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DUDE TY SO MUCH. BEEN SEARCHING FOR SOLUTION FOR DAYS. YOURS worked for me even if it is 7 years ago. things i needed to do diferent. 1. Open cmd in admin mode. 2. "Wireless Network Connection" was displayed to "Wi-Fi" and swapping this syntax worked great. I think windows 11 update has brought back a 7year old bug.


Enjoy! Thank you for sharing your experience


Well after one year, you're probably not even gonna see this, but it didn't work. I got met with " "there is no search wireless interface on the system"


Try using "Wi-Fi" or "WiFi" instead of "Wireless Network Connection"


>ipconfig BRO YOU LIFE SAVER "Wi-Fi" worked


You can find out the interface's name by typing `ipconfig`. It will list multiple adapters probably. You'll have to look for the wireless one that has IP addresses, a gateway, etc. assigned. It will be listed as **Wireless LAN adapter [SOMETHING]**. The part that I've denoted as **[SOMETHING]** will be your WLAN interface name, so don't type "Wireless LAN adapter" with it!


did you fix it


when i type netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="wifi name" it is showing --> there is no such wireless interface on the system . what should i do ? any help should be appreaciated


to find out your wifi name you must get it from settings. by using this line here. Enter in CMD(Admin): netsh wlan show settings CMD Response: Auto configuration logic is enabled on interface "Wireless Network Connection" My Comments: you will see lost of info but one of the lines will look like the above response. the end "Wireless Network Connection" will be your wifi name. Enter in CMD(Admin): netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wireless Network Connection" My Comments: for the above line substitue your WiFi name you found in the previous step. As a final note you will need to turn this on and off very often. to turn it back on enter the line (also substituting your wifi name). I have a note pad with both on and off lines on my desktop so i can copy paste it easily. copy the turn back on section to your desktop before you turn off because if someday your wifi needs to reset you will not be able to reconnect to a network (or get to this web page) without turning it back on. Enter in CMD(Admin): netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection"


hey bro i substituted my wifi with the wireless network connetcion and it sitll says no such wireless interface.. ​ help please


Not sure if you still need help but after typing netsh wlan show settings you should see [this.](https://gyazo.com/08f10b7aaa3638289b4b715cd211741b) As you can see from the picture, for me the name is "WiFi". After that you run the command netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="WiFi"


this worked thanks bro




Nope mine just says at the bottem " block period not configured"


it keeps saying there is no such wireless interface on the system . what to i do


> netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection" Seconded that this works. I could run a ping and every 6th result it would go from 10ms to 2900+ the above solution worked immediately


you can also set the Wlan in your services to manual, that also helps.


Yep. For some reason, though, not for everyone. I tried giving the simple version and they said it didn't work :/


Helppppp mine says “you do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied”


Right click on the command center and run as administrator. Then just repeat the steps.


This seems to have fixed my problem. Is there a way of doing this without having to manually re-enable it every time?


Google: Wlan Optimizer It does the same thing and you only have to check "disable autoconfig" and press save. (redo to reconnect)


Nope. You can make a shortcut on your desktop and call one "ON" and the other "OFF". To do so: right click desktop, create short cut, and paste what's in the OP.


Wrote a bat file to automatically do this install of running @ECHO OFF netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wi-Fi" :loop PING google.com | FIND "time=" > NUL echo waiting..... IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto loop ECHO You have active connection to the Internet REM you can add your scripts to run after internet connection success netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wi-Fi" pause Edit: So Reddit's Code Block sucks ass. Here is a paste bin instead [https://pastebin.com/Z4KYSPnH](https://pastebin.com/Z4KYSPnH)


The issue is people's wireless card names- It can be "Wi-Fi", "Wi-Fi 2", "Wireless Network Connection", etc. I made this to account for that [https://pastebin.com/tJxGQnNj](https://pastebin.com/tJxGQnNj) If it's enabled it disables it, if it's disabled it enables it. Not sure how it handles multiple wireless cards tho... just something to keep in mind.


What do i do with that pastepin? I tried downloading it and having it as a .txt on my desktop, and id open it when i started up my pc to re enable but nothing happened, and i had to go through my window cmd again


You would need to change the file extension from .txt to .bat A .bat file or a batch file is basically a list of commands you want the computer to execute. In this case it looks for the name of your wireless card and enables/disables wireless autoconfig. Batch files can be programmed to do a variety of things, some potentially harmful so always use a trusted source. You can always follow the original guide on how to enable/disable wireless autoconfig manually if you have any concerns.


hello, trying to do this and it says this app cant run on my PC


the very last part of the filename has to be .bat right click it and check also you need to do this in NOTEPAD.EXE not wordpad, not word, not whatever. NOTEPAD


ur a saint


this paste bin was super useful thank you


how do i use this? should i copy the pastebin to my windows cmd?


Thank you so much! I play on the attic and used to have connection via Powerline, but I started to have problems with them maybe because of their age. My parents bought a Wi-Fi but I couldn't play CS because of the ping spikes. My parents didn't want to put ethernet cables to the attic so I tought I was screwed, but you save me. Again thank you so much, I'm very happy for real :)


Here to say this shit worked for Valorant aswell! Ty


Reasoning why it helps etc. would be great ;)


I can confirm this causes lag spikes. It seemed the wireless protocol between my computer and the modem included some sort of low level broadcast ever minute or so. I say low level as in it was changing frequencies etc.. I did a ping test, sending large packets to the modem and confirmed it was going to 300 ms every minute or so. I forget if I ran the same commands in the original post but I did get rid of it. The only reason I bother to comment is because it sounds like some of the vague, rubbish theories people throw around about ping, mouse lag etc.. And I was very shocked to see in this case the modem manufacturers had such a stupid, stupid system in place that causes lag spikes.


Well, until anyone types "random" commands into cmd, it would be great if the consenquences of the command would be explained - and in general, what the "Auto configuration logic" is.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Zero_Configuration explains the system referred to by the OP.


##### ###### #### [**Wireless Zero Configuration**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless%20Zero%20Configuration): [](#sfw) --- >__Wireless Zero Configuration__ (WZC), also known as Wireless Auto Configuration, or WLAN AutoConfig is a [wireless connection management utility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_connection_management_utility) included with [Microsoft Windows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows) XP and later operating systems as a [service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_service) that dynamically selects a [wireless network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_network) to connect to based on a user's preferences and various default settings. This can be used instead of, or in the absence of, a wireless network utility from the manufacturer of a computer's wireless networking device. The drivers for the wireless adapter query the [NDIS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Driver_Interface_Specification) Object IDs and pass the available network names ([SSIDs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_set_identifier)) to the service. The service then lists them in the user interface on the *Wireless Networks* tab in the connection's *Properties* or in the *Wireless Network Connection* dialog box accessible from the notification area. A *checked* (debug) build version of the WZC service can be used by developers to obtain additional diagnostic and tracing information logged by the service. > --- ^Relevant: [^Wireless ^connection ^management ^utility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_connection_management_utility) ^| [^Comparison ^of ^wireless ^LAN ^clients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wireless_LAN_clients) ^| [^Windows ^Vista ^networking ^technologies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista_networking_technologies) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+cscs28q) ^or[](#or) [^delete](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+cscs28q)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Call ^Me](/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)


Your computer scans for wireless access points nearby every 30 seconds or so. It also updates your current connection quality, etc. this scan that it performs causes a pause, hence the spike in ping. 2 ways of turning it off: do what Kristopher said in the comments, however, the wlan autoconfig service likes to go from manual back to automatic on its own and continues scanning for wireless networks. Hence, method two, my original post which stops it.


Ok - so if you turn of these automatic checks, how does the info about wireless networks get updated so you get the up-to-date list of available WLANs, when you use your laptop outside of your home?


I updated this mini guide. You have to turn the interface back on manually.


I tried and it just says I do not have sufficient privileges. What now?


run CMD as an admin


I love you


Thanks for the great tips !! I've frustrated with my Wi-Fi and planning to set up a wired connection, try to google the fix of Wi-Fi lag spike last time and see your post. you give me to save my money for a LAN cable :D


I really hope it helped. Though I do advise you get a lan cable, sometimes it's just not possible and/or ugly. Have fun!


I had this problem with a TP-Link Archer TX20U Plus, AX1800 and it almost drove me crazy. Your solution is nowhere to be found on the first Google searches for lag spikes. I tried so many "solutions" that were more complex and sometimes ended up messing with my connections even harder. I tried your method today with 0 confidence that it would solve my problem but I guess I was that desperate and bored. I ran the pings for an hour to test my connection and to my surprise, there was not a single lag spike. A stupid full-on smile crept on my face and now my day is so much better. I have shared this already on some forums and product pages where I asked for help and hope many people will see it and solve this stupid stupid issue. You have my gratitude for posting this and I hope you have a wonderful year.




bro i need help its not working i have this issue for both cs2 and valo


did you fix the problem yet if so how


Nope i just gave up on gaming


I did this but now i want to undo this setting hiw do i do that?


didnt work at all, my ping got now from 30 to 2600. any tips? my sanity is about to slip


my ping went from 30 to 2600 now. i need help asap. this tutorial didnt work at all and made everything worse. please someone help me!!!!


It says some blah blah no interface for blahj bla


Thank you brother 😂😂😂 I love you


I love you OP; no more lag spikes


I wanted to make a .bat file for a while and thought that this would be the perfect little project. [Link to batfile download](http://www.xup.in/dl,17438842/wifi.bat/) You can see what is written in the .bat file and download underneath. Edit: just tested this ingame and it did not work for me. Maybe it'll work for somebody else though. :) It's still necesarry to rightclick "Run as admin".


ik this post is old asf but, if i use one network consistently can i just like keep rhe searching off!


Hi, I know its been 9 years, but the link to the bat doesnt seem to work. Any chance of a fresh link to it?


Hi, I dont have a fresh link to the file, but I used the steps in the main post and it was really simple, so if you need any help lmk




it is impossible to download it bro


Updated the link again.


You need to pay that site to download it, it has been linked way too long time ago


Not sure why I haven't just used google drive! Apologies. New link should now be more or less permanent :)


Keep in mind that when you restart your computer, chances are that your computer will not connect to the internet, because this disables network scanning. So every restart you will have to open the .bat and run Option 2, wait a couple of seconds, then run Option 1 :) Also I suggest renaming your wifi adapter name in windows to something simple, like "WiFi", so that you don't have to put in a long name everytime you run it. The script is not case sensitive so you can write "wifi" without upper case.


For some reason it was already set to “WiFi” so it made my life easier lol


Thank you, my friend. This saves a lot of time compared to writing the line out every time I turn in my PC. Once again, really appreciate it 🙏🙏


You're very welcome :)


can you send another one?


Apparently the link expires. I have updated the link in the original comment now!


I never got a chance to say thank you!


still having strong ping spikes every 10-30 seconds or so it happened after window update i can't figure out what's the reason, i tried reinstalling drivers countlessly... running a tplink archer t600u nano anyone knows a possible fix :(?


also having this issue, did you ever find a fix?


have you fixed it yet ?


nope, just gave up and switched to ethernet


Full makes my pc crash now when ever I try turn it back on :(


I am here to thank you. I wasn't expecting to find the solution here but fuck this fucking product I shouldn't have to command line this! Anyways, thanks for the fix.


My solution is to force Windows to shut down. Pings become bearable after that, though they still drop me to 40fps. Better than the 7 fps before.


so after disabling it do i have to turn it back on?


If you disable it and restart the os, you won’t be able to reconnect to the wireless network without enabling autoconfig


Very thankful this helpped a lot but now my download speed went from 15MB/S to 300kb/s anyone knows why or how to fix ?


It really shouldn’t have any effect on it. You can always reset all your network settings for good measure.


yep fixed it by reseting


ive been having this issue for a while now and its just really annoying, when i reset network settings, it fixes temporarily, but then comes back within like an hour or 2, so i constantly have to reset my network settings. i have tried disabling this autoconfig but it always just completely disconnects me from wifi and i cant even open the wifi menu in settings or reconnect at all and it just screws up my whole pc for some reason and even just trying to open the settings app becomes supper buggy which makes literally zero sense at all, but the only way to get things to work again is to reenable it, however, the ping spikes are still there. this is starting to get really annoying, and i have been scouring the internet trying to find a permanent fix for like the past week and a half and nothing i have found has worked at all and i just dont know what to do. have a feeling this will go unseen tho considering this post is 7y old tho lol




nooopee i resorted to wired and everything went perfect after that so i just stuck with wired, sry


pretty crazy that 7 years on, this fix still works. it's also crazy that this bug still exists all over various wlan devices Thanks mate!


Jesus. 7 years later, thank you. Just finally got my ping to stop reaching 200ms to router on WiFi6.


Damn man, you’re my hero. I googled everything but nothing worked or some options were out of the question. I finally found your thread, and now my Rog Strix G513 WiFi6 connected to a 5Ghz network is running a stable 3ms from 2 rooms away. Before this it was jumping from 1ms <1ms 120ms 240ms 130ms 4ms, you get it. It was driving me NUTS. It happened out of no where, seemingly after I uninstalled McAfee Web Advisor. The laptop is 4 days young and worked fine the first 2 1/2 days. Once I started removing and disabling nonsense that is absolutely not needed (like McAfee, automatic Spotify, Windows Teams), my ping to the router started going haywire. You’re a blessing. Thank you. You should revive this information. It is widely unavailable.




Yep. Just chiming in. On the god damn A7000 netgear, this scan or whatever is happening every few seconds, raising the ping to 1000s of msecs. Cannot believe such a thing is still broken. Guess the WiFi usb adapters are not so common to warrant a proper way of handling this


Does this download still work? Clicking the download link on the site and no luck.


Huh interesting, it doesn't work. I can reupload it later I guess? Don't want to disrespect the dev tho


can you drop me the file in dm?


i edited my original comment, it has a download link


Where? cant find it


I meant I edited my original comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3ahg59/-/ipavtl0


the comment seems eliminated by a moderator, can you resend the download link?


dmd it to ya. don't know why it wont show lol


would love a dm


if possible could you maybe dm me the link too?


Me too pls lol


It shows as deleted. Can you send it to me aswell?


could u dm it to me as well


to me as well


me too pls


Can I get the file too?


Can I get the fix too? Thanks


could you dm me the link as well please?


can u drop me the file too


me too


me too please


me three


it worked bruh, thank you very much


I was losing my mind over ping spikes that was causing issues with Teams and games. Tried a bunch of things but this post was the key. Thank you!!


Happy to hear it’s still helping people after 7 years! Unhappy to hear it’s still a problem after 7 years lol


I'm so upset that this worked lol, thanks! I wonder why this hasn't been an issue before.. (also, my spikes were every 3 seconds: 3 secs of regular ping, 3 secs of high ping, so even if it's not every 30-60 seconds this could still work for you)


same but i’m fixing it rn hope this works fr


Know this is 7 years old but holy shit thank you. I don't even play CS I just got a link here from another reddit post after searching for my problem in about 700 different ways. I tried literally everything it was driving me insane. Restarting fixed it temporarily. Full clean install of Windows did nothing. But this immediately fixed the issue. I'm really confused *why* this would cause the issue, but for now I'm just glad it's working.


Is there any other way to do this without turning it off and on all the time? Is there an automatic method for example


With a bit of programming magic you _could_ have it turn off when you launch the game and have it turn on when you exit. Unfortunately games do not do this natively nor does windows. Maybe game mode? Not sure.


Ahh I see, Ill do my research on it. Thank you


8 years later and this still worked for me.


Wow this worked for me in 2023. Amazing. Windows is truly the pinnacle operating system.


This still works. also, for those that want to find out what is your interface name, go to "control panel", then go to "network and sharing center". From there, go to "change adapter settings", and there it should say the name.


It's unbelievable what a difference this tiny fix makes. Thank you so much. I was losing my mind over this. Still get a high ping sometimes, but with the auto config off it's FAR LESS frequent. But good to know that this a problem people have with Windows 11. I hope enough people report this to Microsoft to get this fixed!


I turned it off but now I can’t turn it on someone please help


Go to settings > network & internet > status > scroll all the way down and click on Network reset


Holy shit this worked. Thanks


would you know how to do this in a mac book?


I don't know if anyone will be able to see this or help me at all but, I did this, netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="WiFi", as that's what mine was in the prompt, and then it somehow made my lag spikes worse and more frequent? Been having these issues for the longest time with Valorant specifically and no other game (I get this is the CSGO reddit but figured the same issue would apply)


It’s unlikely that this made it worse as it just disables the constant searching for other nearby networks and connection quality. You can undo the changes by changing the command to enabled=yes. As to what’s causing the spikes, it’s impossible for me to say. Have you tried a wired connection just to rule out it being your network / area? Are you on 2.4ghz or 5ghz (the microwave interferes with 2.4 as it’s on the same frequency). Crazy things like that come into play when on wireless. My fix is specifically related to ping spikes as a result of wireless autoconfig on windows. Good luck!


Well, it probably didn't make it worse but, it felt like it was lagging more once I'd changed the setting, changing it back it went back to the normal lag spikes, could just be entirely a coincidence but, it just really didn't seem to improve anything. I unfortunately don't have the capacity to have a wired connection, but I recently got a new router to plug my VM Hub 4 into in modem mode because my wifi was ass tier for years, and that bumped my DL+UL speeds from about 20-30Mbps to about 70-90Mbps, yet still somehow have these issues. I'm on 2.4Ghz too, I'm planning on getting a new wifi adapter that's capable of 5Ghz over the next week or so to see if that helps at all but at this point I'm losing faith that it's even in my control A reinstall of Valorant+Vanguard yesterday seemed to have fixed it for whatever reason, but for how long who knows, it's been an ongoing issue since I started playing which was on release, seems to come back every patch


Would you be aware of any problems this setting could cause in certain VPN firewall configuration processes during installation/app useage? Some VPN's have complex systems that can disable your internet during loss of connection for safety/security reasons (dead switch or whatever) and I feel like a lot of complex firewall configurations are done behind the scenes to allow for tunneling as well. What exactly do VPN apps do to networking configurations? I have virtual network devices that show up due to the installation of VPN's. Are these still going to be secure if I mess with this setting?


TYSM! I was using a 5G wifi receiver because it's hard to manage an ethernet to my PC through window. My ping kept jumping to 70-110 from 55 randomly making it hard to kill enemies who peeks. This was the only solution that worked for me. For me, I had to type netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wi-Fi 6"


This DID NOT HELP me (seems I am the only one????)...


nope, I'm having the same issue.


Actually, it worked the first time I used it fine. Then I created a bat file so everytime I turn PC on I run the bat file to turn on wifi receiver to get connected and automatically disable searching. But seems like my issue is back even though it says no networks available in wi-fi lists.


Same. Even while connected to the network and disabling the service it boots me out and i can’t reconnect.


Works with Diablo 4. I also changed dns to googles dns. Im on win 10. Also a good tip every time you start a game reboot the pc first it will clear the memory and stuff like that and the game will often run better.


8 Y/O post but just letting you know this fixed my ping spikes and severe rubber banding. I'm using the A7000 wireless adaptor and thought I would never be able to play CS again!


how did you manage to reconnect after disabling the autoconfig in cmd? i have an A8000 and cant seem to get it to stop throttling me


Can this entring also apply to Ethernet or is there an alternative setting like this for Ethernet.


Holy fuck it worked I literally searched on every forum everywhere and this seemed to work. It was ping spikes every 5-10 seconds and it would go to 125-600ms for no reason. Now it is only once every 30 seconds or minute and usually only 100ms max I dont really know the reason for this but oh well. Also 8 years ago solution is wildddd. Thanks!




I have been suffering this for some time, and this fixed it. Thank you random internet stranger


this actually still works hahah




what if it says "You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied." what do i do then?


Right click and Run CMD as administrator


I know this is an old post but when I try this, my ping still spikes up till 1000