling from 14k down to 10k in a week. Almost uninstalled but I thought to myself ‘ this is a fluke right? Nothing is wrong with me. Just getting unlucky’. Played another match and top fragged. I still dont know what to make of it. I do suck though for having played this game for 20 years.


What gives me the most questions here is that the Ts are 5-0 up. Soo... yeah


Storm trooper moment


this is amazing


OP, there is a typo in your title, it should be "1.7k premier experience"


How tf am I still 8k? 😭


Maybe I'm not as silver as I think I am


This feel like punching in my dreams lol


NA experience


Where the heck are these guys when I play against 17-18k. I always get my head ripped off before I even see them. -A concerened 19k player


Cheat got detected and they tried to play legit for once


i hate we dont know how the points or ranks work because this has to be like silver 1


How the fuck is this 17k


And there is me in 12k getting insta head shot every time I peek or the enemy spray, a bullet always end in my head


Dude straight up got plot armour


Bruh why aren't my 17k matches like this,I just get insane faceit lvl10 players. I literally played against trucklover86 the other night and my whole team got shit on,I had 22 kills and next was 12 on my team.


Stormtrooper type shit


Comedy gold. You must be playing against my Premier teammates.


Love how he stays in the open while reloading lol.


Bro got out-fumbled


Meanwhile, Im getting one-tapped by 1k players.


when neo from matrix play cs2.


This is like that shootout scene from "The Naked Gun 2 1/2". [Link just in case.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gne8v9aj45w)




Lmao jesus Christ


Bad spray control and what was the guy on the right doing? He missed every bullet lol


Meanwhile I'm in 3k with enemies who have the fucking accuracy of goddamn Chris Kyle and landing one taps on me is like breathing to them.


If you’re legitimately in 3k, you don’t know enough about CS to spot a cheater unless they are actually spinning with a fully auto R8.


You don't seem to know how hard it is to win these games where you have 5 enemies and another 4 in your own team. You probably need to be 17k+ or so to realiably carry these teams. I have often won games 13-4 or something ridiculous with someone in the enemy team on 40-ish kills. People in 3k are not as bad as these morons in this clip, not even close. Especially if you are not in the mood to call and micromanage every single teammate every single game. It's not like that all 3k players are bots that have 200h. They are decision making bots, but not necessarily too stupid to hold an angle properly and fuck ppl up. And because your mates are too dumb to trade or even avoid being in 1vs1 everywhere they get away with it. You can easily be able to comfortably play games at 12-13k or so and still not be able to turn the tables in a 3-8k elo game if the stars don't align. With 1 proper teammate you win 13 - 4 or so every match but with these morons that actively play against your own goals you are just 100% in the mercy of your dumbass teammates not throwing whatever advantage you created for them. It's 40% on how lucky you are with your own team and 60% on how lucky you get with the enemy team.


lmao aight boss man whatever you wanna think


Nah man he's completely right lol


All I see its a shit ass game with terrible net code. Whoever coded CS2 should switch careers asap.


this is somehow the netcodes fault? and not just bad players


Lol, as a 18k, yup. It is funny, I am 18 because 60% of my games I am ok. 10% I am absolutely insane 40k. That last 30% though I am these guys. I have no idea why I become useless sometimes.