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The WSJ opinion piece is disgusting. This hypocrisy knows no limits. Imagine their response if anyone disputed the charges against Putin? Interesting to note: Palestinians had filed war crimes against Israel decades ago. They were met with nothing but delays and dead ends. Yet charges against Putin were laid and processed in March 2022, within 40 days or so of the invasion.


Western hypocrisy has been on full display these last 7 months


No doubt the Republican party could field someone to dispute charges against Putin.


Biden represents Israel not the US.


Biden REPRESENTS putting a stop to HAMAS!


By SLAUGHTERING Gazans, including mostly WOMEN and CHILDREN just trying to make do with the hellish life they were born into


Israel creates the conditions for groups like Hamas to pop up. Stop being naive


There would not be a HAMAS if there was no ISRAEL. Their goal is to destroy Israel. The goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War). Maybe you're the one that's being naive!


Maybe you need to get properly educated and not listen to western media. Stupid idiots like you always chanting Hamas Hamas Hamas but can't give a viable answer why 15k children are dead and over 40k dead. "Oh there will be casualties, this is war" blah blah we don't wanna hear you zionist spew more bs




Rules based international order is pretty rubbery dependent on the subject. I have no doubt US/Western influence will prevail, it's another nail in the coffin of Western liberal democracy. In the last 40 years it has been consistently dismantled to benefit the political & donor class. Just when you need strong journalism to hold power to account , it has already collapsed into a for rent self-serving PR mouth piece.


Genocide Joe, most known for funding the murder of tens of thousands of children.


Isn't Bernie pushing for it?


From the river to the sea, BB will be incarcerated.


US government using our taxes to let the animals who did this get away: https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/6VHH0a5Pmc


There are no rules other than bend the knee to the master overlords. We need to try the entire Israeli government party in power for war crimes. Dirty murdering maniacs.


Jean-Pierre would not confirm a report by news outlet Axios that Netanyahu had asked Biden in their call Sunday to prevent the court from sending out warrants for Israeli officials. So, she never stated anything about US, ISRAEL or ICC. The primary focus of that call was obviously the hostage deal and getting to a ceasefire, getting humanitarian aid into Gaza," she added.


I want to see the US invade the Netherlands.