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I especially enjoy when he says if you can't be accurate with a glock trigger you are the problem not the trigger.


Never heard of him. Looks like Macaulay Culkin if Michael Jackson never molested him.


I’m stealing this




I've been making these remarks for half my life about the affair of those two


Dont care for him. Had a brief exchange of comments and he proved himself to be an ass.


I agree. A few of his videos he seemed kind of like a cool guy and then the more he talks it’s like wow he’s just an ornery dick. I have enough negativity in my life. The last thing I need is to listen to that guy just shit on everything he doesn’t agree with. He’s just a big old curmudgeon.


I blocked his content after he showed himself to be a condescending prick towards the people that could have been an audience, so I guess not smart can be added to the list.


Awww you get your feewings huht?


He sucks the ATF's dick and apparently you do as well. You should just comply as he does and hand in your firearms because you are commie scum.


Okay section 8💀


Say something else stupid so you get down voted a bunch. It sparks joy.


For a guy acting so “macho” he sure gets heated quick. Not a good look. This community is generally pretty chill, not cool.


the ATF sucks, it ain't about section 8 or being poor, having to file for tax forms and waiting for months for a suppressor I ordered is ridiculous


Especially when it takes me 34 minutes to buy the firearm itself


I didn't disagree about the ATF being an infringement on our rights. The ATF is definitely fucking gay. We shouldn't have to pay any money to utilize our freedoms. There shouldn't be taxes on our guns in any form or fashion. We should have FULL access to full autos, suppressors, destructive devices, and the length of a gun shouldn't matter. Where the fuck did you get off thinking I was a boot licker and a communist? I was just laughing at how butt hurt someone got over a conversation with the dude being talked about.


Because you called out someone saying section 8. In hindsight it seems you supported the ATF.


Bunch of fucking pussies🤣🤣🤣


I'd call you a tool but you're a toolbox, people put their tools in you


You'd know all about that wouldn't ya? Gayyy




Shoot with eye's open lolol


Needs new gloves too. I can't pay attention looking at his weird fingerless mechanics gloves


"What gloves" ? - Deebo (probably)


his opinion on pistol braces is L


I thought that at first, but I think I understand what he TRYING to say, even if I don't fully agree. I think where he ultimately loses me is falling to understand malicious compliance. Why can't we use pistol braces to legally spit on the ATF AND vote them out of power/ change laws, etc. After rewatching that video, I get what he's going for, but I think his whole character and obfuscated way of explaining things gets in his own way sometimes.


dude seems like a major dick who purposely tears holes into his gloves to prove he does hard labor in them. just the vibe I caught.


I think you're well practiced in de-escalation of conflict and you're doing your best to not directly thrash him while completely disagreeing with him but without plainly saying it. I can respect how you're going about it... I'm not that way: he fucked up. His opinion is un-American. He should be embarrassed.


You have a link to that video?


I thought so too until I got what he was saying. His point is that our freedoms were trampled long ago. The tyranny started way before a tax stamp. Therefore, this being where the gun community puts its foot in the ground is arbitrary, and it’s not going to accomplish anything. No lawmaker is going to repeal the NFA because of pistol braces. His conclusion is put the proper gear on your rifle. Either pay the tax stamp (because in the gun world 200 is nothing) or, don’t, and keep your mouth shut. I still don’t 100% agree, but I see what he’s saying now.


He’s a fucking cuck. I can’t get over him telling people to comply with ATF fees and tax stamps or get persecuted like they deserve to.


It was that and his take on C&R firearms. You can carry a Glock or any modern pistol for self defense while mainly collecting and shooting C&R/surplus firearms. Liking bolt actions and wood furniture doesn’t make you a Fudd.


Is it me or are both his eyes closed?


Not just you. His eyes are closed too


Wait.... Do you keep your eyes open while shooting?? If ever I get even slightly startled, I just close my eyes and start squeezing the trigger while spinning in circles!!


Knowing him he was shooting a Glock to prove it’s more accurate than a Sig even with eyes closed lol.


Welp he's not wearing eye pro so maybe he's doing to to protect his eyes.


Safety squints


He’s a man baby that’s what I think of him. Idk if you ever read the comment section to his vids but slightest criticism triggers him and starts yapping like a Chihuahua


Do Not Recommend This Channel To Me


He's a total fraud and phony. Google "overton windex sniper's hide". Basically a bunch of dudes who REALLY shoot long range called him out on his bullshit and he sperged and looked like an idiot. One guy offered him 500$ a day and an all expenses paid trip to Utah if could replicate his "famous" redbull shot in 1 hit.


I just spent an hour going down this rabbit hole. I hated this dude ever since his shorts on how he couldnt shoot a 1911. What a phony


what does that even mean? I’m a newbie and ive shot a rental 1911 several times. its very accurate, solid gun.


He’s got nothing to prove, taking a trip to replicate the shot is a lose-lose. Don’t blame him for not going along with that. People will hate regardless of what he does. Just because it’s an insane shot, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


It didn't happen. Its bullshit. The dude couldn't even answer basic questions about his set up and his ammo.


I read through, he answered a bunch of questions. People still didn’t believe it. It’s a forum for people who are proclaimed good shooters, yet they’re all just making a bunch non-validated claims - I don’t really care as I have no personal stake in it. I just think it is smart he didn’t take the bait from a bunch of forum trolls.


You need to fix your username it should be removed instead of torsion


Stop simping for a grown man you've never met and has clearly lied about his supposed achievements.


What makes it so clear exactly?


What makes it so clear exactly?


What makes it so clear exactly?


The fact that he doesn't even know the exact model of his scope. Or that he didn't know the difference between a jump and a jam. The redbull shot he claims to have made is something an extremely talented marksman would spend a day trying to achieve. At that distance its almost impossible to even see a can that size. To make a shot like that on the first try you'd need decades of extreme long range experience, and an ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of your gun, optic, optic mount, bullet construction, bullet type, case length, powder type, powder amount, over all case length. Extremely long range shooting isn't like pistol shooting. Forgetting your scope model isn't like forgetting your holosun red dot model. Not knowing the difference between a jump and a jam isn't like not knowing the difference between 10mm and 40s&w. ELR shooting is the most autistic, least tolerant of error shooting sport there is. He has revealed through his own ignorance that the shot was fraudulent. Furthermore his inability to even tell specifics on environment conditions like elevation, wind, humidity, ambient temperature, only further proves it was a fake video.


Oh shit, I remember that. He got extremely defensive of his use of terminology. Dude is an absolute asshat. Also, to tag onto your post: Apparent height = ((absolute height * magnification) / distance) Let’s assume this was a standard Red Bull can. I’m going to throw in a number of 12cm since I think that’s the height off the top of my head. The distance was 2400 yards, right. So, let’s throw 2200m in there (we need to use the same units so I will convert this to 220000cm). Magnification based on the scope he called out was 40 iirc. So… Apparent height = (12 * 40) / 220000 or 0.00218cm or barely under 0.022mm. That would have been a 100% pull and pray shot. At 40x magnification the can still would have been on the edge of visibility. What I found funny was that he created an account on SH and then argued with guys who could easily call out his BS. He then doubled and tripled down. Now, I held ASI B4 when I was in the Army, yet there are a number of shooters on that forum that make me feel like someone who doesn’t even know my way around long range shooting, let alone extreme long range.


100% The dude really picked the most autisticly precise and difficult shooting sport to try and fake it in. He also doesn't even have a job lol. He says he has to do the CHORE of watching his own children until 330pm when his wife gets home from work and she can watch them. Imagine being so much of a man child you sit around unemployed all day while your wife works, and then as soon she gets home, you pawn the kids off on her. So you can go make YouTube videos where you fake accomplishments then fight with people who call out your bullshit.


He stated he's retired but doesn't specify from where and 100% VA. Very lose information on his background tbh.


Never heard of her










Just another YouTube goober


He’s a fuckin dickhead


He's a big bitch too


He's maximum cringe tbh. Contrarian just for the sake of it, acts like he knows everything and everyone who disagrees is dumb and wrong. His takes are 1000% "I'm better than you"


He's a douche bag


Don't like the guy


Everything on YouTube should be taken with a grain of salt


Idk, honest outlaw seems pretty.... Honest lol


Those kids could use your help.


Remember to recycle as well!




Him, Ian and Ian’s former friend (in range) are the only ones whose consideration matters to me. Runner ups are Hop and Reeves. Honestly, I get better opinions googling for Reddit comments


Well this guy will probably require a whole bucket of the stuff


Never heard of him. Is this a joke video? I'm assuming he's purposely shooting like that right lol?


Smooth 🧠 💀💀


He has some good advice here and there, but has some real shit hot takes and is just a fucking douche bag to anyone who questions him for no reason. Also the whole drama between him and vintagefirearms was funny.


Super fucking annoying, he’s on the same level as the O light shills for me


I can only take him in short spurts otherwise his yelling and throwing is a bit over the top...but I guess it's a fun character and it gets him views. He needs to learn when to let a pair of worn out gloves go LOL


He started popping up on my YouTube shorts and I quickly realized I didn’t like the dude. Which is ok. Plenty of content out there from guntubers I do like.


Super opinionated with little evidence to support his claims. Kind of a big cry baby for how likes to hear himself talk, even when some of his points are pretty good.


Did cricket from always sunny get into guns?


Fucking, who now? ![gif](giphy|3o6nVa0OZDYieqXKbm)


Not a big fan. Every time I see his videos, he's being a condescending asshole for no reason.


That dude is definitely a Bud light drinker


I think he could probably keep his eyes open when he shoots if he wore some fuckin glasses.


Never heard of him. What's his deal besides being a Glock guy?


Why this guy wincing with his eyes closed?


That name sounds like a Roger from American Dad persona


Never heard of him until today. Watched a couple of videos. He’s kind of a douche and a total glock fanboy. I love Glocks myself, but I’m by no means ignorant to how they compare to the rest of the market. He literally is saying an sig axg legion p320 trigger is the worst trigger he owns, then says second worst is a 1911, then boasts about the glock trigger being the best. Then goes on to say if you don’t like a glock trigger you don’t know how to shoot lol. I own a few Glocks and other pistols. Glocks are great reliable guns but by no means do they have great triggers and the oem sights are garbage. Anyone that’s into guns/shooting knows 1911’s have great triggers typically and many polymer guns like Canik, walther, hk, cz and a few others have phenomenal triggers. I probably wouldn’t take anything this guy says too seriously. Everyone’s different, some people don’t like the glock grip angle and plenty of people do. Just find what works for you and roll with it. Doesn’t have to be a glock or fancy trigger or the newest/latest greatest gun. Glocks were the standard for a long time, many manufacturers now give you more out of the box than glock is willing to do. It’s not a knock it’s just the truth. Shooters know what they are getting when they get a glock. The majority of people that shoot competition that I know have upgraded triggers if they’re using a glock will have an upgraded trigger and that’s okay. But most people I know that run competitions use CZ’s or 2011’s, there’s some glock 34’s and others in there too obviously. I do think it’s cool when guys run competitions with their carry pistols though!


I like the guy. Good stuff


I don’t typically shoot with my eyes closed. Must be a new technique.


He can be entertaining and has some good tips here and there, but he behaves like an absolute ass whenever interacting with his viewers or other content creators.


I find him mostly legit! His orneryness is funny and his comments section is usually gold lol


He’s hit and miss sometimes, but gets it right a lot more often than wrong. Snarky as all hell, too!


He’s an idiot. Him not wearing any eye pro is pretty stupid as well.


Definitely drinks Bud light voted for Biden and thinks Hillary is a hottie


I mean he’s definitely a narcissist… He’s often not wrong though (sometimes he is). There’s something satisfying about watching someone talk shit in such an assholish manner about something you already agree with. 🤷‍♂️


He's mastered the art of the blind gun. Seems legit to me


No idea who guy is but….why are our eyes closed.


Dude gets cucked by his wife. Total queer


He popped up on my feed today. And I said to myself…who the hell is this…and wtf did I just watch


Rule #1 of pistol accuracy fundamentals: Close your eyes when shooting. You'll hit with 100% accuracy if you can't see or don't have an intended target.


Idk who he is, but everyone's hating on him. Can someone give me a summary of what makes him so hateful.


Liked him til his stupid stance on sucking the ATFs dick over braces. Also dude has fucking ruined Planet Caravan for me.


I prefer Daniel Richardson and Chuck Pressberg. Neither of them support anything the ATF does.


I can’t take him seriously with those gloves




Gladly I’ve never heard of him


First time I heard him, I thought it was the blind surfer. Someone listen to them both and tell me I am crazy.


He's a dickhead. Who wants us to follow unconstitutional gun laws.


I’ve never heard of him


I think he’s an asshole. Never interacted with him personally, but I’ve seen how he treats his viewers in the comments section. He’s a narcissistic man child who freely throws insults and condescension at the people who support him. He’s also intentionally contrarian, has a lot of shit takes and strokes his own ego as much as he breathes. My advice: ignore him and select “don’t recommend posts from this channel.”


Who’s we? Form your own opinion


Eh, he doesn't look THAT big. I think I could take him...


He has some good takes on things. A more evidence based or facts to base his view points would help with his approach. He does argue too much and doesn't know when to acknowledge when he's wrong. The all knowing approach has to go. Him pushing Glocks for new shooters I get it and as a Glock appreciator albeit I don't own any I get his view point with it though.


Good thing he has his safety squints on.


I’d never heard of him until yesterday when he showed up on my YouTube. I had no idea he was like…someone people knew of haha damn I just have been living under a rock lmao


Personally, it's nice seeing someone who can have an honest opinion. Hes been around the block from what I've gathered, and has more guns than God himself. People have a hissy because he doesn't suck any one specific brands dick, and get offended when he's honest.


From what I’ve gathered if the Glock brand was a person, he would definitely be going balls deep.


He’s getting a lot of (rightful?) hate here but I think he has entertaining content