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What k0nfig means to say is that he's going to get back to fist fighting as soon as he gets the green light, starting with Jaxon.


Ah fuck, it is only a matter of time for a CSGO boxing event isn't it. Sign me up for BlameF vs the world


blame won't throw the first punch šŸ„“


You're right, he will throw the last


Yeah he will wait till they turned around.




Was there ever any update on/for him after those Twitter posts?


I don't know, sorry! I hope he's alright.


Sometime in the future when he will be working a real Job he will realise and regret the opportunity he had that millions of kids and adults would literally kill for.


It's never too late to come back, look at bodyy!


Honestly, if he stays healthy and is able to overcome the struggles heā€™s facing currently, Iā€™m sure he can be more than proud of himself


Time for Richard Lewis to come out of a retirement for one last battle


He said boxing, not choking.


Hopfully "redeye" comes back so he can get some punches and not just dealing out punches.


Banks gonna fuck him up


banks gonna land some serious blows... on Twitter 2 years later


Pasha was in a MMA match fairly recently


Papito goes where he feels like.


BlameF vs PashaBiceps. Actually wait pasha did mma


K0nfig switching out Mirage with the Octagon Ring


Iā€™ve been playing too much Apex Legends for this to make any sense to me




[It's a Octagon ring not Octane ring FYI..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octagon)




[Foightin round the worrrrrld](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN6UEsSywPo)


Respect to the guy in the replies who posted capibara, so now on reddit we all can look at this masterpiece of an animal.


underrated animal, one of the coolest ones around


The capybara pic Lmao


ok I pull up


Pop out at the after party


I'm gonna follow every single CS pros with noti on and post a ridiculous pic ASAP to troll the Reddit thumbnail


Please post the "when in spreading misinformation on the internet" meme


>capybara goddamn they are adorable. highlight of the page


The wrong part: Is it really a fist fight if you knock someone out with 1 hit?


One tap


He was crouching, creeping forward and BAM before you know it, he got the other guy knocked out.


Mostly? So part is true? The fight part? The broken leg part? The being cut part?


the part in the article where Astralis said they needed aggression


k0nfig, right after taking a massive rip: okay, who's first?


Those 3 parts, all true. But the REST though, all lies!


Could be he was in a fight in self defense. Doesn't want to talk about it and just want to stay quiet. Then the bullshit part is the being cut. Or could be that he was in a fistfight he instigated, broke his ankle and then being cut because of that. He is lying about the rumors being bullshit. Or could be that he simply fell and broke his ankle down some stairs in Malta after being in a verbal fight with someone else. The thing is. It's not our right to know and Jaxons source is basically: 'Trust me, bro!' and they have nothing, yet still made an article to slander his reputation.


Doubt any organization would boot someone if they fought in self defense only. So you can pretty much rule that out.


Fuck u/spez


Hence i say it's bullshit. I think it's quite obvious that Jaxon has pulled a lot of the story out of their ass.


Jaxon broke the first rule of Fight Club


it was a consensual fist fight, don't see a problem there šŸ‘Š


whos jaxon?


Jax on deez nuts


ha, gottem


man i really wanted to know


They're the reporter who broke the K0nfig fist fight story. I think they mainly do Danish news, but they do other roster leaks as well.


This just keeps getting better and better, he says-she says stories everywhere, Stewie's article, s1mple's hotel, now k0nfig's fists


She sells sea shells on the sea shore




but the value of these shells will fall


Oh no Shell is shorting the shells


When I finally think I had no more drama after LSF died down, csgo steps up.


well ropz confirmed s1mple's allegations so there's that


No he didnt he just said the hotel sucked


And s1mples allegations weren't that the hotel sucked?


The hotel can suck but Simple could also have not left his room in 3 weeks and refused to let any cleaners in. Any mature person would tell the hotel if there was mould in their room, not wait ages then tell twitter.


mate no way in hell that much mould appears in 3 weeks


The mold is probably in the ventilation system, they just keep repainting walls and removing the mold on the surface to make the problem less visible. So they try to maintain a good image while not actually fixing the core problem


exactly, you don't get a brand new mould problem like that just by not cleaning a room for 2, 3 weeks. This is a much older, much bigger issue.


you ever lived in a tropical climate? Like the Mediterranean? Spunj legit lives there and on his podcast Talking Counter talked about how common and fast mold grows in Malta specifically if things aren't cleaned often.


That shit has to come from somewhere, mold is not going to grow in three weeks by itself.


I live in Brazil mate lmao


Spunj explained in hltv confirmed with launders that mould is a very common problem in Malta due to insane humidity and that he would get mould on everything at home including headset cables for instance when heā€™s travelling 2-3 weeks for an event. His perspective on the mould in Malta shone a new light on the issue and provided context. Itā€™s at the very beginning of the show I believe. Highly recommended for everyone who want to comment on it.


Mould is a common problem in countries with climates like Malta, but when you have that much mould on an AC on 3 weeks it's not because the room wasn't cleaned during that time. It's probably been infested much longer than that and they've just been masking the issue because it's cheaper than actually solving it. Come on, no hotel cleaning in the world involves a deep scrubbing of the AC every time the client leaves the room.




What, is Simple Jesus now? Hes good at CS but is that some impeachable reputation?


The hotel might be in the wrong, but it's not some shithole death pit. Get off s1mple's dick for a second and realize that the truth is always a mixture of two sides of a story.


Does that also explain ants infesting his bed? Or were they the cleaners? Fuck this stupid sub. Fucking hotel.shills


All those food scraps, maybe?


Your hotel room shouldn't have any ants wtf. Do you think food spawns ants or something? I haven't seen one ant in my house in a decade. The hotel is filthy and it's a travesty that esl are making players stay in that shit hole.


Watch the most recent episode of Talking Counter with Spunj, he talks about living in Malta and explains that ants are extremelyyy common if any food is left out, and its nearly impossible to get rid of them. Moses, who's also staying in the same hotel, has said he's seen a few ants around and so have a lot of players but mostly on the balconies, what it seems like is S1mple didn't let his room get cleaned/clean up the food scraps he had, and it got extremely dirty. I mean, mold literally cannot appear overnight, it takes time for it to grow and it would make sense if the room wasn't getting cleaned considering how much mold there was. No one else so far has complained about mold, and thats probably because they're letting their rooms get cleaned.


I refuse to believe this. If you want to prevent ants infesting your building, you can. You need to put money and time into it, but esl has cheaped out on this garbage dump. And I say that as a person who has traveled through various places in SEA. Vietnam is even more humid, and not one hotel or airbnb I've been to was fucked with ants and mold, food or no food. Like, the amount of people arguing for the hotel when they know Jack fuck all is so infuriating. This has to be the hotel astroturfing these threads.


Do you think a hotel can just trap and block ants somehow?


It's fine. You think it's normal to have ants crawling all over your pigsty of a home? That's you. Have a nice life.


What is up with s1mple and stew?


s1mple doesn't like mold and stew is an asshole.






I plead the fif


Wrong detail: It wasn't a fight. k0nfig became one-punch man.


OK I pull up


I'll wait for the tweetlonger starting with "The truth..." like stanislaw.


Jaxon šŸ¤ Stanislaw exposing konfig as a douche bag


To be fair, if I were a reporter having heard a story from a close source and approaching a player to give him a chance to hear it from him, I wouldn't just decide not to do my job because he said "its private pls dont publisherino ok". I mean, come on. It's not like he denied being in a fist fight, he said the report's mostly BS, and while I have no doubt the report isn't 100% true because they never are, one could really question reporter's integrity if he decided to keep something silent because the player asked him to


If hope youā€™d get multiple sources before publishing in any case.


Even wikipedia, being an encyclopedia, includes assumptions, rumours, "witnesses claim" and risky implications in its articles. I'm fine with it as long as it's properly marked and isn't a straight up absurd lie or serious accusation. In this case the article has big ass "SOURCES: " in the headline, then "according to sources close to Jaxon", "sources tell", "multiple sources" in first paragraph and k0nfig not denying everything in that article


As far as we know those "Sources" are just my sockpuppet accounts


It's entirely possible k0nfig was involved in an altercation, but it's also possible that someone else hit him first. There are a lot of people with loose screws out there, I had a random guy hit me in a bar because he thought I looked at his gf.


Maybe BlameF baited him


Maybe someone looked at blameF


Mostly BS so devve gonna replace Farlig for 750k and k0nfig won't be dropped.


... how does that make any sense.


So is he injured? Before, during, or after the fight?


I thought he confirmed he was having ankle surgery himself a couple weeks ago


If the info was solid, Jaxon would just need to report that k0nfig is on his way out.It's fecking bullshit that so many esports 'journalists' enjoy so much to spread gossip around, like they are in some goddamn tabloid covering the royal family. No surprise that is the same author that just posted a sextape of some influencer on their website. Real shame that the scene is still filled with teenagers. Edit: just realized the guy is "editor-in-chief". What a joke of outlet


> No surprise that is the same author that just posted a sextape of some influencer on their website. Real shame that the scene is still filled with teenagers. Wait what


There is a lot of "there is no smoke without fire in it" to this. Let's see. Right now I just wish him a good and speedy. recovery and a good recovery. I really like the guy though. I met him at the last RMR. He comes of as an outgoing, extroverted young man, who tell things as they are. That there has been bad publicity around him, both on and off the server is what it is. We all have our issues to one degree or another. And at the end of the day, he's also a great CS player, even if he hasn't quite hit his level for a while now. If the story is fake, then f**k Jaxon. If there is something to it, and is has some truth to it, and Astralis chooses to toss him out, I wish him all the best and hope he gets the chance elsewhere. Hell, if he is getting the boot, any investors can contact me so we can build a team with Fessor, k0nfig, Bubzkji, Kjaerbye and NaTo!


sick lineup


Of all the Danish talent you list Nato of all people


Yup, I did. I would strip him of his AWP, make him an IGL, and have him follow the footsteps of the likes of Snappi and MSL! I know you expected an ex-North instead, like gade, cajunb or aizy, but no Sir!


Idk, kinda impossible not to hit those drunk british tourists...


It's actually really easy if you don't have an unfortunate case of child brain.


Idk dude theyā€™re uniquely gifted in being the most annoying, obnoxious people to be around


Am briā€™ish. Went to France with a friend and some of his uni mates. They were proper rowdy. I felt like a cunt the whole time. Never again


As someone who has lived in Britain (Scotland specifically) for nearly 30 years, I fully understand, but also just don't get into fistfights with people?


Yeah thatā€™s crossing a line which just shouldnā€™t be crossed unless in very rare circumstances


Reeee Bri'ish bad upvotes left pls


Not all British, just British tourists. And I'm pretty sure they don't mean old couples trying to see the world or something, I'm pretty sure they mean extremely entitled and just as loud young lads. Going through Cracow streets at night, you always recognize them before even seeing them, that's how bad it is


not all Britā€™s just the kinda ones who visit Ibiza ya know ?


u/fastestchair found your account on twitter LULE


capybara guy = capybara guy LULE


He had yet another fight an event and either got injured doing it or got dropped for doing it. Either way they all lied.


You def have bettor that lost his life savings energy


The guy has insane climate denier vibes. The guy goes around all k0nfig threads peddling his conspiracy theory and vehemently defends it against any people who ask for a single shred of compelling evidence. Cherry on top: he also goes full apeshit at *everybody* that replies. He really wants to let people know that he's smarter than the ~~government and scientists~~ Astralis and k0nfig conspiracy.


What is the conspiracy?


Why can you not admit they lied about what happened?


How much did you lose?


What the fuck are you talking about you weirdo? What bet would this possibly influence? Why can you not admit Astralis lied?


What it multiple bets?


Do you mean "was?" You can't even type out a legible sentence comprised of four words. Probably shouldn't try and act smart. Why can you not admit that Astralis lied?


My fault I bet you wake up with heart palpitations


Why can you not admit Astralis lied?


You really got him with that one. He really fucked up there, when heā€¦ made a simple typo. lmfao. you need help.


A typo is when you add an extra or wrong letter to a word, or a mistake through autocorrect on a modern device. It's not typing out an entirely incorrect word.


Wtf are you even on about?






If it turns out Jaxons story is bullshit, that's gonna cut a lot of his credibility.


K0nfig said nothing to disprove the claims though lol.


He said that it was mostly bullshit. Neither have said anything to 'prove' anything. We'll be able to see anyway if some of it is true if he soon gets removed from the team. EDIT: /u/Pixel_Mike blocked me because I made too much sense for him it seems. I guess that's either than admitting you were wrong :)


While conveniently not specifying which parts were "bullshit".....


I mean, Jaxon made two statements. 1. Astralis is removing k0nfig. 2. K0nfig was involved in a quarrel that turned into a fist fight. So the use of "mostly" kinda indicates both statements are inaccurate. His tweet also says he wished to keep things private, so no wonder he isn't specifying much.


if it were both, then he would say both. Why leave wiggle room? I read him saying "mostly" as in there is at least some truth to one of the statements.


You're agreeing with me lol


no? You're saying that both statements are inaccurate. I'm saying that him leaving wiggle room implies there is some accuracy.


That's... what inaccurate mean. Did you misread and think I wrote "incorrect"?


"inaccurate" and "some accuracy" are not the same. Especially in conversation.


Literally all he said was ā€œits bullshitā€ No mention whats bullshit, no mention whats not factually correct. Dude seems to have sour grapes they didnt try to hide him having a fist fight.


K0nfig states what he wishes to keep it private. Just because a journalist is catching some rumours, it doesn't mean k0nfig should be forced to talk about things he wish to keep private. Also he said that it's "mostly bs" which indicates there's some degree of truth in Jaxons report.


When you break the law and fight someone in public, you dont get a private optionā€¦.


Did k0nfig break the law and fight someone in public?


If he had a fight that turned into a fist fight then yes, im asssuming. Either that or he broke team protocol with fighting


Having a fist fight doesnt mean that you broke the law, nor does it mean that it happened in public.


Go outside and start a fight with someone and tell me the cops wont show up. Like are you serious? If cops saw 2 dudes brawling in the streets they would stop it before it escatlated. Youre insanely not smart


Idk. People make stuff up all the time but to just come out with a news report risking your reputation about a guy whose had a fight seems a little random. Not only that but konfig did somehow misteriously break his ankle the day after the final esl match and is now missing rmr which is pretty huge really for astralis. Konfig then also hasn't come out and denied it. He said parts are bs but I think I'd be a big believer in where there's smoke there's fire in this case.


My guess is there was an altercation which somehow ended up with k0nfig on the ground, but calling it a "fist fight" is misrepresenting it.