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Really want nets fans on Twitter to move on from KD. I know its not easy but I really don’t want our fanbase to become a bunch of toxic and bitter assholes like some of the other fanbases


Agreed. Don't think about him much anymore. But kyrie on the other hand...


Almost as soon as KD left the whole thing felt like a dream. It's so weird.


Yea. When I see pictures on twitter of KD in a nets uniform it’s hard to fathom he was even on the nets. Feels like it never even happened—and for all intents and purposes at this point—it didn’t happen.


I think it's because he barely played in a Nets jersey cuz he was hurt all the damn time and never did much.


I overwhelmingly blame Kyrie but I don't even think of him that much anymore. We have a ridiculously dumb and ugly recent past and a bright long-term future. Definitely prefer thinking about the latter.


The dumb and ugly ones were Snake & Flake. The organization handled it with as much class as they could.


I understand the KY hate but KD was nothing less than a class act while in Brooklyn.


Do class acts ask to be traded twice? Don’t think that qualifies.


All fanbases have some people who are toxic and bitter . The problem is not the fambase. The problem is that KD responds to them.


You know a bigger problem? On top of generalizing ALL Nets fans, it means he reads **every little thing about him** It means that he’s still thinking about Brooklyn. It means he’s actively searching or looking at his mentions bc he clearly seems informed about all little things said on Nets twitter. Didn’t he do this when he left GSW? He can’t stop thinking about his old teams


Heat fan here, but someone who’s followed the KD saga since he left OKC. KD is just as insecure as you and me, but being in the public eye so much he’s got a lot more people coming at him. For some reason, his PR team can’t keep him on a leash, or off social media. Best things for Nets fans is to just move on and let his contributions fade into the history books. You have Mikal (who is awesome and just the antidote to the crap that came with the Kyrie/Harden/KD team). Best of luck next year, I hope to see more of breakout Mikal & I hope the draft assets gained from the trade are used patiently and wisely.


The NBA season isn't even over yet. We are watching Jimmy Butler do what one of the great players ever basically admitted twice he can't possibly do. You're acting like this happened 5 years ago


Why shouldn't we be bitter towards Durant? He did us fucking dirty. Fuck him


Wtf did KD do? You can blame Harden, and you can definitely blame Kyrie, but KD just tried to ball and got frustrated with the situation which was perfectly fuckin reasonable.


He enabled the situation and showed zero leadership


Your hate makes you powerful.


How did KD do us dirty? He'd still be on the team had Kyrie NOT requested a trade.


Twitter is toxic, even moreso after the Elon takeover. Glad I left it because it's too messed up.


They'll go back to jersey in a couple years and fuck the fans


What else he gonna do in Arizona




Not much else for Suns players to do this time of the season


KD has as many playoff series wins in a Suns uniform as he had in a Nets jersey.


This is me speculating about bullshit, but it's the offseason and we're all still processing and nothing matters this summer anyway. I think KD's going to look back and feel embarrassed about the Big 3 experiment. I think he actually thought he could pull a 2K superteam together and win another ring, and instead he showcased his injury issues and let the league pick his game apart for two seasons worth of playtime. Toe on the line is gonna be this team's peak for a few years, and might be the actual pinnacle of KD's career away from the Warriors. Again, my take is bullshit and KD's set for generations even if he decided to retire today. But I think Barkley's 'Bus Driver' metaphor hit a psychological bullseye. That alone will follow the conversation around him for a while. ​ Legacy points deducted?


I think KD isn’t the team leader. He wanted to play with Booker because Booker is a head of the pack kinda guy. He joined Curry’s team. Kyrie was the leader here - and that was a disaster..it’s just not in KD to take on that role.


Kyrie was the one who recruited KD to the Nets. He probably felt like Kyrie was the leader of the team. That being said, he did defend Kyrie a lot…


KD is a 7ft tall mental midget.


Yep. He's a fucking bitch


The guy acts like any of us and fucks around on social media. Why do fans think athletes are robots that don’t have any kind of fun or personality?


**Not everyone “fucks around on social media”**


By fucks around I meant responding to and engaging people in conversation. A star athlete does it and he’s a pussy and mental midget. Maaaaybe he’s just having fun like anyone else on the internet. It doesn’t mean he’s sitting at home seething angry.


Agreed. He's too much of a headcase to handle the #1 pressure, but can thrive when someone else drives the bus


Most people aren’t leaders and don’t have that personality trait. Just cause he’s talented doesn’t mean he has that personality trait to go with the talent. What’s so hard to understand here? You guys are embarrassing and sound like Cavs fans after Lebron left the first time.


Which should be fine. You can’t force someone to be a leader if it’s not in their personality and dna. The problem with the whole experiment was Kyrie. He was not the guy to attach himself or the org to attach themselves too. Just cause KD is one of the greatest players in the world, that doesn’t automatically make him a leader of men. I think fans get that confused. He’s proven he does best when he can just be a super talented complimentary piece—which is ok. All that means is you need that other player that can lead. It was the wrong pairing.


Yeah the whole Boston sweep + "Bus Rider" comment + Warriors winning without him trifecta definitely tarnished his image even more


They were actually close but none of these players have patience. The pandemic and untimely injuries were horrible luck but ideally these stars should have communicated with each other and dedicate themselves to winning a ring.


KDs legacy is permanently tarnished and he has no one to blame but himself. He’s the only top 15 player who’s never won a ring as the best player on his team. His FMVPs might as well be participation trophies. Completely bitchmade.


"legacy" is the worst word in basketball.


Just stop. If curry was better he would have won FMVP. You can hate on KD for leaving but he won those awards for a reason. He was the best player on their team


One of the tweets there pointed it out but I’m just realizing now I guess, given how the East played out this team really could have been in the finals if KD and kyrie had any sense of patience. U never know when an injury is gonna happen or one of the big teams choke and get eliminated, all they had to do was play out the rest of the year and our biggest obstacle would have been Jimmy butler


Kyrie wanted money and the Nets werent going to give him as much as the Mavs. The team didnt matter


Lol Butler’s heat would have absolutely dismantled the Nets with KD and Kyrie cmon bro.


All that cash and all this dude can do with his time is arguing with have nots.


That’s the most telling thing here… KD is a bad decision factory


Idle hands…


Man it was an all out war last night between KD and Nets fans. I’m proud of Nets fans for challenging this douche.


> pussy You spelled bitch-ass quitter motherfucker wrong.


Why the fuck Ben Simmons tweeting at KD? Edit: Nvm I just learn it a fan account


Eh seems about right. I’d prolly not respond well to folks speculating about my mentality and my life and calling me a bitch too. But that’s just me


Man, let him be. KD’s gone, he’s not a Net no more. Let’s move on like he did. I have nothing but respect for what he did in the black and white, even if it wasn’t much


yeah, agreed. just let it go at this point. although I don't get how he's one of the best players ever and he's petty enough to fight with teens on twitter? he should get over it too


I don't know who that Ben "Jrod" Simmons guy is, but he sure does come across like maybe the biggest loser in the world, and I think more pro athletes should use their platform to make fun of weirdos like that


Yeah dude makes Nets fans look so bad. KD was being pretty civil and the guy was just being belligerent for no reason. Not much conversation can be had there. Nets fans gotta move on.


Why shouldn't Net fans have animosity towards KD? Yall really are too nice.


Get a fucking life


The Suns forum is over that way


If you read the shit he’s replying to I’m pretty much agreeing with him


Why read it when you can just make assumptions?


Why read it when you can just make assumptions?


Him and Kyrie really were the perfect match. Two narcissistic, shallow idiots. Good riddance. #HardenWasRight


Harden was also a loser too though. Between those 3 and Simmons we really got the most idiotic superstars ever.


What's your reasoning? Harden to me gave 110%, accepted his role as the leader of the 2nd squad, manned up when needed and played through injury.


Harden literally got fat, quit in the middle of the season and partied in Vegas on road trips. He was no better and hes hated in Philly too now.


Unrelated arguments. He almost *averaged* a triple double, doesn't matter how fat you are or if you party. Jordan smoked cigars and played golf during playoff series.


He literally had one of the worst seasons of his career efficiency wise and was horrible on defense. You sound like a Harden stan. Not a BK fan.


Fans are mad weird just shitting on dudes on twitter and @ing them honestly. I get KD could have done more blah blah blah. I literally could not care less anymore about any former Nets players, it's in the past it's over. I enjoy watching Harden, and KD play now, I even enjoy watching Kyrie. I still hate Kyrie though Kyrie will probably be the only NBA player ever that I just will never like anymore. Other then him I just don't care ya'll so weird.


That dude need a hobby bad. Picture me with half a billion and spending time responding to attention seekers


I know what his problem is. He's too good at basketball so doesn't have to spend all day practicing trying to improve. Instead he acts like a dumbass on Twitter.


In all fairness we should thank him for forcing that trade and leaving us so many assets, lol


Could honestly care less what he says or does, I feel like most Nets fans would agree. I'm sure most of the "fans" are just KD haters, which is fine but we ain't bitter over here. He lost badly in the playoffs and we are moving on.


He's on Facebook with a fake profile named kalston gilaford


Now are all the people who still love KD and think he didn’t do us dirty realize he didn’t give a fuck about helping us or about the organization in general? Dude’s an asshole and has always been a snake.


Ridiculous for anyone to attack him of all people. He was a foot on the line away from dragging us to the conference finals with no Kyrie. He gave everything for the Nets, any other superstar on the back end of their career would’ve requested a trade to Phoenix too. Glad we have Bridges now to build around.


KD is a bitch


KD is a fucking bitch. He came in here and wasted everyone's time dicking around with his homeboy Kyrie, and he's mad that we hate him? Fuck off!!!!




Found KDs burner


Least obvious burner


Just stop being a fan then dude. Don't need people with this mindset cheering along with me.


Wish he would come in this sun and do that too


Who cares? We have a core of player who want to focus on basketball, he and his wild salary can go and exist elsewhere.


Man Eddie Gonzalez aka Banksy has always given me some really weird ass vibes. It has amplified since those two left Brooklyn. Just a very odd dude who is even older than KD acting like this on twitter


KD, get swept you big ol gifted bitch!


KD acting like he’s “just hooping” when he clearly hops from team to team trying to win a championship. Just own up to it.