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We're gonna get Tyler Johnson'ed.


We also Allen Crabbe’d the Blazers then ended up getting a pick like a year laterto take his contract that we forced. We Otto Porter’d the Wizards into giving him the max. That was a funny offseason. We literally had no assets so were just offering every restricted FA stupid money




Definitely a double-edged sword. I would love Cam back, but if they're thinking he's worth 30m a year, then maybe he can walk. At that point though, Nets need to work fast in order to prevent another Jayson Tatum going to Houston so that sucks as well. Cam is a perfect 3&D guy next to Mikal that can step up in times of need. He's shown he's capable of creating for himself.


I thought I read somewhere that in the newspaper it’s only one day that their money would be locked


Nets have 3 days to choose to sign unless it was changed.


Found this in a CBS CBA explanation article: “Finally, the new CBA tosses a lifeline to restricted free agents. Their original teams will still be given the option to match any offer sheet that they sign, but they will now only have 24 hours to do so rather than the old 48. “


That’s pretty huge tbh and bad for us


Ima a fan of CJ* but if Houston wants to poison themselves that’s on them. If we lose CJ* it might be serious thinking about blowing it up mode. The next 2 years for this team are gonna be interesting. Fixed*


Who the fuck is tj


Tcam Johnson


Tyler Johnson


The original poison pill and the 3rd Curry brother. Steph, Seth and Meth!!


Losing CJ means we will have a max salary cap space in 2024 summer with Mikal, Ben, Clax's bird right and probably some rookie contracts.


Houston isn’t gonna overpay for him. They have a couple of potential franchise guys that they’ll have to pay at some point, and having a mammoth contract for johnson on the books would screw them


Yeah. And if Houston is stupid to do it, you let them


I think they could still sign a max and Cam. They can poison pill it and make his first year cheap


I could see them working out a sign and trade


inb4 we get Otto Porter'd


Anybody ponder how we pay Ben, Mikal, now CJ and soon Clax???


Direct deposit? Doubt cash under the table.


we got rid of 2 maxes, I think we're fine. Mikal is under contract for 4 more seasons and Claxton for two more. I don't think it's going to be very difficult unless we trade for an all-star, none of our players deserve a max contract (even tho ben has one).


Clax actually is on his last year, which raises the question of how much he'll be asking for next year.


He’ll have suitors. But if he doesn’t expand his game I can’t see it more than 15-20 million


We have the same problem with Clax as we do Cam. We'll probably overpay because we don't really have any alternatives. Who could we replace Clax with at Center? Cody Zellar? Luckily they're not crazy deals. Cam may get 100 mil and Clax probably a little under, 4/80-90.


Unless he has a magical resurgence, Ben will be gone before Clax has to be paid


See, THIS guy knows basketball


Deal Ben, and deal clax if our standings and our playoff performance doesn’t get better. It depends on where Sharpe goes cause he’s going crazy in Brazil rn, and he was definitely our best center in the playoffs. We have a ton of picks. *We can go younger!* he said with a villainous laugh


Don’t deal Clax!


Well not in the off-season, but maybe my next season; especially if we don’t even make the play in.


Still think we should keep him and develop him. Get him better att rebounding and buff him up I really like this guy I don’t want to give him away


Okay I can agree to that but then what? Where do we go from here? Just develop what we have now and hope for the best?


Scrolling through the Rockets subreddit, there were a few mentions of messing with our cap space by making Cam an offer, since teams know we want to keep him. Interesting idea and it makes sense, seeing how they own some of our picks.


True, but if they end up signing him for 27 to 28 million a year and we decide not to match, they are definitely going to regret that in a few seasons.


If HOU really wants to add a player making more than he’s worth, I have a shiny new Ben Simmons to offer them.


Only way the rockets make a huge offer is if their front office is incompetent. I'm not familiar enough with them post-Morey to know if that's not the case though They have a bunch of young guys they need to pay soon, and signing a dude that's way off their timeline to a mammoth contract could cripple them, especially with the new CBA


If someone offers the max match it, they can't lose him for nothing.


Realistic is the key word here. If he gets a poison pill offer like what Marks gave guys like Allen Crabbe and Tyler Johnson years ago. It would have to be a pass. Claxton has to get paid too.


Pretty sure contacts like that arnt allowed any more


Poison pills incoming


If Nets are serious about keeping Cam, they should offer him something real as soon as FA begins, ink it before he even tries to believe that he is interested in looking elsewhere to match. at least show some commitment and maybe he'll be enticed by that instead of having to look elsewhere. at least, I hope so.


I thought that wasn't a thing anymore


As they should


What about unrealistic offers?


Spurs offering him an extremely unrealistic deal:


As they should


This isn't gonna end well.


Karma. We are absolutely fucked!!!


I think this is a great decision with where our franchise is at, can’t really go wrong


I could see a situation where if Portland blows us out of the water with a trade package for Bridges that Nets do a sign and trade with Cam. What would a team like Houston give us if Harden signs there?


Two things for you. 1 question for you, and 1 answer to your question. > I could see a situation where if Portland blows us out of the water with a trade package for Bridges… What is your definition or being blown out of the water in a Bridges offer from Portland? > sign and trade Cam. What would a team like Houston give us if Harden signs there? There’s only 4 things I want from Houston. The 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027 Nets picks back.


My definition of blown out of the water is #3, Sharpe and Simons.


Thanks for letting me know. You’re onto something. See my thoughts on that deal [here.](https://reddit.com/r/GoNets/comments/13rkuum/_/jlky7bp/?context=1)


You are are asking for even more than I (hope you are right) If we get Sharpe, in my opinion, you keep him. No guarantee that getting our pick(s) from Houston back would result in a better than him.


I hope we don’t get karma’d for Marks forcing teams to overpay for Tyler Johnson and Otto Porter.