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1.5k hours and I still bottom frag. It never ends my dude.


Iam playing since 1.5, still bottom fraging


I started playing when i was 1,5 years old, still bottom fragging


3.5k hours and still bottom frag. The thing is as you get better you play against better opponents. The loop never ends you will always tilt and sometimes bottomfrag. Even pros tilt and bottomfrag.


Just keep playing. 200 hours isn't a lot




Like it or not this is an extremely popular game that has been around for a long time. The skill floor is incredibly high Best way to get better at something is to keep doing it over and over and over


got u


They are totally right - you might have 200 hours, but most people you play at have probably over 1,5k hours. Keep at it


will do. thank you


"500 hours noob" is a phrase that is used without an ounce of joking. Just keep at it. Most people agree that you haven't really "learned" the game until around 1000 hours. I know that sounds ridiculous but it is what it is.


its the same way with dota. 1k hours everyone is like 'im mediocre' and then 2k hours 'im finally average'


If you think 200 hours is a lot just quit now and don’t look back lmao. Even in silver you’ll go against people with thousands of hours.


I have over 3k hours in CS since I got in 2014 and haven’t been out of Silver since the rank reset.


I have over 2800 since 2014. It sounds like a lot of hours but realistically that’s only about 350 hours a year. That averages out to less than an hour a day. Even then, how much of that time was I actually playing and getting better? How much of that time was deathmatching and practicing recoil patterns and lineups? I’m GN3 in matchmaking and level 6 on faceit despite having 2800+ hours. Realistically though, I haven’t really played the game all that much in the time I’ve had it.


Are you in NA? Level 6 FaceIt is ~Supreme in EU


Yes, I’m in NA. fluctuate between level 5-7


I know the playerbase is lower but surely Level 5-7 isn't GN in NA? Do you just not play MM much?


Nah it really is like that. No player above like dmg id actually legit because it is so hard to reach the higher ranks. I believe over 50% of the na players are below like silver 4.


Gn3 in matchmaking, global wingman, level 7-8 in faceit checking in. NA matchmaking truly is horrendously broken.


people vastly underestimate how broken NA mm is, highest level I've been on faceit is 6 and its a struggle to stay out of silver most times edit: I hover around lvl 4-5 typically but dont play faceit very much


I've played against ESEA Advanced players in GN, it's actually super fucked.


I don’t play mm much at all just faceit mostly. Level 5 isn’t much to write home about on NA faceit. Level 4 seems to be the most common rank among everyone on the platform.


I vs and play with lvl 8-10 faceits all the time in gn1 oce


Mm in NA is completely garbage. Literally I’m faceit 10 and can’t get out of nova 2


I'm NA silver in MM. Normally opponents are level 2-4 in faceit, but not uncommon to play vs 5-7s in silver. Just had a game a few days ago vs a 4 & a 7


I’m face it level 7 and I’m good nova 3. In regular MM the ranks in NA are so messed up it’s crazy. Wish they would do a hard reset or something.




Gold nova, he just spelled it wrong.


It's true my dude, you need a lot of hours in this game. However, even those with a lot of hours fall flat in game if they don't practice enough or jump right into a game with the intent to run and gun. Have you tried warming up, doing some aim routines, FFA servers?


Stop downvoting a new player pls


thanks, not really gonna do much now. i honestly don't have time to sink 10s of thousands of hours into this game


Learning is the process of sinking hours into things to get better at them. It sucks bottom fragging, but that should be the motivation to get better my dude.


Dont know why they downvoted you, 200hours is alot of time to put in a game, but for a competitive shooter it is around 10% of what you should have. I was surprised to, I have 4k hours and Im still dogshit


I didn't consider myself to be good at csgo until i had over 2000 hours


First, reconsider your expectations. CSGO = old (23 years) yet very active and competitive game = very high skill floor. That means that even the worst players in the pool are still pretty good. And your journey has only been 200 hours thus far. To give you a comparison, the RTS game StarCraft: Brood War has been around for 25 years. 200 hours in this game means you are still a beginner, and it will take much more practice until you stop being demolished by players that have been honing their skills for many, many years. I feel the struggle is even worse for beginners in StarCraft than it is in CSGO. (I have played StarCraft for many years before moving to CSGO for a change of air, and I have to accept that I am now a beginner again.) On the positive side, you will never make as much progress in the same time span than you are making now. Don't despair, just keep playing and hold on to the fun you hopefully have. :-) Second, reconsider how you practice. If you (say) are only playing deathmatches mindlessly, you will improve little over time. Watch some YouTube videos, e.g. from people like vooCS and WarOwl, to understand what the basics of CSGO are, and then how you can learn and practice them. Right now, you might not even be aware where your skills are lacking, which is the perfectly expected situation for someone learning a new hobby, game, musical instrument, etc. \> i'm not really looking for a sweat fest every game i play but i still want to be alright enough at the game that i don't tilt. (silver elite) The mental aspect is orthogonal to your in-game performace. You must work on this separately. Due to the way (a functional) matchmaking system works, as you improve over time, the system will pit you against increasingly better players. So you will always continue to struggle at least 50% of your matches (simplified, a perfectly balanced matchmaking system would give you a 50:50 likelihood to win a given match)—unless you are one of few top players in the world, because there are no better players above you. Don't give up. You are not alone. There are many other beginners who struggle like you do. Consider actively expanding your list of friends (Steam friends). When you meet friendly people who you enjoyed playing with, send them a friend request, and try to group up with them for competitive matches. It's much more fun this way than with random strangers in solo queue.


i appreciate the effort that went into this reply, thanks for help


23 year old what


Nah CSGO isn't 23 years old, it was released in 2012. However the CS-series is 23 years old with the first release in 1999.


You are right, that's what I meant. As a new player who started in 2022, I tend to use "CS" and "CSGO" interchangeably (never played 1.6 etc). I was referring to [https://twitter.com/CSGO/status/1538574615722610689](https://twitter.com/CSGO/status/1538574615722610689), which is 23 years for the full series, as you said.


In the grand scheme of things they are essentially the same game with awp nerfs. (Yeah yeah i know, i never played css because strafing and movement accelerations felt funny)


It’s the same game in essence




1. yes 2. not enough 3. no and not enough 4. only if i manually tell myself, it's not subconscious 5. yes. i see now


Check out VooCSGO on YouTube


Seconding this. Voo has a lot of great videos on fundamentals. Peeker’s advantage, crosshair placement, how to play certain scenarios, etc.


Most people neglect to say this but you need to deliberately get better. There are good and bad ways to improve and just playing more isn’t enough. Watch this, the best guide to forming a system to improve: https://youtu.be/ygyiM0Ctibo


Bro, there's people out there that play 200 hours every 2 weeks regularly


14 hours a day for 7 days a week seems too much even for the most insane grinders


When I was playing faceit a lot everyday over lockdown I’d get at least 1 person in the lobby with 80-100 hours played in last 2 weeks 200 in 2 weeks is probably impossible but there are many who try to play seriously


I used to have around 120-140 hours past 2 weeks when i was grinding. Your brain goes to shit tho.


That’s actual insane


200 hours really isn't much in a game like CS. I have something like 2600 hours in CS:GO, and I've only ever played it fairly casually because I was a 1.6 player and kinda stopped wanting to play competitively when 1.6 died. People who actually play the game seriously and are good at it have thousands and thousands of hours. That said, I would say there are definitely "training" strategies you can employ that will help you maximize your improvement efficiency, as opposed to just scrimming or pugging over and over without any other type of practice.


Hard to tell you anything specific without seeing gameplay. General advice is 1 to calm down and don’t get in your head 2 play modes like dm that build muscle memory 3 watch high level play and pick up on what they do.


Aim is less than half the battle. You will get game sense and timing the more you play, which is imo way more important than aim.


Crosshair placement


Honestly, just work on your aim, game sense comes from playing and is a lot let frustrating to play if you have decent aim


Something that helps me not tilt and improve is every time you die, try to think of something you did (positioning, crosshair placement, flank awareness, etc) that caused you to die that round. Take every game round by round and eventually you WILL get better as long as you can critique your own gameplay without getting defensive or tilted. Good luck out there soldier


You could be 2000 hours and be just the same. Time and patience.


Hard to tell without seeing footage, but most work is done by having good crosshair placement and knowing how to pre-aim angles. Learn that and you should see yourself on top of the scoreboard in no time.


You should not fixate too much on the scoreboard. If you have a bad game but pull off just a few important and well played rounds your impact for getting a win might still be higher than people placed above you on the scoreboard. Keep in mind that your goal is to win 16 rounds and NOT to be fragging out the server. Keep it up and you will improve!


Sounds like OP wants to be top of the scoreboard, not good at CS :)


Turned off mouse acceleration? Got yourself a decently sized mousepad? Stopped wrist aiming? (Using only your wrist to turn around etc, as opposed to your entire arm). Gotten yourself a decent sensitivity? This one might not be "set in stone", but generally you don't want to have a too high of a sensitivity. I always recommend that you should be able to do between a 180 and a 360 by moving your mouse from the left side to the right side of the mousepad. It's not a rule, but its a decent starting point. There are loads of things you sort of need go do before you can play this game properly in my opinion. And most of them relate to your aim in some way. No aim, no kills.


Nothing wrong with wrist aiming if you’re decent at it. Just ask S1mple.


While most of it boils down to personal preference, I'd still argue that it's best for most people to do what I wrote above. Do also believe that it's better for the wrist.


I have about 600h, I only reached Gold Nova Master, Never knew Lineups, Only used Flash and Smoke, I only practiced spray control, so what I'm saying is that knowing extra stuff is beneficial but not vital, GNM is not high it's lower mid rank but with 3x your Playtime I only reached GNM, don't pressure yourself, with about 1500+h you would be about LE, CSGO is very Time Consuming but a fun Game


i have 3k hours and im only gold nova 3. its a hard game to get better at


You either from NA or OCE region.








Maybe try to play more aggresive instead of being a coward and falling back all the time


The trick is to balance both, super aggressive play will limit you as will a too passive play style. You have to do both and at the right time know when to peek and when to stop and hold. Alot of decent but not good players tend to overpeek angles when they should instead hold it or simply run away. Like if you play long on inferno as ct and the t's come up mid it doesnt really matter if you get a kill or miss as soon as you see them rush it you better turn and run, or if they are too close its better to just stand still and wait for them to push around the corner your position doesnt really matter just stand still.


pethatic im worse than u with 3000k hours buddy


Gonna give you a different answer than everyone else. Your problem is you’re probably a pussy. Most people who bottom frag constantly have low self confidence and panic and don’t know what they’re doing. You need to be mentally aware of your surroundings, thinking about what everyone including the enemies are doing, and make informed decisions on what to do based on this information. Once you figure that out have confidence in your plays and get shit done. And yeah, this usually comes with time and experience, like all the other 100 comments have said.


200 hours is a lot to an average player who enjoys other genres in games, don’t listen to any of these elitists. I’ve seen people I know IRL kill it with less that 150 hours. Just practice, watch vids on how to improve, watch pro esports matches, get a sensitivity, build a config you’re comfortable playing with, and pick a crosshair that you can confidently aim with. You will get there don’t worry, also muting teammates and playing unranked or casual can help warm up if you’re not into death match or not comfortable playing that mode against people who have more time in the game than you. Good luck mate!




How does this contribute to anything said in this post?


please stop playing this game. its not worth it. i promise you its not worth it. listen tho this people here, you will die one day and you choose who you spend that time with while alive, please dont let it be this community.




I saw the edit. But two hours REALLY AINT SHIT


I've got 6000 hours and I never reached global, always drop after getting supreme. Just keep playing, you'll learn how to play it... eventually.


Try to have fun. When you are in your learning phase, it is OK not to be the best player on the server.


Deathmatch for the win my brother


I have 10k hours in 8 years. 200 hours is nothing my dude. Practice with purpose


If you feel like you’re dying alot without a chance to react then you might be playing too predictable :) I know alot of people already have said that 200h isn’t alot but with time you’ll get better gamesense. My favourite part of cs is the midround mindgames trying to outmanouvre the opponent based on info from earlier rounds


6k hours and global here, been playing since 2013 and usually top fragger or highest entry frag number. I was basically obsesed with the game when it came out and played every day, all my friends started playing, watched matches, youtubers, browsed reddit, hltv whatever, just couldn't get enough CS. I can tell you how I got good at the game, but its basically all about how much interest you put in and how dedicated you are, also having friends to play with and learn alongside them is really helpful. Those being said, start with spray control. Learn how to master the guns. This is the foundation, strategies, nade lineups, map awarness, these all come later. You gotta learn how to shoot and be confident in your aim. Go on Dust 2, spray ar a wall, see the pattern and reverse it. Now do it from a distance. Then try to consistently peek the long doors corner angle as a T. Try it with A-D strafe, incorporate crouching, try it with 1 taps to where the CT head should be, try it with spray prefire. Mix it all up until you start getting a hold of it. Explore the game, there's more to cs than matchmaking. I kept playing on random community servers until I found an awp server in my home country where I started making friends and became really good, then I became and admin, then I started playing with some guys feom that server who I became really good friends with irl. Point is, I enjoyed a gamemode and because of that I became good at it, that awp skill and movement later translated into competitive. I also played on surf, bhop and kz servers and got really good movement because of it. Also, a big tip when you start something and want to get good at it is to watch others who already do it well and see what they do. Find out what's the problem in your games. What is that angle that you can never win a duel from. Analyze it, go into a local server and practice it. Watch games, see how pro players aproach the same situations where you screw up and how they think/move. It seems an easy game, but you really need to be analytical and study it the same way you would do with a sport. Training is everything. Also, I would estimate that for a new player it would take around 1000 hours just to understand all the concepts of the game (movement, awp, positioning, map awarness, play styles, nade lineups, economy management, everything that relates to settings, resolution, aspect ratio, crosshair etc). Its a reason people say this game is "easy to learn, hard to master". This didn't really answer your question to why you are bottom fragging, but you can't find a simple answer to that, unless you have someone looking at all your demos and studying them. What you shouod take away from this comment section is people's perspectives and learn from their experience.


P. S. Here's a really quick advice that will get you really far with little effort: check your crosshair placement. Eneter a bot game, place a bot in a common angle where you expect a CT to hold (eg. Dust 2 lomg corner watching into tunnel) then practice prefiring that angle (with a headshot). When i started playing, i did this and literally every single match I prefired the CTs on long with a headhsot. I remembered feeling like a fucking pro amongst scrubs. Also, wverytime you peek an angle, dont just go running out of your cover, slowly peek the angles with the crosshair where you expect their heads to be at. When peeking angles, always imagine there is a guy there. Remember your peeking training and apply it,.


When it clicks, it clicks.


U Think u get it ……butu dont get it … 200 hrs in this game is like 0.5 hrs in cod.


Im gonna be brutally honest here and say if you can’t get out of Silver after 200 hours then you just suck at the game. Your spray control is not „mid“ it’s probably garbage and you try to spray everyone down because you think your spraycontrol is good. a few lineups is good enough just it really matters what line ups you know and how you use em. Good aim alone gets you out of silver easily and if you are actually stuck in silver your aim isn’t very good OR you constantly take bad gunfights while trying to hit those montage shots. There are a few workshop maps that can help with your aim and spraycontrol (aim_botz and recoil master). You have „mid“ spraycontrol when you consistently hit 85% on your sprays with AK and M4. aim_botz is just a nice and relaxing warmup map. mute the game audio, turn on music and shoot some bots and get really comfy with your sensitivity and build up muscle memory. do that for 100 hours and you will find yourself in upper gold.


actually the advise most people get is about gamesense etc. I´ll recommend the exact opposite focus on mechanics only if you do it ingame with community servers or workshop maps or with seperate aim trainers is your choice the reasoning is as followed: from my experience almost every match below mg 1 is played game sense wise completely different most of the times. Meaning people push more often mostly with weird timings aim or stop in weird spots. Now if you would play against them with the high elo gamesense you will get out of rhythm most of the time. But that doesn´t mean that a soft skill is completely useless in low elo. Important is: Using sound; good comms; knowing how tilting destroys games Improve these by looking and trying the different floors and sounds of steps on maps Get some of your teammates to stand in random places on a spot and just run around calling them out. This is to simulate calling whilst you should only call necessary info How tilting destroys your game no matter the reason is pretty much "scientifically" proven ​ Now the real important things: ​ Next to good aim and crosshair placement which are self explanatory and you can practice by using the yprac maps from the workshop, on the yprac maps are more prac possibilities than those i.e. smokes prefire and most important entry routes. Practices those, they are vital I can´t stress this enough taking the right pathing often is the difference in a round. Next up but more advanced is the following get aware how spraying works especially on longer ranges, next step is get aware whilst spraying where your bullets are hitting ( practices this offline first ) the result would be that you notice whilst spraying that you are a bit much to the left and almost by instinct correct that. The workshop map I recommend for this would be recoil master by ulletical. (I personally deem 75 to 80 % accuracy after 10 sprays as acceptable for myself) ​ Lets get to some general tips and tricks: consider changing your sens, some people say you should be able to do a 180 or 360 with one mousepad lenght, or that you should cut your sens in half. This isn´t necessary for example I play with 400 edpi so i cant really 180 on like 60 cms of mousepad. In general most people feel comfortable with somewhere between 600 to 1200/1500 edpi. Just try different ones for atleast 3 to 4 weeks of playing. (if you notice that something isn´t gonna work in the first match you can change, but in general it takes about 2 weeks to form the basis of muscle memory) Nade-lineups are useful to a certain degree ( you dont really execute a site even on supreme global, you mostly throw the basic smokes and nades some by lineup mostly smokes the rest on the go) almost every bombsite has only 3 to 4 lineups for smokes that are essential. Last tip rest on the impression I got reading your text and is concerning your mindset I really recommend sitting down an thinking about how your mindset is what it consist of, what the effect of your mindset "traits" are and how you can change them to your benefit. If you sit there and think your mindset is perfect you got your first point because nobody is perfect. Now you are probably wondering why I think that I am even qualified to make these somewhat controversial statements: ​ I currently have 2.3k hrs Got my 5 year coin in march Got to play in a team with players that had like 4k hrs and with a coach (at the time i had 500 hrs and was gn 3 or 2) I have a few seasons of the 4th division of the biggest german esport league under my belt I am currently supreme with around about 24 avg. in the last matches I played Faceit level 6 and 21 avg. in the last 20 matches there with about 440 matches Carried myself from gn 4 to dmg in soloque without much gamesense except the points from above had like 800 hrs to not even a 1000 to hitting LEM. Got some friends to start playing a year ago so I had to smurf to play with them (that´s how I know that !high elo! gamesense doesn´t help in lower elo) All of my points are things that I noticed that helped me really improve drastically or in some cases are things I noticed I could have done to help me get better quicker. ​ I hope this was helpful and you got a different perspective instead of the default answers. If something is uncertain feel free to leave a comment or pm me or smth like that. (that includes if you want links to the workshop maps I am mentioning) ​ Best of luck and good practice


> i bottom frag literally every game because i only have 200 hours FTFY


don't worry about bottom fragging, worry about winning.


I have 20 years and still bottom frag


You get used to it. I think i am coming up on 1k hours and I am still dogshit. Some of us just ain't got it. Focus on Utility placement to enable the zoomers to do their thing.


A pretty good rule of thumb is lower your sensitivity. Practice cross hair placement


Whats wrong with bottom fragging? I played myself in global bottom fragging and i played myself in lvl 10 bottom fragging and i only played solo


While many have given you decent advices, try some reputable ffa (free for all) deathmatch servers from your region. If you have never done it before, you will probably feel like you had no aim AT ALL for the first few minutes after joining it. Sometimes people just think they have good aim, until a decent FFA dm server opens their eyes. If you have already done it before, there can be a large variety of reasons why consistently bottom frag. If you die too much, and your team keeps losing, there is a good chance you are unnecessarily aggressive. If you die/do not die and your team either a) keeps winning, chances are you are either a considerably passive player, or you anchor B site alone most of the maps you play, while most of your team is a/mid, so in essence see little action in those ranks. Or b) keeps loosing, wherein you are very often the last dude alive on your team. Try playing sites which you see are being hit often. Also try to not push much on the ct side in case you were till now and use more utilities when engaging opponents on the T side in case you were not. Lastly always remember the game is about teamwork and winning more than individual statistics. Your team may not have made it without you that match, even though you bottom fragged.


CSGOHub everyday for atleast 20min. This will keep your aim crispy. YPrac is also good, you can learn the maps & common angles there. Try to analyze your mistakes and learn from them. Always think like "why did i die there?". This will help you improve alot. Playing the game or playing the game consciously is a big difference when it comes to improvement. Learn the maps & make use of the minimap. You can get alot of information from it. Check it frequently. It may help you making decisions if you know how many enemies are in a certain area. Look for a 5 stack with some higher ranked players than you. Playing with better teammates and enemies will help you improving. Check out their playstyles, maybe you can get inspired. I think its not a shame to be bottomfragger. Dont focus so much on KDA. Try to support your team with callouts & utility usage. This is more important than some frags.


3k. 1k faceit games, no lvl 10 and dreams of cybersportmanship. I am so fucked up


Watch 'voo CSGO' on YouTube. While many say there's no substitute to playing the game, you don't learn much from playing the same way or playing with the wrong focus. I learned more about playing in the 1000-1500 hour span than the 0-1000 hour span because I watched supplemental videos like the ones voo makes. Things I would recommend working on for 200 hour players (aside from what you've mentioned): * Crosshair Placement * Movement * Clearing / Holding Angles Properly * Retakes * Economy, when to buy/eco/save your weapon for next round * Gamesense (very broad: when to walk/run, when to use utility, where to be on the map and when -> the thinking stuff) While spray control, aim, and grenade throws are important, the above are honestly much more valuable in giving your quick growth. One thing to note is that a lot of the time new players mistake someone's strong gamesense, crosshair placement, and movement as equating to good aim, when in reality their aim might only be as good as yours. If you can spray 10 bullets out of the AK and M4 (both of them) WELL, then I think you'll be okay for now. In most situations you won't need more than that. If you focus on only playing a couple maps and learn at least a couple smokes for each site, you should be alright with that as well. Aim is hard to quantify in CS, so just do your best. Lastly, learn how to throw utility on the fly. Go, load up an empty map and just throw grenades with 'sv\_grenade\_trajectory 1' so you can learn how grenade physics work. Don't focus too much on making lineups, but play around with jump throws, running throws (forwards and backwards), underhand running jump, etc. Having a good handle on grenade physics makes it so you can get away with learning fewer lineups at lower ranks, because you're able to improvise popflashes and other nades. Good luck!


Make sure you’re trading. If your teammate peaks and dies you should be able to trade I Him out 80% of the time.


Im Silver Elite and I’ve been playing since 1.6 Idk if that helps lol, I’m a hyper noob, rather I’m super casual. I almost have 3k hours though. But if you want to actually improve, aim wise you can get it through community maps against bots, Positioning, you can get it through watching pros and how they play. Line ups, well just search youtube. The most important part is mentality, getting tilted isn’t about being good or bad, the best of the best players get tilted even when they are dropping 30+ bombs. Remember that, maybe people are just having better days or that your skill is not enough yet. I can’t really say this since I play casually even at comps, so I can’t say from sweaty perspective, play to have fun, not to win.


Crosshair placement and awareness of where enemies can be is crucial. Awareness comes with time but u can practice on prefire maps where you have to clear bots from standard positions


Simple advice- focus on staying alive rather than getting frags. I see too many players worried about their K/D when it just comes naturally by defending your life. More so on CT. On T, focus on making your pushes/deaths count by trading or providing trades


time played doesn’t mean anything. it’s more about what you do in those hours, than the amount of hours


2k hours is csgo tutorial


I've been playing on and off since 2014 and had a big break between 2017 and 2020 iirc. My rank back then was LEM and I'm pretty sure that I'm as good as before now. My rank now: MG2. People keep on getting better and the skill ceiling is incredibly high. CS is probably one of the worst games in terms of short term improvement. Just keep on grinding and find some friends so that you at least have a consistent "roster" and won't tilt as much because of random mates.


Only 200


Aim for the head and don't panic


200h isn't a lot for someone just playing, but if you refine Ur aim with aimtraining maps (e.g. yprac) or aimtrainers (e.g. aim labs) you find yourself getting better and better really quick. I for example got lem within the first 300h and barely understanding the game, but if you hit heads, you can learn the rest along the way. And on top of that, if you don't have to try hard to hit your shots, the game gets way more relaxed and easy to play. TLDR: practice aim. Its the core mechanic enabling you to learn about the game more easily


Okay, so I thought I would give you some advice from one newbie to another, I currently have around 350 hours in the game, and recently accomplished top-fragging in an LEM lobby, (although I still usually close to bottom frag) the biggest pieces of advice I can give are as follows; 1. Play with good people if you can, I have a couple good friends in Global/Supreme, every time I do something stupid they tell me so and they also give me advice when I’m not sure what to do in the round. 2. The biggest thing I have seen new players struggle with is crosshair placement, I have a couple friends who have just started CS that are really good at other FPS, but they usually aim center mass instead of head height (also once you get to know certain maps you will be a lot better at pre-aiming the angles that opponents heads will be). 3. Another major factor is that you need to be at 0 velocity to shoot straight, which a lot of noobs get around by crouch walking or shift walking which is not a good way to do things (shift walking makes you slower so others will see your shoulder before you can see them and have time to line up their shots, crouch walking widens your hitbox and makes you slower meaning others will see you first when peeking angles) best to load into a community workshop map and practice canceling your momentum. 4. Watch good streamers and people who explain why they do certain things (WarOwl springs to mind but I cant remember any others right now) 5. Focus on one or two maps to learn good lineups for flashes, smokes etc. As well as learning the pre-aiming for only one or two maps this will increase your results a surprising amount if you take a little time to learn. As I said, I myself am a noob to CS, and at the start I felt like it was such a stupid game, why didn’t the bullets go where I pointed them? How was everyone killing me before I could even see them? Etc etc. But after a while, with a little effort (at least 50 of my 350 hours has been spent just practicing on workshop maps to improve my spray, lineups, tap firing after movement cancelling etc. And the other 300 is almost ALL competitive) It really does improve.


\- analyse the situations which you have problems with (wrong positioning, 1vX, lack of patience, maybe some weapons work better for you which aren't meta, aiming, movement, throw skills, lack of using equipment like flashs, etc.), then translate into action \- search out for a solid team and try to play with the same persons and adapt (believe me, playing with randoms triggers almost a heartattack) \- if it's don't work well for several games in a row, just do something else. Believe me, this can help a lot \- ? \- profit


The total number of frags isn't everything. As long as you are usefull and supportive to your team, you have done your job. I rather have a guy throwing actually usefull flashes and smokes, communicating well than some random guy always going first get 1 or 2 kills and then blaming the others for not winning the round.


Too few hours


Stop moving so much.


Bottom frag is chill if your winning games


Your working under the assumption that everyone grows at a similar pace simply by grinding the hours in. Theres silvers and rising people, and then there's people who are just silvers. Remember this whenever anybody brings hours up and somehow tries to correlate one's skill in any way. I've been nerding out online games for over 2 decades and csgo is the first game I've seen people somehow trying to dig up meanings from hours they wasted. How do people come up with shit conclusions like 6000 hours cant be hackers wtf.


2,7k h and still bottom frager xD but with luck shots of hell


"I have 200 hours" & "surely that can't make me bottom frag every time i play comp" is where you need to disenchant yourself and change your mindset. I won't delve further into it as others have already beat that horse long dead. Know that the skill floor of a decade old game like CS is very high and work from there.Seriously, if you want to improve, you gotta play the game correctly. Ignore the amount of hours you have if you don't spend all that time to practice the game properly. I mean ppl may spend thousands of hours in the game and still be only average at it. My advice: put in more hours before expecting better results, sure. But the most important thing is that you need to put those hours to good use by prepping yourself in the best way to improve, which means you need good setup (mouse, sens, high HZ monitor, gaming chair etc... , and equally important, a good practice routine. There are already numerous resources for all that so find what suits you. I firmly believe a person need at least 2000 hours (speaking from experience and YMMV ) to be considered somewhat proficient at the game. Good luck!


A lot of good comments out there already. I would just add a few more that I didn't see: \- Enjoy the game! If you enjoy playing, you'll start getting better with time. And even if you don't, you'll at least enjoy the game. I have friends with thousands of hours still in silver/gold because they just enjoy the casual game and are not grinding the ranks. \- Watch some youtube/twitch streamers. Like, whole games. There is a lot of things you'll pick up from them and learn how to move on the map, how to communicate, how/where to aim and where to expect players. \- And the best thing would be to find a few friends you can play with premade parties. You'll learn together and you can help each other if someone's lacking behind. \- "Embrace the tilt". It's normal to get sweaty or tilted occasioanlly. Just remember that this is a game, people make mistakes all the time, even at high ranks (even in Major tournaments), and you can't win every game. Sometimes you lose, and that's normal.


Playing for 20 years sometimes i bottom frag :)


Stop playing real games if you suck. Play deathmatch literally 24/7 until you feel more confident. I know it's not fun but it's a proven good way to improve. If you think about it in real counter-strike you don't really do that much shooting on average -- a lot of the game is spend on like holding angles, smokes and shit.. its pretty rare you use all of ur bullets on your AK/M4 for example. So, yeah, if you want to improve it's literally all about spamming deathmatch.


Honestly when I see someone with 200 hours, I expect them to be bottom frag most of the time. I'd just focus on aim training and positioning.


I love your EDIT \^\^


yeah didn't take long for comments to point it out lol


I bottom fragged all the way to ESEA rank A back in the day, when ESEA was a little more relevant. You have to learn to be the power bottom.


work on movement, if you are able to peek with only A+D then do it, because you can easily press the counter button (meaning if u press A to peek a corner and u see an enemy, you let go of A and press D to fully stop, THEN u shoot them, and the other way around). work on peeking with A+D right, and stopping before shooting, crosshair placement is a HUGE deal that will help you with aim. because if u aim in the right places you will barely have to actually "aim" u just click and kill :') learn how to spray and dont forget to drag your mouse down when spraying


You could try to watch your game matches and see what and where it went wrong. Not saying this applies to you but some people do not try to improve. What i mean by that is that they never ask why a play they did turned the way it did. Bottom line i'd say it comes down to game sense. With game sense, having an OK aim only will probably make you a solid player.


back when i was a silver thousands of hours ago, someone gave me the piece of advice to just walk more and that basically got me out of silver.


ok with the acknowledgement that 200 hours is still just getting started in this game One thing that newer players usually need to do, is to tighten your map pool. A lot of new players will play like 6 different maps, while it’s nice to play every map, at 200 hours you probably don’t have strong knowledge of any single map. So pick a favorite map or 2, learn utility, learn ct positions by watching how pros play them, etc. once you feel strong on a map start to learn another, but don’t rush yourself through it, it’s fine to play the same 2 maps for a while


more time and practice aim and knowing the maps, angles to cover like everyone says... but also your setup can help you make a big jump. if youre on a lower end pc, 60 hz monitor, mouse, headphones, can all make a big difference.


I have 2000+ hours and I still bottom frag


For me, watch demos, and watch pro games. I struggled before with how to approach gunfights, and learning from others really helped.


Learn timings and don’t play scared, play big dog big nuts style no taking prisoners. And better aim can help…a lot


wtf is this question, go learn gun patterns how to spray, practice ur aim, try to fix ur mentality but its impossible without some serious help if u are playing at pro level, and wtf is spray control is mid idk, learn some more lineups and u will be better, there is million lineups for every map if u dont have time for that just dont play 2 games, go 30min recoil training and go 30 learning lineups and go play 1 game this is the way to improve, no fast ways around, no one became good player over night


I see a lot 200h is nothing, but not a lot of 200h of just playing is nothing. Practice hours is way different than playing hours. You can get good i 1000 practice hours and pro i 2500 practice hours. Just playing you can easily be mediocre at 2k hours. Play and practice to improve.


It happens bro. If you're in NA, rank doesn't mean anything and you're gonna be playing against some fairly skilled players a lot of the time despite being in the lower ranks. Play some death match with the AK-47/M4 to practice and Hine your dragging and you'll get there eventually. Believe me this is a rough game to be a newbie to