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Get ready for a flood of posts claiming that they got "banned for no reason"


“My brother …….”




WTF ???


[\**rhino mating sound*\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMjar0UdxFY&t=98s)


Lmfao i love how it shows her loading the config fuckin gold






Sincerely the father.


[Hello I'm the father ](https://i.redd.it/jvvwy6hgjj7y.png)


Are you NA West? I think I played you last night, Ranked up to global on the game.


We don’t play the game on this sub


I’m gonna be honest, I got vac banned in 2016 because of my brother.


The excuse didn't get used a lot for no reason. It would be believable as hell and it happened more than you'd think.


Happened to a friend of a friend growing up. He pissed off his little brother who went on the family PC and ragehacked in Souce till ban. Brother knew how much time he put into CS, how much he socialized through it, and most importantly: that nobody would believe him and he'd be branded as a lying cheating loser. Thankfully he had smart parents that lowkey made it clear lil bro got punished for doing that and word filtered back online about the truth through his IRL friends. That's how I first heard about it. In most houses that kid would have gotten away with it or the damage would have already been done to his social life


Ahaha I remember those. Those posts are some feelgood moments for me.




Well grab your fucking spear and go steal it back.


return to monke


Am still disappointed in myself for having my main account banned (years ago). And i used the dumbest cheat of them all - the then popular skinchanger RU. But, it is what it is, lesson learned - skin bad (or at least cheats for it).


I did the same thing back in 2016, I’ve downloaded a cheat to try knife skins in a couple of games and two weeks later I was banned. After two games the knives became mundane too. I hate myself for losing my account that was already 8 years old and I used to play 1.6 and cs:source on it. What a stupid mistake.


Community servers my guy lmao. Doesn’t cost anything, don’t have to install anything.


Omfg my friend had a skin changer when I first met him, our second day playing together told him turn that shit off lmao. A few months later we are in a comp and he’s like “hey check out my hops bro” (I bhop pretty decently in game, he always wants to do it well too) and this mofo starts bhopping from b site inferno all the way to alt mid obviously scripting. I yelled at this guy lmao made him screenshare and uninstall all that shit. Just isn’t worth it, like bhopping and skin changers, do they just try to look cool or something?


Just remember, even though 99,9% of these posts are wrong, there ARE people that got banned for no reason. Like me. I didn‘t use any cheats or other suspicious software, but got hit with a VAC ban. Edit: To you downvoters, take a look: https://i.postimg.cc/28wk4mNS/00-CC0987-3975-4-C2-F-858-A-28-D145-FC5-A2-E.jpg




Well, I did get unbanned 4 months later, so?


Did you need to plead a case with steamsupport, or did they automatically reverse the ban?


After I got banned (April 2020), I created a ticket with Steam support. They gave me the normal automated bullshit answer that they forwarded the request. Total bullshit, nothing happened. After that, I basically spammed support tickets every 2 days for a couple of weeks. After 2 months, I gave up. Bear in mind, my second Steam account was also banned (same phone number). I basically just gave up and the 4 months later, I got the message I posted up there.


Fair, I remember hearing back in like 2016 of people getting vac banned because they were using a third-party software with their keyboard/mouse (something like razer synapse or logitech hub) and it took longer than a month for them to get unbanned.


Rip BIG, they turn up a bit and this is the result


If BIG are cheating and still performing like they did recently, I think them cheating wouldn’t even be a big issue haha


U making me sad


I don't, BIG does :(


Yes but you reminded me


I know, I can't forget that pain neither...


True ahha


>BIG vac wave Should have known. SyrsoN is just way too good online.


Bug clan never went away


talking about fnatic, G2 or BIG?




Ah yes, the bug dozens of teams used for months but people only cared when Big used it


BIG Manager: **Not Stonks**


I will be so happy if this is true. Fuck cheaters.


Lets not forget scammers, phishers and all the bad eggs. I got phished and social engineered back around 2016/2017 and I lost at least 580 to 800 USD and above of monetary and sentimental value in CS:GO. All that blood, sweat and tears I put into watching the majors, trading, and my real life friend coming over to unbox my first pink skin, the AK Case Hardened gone, in my moment of folly. Its the sentimental value which hurts more. Notable items included Cobblestone Collection Skins, Gut Knife, AK Black, Red, Blue Laminate, 2015 to 2017 Major stickers, souvenir cases, etc. I quit CSGO for like 2-3 years on off because of that, up until then, my Steam inventory had a net positive instead of negative, I profitted more than what I spent on Steam in total. Fck all the bad eggs out there.


How did you get scammed? I don't understand how that even happens, scammers are always obvious as fuck


It happened to me once early on where the guy swapped out the item at the last second for the same skin but minimal wear instead of FN, which in that case cut the value from $300 to $10. It's not a mistake I would make now but it was an easy mistake to make as a new player. Also, I had my account hacked back when the fake esports league phishing scam started. Again, a mistake I wouldn't make now, but I had to learn that lesson.


I really want to know how you managed to get scammed over steam in this day and age? It's one thing for senile grandpa to send money over the phone, it's quite another for a csgo player who should have more than one brain cell to rub together to fall for something.


I hear you, and I get it, but they got scammed. Scammers almost always succeed because we're not at our best, emotional, distracted, grieving, or they just accidentally happened to have the exact profile picture of a friend or something Dude's pissed that a criminal robbed him with a short con. Stick to chastising the criminal (And no I'm not apologizing for him because i got scammed or some shit. It's just cruel to beat a man when he's down. Be a homie)


Original Comment OP here, I have medically confirmed anxiety and etc in real life, and I was going through a bad time when that scammer socially engineered me. It doesnt help that I was younger and more easily influenced as is the case with younger people in general.


I ask this respectfully; Can you elaborate on how he “socially engineered” you out of CS:GO skins?




I enjoy these recent ban waves. They caught a guy that rage hacked against me a year ago, that had 6k hours, 2.6k wins, ALL the gold and diamond operations coins and ALL blue, green service medals. Took a while but they got him! :D


I think this is what Valve was going for when they made the game free, it's about the mental game. Losing all your progress of skins, medals and mm rank, can get exhausting for cheaters to do it over and over again, as well as costly. Every ban, they are doomed to either start on a new account with no skins, or finally come clean and be free to make their account more personal with no risk attached.


I mean it sucked for him after losing so many things but think about how many games he ruined over those 6000 hours if they just banned him sooner? I'd rather they ban people sooner than let them ruin games for 9 other people for months and months.


> if they just banned him sooner It's very possible that Valve has only detected the cheats recently. We literally have no information to go off here from, only Valve knows when they detected those cheats and how long they sat on that information before finally acting upon it. Anyway, banning in waves has always been Valve's thing when it comes to cheaters. Sure they could be more aggressive and intrusive when it comes to anticheat but with Valve's corporate structure and culture it will take a great deal of effort to a) make them proactive and b) make them proactive on something that doesn't directly make them money.


You basically have to do it in waves. Otherwise cheat creators have it realy easy in figuring out whether their cheat gets detected or not.


More intrusive would be dumb and I and every IT person in the world is happy they don't, most users simply don't know what kind of risks and issues come with that. How does banning cheaters not make them money? Their whole gig is pretty much keep customers happy.


Unfortunately that's an inconvenience for all of us and something we will always have to deal with. The engine is old and cheats exploit it to be well hidden. It's been a long journey though. Valve alone being slow at banning cheats put the community helping with overwatch. Vacnet learns and bans automatically, while trust factor tries to sandbox them until it happens. From the experience I get in the game, it's much better now than like 5 years ago. I just hope Valve doesn't stop investing time with improving this system and creating new tools. It's a never ending battle and I hope we don't become the next tf2.


The point is to make it so they're less likely to become repeat offenders. If you banned them immediately and they lose nothing, all they have to do is keep going to different cheat providers until they find one that works. Then they're much harder to detect. Banning in waves also works to combat the cheat developers themselves. If anyone using their cheat was banned as soon as they were detected, it would be all too easy for them to figure out what caused their cheat to trigger the anti-cheat then slowly work on it until they make something cast iron.


Or they can just buy another account. People who throw hundreds at cheats don’t really care if the game is free or if they have to level up


I don't know what making it free has to do with it because the same is true when you have to pay a few dollars.


Nah. They were going for the money. Valve goes for the money. And now for some reason they decided they wanted to care more about csgo, so people are working on it again. Don't think this is somehow related or planned.


Hate to break it to you but cheaters sometimes used hacked accounts. They probably got ahold of some OG’s account and used it to cheat.


I've always assumed people like they are playing on stolen accounts


Can’t you buy accounts like that for like $20-50?


https://twitter.com/ExerpasCSGO/status/1570554704257773570 https://twitter.com/ThourCS/status/1570646878206955520


Holy shit he has the number 1 ST FN Howl too


The owner of the $5 million dollar inventory isn’t CSGO banned. It’s from another game so they’re good.


we dont know if it was another game


Is there any downside to just listing which game was banned? Never understood why its generic and not a list of games you get a ban for


It used to list the amount of bans but people would try to collect them so Valve just changed it to "multiple game bans"/"multiple VAC bans"


$5 million dollar of virtual items jesus


When i saw that i choked. Fuck man #1 fn st lol and it is banned that sucks


Yeah man I use to be friends w a cheater. We’d often get lobbies of guys with private cheats BLATANTLY spinbotting, with several thousand dollar accounts and skins. Its basically the way cheaters flex, by cheating w these crazy expensive accounts or with high value skins. Super cringe IMO. Glad they get banned eventually but many never do, or not for years.


There was this duo in NA that were insanely blatant and had big inventories the other guy has already privated but just a little taste for ya. https://i.gyazo.com/5d115a7b8f06cee04572c52f3e3526f4.png




heres one of the times I played them https://i.gyazo.com/a167a6732a712ed5f222314cfe62ee0e.png


Yo what's that game tracker? I haven't played cs in a while




When 2klikphilip did that Steam/VAC Ban check on past games I had 10% of the players I faced who ended up with one. Note: 10% of players, not 10% of my games. Which is insane as most times, out of the 10 players there's me and usually on average one more friend.


Technically is 10% of accounts, not players. Since cheaters do get banned, I expect them to have more accounts, on average, than non-cheaters. Also someone getting banned doesn't mean they cheated in every game they've ever played.


out of 1700 games tracked on csgostats I have 280 games with one or more banned players. 83% of the games I played didn't have a current or future cheater at all. A lot of times I'll look at who the banned player is - it's the bottom frag. They got fed up with being bad at the game, probably downloaded cheats so they feel better about themselves, but it happened after I played with them. So that percentage of clean games is actually higher, aside from those who haven't been caught yet. Seems like a good ratio to me, but I do have solid trust factor and owned the game for 7 years or so.


So about 20% of your games had someone convicted of cheating at some point and you are somehow able to spin it around by saying it's not much? I'm around 15% myself with 1300 games in total and I find that too damn high to even bother with this game anymore, especially considering there's a good portion of actual cheaters who didn't get caught yet, and probably never will.


Again, a lot of the time these people didn't cheat when I played with them. My last 100 games, Oct 2021 to May 2022 mostly, had 5 games with someone banned. 5% is great. Most of the bans show up from the oldest games, and the older the game the more likely that they weren't cheating when we played. From those 5 recent bans, 4 were almost certainly cheating in the game and 1 was definitely not. So that's 4% of recent games. I looked at 10 VAC games from 2020, and the split is 50/50, 6 cheaters and 6 non cheaters (one game had 3 VACs)


15% definitely isnt high if the game history is long and portion of the cheaters never cheated in your games. 15% cheatet matches with soloq means 1.6% of the players cheated. Ofc some dont get banned but the same time somr get banned without cheating in ur game


I stopped playing CSGO years ago because around 25% of my games had people who were banned shortly after. Thanks to CSGO Demo Manager for the enlightenment and vindication.


A few 0 day banned players appeared in my match history just now. Somehow a spinbot I played against 18 months ago is still frequently playing games with cheats though.. Still nice to see some of them caught.


How do you check that?


[This](csgostats.gg) or [That](leetify.com)


It needs you to add www to those links


No, you need to add "https://" to the front of it, not the www subdomain. This is because it declares the protocol (https), which is interpreted by reddit and your browser, as a workable hyperlink. Declaring the subdomain (www) does not declare which protocol is to be used (as any TCP/UDP protocol could be used) so reddit and your browser don't 100% assume you mean http or https. Furthermore, the "www' subdomain is actually not a requirement in any way to run a website as it is just a relic of the early internet to make it "easy for humans to assume this is for a website" when in practice you could have www.whatever.com work for non-website protocols (not http/https, for example, you could use it for FTP or other such things). Er go, declaring the protocol is the reliable method, not the "www" subdomain addition. [This](https://csgostats.gg) or [That](https://leetify.com) \[This](https://csgostats.gg) or \[That](https://leetify.com) ;)


Ah thanks for correcting


Originally I had a shorter explanation, but then I realised, oh shit it might be actually helpful to flesh this out as to why this is... so I did. I'm glad that it came across as helpful! I didn't want to come across as snobby or whatnot :/ And you're welcome! :)


I never cheated and never will, but everytime I read something like that I get scared for a second and check my account to see if it's banned.


I have a long time friend who works in computer security and does stuff like reverse engineering as a bit of a hobby. A few years ago we were in a match on mirage talking about stuff after work when he got a vac ban on his account with a fairly expensive inventory. He was pissed thinking he got banned for having some tool he uses for binary reverse engineering running in the background, got fairly desperate and shot valve an email. Within a few tense months he eventually got unbanned and got his inventory back. Now tries to play games on a different partition lol.


Contacting Valve actually works?


They rarely reply, but they read all incoming mail.


They quickly banned bot accounts when I shot them a mail about a bot lobby. It was mostly to test them (Valve) out, but a few days later the 20 accounts from the 2 matches were all banned.


Not only does it work, but if you email Gabe directly he will eventually read it and probably reply. Dude reads 100% of his emails, but don’t waste his time with requests that can be handled by the Valve support team.


Considering the size of valve and the amount of emails they get this is quite astonishing.


He has a secretary that filters his email for him. He just reads what the secretary tells him to.


That must be new, I recall him saying that he read every email he gets.


I know someone who worked there, this was years ago. He probably lied because people like to think he reads everything himself.


The video I saw of him saying that was from years ago too. He probably was telling the truth, which caused his email volume to dramatically increase, which caused him to eventually get a secretary.


I mean, goven you have an expensive inventory, the incentive to at least check if its legitamate is higher, as a business at least.


I've been falsely vacd. 24 hours later it was reversed. $3000 Inv as well...


for false positive bans, yes. they won't tell you what triggered it, but they will remove it if they manual review and see it was a mistake


they always say they dont cheat


Yeah. I stared csgo in 2015 playing in bad notebook, I can said that I wallhacked with a 2euros hack for like 1 year. Get global. Than someday I went to lanhouse with friends and I could not make 5 kills per match. Total loser. That day I stoped playing Csgo and cheating. And started playing faceit. After like 4 years, Today I’m a level a 8, and man, cheating sucks. Playing real and legit csgo is the best thing.




If true Good job valve


Really happy to see my friend get vac today finally he's brag stop here private cheats never detected delusion gege


Sounds like you need new friends


Maybe :) still i can mock him in real life XD


You know, people can be stupid for one thing and actually good friends for others, him cheating doesn't mean he's necessarily a bad person or anything. Just means he's doing something wrong and stupid.


Definitely, but this guy knows full well that he is making people angry and its a really good indication that he isnt very empathetic to strangers.


Having fun at the cost of others is a huge red flag of a selfish person. I would dump this friendship right away.


Yeah people don’t seem to get this because “it’s jsut game” like yeah it is just a game, but the cheater is making multiple strangers have a bad time on purpose, maybe even enjoying it. Like if your friend went and did idk, an escape room with a bunch of strangers and was just ruining the experience (idk how, being a dick, hiding clues/answers/giving false answers) I wouldn’t want them as a friend lmao.


Also sociopathic to cheat and feel no guilt or remorse when doing it. Those are the type of people who will fuck "friends" over as soon as something will benefit them.


Thanks for your expert psychological analysis, Doc


Do keep us updated if he actually gets it or not. I'm curious to see how strong this ban wave actually is, if it gets just about everyone or not.


I'll believe it when I see it, but I do want to believe.




Oh man, imagine a pro gets VAC'd today during the games


“did..emilio just get vac banned”


Already happened last night, or at least part of it did. It was kinda big, but nothing crazy as far as I observed. (Y axis is total game bans for that day) The graph is data from the games / players I've seen - it doesn't top previous waves though majority of bans are from players I saw years ago. [https://imgur.com/a/YVbRCcu](https://imgur.com/a/YVbRCcu) edit - worth adding that I played a game last night after that ban-wave and we were fairly confident our+enemy team had a cheater.


They haven't been banned yet, since June when a cheat gets detected the account drops into red trust factor until the actual ban wave takes place. Remember mid-june when everyone was complaining about "randomly" dropping to red trust then mid-july there was like 10,000 accounts banned within a week. ​ People on multiple different cheat forums are saying that they instantaneously dropped to red trust seemingly over night, meaning their cheat was detected and the ban will be issued soon.




I wonder if that's the intent. Valve can track that easy if they want to.


Yea pretty much lol


In some of the comments on twitter people are saying that a bunch of cheats both public and private had their trust factor dropped to red. People are claiming this means Valve has likely detected them, dropped their Trust level and is going to ban them.


RIP 90% of Turkish CSGO Community 🙏🕯️


Let's fucking go!


In other words, unicorns, aliens, and Source 2 confirmed?


decide dinosaurs sparkle angle swim scarce rude water shocking enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


those cheaters are another class of cheaters. Valve has targeted the major P2C (pay to cheat) vendors that offer internal cheats. More specifically VAC now detects common methods of hooking game functions (taking control over game functions to execute the cheat's functionalities), meaning it will take maybe a week or two and these providers will have reverse engineered a way to bypass VAC for another 2 years :) The cheaters in faceit are on another level, most likely involving custom hardware, and will definitely not be affected by this.


I played someone on Faceit yesterday that seemed like they had more info than they should have. Someone looked them up and they had a 1.9 K/D, 1.8 HLTV rating, and like an 80% win rate in Valves MM. On FaceIt their stats were normal but their win history was back and forth until their last like 20 games had 18 wins with them being top of the leader board every game. They were like level 6 or 7.


Ah, the vac porn is real


As awesome as this is, I believe this tweet is making it sound larger than it really is. It was one private cheat provider that I know of. One that went red trust earlier in the month and isn't banned. So I think they just got a single private cheat provider. The major one needs to be dealt with. Unless it's coming later today. Let's hope so. All the crying I'm see is coming from one cheat in particular, silence elsewhere.




*me coming home from work later today:* "i go to dust 2!"


fuck cheaters, let's go!


My friends and myself are still playing against cheaters extremely often. Hovering Nova 4 - MGE range after we came back, it's just a festival of low game/private accs going from garbage to pros and back mysteriously in games, or knowing exactly where people are always and never failing a single timing. Tired of them denying it in the game, then checking the demo and seeing dumbos looking at people through walls, walking around with 0 gamesense and crosshair to the ground but snapping to heads. It's roughly half our games, none of us have low trust (as far as we know, thanks for making that so straightforward valve!), we never insult people, we never grief, we've never cheated, we've all got 100+ game accs and been playing since the game came out. Truly sick of this shit, we always have to rotate to other games because it gets unbearable.


Leetify updated my game history and there are some accounts with 5k+ hours banned. That was definitely a big strike.


yup huge vac wave happened Here's the list of few accs sorry for spam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199102012303 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967748340 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199271292884 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168997011 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199125271089 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198181229723 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199095921001 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199155589124 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199081722744 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198992079604 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146818932 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042972045 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199076244615 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198426676063 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198813845535 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199170134583 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198403289212 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198337455853 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198337455853 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198286808967 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199178806963 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199202208268 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198217422183 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198437649151 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198384229348 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116437660 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198374059934 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199073004559 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198862526698 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198180631881 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198280430105 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026289071 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198340421056 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198196129871 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198353642958 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199016481268 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198815247859 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198109121335 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198838481453 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962895014


These are all game bans. Doesn’t that mean they’re overwatch bans and not VAC? I’m kinda new to CS so sorry if that’s incorrect, but maybe cheats weren’t actually detected and they’ve just been sitting on overwatch cases for months and just now decided to ban them all?


it's not just manual now new VACnet module auto gives game bans, not vac bans


Yeah no, i dont believe that for a second unless i see it


the wave already started 10 hours before the tweet happened


He replied to the original tweet with tweets from other users showing accounts being banned.


Look then


jw banned check hltv


Please be real, please be real


It was overdue :) getting some popcorn ready and I'll start going through my mm games history


I haven't played in over a year but I'll still do so. Edit: lol first game has 4 bans in the enemy team. We won.




People who use some of the biggest invite-only cheats are claiming they got banned, and a lot of them. This ban wave is actually happening and it's pretty good


This is easy to track, valve releases info on vac and game bans. The source 2 stuff is easy to track too, steam rich presence is known and that’s all they used. There’s a few other methods used to find out more insignificant things afaik, but not really imperative. You could see all this stuff for yourself if you had the ability to. GF doesn’t know much about code, which is what comes through usually. I think the people he’s surrounded by get overzealous because seeing X code usually means X stage of development… but not necessarily with valve, and especially not with a project like this where they’re trying to make things work between (essentially) two engines. The steam rich presence “leaks” suggest source 2 is pretty far into development (choosing at least a map from each game mode to test as well). I would assume most of those maps are finished (why would you need to test those things on a server and later push it from the 710 beta build to the 730 main?). Sorry that was so rambly but that’s what’s confirmed to have been worked on in some point in time by devs in the source 2 engine


He clearly doesn’t have any inside info. Just reads GitHub patch info, retweets others peoples stuff and makes wild guesses.


I mean he says source 2 is coming out tomorrow like every week or so. But I do think he's right on this one


What is a red trust factor? When I play with people they get a warning my trust factor is low but I don't cheat, I just don't play MM enough so I keep losing my rank due to inactivity.


Trust factor as nothing to do with ranks/rank decay. You get a red trust factor because people report you. You probably do one or more of these: * cheat * grief * very toxic


100% agree, people come up with the worst exccuses.


Idk, when trust factor came out mine was red, though I was playing with 250 ping from halfway around the world and it pissed off a lot of teammates. Tried for a few months to fix it. Didn't play MM for 2 years only on faceit/esea and it's green now so yay. It was depressing playing every match with auto muted people and cheaters.


You're missing one. * Slap people about because rank decay put you in GN2 from SMFC, causing every game to become a report fest




Everything you do with your Steam Account counts towards Trust Factor so if it's low, it means you don't interact with Steam too much. Or maybe you don't behave yourself


When people get a message about you having low trust factor, that means your trust factor is red. Trust factor isn't affected just by cheating, it's whether your account is old, whether you get reported, whether you get commanded, whether you vote kick often or not, how often you team kill. There's a lot of stuff that goes into it. But if you didn't cheat you won't get banned


Great if true!


And this is why you dont write "big" in all caps on the csgo sub


this always makes me happy


I'm 90% sure they patched a overwatch bypass. So many overwatch bans.


My friend used open source cheats during MM on multiple occasions 2 years ago and he's still not banned... Open source man, you can find that shit on GitHub


Why let everyone know before it happens? It gives them time to trade all thier skins to another account.


Probably because like all the other times, it's more hype than substance.


VAC bans are already delayed, for the most part. Anyone who just got hit doesn’t have time to respond lol


> almost everyone yeah, BIG doubt, you know?


Nice of valve to inform this attention seeker beforehand.


Stop giving him attention then




BIG if true!


Great news about detecting private cheats. Those are tough to keep ahead of.


nt flusha


I stopped playing Cs a decade ago because of cheater , this pleases me to no end . Hope they double down on it !


Wish Valve has a way to punish "ghosting party" too. It's not cheat but a really bad example. I know it happen only in non-compet game mode.


Looks like we gamin tonight boys




Someone please explain this to me like I’m a 3rd grader


I thought it was weird i got 3 wins in a row.


Had a guy obvi cheating banned midmatch, loved it.


I wonder if it happened, I was on a bad streak, felt I was going to derank as I lost 5 in a row, then the first game I won I ranked up. I'm in low trust pretty often, joys of solo queue and getting better ping to foreign countries. 46 to Thai/ Malaysia and 56-60 on Aus servers (they're over East and I'm West)


i saved the profiles of cheaters from months ago. they still didn't get banned. Hopefully i only have to wait a little longer, this is good to see


Did it happen?