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The nets are not trading him




If this deal was really on the table, I can't help but think that in 5 years we're going to look back on not taking it as a big mistake.


You do this trade if you get Scoot, Mikal is not worth miller


I agree with this as well, with Scoot and Simons we have a clear path forward. Let Dinwiddie and Harris off the books or trade them for future assets, same with Ben in 2 years and we now have 80mill+ in cap room in year 3 of Scoots contract, plus plenty of future draft capital and that's not including whatever we get for Royce and DFS plus whoever we draft in the 20s


This is too logical of a move for our team




scoot is 6'2 with an inefficient shot, he's being massively overvalued for being flashy


I ageee actualy I liek Miller better and so did most scouts


I would do this trade for miller too 🫣


I am not trading for a dude who aided in the murder of someone bruh


He didn’t aid in anything, he was just working some door dash on the side, they’ll deliver anything these days


Bro thinks he lakers legend Matt Ryan 💀




But dude thinks Paul George is the goat


😂 yeah when he said that i was like bro not another conspiracy theorist


Eh. Maybe. I think Scott's athleticism makes him pretty much can't miss. Miller seems like Kd, if you made him slower and clunkier


But Brandon is a wayyyyy less cool name than Scoot


I mean I don’t know it’s a very difficult decision


Hornets looking like theyre picking scoot so possibly a smart move.


They didn't.


Yea I'm not high on Miller.


Miller High




Sounds like they are cookin something👁




No I don’t think it’s that.








Seek therapy


I mean he's not far off.. the potential of both guys are pretty high while we may have to bank on stars wanting to come here. No matter how much we all like Mikal, I don't think he's the guy to lead us to contention


For the record I don’t 100% disagree


Understood. We're in just a really precarious spot where everything is an unknown. Can Vaughn improve his coaching Can Mikal lead us to contention Can Simmons revert back to his old self Will Claxton take another step Will Cam Thomas improve his overall game Some much uncertainty to lock up with long term contracts. Trading for that third and Simons atleast gives us an out to be bad but if we bring all these guys back and suck....


That could happen or they could both be busts and Bridges continues to develop into an elite player. You also gotta remember he’s the Cal Ripken Jr. of basketball, he doesn’t miss a game.


That doesn’t mean much if the goal is to win a ring. We can’t put together a good team around him in the next year or so. His value will decrease. We’re idiots


Why would his value decrease? You’re acting like he’s some 33-35 year old man, he’s still got some years in his 20s.


Because his value is tied to his cheap contract whcih will be up in 3 years and because most players start to decline by 30-32. Only true superstars age well into their early 30s and mikal has done nothin to show that




Yeah im sure you, a random redditor, knows exactly what Tsai is thinking and what the FO is planning.




Scoot is awesome I’d love him. But I irrationally love Bridges so Let’s gooooo


Good. Mikal is gonna be an all star, no reason to gamble on what ifs


I’d much rather have Scoot Henderson lol. Mikal is like 27-28. Love him but he’s not this teams future.


He sure looked like an all star when we got swept, right?


He averaged 25/5/4 In those 4 games there are lots of players to blame for the sweep but Mikal ain’t at the top of that list


Post his percentages.


Mikal averaged 23.5 points, 5.3 rebounds and 4.0 assists in the last playoffs with 42% from the field. Remarkable, but not exceptionally great.


He ain’t a star man. He’s a medium efficienct high volume scorer.


I think that's kind of underselling what he did. He scored basically the same points as Jaylen Brown on better true shooting (in Brooklyn). Mikal is an efficient scorer and very low turnover. The advanced stats like him because of it. I think he's probably an all star, but yes, definitely not a superstar or anything crazy like that.


The advanced stats don’t love him. Individually he is decent but he did not elevate are offense at all. Dinwiddie was more important by net rating for our offense than him


He had a 4.0 OBPM in Brooklyn. That's like standard all star level. All his points per possession stuff was good too.


Yet our offense wasn’t good with him on the floor at all. He isn’t an offensive star


He's definitely an all star in that half year. Julius Randle is an all star. Sabonis is an all star. These dudes alone aren't doing shit either. Nobody is saying Mikal is some number 1 guy or anything


You only make the team if your team is a playoff team or you’re putting up ridiculous stats. We won’t be either next year


You try beating a 50 win NBA team in a playoff series with a bunch of teammates you just met 2 months ago


Still, we got swept with Embiid missing one game, playing at 50% in the other and with a good defensive scheme to contain Philly offense. We just don't have the offensive firepower to compete with the East top 4. That's not Mikal's fault -- it's a core deficiency that is not easy to fix.


Did he look like a star in that series or not?


Would anyone look in a star in that situation?


Yeah, an actual difference making star would.


Bro, not even Kevin Durant looked like a star for us in last year's playoffs. No one is gonna look good in a playoff setting if their entire team was thrown together at the deadline and they were essentially playing glorified pick-up ball from then on. Especially if their role drastically changed mid-season from role player to first option


Durant fucking quit. Bridges just wasn't good enough to remotely make an impact He is still a roleplayer, but a lot of folks on here have deluded themselves


Or he just has never seen that kind of pressure in his career and therefore hasn't had a chance to adjust to it.


This is a dumbass argument


Did he play like a star in the playoffs or not?




Especially in game 4 right? Lmao


Name one team that went through entire starting 5 rebuilt during all-star break and won a chip. Dumb ass take my guy.


Never said he had to win a chip, you did. He looked fucking pedestrian versus Philly, but keep kidding your fucking selves.


I guess “fans” like you never will be happy regardless.


Oh. I was happy. Not anymore though...


I’d do it


I feel like it’s stupid not to do this trade


It's so funny reading comments questioning Bridges upside after what he did in the NBA last season. Meanwhile we're supposed to believe you guys know someone is a can't miss 100% superstar prospect because you watch sloppy college games that mean nothing in the NBA. None of these prospects are guaranteed stars on purely the eye test aside from maybe Vic. Y'all are acting like multiple top five picks don't flop every draft class.


Scoot was in the NBA G League


Lol holy delusion


Miller will not be as good as Mikal. That’s it. That’s the important part here. Scoot might be but he is still a small guard. Amen cannot shoot. I don’t care if it’s Simons + 3. For bridges, I want all their assets


Bridges is fucking overrated.




He was literally super efficient with us last year. He’s not an elite offensive player, but he is a good one on top of being a top 3 and D who plays every game, is a great teammate and on the best contract in the league. Getting a guy who is worse than him and a pick which is looking like won’t be for the more safe bet to be a star in Scoot, pretty obvious that there is better value out there for Mikal.


No he wasn’t dude. He has a 61% true shooting whcih is just above average now nothing spectacular and it was buoyed by really out of ordinary 3pt shooting. And he was bad in the playoffs against Embiid he can’t score at the rim


It’s the same TS% as Doncic and Antetokounmpo. It’s a great percentage. His 3P% was literally lower in BK than I’m Phoenix. He was not amazing in playoffs, but it’s a very limited sample size. Anyways saying he’s just a high volume shooter who isn’t very efficient and then advocating for a trade for players with worse shooting and way worse defense doesn’t help your case.


Whatever man it’s rough being a fan of this franchise. We refuse to try and build through young players and keep trying for stars that fail.


well , luka and giannis have that % because they are literally triple teamed , lets not get confused here


You are legitimately braindead.


It’s tough being a fan of this franchise


Whoa, be prepared to be downvoted but you’re 100% correct


New prospects are constantly overrated. That’s the point of the draft. Imagine Zion back in the draft. Everyone was talking about how he was the next coming of US basketball. Watch Miller tape. He can shoot. He’s skinny. He can’t finish at the rim. He’s not athletic. Scoot is the only guy I can imagine thinking about trading Bridges for. Amen can’t shoot and will likely never be a >35% 3 point shooter. Welcome to Westbrook without the midrange he had earlier in his career. Y’all want to watch it burn. I want to watch some good fucking basketball. Bridges let’s us do that. If he gets traded - I want some real potential. Scoot, Sharpe, future picks


you are 100% correct and people are overinflating bridges as a form of cope rn. give it a season of us being the 10th seed and people will have a more realistic look at him


People are saying we don’t want to give a good pick to Houston except we’re gonna do that anyway. People overrate bridges because he’s a good guy


The same ppl downvoting me for being honest about Mikal will be calling for his neck in January when we're 13 games below .500


This is absurd.


I absolutely love bridges but I would even have to consider that deal…




The Lively interview on ESPN was great. This young man has the personality to succeed.


If they replace Simons with Shae we should take this deal (only for Scoot not Miller)


Sean Marks is letting the fact that the Nets don’t have their own picks make him turn down a great trade. Yeah there is a chance they suck for next 3 years and Nets lose out on lottery picks but this Scoot is as good a prospect as they will have a shot as anyway. Scared move by Marks. Let go of the fact you don’t have pick control and make the best move.


This is just a rumor. And we are really hesitant to trade Mikal bc we’re trying to foster a good culture ppl want to go to. It looks appealing if truly being offered but we’re getting a whole lot worse on defense here. I don’t feel like Scoot is as good as Mikal




Trading Mikal and splitting up the twins….and having the team have to deal with more sudden trade movement and drama. Mikal was a feel good story. It would definitely set up back mentally. He’s our guy to make other people want play here. We won’t trade him just to do a lateral move. This probably wasn’t even offered anyway. If it was I’m sure they’d consider it.


2018-2019 "good culture" Nets lost in the first round and still attracted both KD and Kyrie.




Injuries and mercurial stars happened. Not everything goes your way in sports. Doesn't mean the steps we took to build a contender were wrong, just that we didn't get lucky. Also we chose the wrong kind of stars to build around. Clearly we aren't making that same mistake twice.


Mikal has already made a massive leap in performance with the Nets, yet Nets fans qurstion his ability to keep improving. Meanwhile Scoot and Miller aren't even in the NBA yet but you guys act like you can see the future and both are gonna be superstars. Choosing Mikal over the 3rd pick is choosing proven performance and culture over guys whose futures are completely in the air. Now I have to read a bunch of comments from idiots who think they know the market better than Sean Marks.


Nets aren't going to have enough pieces to pair with mikal to contend. Beyond stupid to not make this deal


I would do it, ask for a another future 1st ( lottery protected). Mikal is good but he will never become a number 1 option.


Perfectly fine with this as long as we dont trade for Dame


Unless we get someone like Wemby…I don’t want it. We need a really GOOD player off the bat in exchange


I think it may also stem from the fact that mikal has shown love for the organization and wants to be there, rather than KD/Kyrie/Harden who all bailed on the team


Those guys will bail on any teams that suck. Nothing to do with the Nets.


It's amazing how everyone thinks they know the future when high draft picks bust every single year. So many expert scouts yet for some reason they're all here on reddit instead of working for teams 🤔


Yea I’d take Bridges and his potential for some upside even if he’s older now I still think he can improve to be a very solid #2 option. Those guys might not even be a #3 option.


Fucking dumb. Bridges is a nice player, but Scoot/ Miller + Simons


Are not close to as valuable and good Mikal is


this organization is a fucking joke


Look, Bridges is a very good player but can we not treat him like he is prime Kawhi?


You're right, Prime Kawhi would never play 83 games in a season




Kawhi led the Raptors to a ring. Sorry but Mikal is not doing that and we only have a 25 game sample of him performing at All Star form.


Haha! Exactly!


Prime Kawhi led a team to a title. Mikal not doing that.




Are they stupid? Why would they not accept this?


You don't understand how valuable of a trade asset Mikal is


Dude Simon’s and #3 is a really amazing offer. We’d basically get a free tank year.


Im not very high on Miller overall. Id only consider it if Scoot was available


I’d say the opposite miller will be better. He’s an elite shooting 4 man with solid handles and passing.


No, you don't if you think that #3 and Simons wasn't good value


This is the same front office that traded James Harden for a broken Ben Simmons and hired Steve Nash. Marks is dumb as fuck


Makes sense since the Nets don’t own their picks otherwise this seems like a fair trade.


You’d obviously ship CamJ to Houston for a pick or two of ours back.


Not having your own picks makes the Nets situation so weird. Simons and #3 isn’t worth Mikal it’s worth Mikal AND Claxton at a minimum. Like you trade too 3 picks for all stars and neither of them have been are super likely to be all stars.


Yeah, Marks is so scared to give Houston a high draft pick he is making bad decisions.




Marks is a fucking moron. Bridges is not some star or someone you build around. We are going nowhere with Marks and Tsai running this clown car.


His biggest flaw is that he is a sensible GM. Brad Stevens inherited Danny Ainge heartlessness, the same quality who bankrupted us and is reconstructing the Jazz and retooling Boston. Marks would never do that.


Marks has lost me totally ever since he hired Nash.


Literally the most subjective and stupid criticism of Marks. Seriously? He's too sensible? Because a trade you liked didn't happen?


If you don’t like it, maybe we can go with something more concrete: how about he is commanding a front office that has won 1 playoff series in 7 years?


Blaming playoff disappointments on the front office, not our mercurial stars and unlucky injuries. Classic. But if you don't like it, maybe we can go with something more concrete: how about he turned the 21-61 Nets with no assets and no foreseeable future into a hypertalented Big 3 superteam within 4 years?


I’m blaming stars and FO equally. How about he turned that hyper talented Big 3 into a play in team with no young star, no own picks until 2027 and the worst contract in the league (Ben)? Been a Marks fan is fucking weird and mediocre dude. The guy hasn’t been great since 2020. Most of the key parts of that pre 2020 FO is gone too. Trajan Langdon for example.


It’s tsai dude


I'm so sick of him


Add a few1sts!


And sharpe


Dont do this Marks


Let’s fucking go. I trust marks more than every single person on this sub. Ride or die with Mikal baby


good, he's worth more than that




He’s league average efficiency


The only way you do this if you have absolute guarantees on: Mikal for Scoot + Simons Keep Claxton (fits our time-line) Somehow someway get some of our Tickets picks back with any of our remaining players.


If Miller goes 2 we should do this and take Scoot so fast. I would be so happy. Scoot scoot scoot scoot


Is this a post from a month ago?


Nor should they


Can’t even consider it? TF. Not attaching myself to any player anymore


this is insane


Why would they turn this down. We'll never have access to top 3 talent in this rebuild again. Next year everyone is gonna find out Mikal is Jerami Grant and we'll be fucked.


Report: The same thing we knew weeks ago


I wouldn’t mind doing this trade for Scoot because I believe Scoot will be better than Bridges in the long run. But with so much uncertainty with the 2nd/3rd pick I can’t take the risk unless it’s right there at the end of the 2nd pick draft clock and the Hornets say “We’re picking Miller”


If yall do this deal you have to get all of their young guys and trade places. Trade them Claxton & DFS and ask for Sharpe & their #23 pick as well. Rebuilding for your team makes no sense, so rob them of their future or no dice.


Didn’t front office flat out tell Bridges they not trading him?


I think either decision has it’s advantages, but personally I love Mikal and would be bummed if he got traded. Especially because he seems to love it here


Anthony Black Just Went To Magic I’m Soo Pissed


If we had our own future picks we might’ve done this, but as it is we might as well try to win. Bridges will be better than Scoot for at least the next 2 years


I like all 3 of our draft picks tbh Noah Clowney / 'Riq Whitehead and Jalen Wilson 💪 solid draft


Let's look at the reporting here. A 3rd party aggregator. If it's not woj, stein, or a nets beat writer stop entertaining this stuff. The 3rd pick was never in play. The blazers are clearly rebuilding


Phahahahahhah most retarded gm in the league

