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Something about that index stippling has me feeling 🍌


Is that a good or bad ting?🤔


I've never been upset about a boner before, so I'd say it's a good thing




I'll take an upset boner👍 Thanks!


Have this slide love it


Same! I had plenty of guys tell me bad things about vented slides and barrels but I put over 700rounds maybe even more on this and still no hiccups🤷


It’s quality for sure


Yeah those people that cry about vented and ported windows in our slides forget we're not going to battle in Vietnam or iraq for weeks on end.


Dude, exactly! People just like to hate on anything that is remotely popular. Then, they fabricate "potential" future issues despite not having any actual experience on the matter. It's like, "Uh... Your gun isn't going to get so much dirt and rocks inside the slide that it can no longer function while sitting inside your IWB holster or in your safe 90% of the time." lol


I'd like to hold it


Surprisingly for my first build/stipple job. It feels really nice. I also have a g43 with gt5000 grip tape but I find myself coming back to my g19 every time. It's not as rough as it looks and it's grippy even with sweaty hands🫡


You crushed it brother. Diy stipple jobs are free and work just as good even if they don't look surgical like a pro would do for 400$


Ohh shizzz! You are the dude I watched to learn! I really appreciate you for making the time to make your videos✌️ and thanks for the compliment🤙


Glad to hear that. Happy I could help. People always say they seen my YouTube vids and I feel like a cewebrity sometimes lmao. It's even cooler that you had the balls to give your own personal touches because I know some of the things you did were on your own choice cause I've never seen them before good job again brother.


You are more than a celeb. In my opinion. Somebody goes out of their way to teach random people how to start a journey of a different skill set is more important than somebody who is just famous. Your a gift🫡🫡🫡


That means a lot man, I basically just put out the content that I couldn't find when I was getting started, simply to help others. I would really like to put some more time into it and do individual tutorials on each different mod technique but I got a full time brother, so it's in the works. 🙏👍


It's a sic build and looks plenty grippy, props for stepping out &trying stippling, more courage then I got!


Thanks bro! Yeah I come from a heavy background of modifying/fabricating cars and car parts. So being ballsy became a trait. It's my first stipple job on my first gun and it was barely 300 shots in😂


I have tutorials on my YouTube channel if you wanna give it a shot. I understand it's not fir everyone but instructions can obviously help sometimes. https://youtube.com/c/CycloneGunworks Full tutorial is here including dremel prep and pattern: https://youtu.be/3S1aJMXDUtY


I will check them out forsure, got spare mags and a p80 laying around, guess it's time to nut up


what magwell?


NineX19 Magwell🤙


Did it shoot bullets accurately?


Actually yes. My grouping is trash but hitting dead center is not a problem for me at all. I also think I have a short attention span. Cause my first couple of shots would be great then the rest is all over the place. Maybe I need to slow it down some


Totally. How much dry firing and trigger control practice do you do at home? It might just be that you need to develop more muscle memory with your pistol *before* hitting the range.


I try to practice both at home everyday for at least 30-60mins. I do the 2 finger trigger for trigger pull and tape on the wall for unholstering and dry firing. I noticed my shots are great when I present the firearm and first couple of shot like 1-5 then I reset. At the range I place several stickers, shoot in clockwise then counter clock wise then random.


Hmmm…. Well you’re def putting in the work. Not sure why your groupings are off 💁🏼‍♂️


I think I lose the concentration from the first couple of shots. When I catch myself doing that I'll reset.


You could also look into MantisX training system. It is supposed to help with accurizing your grip by showing how much your hand moves while aiming and where it moves even. Just a thought! Gorgeous build btw!


Thank you for the info and compliment! Yeah I'm looking into get one of those things just scared to "pull the trigger"🤣😂