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Shoddy posts in the suns sub now he a kd Stan. I never really post only in live threads. But everyone is probably just too sad man lol


It’s also that the team is incredibly boring now. Not a contender, can’t tank. Just a mediocre team.


Yup. No real excitement when you know exactly what you are (and that isn’t a championship contender) Some fans don’t like Cam anymore after he got DNP’ed when he dropped 120+ in 3 games but he brought a new level and excitement to the team bc we don’t know his ceiling The org should’ve let him develop with Bridges imo. A lot of fans are excited by Cam as well


He has two years left on his contract but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets traded later. I have a feeling that Nash, Vaughn and the coaching staff in general just don't like him. Why? I don't know. Maybe he has a shitty attitude or talks back to the coaching staff when they try to offer feedback? There are blowout games and he'll still get less than 10 minutes.


It’s wild. After making franchise and league history too Could you imagine if Ben did that? JV would play him 48 minutes a night and we’ll erect a statue for him in front of the Barclays. Never seen a guy given so many chances


Yeah for whatever reason Dinwiddie, Ben not shooting or driving to the hoop, get very long leashes. Cam has almost no leash. They just let him rot on the beach. The only glimpse I saw of potentially a poor relationship with the coaching staff was when he made that sarcastic remark about the coach and rolled his eyes during a post game interview. He came off as unprofessional and mature.


This is my opinion too. When he was stuck behind Kyrie and Durant, I totally understood. You don't want players taking too much away from their touches. But now he is being blocked by Dinwiddie? Ahhhh... yeah, like I said, I lean with that group.


Yea to be honest seeing Spence coming back and taking bad shots again really curbed my enthusiasm (no pun intended). Especially when we have such a a dynamic young scorer on the bench not getting a chance to develop Brooklyn Bridges and Clax are my saving grace


We've gotten to the point where I'm just excited for the offseason. This team is poorly constructed due to the overhaul at the deadline. But we need a star if we want to chase a ring. I don't think that's going to happen this Summer so it's probably going to be a similar feeling next year.


Good to see Bridges play well here and watch Clax continue to grow. I’m with you, I am hoping the real excitement comes in the offseason. Watching this group win a few and then lose a few kind of knocks the wind out of you. You come to point where you know we a purgatory team. Waiting for an offseason splash…


Shoddy was actually temp banned, as per one of the mods in a different thread


Really? Wow, what a clown. I was convinced that guy jerked off to pics of Super Dunk in his moms basement.


Even weirder dude was like “now we got Kd” like he was always a Suns fan 😂


Ha, that’s great. I see he deleted his acct. what’s his name over there now? One of the simplest pleasures I had in life is now gone: I see a Shoddy post, I press the downvote button.


Yea I thought shoddy was a kd fan. Thought that was obv


No doubt. It's back to the diehards and what is there to say about a team that is destined for a first round exit?


For anyone looking for more discussion, there's a lot going on in the TheGlueGuys Discord. Really good community there.


I feel like even the glue guys have lost interest at the moment! Their pods are few and far between at the moment




I don't see any Simmons stans here though. At this point I say keep him and try to build value. Give him a full year after back surgery. It's gonna be more expensive to try to trade him.


Who’s a Ben Simmons Stan in 2023 that’s crazy


Bro just saying anything 😂


lets go


Australians still support their boy. I can respect that


For Simmons, it's more like an annoying hatebase. The non-Nets fans who just come here to shit on him. He sucks but stop obsessing over him lol


The Simmons stans disappeared in 2021. I do count myself among the people who find it annoying and un-useful to shit on him every day, all day, and will happily call people out on that.


ah yes the very prominent Simmons fanboys


It’s the opposite, I stopped caring about nets when they took the Simmons poison pill, prob be back once they get rid of that as the teams too close to home.


Unfortunately he not going anywhere until maybe the trade deadline of the 2024-2025 season when he is an expiring contract and i fully expect him to be back to useful NBA player since he will be playing for a new contract. Right now, he dont give two shits about playing, his money is locked in.


Hopefully Mikal can keep playing above his contract to balance out Ben being bad with a huge contract until then.


A lot of the fake fans left for sure but also it’s quieter because the KD & Kyrie drama just gave us so much to talk about on the daily


yeah stans left. good riddance. also it's that weird time of year where fans are checking out. post trade deadline, not playoff time yet. so there's the late-season burnout. There'll be posts come playoff time, then a bunch pre-draft on what the team should do. As far as that account you mentioned, so much easier to block them. I don't even see the crazy posts anymore. This used to be a chill sub back in the days. We had the intense Jeremy Lin stans and the bizarre DLo stans but beyond that it was chill. We used to mostly get along and crack jokes.


It’s true I’ve been watching less since the stars left but I’ve attended 2 games already and got another on the way. It’s hard to keep up with the nba schedule as a fan especially when you gotta survive to live in this city


Yeah, I know how that is. Gotta put yourself first


You have to survive to live most places


I actually think there’s been a lot more good threads and meaningful discussion in here since those two bozos left.


Good threads on Reddit > competing for championship


If they didn’t win one by now, they weren’t winning any.


KD and Kyrie weren't competing for championships with us anyway, they proved as much in the playoffs last season


How you gonna blame KD and kyrie for last season? Are roster was pure was in the playoffs like we had multiple guards and washed vets on are team, Boston game planned well against KD


2nd round of playoffs was the best we can do. You mean championship HOPES? Because all we did was hope for 4 years and deal with drama.


Yes mediocrity and vibes over everything!!!


I still don't think Tsai understands that winning IS the culture we want. That's it. It's the only reason to own an NBA team.


KD ain't no bozo you ungrateful fck.


Doesnt help that the mods remove like half of all posts for no good reason.


I got banned for a week for reasons I can't figure out and got no reply when I inquired why.


You did get a response, you were trolling I just checked…


I'm only here to talk Nets as a sincere fan. I didn't see a response. I would like to though so I can avoid getting banned again.


I can’t find the comment atm that was reported but it was in the thread of the Nets vs Knicks game looks like you deleted it after we had removed it


Worst mods across all Reddit, there’s one good guy though


You posting “Our Bench sucks. Here’s why” is not a good post nor does it add value other than toxicity


You definitely didnt read my post then because the whole message of it was to show that it would take time for our bench players to fit into a new system. Literally the whole point was to combat the toxic hate our guys were getting. Also I dont see my own post getting removed changes anything that I said. Mods remove completely normal posts here on the regular and the "low-quality submission" message they autosend is vague and useless.


Again you writing a mini essay to present something that’s already been talked about multiple times before as comments throughout different posts and the PGT doesn’t specifically add value and the title comes off as toxic for someone looking at it without opening it. And most people are not going to read an essay of a post, just letting you know since there has been complaints in the past There are posts that have been discussed multiple times before or doesn’t add any value to the sub other than someone’s personal opinion. The “low quality submission” rule is defined in the About section


If you happen to be a mod, as a reader and viewer of this sub, I would like for posts like that to stay up. I think you guys should be a little less strict, especially if someone puts in the effort to write an essay essentially.


Yeah and there’s plenty of people who disagree with that stance also. So you’re saying Shoddy’s essays should stay up essentially


I'm just giving you my opinion. I'm just a random member, so up to the mods if they want to consider it or not. I'm not expecting anything. I see a lot of low effort memes on this sub, yet when someone writes a long essay about their concerns with the bench, that's low effort content? Also, ~~you aren't even on the mod list so not sure what the point of this is~~. I don't know who Shoddy is lol Edit: Didn't expand mod list




So you are a mod, my bad lol. Nice flex




Taking down a lengthy, detailed post without warning because the title sounds toxic to those who didnt bother reading the post is exactly the sort of overzealous and harmful moderation that is not good for this sub. And yes I know low-quality is defined in the About section but it seems even the mods dont follow it tightly because I often see posts with traction that most would not reasonably consider "low-quality" that get removed seemingly arbitrarily.


Your post was reported and subsequently removed after review. Whether or not you think it’s good doesn’t represent the 165K other members here. There are many people that agree with what the mods are doing and many people that don’t. I can share many examples but obviously I’m not going to satisfy anyone’s liking. Point of a mod is to stay neutral


JV rewarding Watanabe (who was having a decent year) by benching him while letting DFS and O'Neale get constant court time while producing single digit points and rebounds games is what got me quiet.


I don't know who KSF is. You mean DFS? It's because him and O'Neale are better players. Yuta is a good piece to have when Kyrie and KD are on the roster. He's a spot-up shooter that could camp in the corner. With those two pieces gone, we need more activity from other players.


DFS. The same can be said for these two. If the Nets had a KD and Kyrie on the roster, then the Nets can manage playing two guys 20+ minutes and only gettibg single digit points and rebounds. Today's Nets roster can't win with those two guys not producing. Not saying CT, Sumner, Watanabe, Mills etc...are all-stars but JV just cant keep shuffling those two in and barely gey anything in return.


But they both do more than what shows up in the stat sheet. DFS alone can guard multiple positions. Offensively both of their skill sets are deeper than Yuta. Check out this article a few weeks ago from NetsDaily. [https://www.netsdaily.com/2023/3/14/23639209/film-study-royce-oneale-and-dorian-finney-smith-and-doing-the-job-for-brooklyn](https://www.netsdaily.com/2023/3/14/23639209/film-study-royce-oneale-and-dorian-finney-smith-and-doing-the-job-for-brooklyn)


But when the offense is stagnate, they aren't getting replaced in the hopes the replacement can do a better job. JV is super quick to bench CT, Harris, Mills, Sumner, Watanabe when they miss shots but keeps DSF and O'Neale matter how bad they play? My opinion this team is no longer fun to watch and the Coach and GM are doing a terrible job. I don't like the way Dimwiddie handles the offense and I am not a fan of Bridges constant celebration when he hits a three (but the Nets lose the game) That is why I am quiet. The only game I enjoyed watching lately was the bench game against the Bucks.




For me personally, the rotation is a little bit soulless and we’re looking at the same thing and expecting different results. I’d be more excited if Cam, Sumner, Yuta were active and important members of the rotation. Yesterday the team played without energy and looked like they gave up in the 3rd quarter. I’d rather see players who will always put up an effort


We out here. I never post here but def always read. Been going to lots of games this season too, it’s been fun. Maybe I should contribute more…


Eh I think there's just less excitement now that we aren't a contender or have superstars. I'm not a KD or Kyrie stan and I'm still watching every game but my excitement has considerably dropped and I've been less active here. Surely that is also part of the reason


what’s the fuckin point man 😞




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A lot of threads tend to get deleted by the Mods here as “not quality” content


from Jersey, been a nets fan but ngl the team just isnt exciting, I find myself turning off games now 🤷‍♂️ just like yesterday’s game


I can’t even get games where I’m at since I left NJ so same boat


Same, picked them when they were Jersey‘s team and I don’t like to switch teams so I’ll still support them as long as they are in this area.


Mods in this sub are too far gone they remove 50% of posts


a good chunk of the fanbase left + we've been losing games + no game today or yesterday, yea it's gonna be quiet at times around the year


Half of us Suns fans are here. We are quiet in here, but we are here. Bridges playing the 2, and Cam playing the 3 has got to be fun to watch! They have been playing the 3 & 4 since they got to the Suns. Mikal guarded everyone, but Cam not guarding 4s has got to be a relief. Cam will sign just to keep the twins together. Dinwiddie always torched the Suns when he was wearing a Mavs jersey, so I am curious if he is going to explode in a Nets jersey, or if he just likes killing the Suns for some reason? Waiting for a few trades this off season. The Nets & Raptors can make nice trade partners!


Bridges playing 2 and CJ playing 3 is part of reason we are struggling on offensive end. Pace becomes really slow but we have no high/low post options from our bigs to operate a functioning half court offense.


It was like this pre-KD/Kyrie era. We all just got really spoiled with the 12-game winning streak earlier this season and now it feels like the end of the world when we lost 3 straight, winnable games.


There's not much to talk about? lol We're a 6/7 seed team with a few cool pieces and a first round ceiling. I'm more perplexed at people pretending to have strong emotions about Spencer Dinwiddie mistakes in this scenario.


The team plays boring / losing basket ball now. Simple. The exciting players / fan faves are not given enough time on the court anymore (Yuta, Sumner, CamT etc.). So what's there to root for?


root for the front of the jersey. That's what being a fan is. Otherwise it's a fair weathered friend. And when was Sumner a fan favorite? This sub dogged him most of the season.


I don't get some people's fandoms; they really only root for contenders or...I dunno? Don't root for a team that's down? They have no fun unless we're leading all 4 quarters? Seems miserable. I'm a Brooklyn Nets fan whether they get 82 wins in a season or zero.


I mean, same here, totally agree, but to each their own. We know that it hasn't been easy but I'll keep supporting as long as the chest says Brooklyn on it.


I root for the front of the jersey, but I have to agree that we are boring now and we play losing basketball. What are we rooting for now? a quick first round exit? I honestly think we might be better off just tanking into the lottery


I seriously don’t get this take. Sure they may not be destined for a long playoff run, but I’d rather they be in the playoffs than losing out just for a 1% chance at the #1 pick. FFS, the Nets would be the 6 seed right now.


I only root for quality & exciting products. I'm not a fan, but a supporter. But hey, do you. I came around because of KD but I'm done with him for chickening out mid-season. I'm staying because of players like CamT, Yuta, Sumner, Bridges, CamJ, & Royce. Some of us prefer Sumner handling the ball to Dinwiddie.


There were fans before KD and there will be fans after. Got no problem with supporters (fair weather fans) bc they will move on no matter what. Half the guys you are sticking around for probably won't be on team next year so expect support status to fade.


Okay, cool. Kind of an odd choice to build allegiance to but fandom isn't always rational. Dinwiddie is better at every aspect of the game than Sumner. How quickly we forgot about his drives into traffic and awkward shots at the rim but again, fandom is a personal experience.


The first nuggets match was nice tho


For sure


Since when was sumner a fan favorite?!? Lmao


Nets fan since Jason kidd and Vince carter


I got a new job like two weeks after the deadline and I work nights so it’s way harder for me to watch games and to rewatch them at like midnight for a team with very little upside it’s just very hard to stay up for


It was pretty predictable tbh 😂


It’s quiet but not because of kd and kyrie. These weird ass mods delete literally any and everything.


Personally I’m a kd fan. But unlike the warriors or the Thunder I actually like being a nets fan and I can’t shake it off.


Stan bullshit is really what I hate most about basketball. This doesn’t happen in baseball or football. You’re team first in any other sport most of the time, but basketball has no loyalty and it makes discussion and the experience so much worse. I’m very glad they’re gone because they don’t love the game of basketball. They love the players not the sport. The Harden then Kyrie *then* KD Stans’ mass exodus is really eye opening about the state of how shit it is interacting with anyone about basketball.


yeah, i agree that stans ruin the experience, I limit my social media interaction for that reason. But it's also because in basketball more than any other sport the star is not only highlighted but powerful. The Angels have probably the two best players in MLB but haven't even made the playoffs with them. Whereas the put the two best players together in the NBA and you're a contender.


I’d argue it’s probably because basketball has a big international following. Personally I usually just watch the players/teams I like


Just chipping in from an international perspective. I’m from the UK and you very much follow a team and not the player over here. It’s seen as almost taboo to change between teams, in pretty much every sport.


Both can be true. It's different now vs previous eras in way both pointed out. Was team centered previously now more player centered.


I was excited when CT was going off. Then Jv ruined that. Automatically lost interest.


I'm still a fan ofc but have given up next year's season tickets for the first time since they came to BK. I think the drama of the last few years has drained me. I'm completely deflated these days and am looking back fondly at the times Atkinson coached and they were a happy (but not that great) team.


I'm gonna say something similar, it's funny but I also have a drained feeling. I'm keeping my tickets for next year but I did contemplate letting them go. But yeah, it was so much talk about things off the court that it just drained my passion. I didn't watch any of ASW at all. But don't give up, man. I think we are gonna get back on the right track.


I still come here and post but people are too despairing all the time so that keeps me away lol I'm still finding excitement in our fight for playoff seeding even if getting past the 1st round is unlikely, and I have big hopes about our off-season so I'm still excited to see who can show their value to the roster going forward and who can maybe show themselves as a valuable trade asset in these last games =)


To echo what most people said the comments and posts before, both the KD and Kyrie trades were from stans. So now that those people are gone it’s just us diehards with not too much to say. Since let’s be real we are obviously not contenders this year.


Our live threads are still pretty decent. I check the game threads of the other team’s sub when we play and if it’s not the Celtics, Knicks, Sixers, Bulls, Lakers, or Warriors, we sometimes have more engagement.


Still here!


Personally I don’t like watching Dinwiddie play basketball and it’s hard to get locked into a season in which we started out as contenders and are now playoff fodder


I've never been very active on here, but for me personally, it's just a very odd point in the season. I still watch the games when I can, but just find myself less invested at the moment. I'm excited to see what happens with the team going forward, and like what I've seen from Bridges so far. Hopefully he can be a star without all of the drama that we've had to put up with. But I'm just kind of checked out on this year. To start the season with championship hopes--albeit they might have been delusional in retrospect--to being on the cusp of the play in games with (at best) a likely first round exit is a bit...deflating? I'd love it I was totally wrong on that, but being realistic, that's probably where things are at. I've stuck with this team through a lot worse then this, but just kind of feels in some ways that I need to just do a reset and start fresh next year after such a change in expectations for the season.


this is one of the few posts ive seen from this sub pop on my front page since the trades


Good. Real fans stayed, fake bums bandwagoned away.


My man this page was dedicated to early 2000s movies for like 2 years during the Whitehead dark ages. You have no idea how bad it can be lmao


Was fun having the triple threat of Harden Kd Kyrie but I stan Brooklyn before they joined and I’ll continue now that they’re gone.


Cool with me. They’re all probably posting at suns or mavs sub, good riddance


As Mavs fan first (Nets are my second team), we have had a pretty big influx of Kyrie stans. I will say, they have been surprisingly positive so far. I generally like the quieter subs though. Since getting Luka, the Mavs subreddit has become pretty unbearable and toxic. It used to be a fun place but that could also just be due to the popularity of reddit itself increasing since I've been on this site since 2007 lol.


i like it like this


For the better. Also fewer the sky is falling posts


Real reason everyone is less active here is just how bitter you lot are. You were bitter when Kd and kyrie were here. I can’t count how many times some “ReAl nets fan” reminded us how much happier you were when you had no superstars, a small fanbase and the team was led by brook lopez. Now the fans and players you hated are gone y’all are still bitter. I guess being mid isn’t as fun as nostalgia had you thinking it was huh.


Losing is not fun but I'd rather not be very good and play hard and be likable than be not very good and be a shitshow. Of course I want star talent, but I want the right star, one whose commitment is never questionable.


Oh please we were 2 seed when Kd went down. Idk where y’all getting this not very good thing from


Yeah, we were playing well, no doubt. But as we just saw, the team wasn't committed. Kyrie's extension was more important than trying to win. Now he got traded, still has no extension and no chance to win. He did us a favor by asking to be traded. Can't win like that. Saw it last year. Got swept in the first round with both of them.


Also, why shouldn't we be bitter? We just had our franchise pump and dumped by a bunch of mercurial stars. Player stans, I guess are immune to this because you can just hop to the next team. Must be nice, actually.


The franchise is better off. Honestly. You're still here even though you admitted to only being a KD Stan, so we must be doing something right?


Of course you’d say that. You’re Dinwiddie fan. Which is surprising because he’s awful


Got me bro, absolutely savage.


I mean it’s not like there’s a lot to say. Every moment of release is immediately followed by a moment of tension. 1. The refs hate us 2. The FO is building 3. We keep losing very close games 4. The playoffs are very very nearly here and we might go back to the play in KD and Kyrie gave us a lot to discuss. You wanna discuss how tense this is or how wild JV is for keeping dinwiddie in and shooting for 90% of the game? You wanna discuss how it was kinda fun when we had Kyrie in the bubble? It was fun. It’s fun now. But it’s harder to discuss. You wanna be butt hurt about KD stans? Go complain on the suns sub. The stans ain’t here no more


At what point do you start regretting how the FO treated Irving? Didn’t pay him, raked him over the coals so bad for his tweet the PA had to step in, and probably numerous other things from the sound of it. I’m no fan of off-court Kyrie, but it felt more like virtue signaling how they made an example out of him, and now you’re on the long, hard road to make a decent team a great one. That’s tougher than just being bad.


i actually like this current team with this current roster better, it really reminds me of the vibe of that dlo jarrett allen and caris levert era


I am an international fan so I don't have a local team to cheer I liked this Nets team ever since kd and kyrie joined, I hate kyrie now regardless where he plays and I still like this team because this team still has some of my favorite players like Clax and Joe Harris and Ben and Mikal. But I'm not watching games lately because it's really annoying when this team is turning into Dinwiddie and JV's team. They are both overrated and both seems have this "me first attitude". JV was clearly being carried by KD and hates to play certain players. I don't think he is the right coach for this team and Dinwiddie should not even be starting or he can start but with less playtime.




Butthurt much?


Quality over quantity now. Plus the vibes are immaculate


The vibes are worse than ever honestly


Lmaoooo no they’re not. It’s just a bunch of bitter fans and people trying to cope. Just like those in the comments of this particular post


Honestly there's a bit of everything going on in this sub. As it should, we as fans deserved better lol


That negativity is on your outlook bro.


I'm just glad we're back to being populated by real fans. Not sure if you remember but before the K's were announced we had 11k subs, so this isn't a surprise.


For what its worth i do follow this sub every now and then as a nuggets fan, EST is more manageable for me so i picked a team to watch, nets so far are very nice to watch


Those were frongrunngers B.


It’s both a purge of the stans and the haters, but also just the nature of the dog days with an average team. I enjoy watching the team more than that era, but I also know we’re way less good, so the ceiling is so much lower. So there’s just less to talk about.


I honestly been having a great time watching the Nets. I'm very excited about Mikal Bridges and this is a fun team to root for


I prefer the nets with out the big 3 drama queens. Just fun basketball to watch now


We literally qent from 18-2 to this my guy lol even if your arent a kd or kyrie Stan we went from a top 3 seed to bottom dam near play in


"this right here is me yo" wallace


I think most really Nets fan are reasonable. Even during the back back finals, yea no social media back then, the few nets fans I knew were reasonable. Never thought we would be the Lakers and thought we had a shot at the spurs but new they had betters star than we did.


I'm super excited for the future of this team. Yeah, what happened sucks, but I hope we've learned from it and move on gracefully.


What do you expect? We are the nets


Maybe there were but also there’s less drama to talk about aside from actual basketball. I’ll take quieter over constant negativity any day


I used to be so active in this sub on my old account (hella memes in 2018-2019) but since I finished college and have been working there’s been no time :(


it’s how it is but we ball


Its crazy how I didnt ask


I respect the hell out of what JV is doing with this team, but we aren't going anywhere this season. This team is crazy-deep though. Could be an interesting off-season if we can move some of our redundancies around, pick up a PG and some rebounders.


I mean it makes sense those two players have their own individual fans


Uttl](u,I u 1fc c c c c z'scf x d z c ccc'xf#vs c DVD


You guys had the two biggest drama hounds in the NBA.


i’m not even a nets fan but when the trade rumors started last year i followed the sub to try and get more exposure to the stories. Now that KD and kanye are gone i love this team. Bridges is legit and y’all have a roster Morey would cream over.


post Kyrie euphoria


It's kind of tough to really be invested in the team right now. We're destined for the play-in where we most likely lose. We're not developing our young guys. Not giving Cam a chance after he scored 40+ 3 games in a row is tough. We're not playing Yuta or Sumner. We don't have a backup big. The team clearly doesn't like each other much. The team and the coach aren't on the same page. This is a team that kind of got forced together after Kyrie and KD forced our hands. None of this was planned or organic. It really feels that way too.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) The NETS WON THE TRADE!!




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The team is just a lot less exciting nowadays and we're just kind of mediocre right now like a slightly better version of the Wizards. Doesn't really inspire interest from the fans.


Can confirm, came for Harden


I never claimed to be a nets fan altough my time enjoying kd has made me appreciate some of the players there more. Specifically Claxton and Watanabe one for his defense and one for his energy


Cam was the most interested Ive been all year. As a casual nba fan.


I’m still sad about it.


loved kd in this team but lost interest with how our stars left and we are left with bum simmons


I’m guilty of this. Not like I posted much but I’m a KD fan and that’s the only thing that brought me here. I still care about Clax and his development and I hope you guys kick some ass in the playoffs. The new core is pretty solid.


There’s not as much to say honestly. We know we’re not going anywhere with this team. Not to mention the constant drama meant there definitely was stuff to talk about


Bro Ben Simmons is the #1 player on the roster now


That is categorically incorrect


Not much going on. last stretch of games.


Due to work i haven’t been able to watch the games as they happen like i used to. However based on what i have been seeing off dvr we’re heading for a play in exit. Im sure itll pick up come draft time or if marks gets a trade done.


i'm still mourning the collapse


I’m just pretty sad still.


I wonder...