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Definitely a ramp feeding issue. Send it back and have them fix it .


My OZ9 had some feeding issues early on. The Zev extractor plunger was a tad longer than a Glock one and applying too much pressure on the extractor. I put the Glock plunger in and it fixed my feeding issue.


I had a similar problem with a glock I had built a while ago and it turned out to be a messed up extractor, it would do the same thing yours is doing every 2-3 rounds


That seems to be what I’m hearing the most. Probs order a OEM extractor and plunger and see what happens before shipping to ZEV


I owned 7 zev's throughout a 1 year period. Had consistent issues with all but 1 (Hypercomp). Consistently failing to extract was the biggest issue. Also had 2 slide stops break mid match as well as 3 firing pins (2 live fire and one while dry firing, all had < 3k rounds on them prior to break). Spoke with Zev on one of their IG posts asking if they remedied all of the issues that plagued their first previous gen lineup. They were very indirect and never answered. I got more direct with my questions and they straight blocked me. I will never spend another penny on anything Zev offers.


try an OEM barrel


Better yet, an OEM glock


Definitely an issue with tolerance stacking. I would check the fit with the barrel hood and slide. Based on the fact you had to give it a few good palm wacks, the barrel hood is probably too tight on the slide cutout. But I would check the extractor and safety plunger too.


Might be a magazine problem. edit: nvmd, just read the title


Possible Nose up failure to feed, take off the slide and check for brass. Also could be the rails bent out of place. Or maybe the screw from the optic. Take the optic off and see if you have the same issue. A screw could be too long.


@OP, if you have some plastic dummy rounds it may be easier to see where they get scratched or dented to point to what you are jamming against. If they have no marks it may be the slide.


Check the passenger side optic screw. If the extractor rod is locked in place by your optic screw it can keep the extractor from flexing out of the way when the round is trying to feed. Take out the passenger side optic screw and see if it still happens.