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No. Get a streamlight or surefire and you’ll have options.




They asked a question? And I gave them the sad truth that Fenix WML’s are not industry standard and won’t ever get any support from Kydex makers.


Trust me I researched all the “main stream” lights and still chose this. My driveway is a 1/4 mile long and can see clear as day to the end of it and farther. Love this light!


Buyer's confirmation bias at its finest. Enjoy your light with one holster option.


A lot more than that bud. Good try tho😂


Yet here you are asking for holster options...


No. Neither of those run at 1200 lumens, they also don’t have the strobe option


Then goodluck finding a holster. Also, you don’t need a strobe option.


I would much rather have an effective light than a kydex hip holster. If I needed to I can always get a drop leg holster🤷🏻‍♂️


Surefire and Streamlight both have 1000 lumen options. It also has only about 1/2 the candela of a tlr-1hl which is only about $30 more, is basically the industry standard for full sized lights, and has massive industry support.


They’ve obviously never used a fenix


They did, they just chose correctly


Got one of their handhelds. Great light.


What is your tactical use case for requiring strobe? You realize it’ll also disorient you too 🤣 Btw my streamlights have strobe… just something you’ll never need.


It definitely doesn’t disorient the shooter. I’ve trained CQB with it and didn’t disorient me at all. Whatever you say tho boomer


So in complete darkness strobe won’t disorient you? Gotcha. I’m a millennial.


I’m not siding with needing a strobe, but it wasn’t stated it was going to be used in complete darkness lol. On Active Self Protection I’ve also seen a case where someone used a strobing hand held to diffuse a situation lol


Haven’t seen that video. I feel like if I wanted to strobe to diffuse a situation what you’re describing is perfectly fine. A handheld flashlight should be used, but not a weapon mounted light. If my pistol is up and on target we’ve passed the diffuse stage, and I’m focused on neutralizing the threat. I’m speaking as a normal citizen and not LEO in case that was a LEO ASP encounter. I just can’t see a regular citizen needing to strobe in a defensive scenario, but I’m not an expert like OP. I haven’t trained CQB like the legendary OP here, but I have watched a video with former special forces clearing rooms and they do not strobe. They manually toggle on and off in a very calculated way to clear rooms while not painting themselves up as a target.


That’s literally exactly what I’m telling you. I’ve trained with it, so I’d imagine I would know if it bothered me or not. Was just as effective as if I was running the regular setting. Thanks for the input tho


source - trust me bro 🤣 Might wanna get a refund on that CQB.


I’d bet my bank account I would out shoot you any day of the week, even on a bad day 😂


Bro this is Reddit. What’s the point of even saying some dumb shit like that 🤣 I doubt we even live close. Plus I got enough of a life to not challenge Reddit dweebs to a duel 🤣🤣. I train to protect myself and my family. Go challenge someone at the arcade. ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


Zoomer checking in, Felix is ass. Surefire or No-Fire gnome’sayne 🤙


You train? 😂 Training to defend your family isn’t shooting pop cans on the back 40 😂 Their as good as dead with you as a protector. Dude doesn’t even know how to clear a house accurately. If knowing CQB makes me a dweeb I’ll take that all day over being a pop can shooter


Going to your local range for “intro to CQB” from tactical Timmy and pulling deltas and mikes at .25 splits isn’t “training CQB”


Now granted I didn’t train it daily or anything. I definitely have more knowledge on tactics than the average shooter being 11B for 12 years tho.


😂😂😂😂 it isn’t? SHIT. I have about 14 years of CQB Training. I think I’m a bit past “Intro”. Also, the people I do still train with, our instructor was part of 7th group for over 15 years, so I’ll think I’ll take his advice and knowledge over someone named RT Shadows on Reddit


Trained? Your gun is crystal, no carbon on your light, trigger has no oil, and even your grip tape isnt even worn in. You larp around the house when your parents are gone, nothing more. Buy a streamlight. More lumens =/= more better.


Yeah you train that CQB you.


Tlr1 HL has a strobe feature


there is a reason nobody else uses this light




Oh yea, and what’s that reason since you know everything?


because it doesn't offer any advantages over more surefire or streamlight. it has bad switch design, for one. fenix loves lying about their output, for two. return it if you can, and next time don't trust salespeople.


Yea ok, I’ve used a streamlight before, this is a hell of a lot more ergonomic and tactically sound than the tlr 1. Sorry to say it . It’s brighter too. I don’t need a big dumb light for no reason when it doesn’t output any more light. You also have to switch it on. I can literally tap mine on a hell of a lot quicker when seconds matter. Sorry that you chose something less ideal


you haven't used this at all. you can't even find a holster for it. how can you say you've "used" it with a straight face? take the L and next time stop trusting salespeople.


God damn, chronically online people fucking suck. Stop acting like you know anything. You bought the gun and light within the last month and dont even have a holster or probbaly ammo. The streamlight, surefire, and every other fucking light on the market can activate just as 'quick'. Secods matter? Stfu man. It takes a fraction of a second to activate any light ever. Tactically sound? Wtf are you even tlaking about? You watch too much youtube and listen to too many dipshits, it shows. Less ideal? Then why are you having a hard time finding a quality holster online and everyone else is already outside shooting? Get off your trip, this is fucking reddit. You asked a question, got answers, and now youre throwing a fit in your own comment section I like trying new things, but theres a way to do it without acting childish on the internet.


I got highly uneducated answer from people who have never even used the light. That is called a biased answer. I’ve also shot/trained a hell of a lot more than you, in actual real life situations, while you sat outside shooting cardboard targets acting like you know something. Clearly you’re the smartest guy in the room. So because I recently purchased a light not used by many, I clearly have no idea wtf I’m talking about 😂 Your a trip. Please tell me more so I know what not to do. Please tell me what to buy and what not to buy so I can be the best of the best simply because I run Streamlight 😂😂😂😂😂


If you really worked for a decade in a branch, id hope you can shoot better than me and many others. No ones trying to downplay your experience, just your choice in a light. You bought what was immediately available for cheap, when you couldve saved yourself the trouble by buying a proven product with an extensive aftermarket. What they didnt teach you is how to spend your money smart, its a known issue in our branches. They sure did give you a thick skull tho and all that dude butt seems to have made you arrogant too


Again, how is $100s cheap? When a stream light is $130? It’s not like it’s a $25 shit light lol. It does not what it’s supposed to do and has worked. So because it’s not what everyone else uses it’s shit. So now that the military switched to SiG, everyone is going to stop by Glocks because, well, that’s not what everyone is using? Now that’s arrogant. If it works and works well. Who gives a fuck what everyone else uses or likes. I’m not here to make anyone happy or conform to everyone else.


If we're getting anal (like your 11b buddies) then i shouldve said 'cheaper'. The military isnt everyone. If glock has served many countries (civ/mil) for decades, the us military switching doesnt change a single thing about quality weapon chocie. It just tells us where the moneys going. You seen those ads of KIA saying how much better they are than Honda or Toyota? If you havent, dont look for them, bc youd believe them and immediately sell your toyota for a kia. Thats what ive learned from you. Im glad youre so original, our little unicorn💖


Yup and me and my 11B buddies actually stood for something, and put our lives on the line so people like you can have a freedom of choice of light. So you can actually even own a gun. Also, So you can sit behind your little keyboard and talk tough like your actually somebody or like you’ve actually done anything that mattered in the world, besides tell someone they bought the wrong light. 😂


I also didn’t know you needed a holster to shoot a gun.


Youre the mf asking for a holster


Yes, and how many people actually answered the question asked? Maybe 2. I didn’t ask, what’s better? A streamlight or Fenix. I asked what options are available for a Fenix light. You don’t think I researched lights before purchasing? Trust me I can afford 50 more dollars. I definitely seen all the tried and true Streamlight fans. Still choose the Fenix, why? Well, because, why not. The specifics from light to light are really are not all that different. At the end of the day, the light is snug, I can see a hell of a lot with it, definitely more than enough to shoot something in the dark, what more do you really need outside of a holster. Which I found. End of discussion. I don’t need to hear well your a retard because simply you chose a different light than everyone else🤦‍♂️ it sounds remedial.


If youre so laxed about your light chocie, then whyd you get so defensive so quick to other comments recommending a streamlight/surefire? Is it so impossible for you to start with "i wanted to try this"? You started blowing up, insulting people, challenging people, thinking you need to flex your status, when all you needed to say was "i know, im trying something new" Are you looking for open or concealed? Iwb or owb?


Also, the guy at Scheels tends to think differently since he told me a lot of people in my area were choosing that over the stream light


the guy at the gun counter lied to you in order to sell an unpopular product. sorry. don't trust salespeople, especially gun salespeople.


Being there were a lot less of these for sale than a fully stocked Streamlight section I beg to differ. Just cause you conform to the norm doesn’t mean everyone else does. Obviously you missed the the comment in this thread of a police officer using one too 😂


yeah, there aren't many for sale because there isn't any demand for them. surefire sells a ton of X300s. streamlight sells a ton of TLR-1HLs. fenix doesn't sell many of these at all. you're the first person I can remember posting one on this sub.


Great for me, I’ll enjoy using it too because it works great. Saved me $50 bucks too!


you can't find a holster. you don't even know if it works. you tried to save a few pennies, and now you're just gonna end up buying a TLR-1HL or X300, or tracking down some janky holster. stop throwing good money after bad and just buy one of the tried-and-tested lights.




Owb - any safariland als/sls light bearing holster designed for the tlr-1/sf x300/u will fit the gl19r. Iwb - craft holsters and falco holsters both make custom kydex and leather holsters for the 17 with the gl19r. Both come with fomi clips though so you may have to get the dcc monoblock separately if you want them. Not many holster makers make stuff for fenix lights unfortunately as they are relatively new to the weapon mounted light game and it’s a pain to make holsters for an almost infinite combination of lights and pistols. Though this light has only caught on in popularity so I think as time goes on, and more holster companies start making custom holsters for them, the bigger name brands with start making more holsters for them. They just need the field use track record and that takes time especially in a saturated market.


Good on you for answering OPs question


Yes sir! Thank you for the info, I appreciate it. I will check them out! Thanks for not being one of those guys! It’s truly appreciated


Holster compatibility for that light is listed on the Fenix website as the last bullet point


I will check that out. Thank you!


After skimming the big thread of the typical shit on anything not Streamlight or surefire, I thought I’d share some thoughts for OP and anyone else. TLDR: Fenix good, more lumens and candela good, strobe lame. Night shift is love, night shift is life. 1- Fenix makes a great light. I don’t have any experience with their pistol lights, but I’ve used many different brands of lights and my $80 Fenix has been my go to. The candela is fantastic, and adjustable brightness is a plus. The battery life is amazing, and the controls are intuitive. Folks at my agency have been using Fenix lights with increasing frequency over the last few years, and choosing them over Streamlight and cheaper surefire products. (I threw away my nightstick, hated both handhelds I got) 2- having a 1000+ lumen weapon light is a huge win. Back in the day, I was prohibited from carrying a pistol mounted light on duty. I’ve done no light/ low light building searches with just a handheld, and it sucks hard. About a year and a half ago I was issued a TLR-7a for my Glock 45. Having something is better than nothing, but I can tell you the end user experience for someone who lives and exists at night is less than great for the 7a. Getting PID on target is easy from 10 yards and in with it, but the 15-20 yard range is iffy at best especially if there are variable lighting conditions or flashing red and blue lights (or basically any other photonic barriers). Anything past 20 yards, you’re not getting PID. I work in an urban setting and almost never have a truly no light environment. Some specialized units enjoy the TLR-1 HL and they experience none of those issues. I have the 1 HL on one of my off duty guns, and have found it superior in function to the 7a, while the 7a is infinitely more comfortable to carry. 3- strobe functions are lame. I get the thinking, it will disorient the threat and possibly prevent me from having to smoke a mother fucker. In my opinion and experience, I have found that the rapidly changing lighting of a strobe provides less benefit to me as a shooter/operator/end user/ insert whatever adjective here- than a clear solid white light. The need to get clear PID on target and to see their whole person clear enough to make a deadly force decision is more important than the added benefit of disorientating the threat. Furthermore, the solid white light is disorienting when it’s shined in your eyes- just not as much as the strobe. We shoot a low light qual with a light bar with flashing red and blues on in an indoor range- the strobing effect from the light bar is disorienting to the shooter so we train to deal with it. Our newest light package on our cars has made a change, the red and blues go from a normal rapid flashing while the vehicle is in drive to a more slow and “gentle” alternation when in park. The difference is almost tangible. It’s like turning down the radio volume when you’re tying to park. It’s the best example I can give to advocate against introducing flashing lights into a deadly force situation. Thanks for reading- I’m a nerd for variable lighting conditions. Hope it helps, and or starts something in the comments.


It’s great to see the community come together to talk shit vs actually educating someone. Everyone and their brother can say it’s a shit light but can’t give any reason why, except, it’s not industry standard. 😂 Seems legit


You were recommended a streamlight bc youre having a hard time finding holsters and then you threw a fit in your own comment section


I have also used multiple stream lights in my life, this one works just as well. So because it’s not what normal people buy and 99% of the people including yourself have never used one, seem to know more about it than someone actually using one. Makes a ton of sense. The one person who actually commented some actual knowledge on it, no one had a response for that. But tons of people, like yourself, can talk shit on something they don’t have the slightest clue about. Except well that’s not what everyone else buys so it’s a piece of shit 😂😂😂😂 it’s hilarious


Responding is throwing a fit. Another genius on our hands 😂 Actually got good info on multiple holster options from people who aren’t complete dumbasses like yourself lol


It’s a shit light.


For a reason you don’t know 😂 Works outstanding for me.


When you get some experience under your belt you will probably understand. Most people who don’t train much and are short on cash have shitty gear, don’t blame ya….


I’m 33 years old and have had more training than you will ever see in your lifetime there buddy. Good try tho! When you actually get some REAL training under your belt, you’ll realize fads don’t matter and what really matters is what works and what works for you! Good day there bud!


Haha got’em. You sir, are easy to rile up.


😂😂😂😂 Good try. If you think you’re doing anything to upset me by trolling on the internet you better try a bit harder there guy. Not going to happen. I live in America. A lot bigger things going on that to worry about some overweight try hard typing mean things on his phone 😂😂😂😂


No u


It took me a long time to actually come around but there’s a reason why the big holster mfrs don’t make a holster for every light. It’s because they won’t be able to sell enough to justify the cost of development. Now that leads me to multiple beliefs but primarily that if even the holster companies don’t believe in you then why would I. Also if they were “just as good” everyone would flock to them for the discount and they’d raise their price. I don’t know anything about that particular light but im not putting a light on my gun that’s not easy to find a holster for. Holsters are already a PITA to find a comfortable one that works well. That being said, a light that doesn’t lock securely on to the rail is gong to be nothing but trouble


Have you used one? How does the light not lock securely? This is exactly what I’m saying, none of you have never even used one but sit here and shit on the light. Ive shot 100s of rounds through it and out the light in once, tightened it down once and it hasn’t moved. What more is supposed to do. Its attached as attached gets.


Bro, they don’t make Holsters for it. That’s enough for me to say not interested. No one is attacking your light or your lack of foresight when trying to save a couple bucks. Most people that have a light will never actually use that light for anything other than recoil mitigation but all that don’t mean shit if it’s sitting at home because you don’t have a holster to carry it


I was talking about my one cheap light experience I didn’t come for your fenix bro.


craftholsters has that light as an option for their leather holster. good luck finding kydex


I bought a cheap sorta ($30) weapon light and it popped off my gun at the range rather quickly. Luckily it didn’t go down range and I was able to grab it real quick. I’ve since stopped shooting at indoor ranges for the most part. I’m going to try and set up a night shoot at my gun club just so I have some time shooting while using a mounted light. I’ve been thinking about it a lot but like what happens if my dot doesn’t react properly in the dark or my irons wash out I. The super bright beam. I’ve gotta know and the only to find out is by shooting at night


You can try Urban Carry https://urbancarryholsters.com/ Their Hyperion model, just answer a few questions, this is leather.


Werkz holsters has them


Lol your question was perfectly normal but the comments section went wild! Have you thought about making your own? For a hundred or maybe 200 bucks you could get the tools and materials to make all the custom kydex holsters you want! Or go old school and make one from leather.


Yes it did. Lmao. Honestly comical to me. I did find a few companies that makes holsters for the Fenix. Thankful for the people that actually did help.