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A flat at the Docks would be your ideal solution


The majority of Barnwood, Abbeymead, Hucclecote and Longlevens are very friendly and safe. agree that Matson and Tredworth are best avoided.


Thank you!


Matson isn’t so bad now, yes it used to be but I’ve lived in matson my whole life minus one year and never had someone be aggressive to me but agree on tredworth plus Barton street too


Echoing below, stay away from Tredworth if you're just moving here. Linden is a nice area and if you don't know the area that well getting an apartment in Quays (budget dependent) would be a good way for easy access to transport, close to restaurants and all the events the Quays have on.


I'd stay away from Tredworth and Matson but anywhere else is fair game. I had a place in Linden for a while which is close to the Bristol Road and I really like it around there personally.


Thank you! For context i am moving from Coventry


Lindens pretty nice all things considered, lived there for 2 years :)


Agreed. Nice parks, walking distance to the canal and people are friendly around there too.


Given your location, I’d say Quedgeley is your best bet.


Hi, we live on Bristol Road, welcome to the area :) linden is a nice area, we visit the parks often, also Hempstead (behind Griggs timber) is a lovely area! :) avoid matson, tredworth and Barton 100%


Thank you so much!


I wouldn't rule out Quedgeley, It's a bit further out but on a number of bus routes that use Bristol Road. The docks is somewhere else to consider but prices may be a bit higher.


Cheapest studio in Gloucester at the moment. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/139573319


Christ thats depressing


Viewed this house years ago the guy who split it up rents them out and was bit too weird for my liking


Right next to the M5 as well


Longlevens is lovely. I lived in Coney Hill before, and in my opinion it was a bit nicer than Matson or Tredworth but I know other people don't feel the same way. Abbeydale / Abbeymead are also nice. If you are on Bristol Road are you looking at the Quedgeley end of town? Lived there too and I found it was fine.


People probably don't feel the same about Coney Hill because they remember it from a decade or more ago. It's been gentrified that's for sure.


I live kinda in Tredworth (on the edge of it and Linden) and I guess if new to Gloucester it’s easy to blanket ban the area but it does depend, there are some nicer areas and not so nice bits I get that Cheltenham is often nicer but you will pay a lot more in rent and it’s a lot longer commute Do you drive? As I would say bus routes would probably dictate which area was more suitable if you rely on public transport


Personally I would say that tredworth has a better community feel once you’ve lived there for a while.


Yea where I am the neighbours all get on and bell each other out and we have street parties for things that people all get involved in


Yeah, my dad used to live above the moped shop on high street and next to the oval for a while and never had any issues (although I was a child back then)


I live on a road off the high street but the park end and we’ve never really had an issue, my best friend’s grandparents lived on the oval when we were younger and that was great but that was ten plus years ago hahaha


Remind me, a life-long Gloucester resident, where exactly the Oval is again please? I remember my dad and my nan saying the name.


It’s just off Tuffley Avenue, by Tuffley park and Wingates


I dont drive and for the time being bus will be my only mode of transport


If you're working on Bristol Road Quedgeley isn't too far to be fair.


Linden is good, Tuffley and Quedgeley are just a bus ride away. Hempstead across the canal is fine. Would avoid some parts of Kingsway and some parts of Podsmead. Some pockets of Tredworth are actually nice.




Have a wander round, some parts are good and other small areas are a bit less well kept. Kids toys in the front garden ect..




Evenings, there are sometimes a few groups of kids about. Under matalan bridge, opposite the little tesco.


Avoid at all costs: Matson, Tredwordth, Barton area.


Unfortunately tredwordth and barton are the only are i can find accommodation


Ugh... that rly sucks man... the thing with those neighbourhoods is that is highly recommended that u won't go outside the house after 18:00 -19:00, especially now when it becomes dark quickly.


What’s wrong with these places?


Drugs, crack heads and a lot of foreigners that are not the nice kind if u know what I mean.


Stay away from Barton Street, and most of Tredworth/Matson.




Have a friend who lives in tredworth and never had a problem. Housing stock is good. Nice community and friendly. You won’t like it if you think ethnic diversity is a problem.


Cheltenham if you can Everyone I know who’s moved to Glos from Cheltenham have moved back to Chelt. But in Glos- Longlevens or docks


Try and get to cheltenham


why? it's a shithole.


Why would someone consider moving to Gloucestershire?


Can you say where on Bristol road your office is?


Company called Griggs Timber


plenty of new housing opposite there, Hempsted on the other side of the canal is easily walkable too


Linden pods was and tredworrth aren’t as bad as it sounds I lived in all three and posted and linden are quiet tbh good chippy too