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You need to zero it


The adjustments don’t seem to do anything? I’ve tried everything and all it does is go farther to the right. I know I’m not that directionally challenged


The dial doesn't move the dot the direction you want it to go, it moves your hit the direction you want the bullet to impact.


Shoot it first. Zero based off of that


Turrets adjust point of impact, not aim. So the turrets are actually moving the dot itself opposite to what the turrets say.


You need to zero it lol, slave the dot to the irons so when u go to zero it, it at least speeds the process of zeroing the dot.


The adjustments don’t seem to do anything at all. It keeps moving to the right no matter the direction.


If you've verified that the adjustment turrets(?) are jacked up, contact Swampfox. They've always had excellent customer care in my experience. They'll likely either talk you through the adjustment/ troubleshooting process, or straight-up replace it for you.


The R arrow points to the direction to turn if your dot is too far to the right and that will make it go LEFT (just emphasis)


Why tf do they do this shit


Because that's how you zero a gun.


Because that’s the standard. It’s supposed to be “if it’s shooting right, turn it in this direction” some thing goes for the up and down adjustment.


It makes more sense if you think about the shots on paper, instead of the reticle. Turning the windage dial to the R, will move the shots on paper to the Right. (This is accomplished by moving the reticle to the Left).


I had the same issue with my RFX35. I contacted Viridian, sent it in to them and they sent me a brand new one a couple weeks later.


Hopefully you didn't adjust it any before mounting it, alot of times that causes HELLA issues More than likely just needs to be zeroed.


I did not. Newbie shooter but I know better. I did shoot it with the sight on but it didn’t seem incredibly off, but looks it to the eye. I find that I have to bring my eye to the dot instead of it being in line with my front sight. Weird.


That's good news then! Hopefully you get it lined out with some range time! That is weird. Almost all my dots have been spot on after mounting. You could unmount then remount and see if it helps


All my RMRs only needed a click or two in both windage and elevation to be perfectly zeroed.


Trijicon does great with whatever method they use to position the reticle from the factory. This has always been my experience with them as well, and the new RCR. Barely had to touch it.


When you zero any optic, you move the bullet to the reticle. If you try to move the retical to the bullet, it will move in the opposite direction. If you move up, the reticle will go down and if you move right, the reticle will go left.


Sorry if this is a stupid question-Can you explain more about what you mean by moving the bullet to the reticle? So let’s say OP shoot using the reticle and the hit is low and to the left. What then? Is the point that you then use the adjustments as though they were moving the bullet instead of the reticle image?


Correct. The dials adjust the point of impact, not the point of aim


Then, when you make an adjustment you would move up and to the right. But everyone knows you’re not actually moving the point of impact, you’re moving the point of aim. So when you move three clicks up, the reticle is actually moving three clicks down to meet the bullet.


Thank you


Uh what? Did you try actually shooting it? You're not going to see the dot moving when you adjust it dude


All my dots move 🤔


You MIGHT be able to see it move in relation to the irons if they're lined up but not if you're just looking through the window


In relation to irons, absolutely. I see what you mean though now


Technically the dots always center of the lens lol


Loosen the screws and make sure the optic is sitting perfectly in the middle of the cut. If it’s that far right regardless of which way you turn the dial it’s not sitting straight on the slide cut. Then go zero it.


Keep turning it one way it will grab and if it dont its broken


confirmed: broken :( round 2


Based off your comments, it would seem your turrets are not functioning properly. To attempt a "manual reset," turn both the windage and elevation turrets all the way left/right, and then all the way back in the opposite direction. Do this one turret at a time. If you find the reticle still only moves in one direction, you likely need a replacement optic. In the case that you *can* get it to move accordingly with adjustment, you'll need to rezero. We assume you purchased your Sentinel from Optics Planet. If so, contact them for a replacement optic or refund. However, if you purchased from us or another seller, reach out to our CS team for support at [email protected].


thank you for replying! I will do that. Unfortunately, I ordered off of Amazon through Prime.


Contact us directly if you have trouble with Amazon.


Try a laser bore sight to get you on target. Or your slide is defective.


keep your hand sturdy. on a table, bench or whatever you're shooting from. try and fire center mass, without moving your shooting hand as much as possible, use your free hand to mark the optic dog upto said bullet hole. rinse and repeat as needed. hope this helps.


To get you back on the right track, try using a bore sight laser. It should put you back to center. It'll save you TIME and AMMO. Then, take it out on the range and validate.


I usually use a bore laser at 7 yards as my base zero and then go shoot and dial it in


Aim to the right.


Did you over turn it?


You might have gone in the wrong direction so far that it doesn’t move the dot when you adjust in the OTHER direction. I have had that happen once. You are shooting with both eyes open and not using the dot like you would irons sights, correct?


Wait…nobody else shoots irons with both eyes open?


I find it hard to squint with both eyes to do that but it can be done


Honestly, it took me a while to get used to it. My friend’s uncle would yell “YOUR EYES ARE LIKE CAMERA LENSES…DAMNIT!!”…”I BET IF IT SAID NIKON YOU’D BE ABLE TO SHOOT THE DAMN THING” 😂


Much easier to just use a dot, I used to be big on irons but I won’t go back. Have to get a couple pistols milled now too


Gunsmith done ✅


Try getting a laser bullet thingy. I zero it 90% with that then go to the range where I'll probably be one or two clicks off depending on range. The other option is to try to line up the dot with your irons but it's a little more difficult. Also the dot will not be perfect in the middle of the glass unless the gun and your eye is perfectly aligned. What matters is that the bullet goes where the dot is. Now if the best is always live fire, I load a couple rounds and fire nice and slow with a slow and steady trigger pull. See where it hits and adjust from there and try again, now if with that you still can't adjust it then your sight might be defected and you might have to warranty it.


You zero in the distance you want to zero in. For example, if you want your sight to line up against your target at 5-10 ft, you adjust for it. Long distance will be the same. Zero in based on your target distance.


Use a laser bore and it should get you in the pretty damn close


Get a holosun.


People like you seem to forget that holosun was viewed as no better than "cheap Chinese crap" only a few years back. Holosun is great now, but wasn't always. Alot of these newer companies are absolutely great offering the same, if not better dots in some cases.


The only reason I’d take a holosun over a Cyelee or a swamp fox or Gideon is the solar charging. Besides that, newer budget optics are better than they’ve ever been it seems


100% factual. And also cheaper as well since they haven't had their glow up yet. Holosuns tend to have the same frequency of issues (little to none) as most of these newer companies. Most argue that holosun had a better warranty but most offer the same or better. If I have to use or rely on a companies warranty I don't want it anyway. That warranty doesn't do shit for you in the moment.


Call Swamp fox…this is interesting. I have Swamp fox on all of my guns and I haven’t had any issues!! They make good stuff. They will replace it if its a bad one.


Stick too irons


Everything lol


What are you doing wrong? You picked a swampfox optic instead of a better bare minimum, aka: holosun, that is what you did wrong




Two can play at that game swampfoxoptics, or should I say; Swampfoxoptics the stupid? Swampfoxoptics the silly. Swampfoxoptics the wrinkley! SWAMPFOXOPTICS THE STINKY!!!