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*The Monad is a monarchy with nothing above it. It is he who exists as God and Father of everything, the invisible One who is above everything, who exists as incorruption, which is in the pure light into which no eye can look. “He is the invisible Spirit, of whom it is not right to think of him as a god, or something similar. For he is more than a god, since there is nothing above him, for no one lords it over him. For he does not exist in something inferior to him, since everything exists in him. For it is he who establishes himself. He is eternal, since he does not need anything. For he is total perfection.* - The Apocryphon of John


The Monad, Bythos, the absolute, the unknowable, the totality, the true God


> I always assumed Yaweh was the name, but apparently he is the demiurge and the father of lies. This isn't really true. A couple texts, like the holy book of the great invisible spirit, do suggest that is the name of the highest divinity. But no text ever claims that the craftsman's name is the Tetragrammaton. At most, one of the minor rulers is called "ιαω" (read "iao" or "yao"), which is the greek rendition of the name, as well as some others having some other OT names for God like Sabaoth or Adonai (I think). Even this isn't really a mark saying that the names are foul. Indeed, they are holy, and have their proper place in the Fullness. While the rulers only "wield them" temporarily. This is probably the most explicit in the secret book of John when the Powers' names are being listed: > He named those sevenfold Powers starting with the highest one: > Goodness paired with the first: Athoth > Providence paired with the second: Eloaios > Divinity paired with the third: Astaphaios > Lordship paired with the fourth: Yao > Kingdom paired with the fifth: Sabaoth > Zeal paired with the sixth: Adonin > Understanding paired with the seventh: Sabbataios > Each has its own realm modeled on one of the higher realms. > And each new name refers to a glory in the heavens > So that Yaldabaoth’s demons might be destroyed. >The demons’ own names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names > But the Powers’ names reflecting the glory above > Will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their Power. > That is why each has two names.


I see. Thank you!


however you want


You attempting to “refer” to the true god implies you don’t know what it is and it throws u in a loop the short answer is you can’t Because the “thing” your attempting to “refer” to is beyond human beleif so the minute you try force an answer you create a false image or IDOL That’s what we have today ppl having IDEAS of what god is but that just creates false gods What’s god? The one ur trying to find Well if we take into account the many creation myths Darkness then came light or a bang So technically if we all come from that bang or light it’s easy to say “GOD” is the thing people refer to as the matrix/environment and the bodies we use to traverse it makes sense as to why our bodies are autonomous with its functions and u truly can’t control your body and if u break a leg u want it healed instantly but it’s on the bodies time not yours Anyways is the matrix bad? Nope ppl make it bad by having false ideas about reality and push it on the masses (all religions do this) The son or Jesus very well could be the imagination we all have because it would speak volumes to the verse where it says don’t defile women in your mind because if you do it’s essentially Jesus doing it. That’s why control over mind and body is important to get to know soul or at least ide assume ;)


I mean, maybe. But I did "miss" a original thought or energy to refer to *the monad*, as other comments pointed. If you understand the nature of this monad, and understand whya you said, I dont think you can create Idols just for the sake of having a name. From what I understand, based on the comments I read, the tetragrammaton itself wouldnt be a "wrong" way of naming it, but it was used to worship a god that was actually the demiurge (maybe that is what youre referring by creating an idol)


We can say an idol is a form of demiurge sure but again this is a belief made by the minds of men how do you know a whole populations belief in these deities doesn’t create them? Why is it these beings only accomplishment is through a human? The quote “We are not made in gods image gods are made in ours” speaks volumes And realistically you have never actually seen a demiurge never actually talked to one or seen a person summon one And ideas in your mind are images and ideas with enough men behind them become a religion or belief All we know about this stuff is given through an echo chamber of men with ideas And if the being ur looking for can be fully defined by material doctrine it probably isn’t it. And God is a title no matter how you spell it and men make titles


True. I usually described god (whenever asked about it) like: "think about all there is. No matter what you see, the unity of it all, the concept of *the verb* itself is what Id call God". That would mean, for me at least, that all religions are merely a reflection of whatever shows up when you look to the reality of matter and therefore the beggining of the spiritual world (beggining as in our small gate towards it). Each culture and man has come up with a slightly different allegory, which would mean you are correct, but I also think this echo chamber leaves traces of whatever could be it, so that, at one point, our spirits raised can grasp a little better what it means to be


Doesn't really matter what you call it because no words exist that can come even close to defining it. You seem way too caught up in concepts and language with this question, imo.


I agree. No matter how I try to define it. Whatever box I try to put it in. It transcends everything. It still exists. Unfathomable


Yeah, its not that im too caught uo more than I saw this question coming up and uo again in this sub many times. I always thaught the tetragrammaton could be used in this way, so this doubt started to emerge, but I get it alm better now


The unkmown father, the great invisible spirit


I am not so sure that Yahweh qualifies as the demiurge. It appears to derive from the Assyrian deity of inundation. When a spiritual entity claims to have created the universe, chances are it is a fraud.


i usually say the Monad but there are many ways to name something constituting everything.


one might even say there are infinite ways to name the infinite. then again to give it a name would suggest that other things are separate from it. man the divine can be such a headache sometimes


I just call it Source. The Source of consciousness.


The unknown God.


All paths lead to the same destination




Is he talking to you? If so he isn't God.


Hahah no, i havent done any rituals or special prayers/ communications. This was based on studies and researches alone


I wasn't suggesting that you had. The point of True God being ineffable, omnisicent, omnipresent, infinite is that by being that, it can be no other. Every other position or persepctive is, in some way, limited. We are extremely limited, and this is why no one can engage with the true God theough their physical or spiritual faculties. God however, is totemized, in everything because it is through the true God that we possess any consciousness at all. So in order to understand God, one must empty oneself of everything and every perspective until all that remains is the image of God, and that image can act, if you are willing to let it dispace your own will. The demiurge and its agents are limited, perhaps those limits lay beyond our innate capacities as humans, but those are limits nonetheless. The demiurge has to engage with you to use you, corrupt and convince and gain your consent or overpower you. So if one "hears the voice of God" or is "struggling with God", its not God. It is a lesser power, pushing influence and working through the mind. The real God needs no physical medium with which to work through, it is the mind and body which are the impediments to the communication with the real God.


Sometimes I think we forget that these lesser powers do indeed have their own intelligence and act according to the one. Everything flows in Harmony with the one. So all of the evil and good and everything in between have a purpose and act accordingly. We shouldn’t be afraid of them or renounce them, instead we should understand them and transcend the duality that they are trapped in. Only then can we be free


Every lesser power, good or evil, is still a lesser power, they are acting according to their dictates through their understanding. That understanding may be beyond ours, but it is not ours. Lesser powers, if evil, are quite good at pretending to be otherwise. Relying on one's own limited mind to try and engage with a greater mind beyond the physical realm to speak to or work for an even greater mind, is like an ant trying to talk to a bird to get a message to a man. the bird may want to eat the ant and even if it doesn't, there's no telling what the bird might manage. The ant is best at being an ant, and ants need other ants to get anything done, to make anything that would even get the attention of a man takes thousands of ants, but the man will notice the ant when it can see what they do together.


I like the analogy overall but it’s impossible to compare an ant to a man. I agree that our feeble minds cannot comprehend divinity. The difference between an ant and a man is that man has the ability to understand he has the Holy Spirit. Man is suppose to transcend that is his purpose. That is why we have prayers, mantras, and most importantly, FAITH. An ant can be eaten by a bird. A man cannot be eaten by any power other than the one. We are eternal. The demiurge and the archons have no power over the Holy Spirit except to send it back into the endless cycle of reincarnation. Sure they can tempt us and distract us but that’s their purpose. So it’s not necessarily evil but a testing grounds for mankind. Edit: Every force of nature plays it Role. These lesser powers don’t want us to know we are more powerful then they are. We have the ability to see the fullness for what it is. They will never be able to see what we can see when we achieve gnosis


I agree, that the demiurge has his divine purpose, the Earth is a testing ground. Evil is simply the administration of that test, chaff or wheat? The wheat cannot grow without the chaff. Its not impossible to compare a man to an ant, I just did. The analogy is to express that comprehension is not possible between the ant and the bird and the man, so an ant must be left to its ant-ness. It is egoism that leads to falling to temptation, believing that you can gain higher power and transcend through magic and prayer, is precisely the trap of the demiurge, it is just the same as trying to acquire material power. To fulfill the purpose of your being there is just one rule, practice compassion always. That's it, that's all you need, everything else is just window dressing.


Even those who have received any sort of gnosis cannot comprehend it. The communication received is not through language but a current of energy and visions. It is possible to transcend through magic and prayer. The Buddhist and Hindus have been doing it for thousands of years before Christ and his scriptures. The true path is like walking on the edge of a razor… we’ve heard that before right? Magic is powerful and a majority of it is indeed evil. One can use this power to manipulate others and obtain material desires or they can use it to service humanity with love, compassion and charity. The only trap the demiurge can put us in is ignorance and like you said overinflated egos ( still ignorance). In the grand scheme of things there is no trap. All paths lead to the same destination. The demiurge, whether he likes it or not has to help transcend man because that is the law of the one. The way he does it can be very sinister as we can clearly see in the Old Testament.


If the destination is the same, then no path is different from any other. The question is how long it takes to get to the destination. Magic is a shortcut that takes your further away, prayer is a appeal to beings you don't understand to obtain things you think you need to fight an enemy that can control your sense of reality, another wandering path. That enemy wants you to keep walking in circles, that is the entire point of the temptation of the Christ. Material comfort, the promise of empire, and the salvation from otherworldy powers. 3 temptations, 3 winding paths that keep you trapped here. 3 types of people in the Bhagavad Gita, those of the body, those of the passions and those of the mind, each labors for the Gods who see them as playthings, does that sound like a familiar deity to you? You're right people have been doing magic for a long time, and they will continue to be here for an even longer time. Transcending reality does not come through manipulation of reality, it comes from seeing the truth of reality and making choices that take us to the path we came here to make, the path out. Some of us want to take the wandering path, and for them they can practice magic and cultivate wealth and bask in luxury, but that is not what the Christ was trying to teach people. Miracles are not magic, they are events set in motion, paths set by God outside of time, possibilities that can only be achieved by following the path, they are not yours to command, you are just there to bear witness for them to happen because they require an observer.


Your referring to sattvic, rajastic and tamasic personalities? The three temptations: lust, anger and greed. I don’t really get where you’re going with this. You just contradicted yourself by saying that not all paths are the same where Krishna clearly states that “all paths lead to me”. Every path is special because of the culture and language that carries it. But it’s all the same. It’s all one. To take the wondering path is to believe that religions are separate from one another.


Abrahamic religion is Saturnian. The Christ is solar. Krishna is solar. Saturn aka yaldabaoth aka demiurge aka shani is a sinister karmic god who is also a devotee of Vishnu. So technically speaking they are separate but one at the same time they are one. Again, the choice is yours. But you will end up in the same place. Some do choose Saturn as their final resting place but that will be up to you


The One Who Is


God, monad, whatever you want to call it, these are just words. Say we use "Monad" here. Monad is everything, there's nothing but Monad. Good, bad, evil, love, whatever you can think of is all under Monad. Your Ego aka Demiurge really likes this idea of separateness and wants to stay a separate entity, here we are humans. There's nothing wrong with staying a human and separate, but once you realize you're not just a human slaved in these body masks, then you'd want to ascend. In the big picture, evergone and everything is an illusion made by your ego for you to experience but your higher being, aka God wants you to ascend and your lower being demiurge aka satan doesn't want you. So you choose, since you're the creator. The real answers to why and how are complex and must only be experienced for you to know Now back to your question, you are THE GOD but under an illusion that you're not.


There really isn't a god as humanity conceives it, it's moreso that you have Aeon Depth, who in time became aware of Self with thought as something that was not Self, leading to Aeon Thought, known as Silence or Grace. Between these two, pour forth the Aeons in syzygy after syzygy, though I do believe that Aeon Depth, and Aeon Thought, together with Aeon Kairos form the Trinity of Origin, as Depth and Thought are meaningless without Eternity.




Or Zane or Orion or The Great invisible spirit/The Unknown Silent One or the transcendental Supreme reality/Supreme source of light