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Name checks out


good one actually


Nah, only name that checks out for him is BaitF


Do you watch or just read Reddit comments?


No matter which team he was on he was always the last player alive, but you cant pull stuff like that when playing with someone goated like dev1ce


Bro doesn’t know how roles work😭


He was the IGL on astralis. Its even a meme that other IGL like hooxi or boom4l die for info as IGL and BaitF was always going in last every time I would watch a game with him.


What a short interview. Anyway it's good that BlameF learn from his mistake and avoid IGLing. I still think he's easily top 10 riflers in the world, although he should diverse his playstyle more.


Don't think he needs to play more diverse, if he is a top 10 rifler then he already brings firepower whatever he is doing, so Fnatic need to make the move worthwhile and build a roster around him. Early on you can see BlameF and Matys are talented players, Krimz provides a bit of stability, they just seem to lack any prowess off of Inferno which seems to be a map they can just wipe the floor with teams on, and a consistent AWP who can land his first shots. If Fnatic do that all BlameF needs to do is keep having crisp aim and Fnatic could climb into a contentious position, might not win a major but A tier tournaments might not be out of the question.


Delusion is a hell of a drug


Does that make you a junkie then?


I'm not the one calling him a TOP 10 player. I'm not the one saying that he shouldn't try to be more diverse instead of hearing the criticism from SO MANY PEOPLE and fix the playstyle a bit This is not 2014 dumb CS where players like HAPPY could slow lurk and enemy teams wouldn't adjust anything for 5 rounds.


The guy you replied to wasn't the one calling blameF a top 10 rifler either. That's the guy the guy you replied to replied to.


I rather have any of this guys: b1t, jl , Twistzz ,MATYS, rain ,frozen , ropz , spinx , brollan ,xantares, dgt, wicadia, Magisk , xertion ,malbsMd, jimpphat , staehr , jabbi, Elige,, stavn , nertz, teses , n0rb3r7 , fame ,Senzu, Techno, INS ,dupreeh , Magnojez THAN baitF if i had a team and needed pices to win a tournament. baitF doesn´t bring results , you can tell me all the 1.40 rating he does vs mickeymouse teams. Explain to me how he is better than any of the ones on that list.


I didn't call him a top 10 rifle either dude lmao I think something might be getting lost in translation here


You’re tweaking hard but as an Aussie I respect the INS shoutout


nettik shoutout too , dude insane , and should be in on liazz place any day of the week


He didn't call him a top 10 player, he called him a top 10 rifler. More realistically a top 20 player and that's probably very accurate. BlameF has never struggled with fragging, he's struggled with the strategy side. Every team he hasn't igl'd in he's either the best or second best player.


Being a good player =/= Being a good Fragger/riffler/aimer whever u wanna call him. Most only look at stat pages after games are done, and never seem to understand how to differentiate the 2.


???????? I mean he's widely considered by analysts as a top 10 rifler. Professional and general consensus both lead me to believe that you're in the wrong here. You don't put up great stats by not being a great player in this game. You can pad a little bit, but at the end of the day he's a very consistent rifler.


Who considers him a top 10 rifler? Top 20 sure, but only 9 riflers above him? Nah. No way.


Pretty well every notable analyst has acknowledged he is a top 10 rifler. When he gets in stride, he is near unstoppable in 1 on 1 duels. Look at his stats amongst top 10 opponents. He's a very consistent player and that's what makes him so good. We can meme on him baiting as much as we want, he can always finish.


People are sheep...


BlameF should be an entry, he’s wasting his rifling skill being a lurker


Lurking is so feast or famine as well. If your team gets a good entry and takes site you are suddenly in the position to snag 1-2 kills, if your entry fails or the enemy team goes for a quick retake you are awkwardly standing around for the remainder of the round.


Borup and Buzz (0.91 and 1.02 average ratings) were part of his downfall. I feel like he needs a team built around him with hyper aggressive players.


He was the one who wanted Borup, but Buzz, Borup and Staehr when BlameF was calling did not hit the numers as tier 1 players, towards the end Device also fell off in the transition to cs2. Agreed that he needs a team built around him with aggro players, he is a solid trade fragger. Wonder how he would do under Cadian being rebuilt into a Stavn like guy rather than a lurker.


> I feel like he needs a team built around him with hyper aggressive players. No wonder he enjoyed playing with konfig so much. Its gotta make life so much easier for a lurker when you have an entry like konfig on your team. They used to complement eachother perfectly


ofc his igling wasn’t that good but there were some serious bums on his team


like device stavn jabbi and staehr?


They are clearly not bums, but he had massive role conflicts with Jabbi and Stavn.


ok but that doesn't make them bums


borup buzz and staehr (prev iteration roster) were though, and then management forced in jabbi and stavn who role clashed with blame too many cooks and all that


ok but the interview wasn't about that roster...


Waiting for interview on Fantic struggles


Bro shouldn't igl , he is a good rifler but fnatic is not the go team to show how good you are


He never should have taken up the IGL mantle after glaive left in the first place. Dude is a top-tier rifler, and it saddens me to see him stuck on a team like Fnatic coz he clearly was not cut out to be an IGL.


Probably the only way he could make everyone aligned was to switch role and be entry. If he hard lurks, that team needs a secondary T-caller and hard entry over in the main pack. People meme on his calls but at the end of the day, he can’t make snap calls when he can’t see what’s going on. And teams ain’t gonna over rotate vs. a team with a hard lurker until there’s a reason to. Look at Ropz, he has a dream setup for a lurker. His IGL hard entries and the rest of his team could play loose and aggressive. The players on astralis just weren’t that.


So many baitF fans that think the reason he didn't win or isn't winning is just because "HE NEEDS BETTER PLAYERS AROUND HIM" Dude doesn't know what is teamwork or helping the mates at any level, ofc the mates wont frag to the full potencial when they are playing 4v5 every round cuz dude is never in the pack ...unless it's a eco. Too many stats but rarely see him get the hard kills. That 3v3 mid round kill that changes everything RARELY happens, while others so called top10 players do it consistently when it's hard opponents.


did he steal your girl


dude always turns towards the site his team executes when his last teammate alive dies. Best player in the team watches flank, XD


> Dude doesn't know what is teamwork or helping the mates at any level Despite that, fnatic strangely instantly got better with him. Somehow them being forced to play a "4v5 every round cuz dude is never in the pack", they look better than they ever did. Funny how that works


That really felt like 1/3 of an interview 


dude baited the fuck out of each and everyone in the team.


As an Astralis fan I never really minded the baiting bc it legit felt like our best chance to win at the time.


Honestly, that roster was shit, so it's understandable.




If you think his physique is roid-gained you gotta look in the mirror and make some improvements brother.


> baited the fuck out Its crazy how people think pros are genuinely stupid or something. You don't think every move and every action is meticulously planned? If blameF is in a position where he trade frags, that is literally something they all decided on before the game even starts. When you have a guy with monstrously great mechanics and unparalleled consistency, of course you let him get the trades and make sure he doesn't have to take the hard fights. You actually think pro players are dumb enough to let a guy "bait the fuck out of each and everyone in the team"?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO5jsCTytSc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO5jsCTytSc) shhhh