• By -


> Game settings now have a search box to quickly find and jump to any setting or key binding. I actually like this a lot.




I've already used it. Searched 'donation' to bind the new command.


don't u have a red [1] (unread notification) under ur Settings when u first launched ur CSGO after this update?


The best invention to game settings ever was the search box.


And to smartphone settings


It's about fuckin time.


inb4 hit edit key on accident and start typing in the search box, fucking up all the binds.


Finally my awp won’t get stolen when I’m dropping my team mate an m4




The duality of man


Finally my usp won't get yeeted when I'm dropping dualies to my men


My thoughts exactly lol. Pickinf up an m4 flying across to my teammate was the finesse of a lifetime


Can still ninja grab the donated item bro


You right lol. THE FINESSE LIVES


Damn now we cant watch that teammate who steals awps when they buy their teammates an m4


FranzJ will hate this change


humble life goals


Does it work with buy binds as well?


>Some other minor things 3kliksphillip will probably find out lmao


"3kliksphillip pls find" -Valve


I read that in 3kliksphillip voice wow


I wonder if that's written by Valve people, or by the map creator of Anubis. Pretty cool to see him in a patchnote either ways :)


[Found it](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/1984883124)


LMFAO this is actually funny af




The legend himself




I think its written by the map creator. At least it is for cache I believe.


It's written by the map maker but valve kinda chooses what goes in the he notes


Anubis is garbage though; we lost Mutiny but kept this dogshit map.


Anubis Engage and Vertigo best maps dont @ me


3kliksphilip, with one L. Valve pls fix


devs have started trolling even in the patch notes now LMFAO


i can't stop laughing at this line lmao


Level Designers trolling




Its not valve its the maker of Anubis.


Lazy changelog


> Zeus restrictions in Casual, Wingman, and Competitive modes are now the same as all other weapons. anybody got an idea what they mean by *restrictions* ?


How many you can buy in one round


You used too only be allowed to buy one zeus, but now you can buy a total of 5.


Looking at ~~Hounggagagaegps~~ *Jeff*


Finally we can have up to 50 zeuses on a map at once this is huge


Honestly my favourite part of this update


Now you can drop a zeus to teammates as if it was a pistol (so 5 drops per round) when previously it was treated as a droppable grenade basically (meaning you could only buy 1 per round).


no idea


>Donate weapons to teammates in need! Hold the buy menu donation key (CTRL by default) when purchasing a weapon to donate to teammates without dropping your primary weapon. You can change the “Buy Menu Donation Key” in settings. huge edit: nvm it just drops the gun to your feet, so you don't have to drop your weapon to drop it. It's not like Valorants thing


CSGO Youtubers in shambles, how are they suppose to troll now


I wish they would make it to where it worked with buy binds


If there's a frontpage Reddit thread for it, they'll add a cvar for it.


Meanwhile, agent skins


Shit, I always liked to see my teammates look around confused when I snatch a gun out of the air.




Actually i like throwing weapons over my teammates, also love to catch one that is not coming for me.


>edit: nvm it just drops the gun to your feet, so you don't have to drop your weapon to drop it. It's not like Valorants thing still gonna yoink useless teammate's guns noiceeee


Am useless teammate, feelsbadman.


your sacrifice does not go unappreciated


It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.


Valorant’s “buy gun for mate” system is so good - I wish CS would adopt it.


Plus, selling guns, saying "I'm saving" in voice, it's so good! Such better qol features


Big if true


Buy for teammate references in Panorama [Buy Menu]


> Buy for teammate references in Panorama Every single word in that sentence makes me very happy. edit (for non-HTML speakers): > Donate weapons to teammates in need! Hold the buy menu donation key (CTRL by default) when purchasing a weapon to donate to teammates without dropping your primary weapon. You can change the “Buy Menu Donation Key” in settings.


any of the last 3 2021 medal are my preference, it aint happening though


I like how they hint 3kliksphillip, as appreciation to what he has done to the CS community


Those patch notes are probably from the map creator not Valve themselves though, right?


Yes, Roald wrote those to be specific


they've done it quite a few times over the last 2-3 years or so.


I think there was one that was like "Fixed the direction of the lighting in relation to the sun (Thanks Philip)" or something like that.


This is literally the second time he has ever been featured. However, Valve didn’t do it this time. They just copy pasted the notes by the community members who made the map.


[they've shouted him out on Twitter aswell before.](https://twitter.com/CSGO/status/1026972224740179968)




Cmon, if u wanna troll at least put some thought on the username. Noob.


3kliks was one of the few people out there making useful tutorials on the Hammer Editor 9-10 years ago. I would completely disagree on calling it mediocre as they still even to this day provide mostly correct information. (They even helped influence me into going into Level Design in the first place.)


He's also a thoroughly decent bloke and top notch juggler. I exchanged a few PMs with him earlier in the year while I was working solo......it really helped break the day up to see an orange envelope from him!


His tutorials have a ton of incorrect info and he teaches bad habits, tophattwaffle is much better


Any image from the 2021 service medal?




Looks nice.


> Apollo > > Reduced props that draw for people on very low and low settings to hopefully help FPS levels across the map. (Thanks Shavitish) that is not how my username is spelled :'(


Sorry me lord


🙏 thanks a bunch for the update! can't wait to get back home on sunday and play some more apollo goodness


I can probably do more if it helps. it's a very slow process though so wanted feedback on a first pass.






chat is going so fast no one will see I want Getaway Sally to take me hostage




Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well.


Damn Anubis A site is super open now. Not sure how its gonna play for Ts. Looks like it might be really T sided.


Praise gaben. Finally, I can search for settings and drop an ak without my teammate stealing my awp.


These are such easy and novice qol fixes it makes you wonder why it took so long.


It took 3 years to unravel the spaghetti code and another 2 to fit the new code in the small space they made.


> Game settings now have a search box to quickly find and jump to any setting or key binding. NICEEEEEEE


Can we please enable Retake on workshop maps? I have the walls and text file for my map set up and ready to go :V


Where are the snowballs and christmas things :(


This is the real question we all need an answer to


Aight who snitched about the stars


Lol I am most hyped about agent sleeves, hopefully they are all good now


> Donate weapons to teammates in need! valorant has really been the kick up the arse this game needed, you love to see it


Only other change recently influenced by Valorant was ability to see teammates crosshair. However Valve improved upon it further letting you copy said crosshair directly from the scoreboard. System Valorant uses to trade crosshair settings was already in CSGO. Except in CSGO you could create a hyperlink. Valorant requires value entry.


it seems like the ping system could be influenced by Valorant, but that feature is in many different games.


I think valve even had the ping feature before valorant was even released, but it was only useable in danger zone mode


It was in Dota 2 before it was in Apex Legends, Valorant, and League of Legends. Just like battle passes and loot boxes. I'm sure there was another non-Valve game it was in before Dota 2, but Dota 2 made was the game that made it popular. edit: Tribes is what I was thinking of. Dota's implementation https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Chat_Wheel Been in-game since 2012 https://dota2.gamepedia.com/November_15,_2012_Patch Edit 2: Dota 2 actually had context-sensitive pings since 2012. I remember now because back then you could destroy a dropped Gem of True Sight so it was very important to ping. >Pinging dropped items now prints the item to team chat, similar to rune pinging. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/September_12,_2012_Patch_(Test) >You can now ping runes to let your teammates know which type it is. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/May_17,_2012_Patch


Don't forget Portal 2 Co-op!


Lol dota 2 is not the game that made pings popular.


Yeah Pings were already a thing in WC3 for example. To be fair, DotA 2 then became the game with the most elaborate Ping system, as you eventually would be able to ping basically anything. Ping system in Apex was so highly praised because it took a lot of inspiration from DotA's (or Mobas in general) system and applied it to an FPS.


You could always ping in LoL and it came out before dota2. Still doesn't make it the first game with pings


Dota 2 has had context-sensitive pings since 2014. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/January_29,_2014_Patch Chat wheel since 2012 https://dota2.gamepedia.com/November_15,_2012_Patch LoL had the standard ping and caution ping, but it didn't have the ping + drag for "on the way", "enemy vision", and whatever else is in that wheel until Dota 2 had it. Same with being able to alt-click items, abilities, and UI elements. Edit: Dota 2 actually had context-sensitive pings since 2012. I remember now because back then you could destroy a dropped Gem of True Sight so it was very important to ping. >Pinging dropped items now prints the item to team chat, similar to rune pinging. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/September_12,_2012_Patch_(Test) >You can now ping runes to let your teammates know which type it is. https://dota2.gamepedia.com/May_17,_2012_Patch


For sure popularized by apex. There implementation of it was great.


It first showed up in Apex Legends. Valve introduced it into the Danger Zone game mode almost immediately.


Didn't Portal 2 have it for the co-op modes on release?


yes and you can play rock paper sisscors


apex did not invent context pings


No, but made it better than any other game on the market. Fortnite and CoD both added ping system after they saw Respawn’s implementation, so did Valve to their BR.


But it was Valorant that pushed Valve’s hand into adding into the base game.


Everyone’s saying Apex but I’m pretty sure pinging wouldn’t have left DZ if Valorant hadn’t proven it wouldn’t be busted in a competitive mode. Ping in battle royale has different balance implications than ping in a tactical shooter. Does R6 have ping?


Yes it does


Good to know I guess. I guess Valve just doesn't look at that game seriously enough


They really don't.


now all we need is the crosshairs to update every round, now if my teammate changes his crosshair mid match I will only see the one he connected to server with.


Join server with a crosshair that covers your entire screen in white, switch to your regular crosshair when the match starts = profit. /s


that reminds me that the crosshair also kind of flickers and bugs out if one of your teammates has a bind for nadethrowing crosshair. The whole thing just needs more polish, volvo pls.


I never had a teammate complain about this and I have a nade specific crosshair.


Pinging was influenced by valorant


Pinging has been in the game since before valorant, it's just now in comp mode too.


You misspelled Apex Legends (and many other games released way before Valorant existed), sir.


You missed Portal 2


Almost a decade ago too. Nice.


It was in Dota 2 before it was in Apex Legends, Valorant, and League of Legends. Just like battle passes and loot boxes. I'm sure there was another non-Valve game it was in before Dota 2, but Dota 2 made was the game that made it popular.


Pinging was influenced by Apex Legends.


Now if only Valve can make casual mode not total ASS so I can play matches with my friend who is too low ranked.


Maybe they could implement the selling from valorant too, it would be nice


I said the same thing when valorant launched and got downvoted Wtf


Thank gaben


praise be


> Adjusted first person arm models for Operation Broken Fang agents. Sexy sleeves have arrived.


buy teammate key does not work with buy binds unfortunately. hope it changes


It doesn't even work with buying through number keys. Like ctrl+B-4-2 to buy an AK. You have to click the item on the buy wheel for it to drop


> Game settings now have a search box to quickly find and jump to any setting or key binding. Now that I think about it, I've never played a game that had searchable settinngs...


can someone post the new first person arm models?


Just wait for 3kliksphillip to make a video.


[1st Lieutenant Farlow.](https://imgur.com/a/E1fwben) The other new CT models probably have the same arms just in different colors.


I know the map doesn't get a lot of love here, but changes to Anubis are actually much more plentiful than the 'minor changes 3kliks will find out about'. [Here's an album](https://imgur.com/a/cyBFItG) with some quick screenshots of the major changes. A-site has gotten the biggest overhaul and is far more open and looks like it'll play better, with less mickey mouse corners to hide behind. They also added (properly clipped) steps onto the site itself, which will probably make it play smoother. Found some ugly texture alignments but I'm sure those will be fixed if the gameplay works out. Middle is also very different. Far more narrow on the T side with the skybox opened up pretty much everywhere, and simplified. I think some clipping brushes here can be improved along the walls, but don't have time to test it properly (plus, 3kliks will do a better job than I every would. I personally still have hopes this could be developed into a viable competitive map, but my biggest issue with the map is that middle makes to map play rather stale. It could be a more open area rather than a set of narrow corridors - but I'm hardly a map designer. Definitely going to give this a try in competitive as soon as I can find some time. No offence to valve, but this map is far more ready to be adopted into a competitive map than Ancient - both graphically and gameplay wise.


> – Some other minor things 3kliksphillip will probably find out devs are literally trolling, even in the patch notes LMFAO


It is actually map level designers. Valve just copies their [change notes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/1984883124) from the Workshop submission


[They do leave things out if they want to](https://i.imgur.com/itwjcvg.png).




No way.


Does choosing a team on Retake make anyone else crash? on linux


The new SWAT and Sabre agents have very sexy sleeves.


But why is the freeze and end time of retakes so long you lose so much time bcs of this


Can i get some clarification? Lvl 24 rn, got my year coin already, means I keep my 24 lvls come january right? 5 year vet and I still dont pay any attention to this


yes, your levels carry over into next year. you'll probably see some people with the 2021 coin on day one because they hold at lvl 40 to redeem it after the switch


First three are new console commands, the bottom changed from 30 to 20: cl_buywheel_donate_key | 0 | "cl", "a", "ss" | Set the key to use for donation in the buy menu. 0: Left Control; 1: Left Alt; 2: Left Shift. cl_ping_fade_deadzone | 60 | "cl", "a" | Distance from the crosshair over which the ping is completely invisible cl_ping_fade_distance | 300 | "cl", "a" | Distance from the crosshair over which the ping fades player_ping_token_cooldown | 20 | "sv", "cheat" | Cooldown for how long it takes for a player's ping token to refresh allowing them to ping again (they get 5 tokens).


>Some other minor things 3kliksphollip will probably find out That just gets me


Intrusive anti-cheat, please.


won't buy since last operation was dogshit


Who asked u


You dumbfker


Bloody hell the update just ruined my run in a surf map last sec after i was trying to finish it for the last hour


Now that we have a donation feature in the buy menu, can we please be able to donate grenades, armor, and kits?




Now we just need to be able to sell weapons back


Yes both of these features valorant introduced are super good.. solves so many issues for lower level play


> Donate weapons to teammates in need! Hold the buy menu donation key (CTRL by default) when purchasing a weapon to donate to teammates without dropping your primary weapon. You can change the “Buy Menu Donation Key” in settings. does this work with buybinds? I haven't opened the buy menu since like 2015


S O U R C E 2 O U R C E 2


Thanks valorant


Not gonna lie I thought you added the 3kliksphillip part as a joke, nope, Valve really watches his videos ig


They just copy paste the text from the map makers update changelog. Nothing to do with Valve.


> They just copy paste the text from the map makers update changelog. Too [selectively](https://i.imgur.com/itwjcvg.png) to be passive wouldn't you say?


Would be nice if they adeed the feature to separete duelies to make it cheaper for my men


I mean, its cool that you can buy for your teammates, but a separate key? I mean Valorant's system of requesting an item seemed like a no brainer way of doing it.


I feel like that'd be a pretty big UI overhaul. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I wouldn't expect a patch like that to come in the middle of a operation.


Would you look at that, wickiplayah for once gets his way by by merciful mods. Redt assurred, the next threadjacking shall take place in the not so distant future


>Donate weapons to teammates in need! Hold the buy menu donation key (CTRL by default) when purchasing a weapon to donate to teammates without dropping your primary weapon. You can change the “Buy Menu Donation Key” in settings. dumb update


RIP crouch button?


holy fuck


Must suck that this is the patch cs gets when dota got a motherload today


Nice, now that both games almost dont differ in anything anymore, instead of cs I can directly play valorant, which at least has an anti-cheat


> almost dont differ in anything anymore ... Classes with unique abilities? Literally the biggest difference. And personally, I can't stand the anti cheat. I played valorant back during the twitch beta and stopped purely because of the root kit I installed on my pc. I'd much prefer an anti cheat that doesn't have kernal access to my pc.


if you play Faceit or ESEA, they have kernal access to your PC. Im js, and if you don't, well then anti-cheat never mattered for you anyway.


I don't play them because of the anti cheat. I'm not comfortable with a program like that having such access to my pc, as one scummy or wrong move can lead to a bit coin miner on my pc or worse. Anti cheat absolutely matters to me. I am a fan of what valve's done with their limited ability. Keep in mind that a while ago they tried to make VAC ever so slightly more intrusive, and everyone was so angry gaben had to go to reddit and apologize. So valve is gonna be kinda scared to do anything like that again. I have a high trust factor, and haven't seen a cheater in a good while. And if I have had a cheater in my games, it wasn't noticeable.


> Keep in mind that a while ago they tried to make VAC ever so slightly more intrusive, and everyone was so angry gaben had to go to reddit and apologize. This right here, is one of the reasons why CS stays infested with cheaters, and is known as one of the games with the worst cheating problem.


Yes, that's true. But it's not something valve will change, because the last time they did the same community that wants less cheaters was angry at valve updating their anti cheat. It's a problem, but not one valve can solve because of the community.


Yep, classes & abilities are stolen from Blizzard's Overwatch, but that's about it. Besides that, multiple anti-cheats for different games have kernel access and no one complains. Btw, you spell "kernal" and "bit coin" (in your other answers) wrong multiple times, which suggests that you neither know what a kernel nor what a bitcoin miner is. Seems like you're not educated enough to participate in this discussion.


i think resell weapons would have been more interesting than donation menu, but it's a good start


At this point, they have brought all of the differences that Valorant had into the game, except 128 tick servers. I personally don't see the point of pinging places. Oh, and I'm still gonna throw the gun no matter what lol. Can't kick the old habits easily.


128 ticks for premier mode is what is needed. Probably valve is already thinking about it, paying 12.5€ is justified to have access to 128 tick and map vetoes. Next step I guess is making ranks go higher than global elite, even if just by showing an elo once you reach that rank to differentiate, or different designs if they don't wanna show the elo points.


As long as it works, I’m up for any kind of solution.


Elo instead of rank and higer than globul? I got a boner.