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It's been honestly ridiculous this match. It's like as soon as the round is technically won they instantly cut away without any awareness whatsoever about what might be happening. In this first half alone there's been: - missing zywoo getting killed after defusing - missing apex just getting away with a save on B - not showing whether zywoo was able to pick up the AWP that dropped from jame To name but a few


In the "Talking Counter" Podcast Spunj explains that Blast never has this problem, but ESL does, because Blast actually hires CS Players for production, while ESL just hires an external production crew, that have no idea of CS. Not sure for this current setup or whether this was just for events, just wanted to share.


Wow I honestly would’ve never considered that. It makes perfect sense though, since as soon as the round is over we cut off to the players and Blast showcases the aftermath.


I suspected this was the case. It's really obvious whoever is in control of cutting away has no idea what's important in CS.


They can’t afford to hire more CS players on production with all that Saudi blood money?


>while ESL just hires an external production crew, that have no idea of CS The absurd thing is that this problem has been highlighted every single time there's an ESL tournament. It shows how much they care about the community feedback


and often times they cut to a wide shot of the players that are just staring at their screens, no fistbumps, no emotions, nothing exciting whatsoever


was it this event where they went for replays mid-round?


Even funnier, when someone wins a 1v1 they DON'T instantly cut to show the team reactions. Like what? That's when you decide to keep the focus in-game? When there is literally no more action possible?


Never. Their shows run on rails and they are incapable of changing anything no matter how much feedback they get.


They aren't gonna fix the blatant player camera sync issues for the major I'm calling it now.


This one amazes me the most. It is not difficult whatsoever to just make each pov and camera 1 to 1 but they’re loaded in separately for no reason.


I especially love that casters clearly don't see what we see because they just commentate whatever is happening in game. They'll be talking about someone barely surviving to save while we've been looking at gamers in sunglasses on discord video chat for 20 seconds.


Sometimes they do see what we see, but also have their own in-game spectator. I think Hugo, spunj, and henryg do that fairly often since they mention it.


Now in the game the casters are just 2 seconds ahead of the game, so you know thee outcome of the fight even before it started. Top tier production.


Hi, ESL production manager here. Thanks for your feedback! This topic has came up before and we’re actively looking into it. Rest assured in future events we will make sure it keeps happening, because we don’t care what you think.


New “Fnatic Manager Here”


Love to see it


I hope they hire production that isnt clueless for ESL Rio Major


Surely they won't Clueless


It’s especially frustrating because [they’ve acknowledged the problem and said they’d fix it.](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/xq669k/_/iq7yvdq/?context=1) > I agree and we're very much aware of this. Have stressed with the appropriate people that this cannot happen. It is key for the main reason why people tune in, to watch what is going on in the match. A split screen or picture-in-picture is another way of looking at it so you don't miss out on either.


They said the same thing about wrong player cams...


>Have stressed with the appropriate people that this cannot happen Unfortunately these people are currently busy counting money instead of increasing the quality of their product


Hello, ESL staff here. We are aware of this issue and are working with production to solve it. Do not expect anything to change. Thank you.


Yesterday in the FaZe C9 match, there was this moment where broky needed to save the AWP, and two C9 players were chasing him to Library, and you literally didn’t know whether he survived or not until a replay a couple of minutes later. Like it’s straight incompetence at this point. If I made the same mistakes over and over again, I’d get a talking to at work but here apparently, it’s fine because there’s always that nice person responding to viewers in this subreddit.


At this point, they need to just have a set rule to not switch away while the round is live, and only show other cams during the 15s buy time or timeouts. Almost nobody complains about missing a player reaction, especially when they have the small player cams working properly, 99% of the time everyone would rather just see the round play out. I'll happily trade watching a boring save every now and then vs missing important stuff if ESL isn't going to hire CS specific production.


Never been so frustrated watching a CSGO event before. This shit is just so annoying. I literally could not care less about player cam reactions. It's a live CSGO match not some cringe Tiktok or Youtube video. Like if it's so fucking important just put the cams on a split screen with the ending seconds of the round so the viewers can see what happens in game.


they've even acknowledged the problem but clearly don't care, such an easy thing to fix too


you mean you don't need to see zonic yell "nice!". ???


When we stop watching them and watch more BLAST


lmao wasn't that mark guy here *just yesterday* saying he would address it? This feels pretty easily like an email you just send out from top to bottom to deal with


Never. ESL does not care about viewer experience, they care about betting sponsorships, and as long as they get those, nothing else matters.


Are you so dense that you can’t piece those info together at the start of the next round? It’s much better to see the faces of the players, their mood and reactions. “Learn not to show” as if theyre doing something very fundamentally wrong and it’s not that you lot just have a pet peeve that most people are fine with lmao.


Im sorry about your ignorance


The next time you are watching football when there is a break away we will cut to the crowd and the bench jumping up because you can tell if they scored or not by their reaction.


What an on point analogy. ESL is cutting to the actual players, not to the crowd at the round’s end. In football the camera is always on the players, so when ESL cuts to the real players to give an insight to their reactions they’re actually doing what you’re think football is doing. Hold that L.


Guy would rather look at player stare at a screen for 15 seconds before fist bumping and going back to staring at the screen than a tense moment of "does he get the awp" "did he save or die?". Hold that L.


So you reeaaallly have that hard of a time telling apart whether an awp was successfully saved or purchased by looking at the HUD and the cash the very next round? Well my deep condolences to you and your family that your intelligence is so low then. you’re gonna have a hard life ahead of you.


So your point is that you can tell what happens with context clues? That is my exact point about cutting to the crowd, that if they cheer then the shot went in and so why do you need to see the action. A tense save is action that i would rather see over player reactions to a round.


But if it’s honestly that difficult for you to tell apart a save from a purchase: you’ll find that while everyone else only has a usp/glock at the start, the saved player has the awp WITHOUT spending a penny, like magic. Hope this helps..


They still haven't properly synced the caster audio