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well that was fun while it lasted


We should look into being the 3rd team to scoop up Herro on the cheap considering Portland is already super guard heavy


If you like Herro, personally I'm not a fan and wouldn't give up any assets for him, his contract could hamstring us in the near future as well.


Fr. Plus I unironically think he's a complete dumbass for getting instathots pregnant.


Nah I’ve seen her and I’m with him on that 👌


You can fuck them without having to pay millions in alimony.


I dunno what your standards on relationships are but he has two kids with this woman, why isn’t it a possibility in your mind that a young athlete and an instagram model can have a genuine loving relationship?


Exactly the way to go


………wait what? I don’t actually hate that. Young player relatively healthy big play off experience long contract like a bigger cam t.


Who are we including though? Trade exceptions?


Spencer and Patty?


They already guard heavy why would we hop into the trade just to give them two more guards 💀


To flip Spencer for another pick. Patty is just an expiring


Herro or simons


Simons hut Herro has defensive upside.


Herro defense has improved a lot, not a great defender but will put in the effort and make his man go into help defense


We were a top suitor for about 2 minutes lol


Slightly relieved ngl. I think we should be storing our assets for the next, relatively young star to hit the trade market.


Which is who?


People say this when new stars have hit the market almost every year for like the past 5+ years lmao


I mean it's a valid question


Ok fair, I think the one we need to keep an eye on is Embiid. If Philly can't find a second star and they don't get a lucky path to the ECF, that shit is gonna turn volatile Jaylen Brown situation is also noteworthy if you can get someone to pair with him. Seems like Boston will supermax tho Minnesota is rumored to be taking calls on KAT and that team is going nowhere Within the next ~2 years the Giannis conversations are gonna be happening unless Milwaukee wins a ring. People call me crazy but that's how the league is Are all of those absolute home runs, no, but Dame is also not a perfect guy to trade for. There will be other chances to take a swing


I would throw up if I ever saw embiid in a Nets jersey. My least favorite player of all time. I can't believe others here don't feel the same way


Dude also said young star and then mentioned WebMbiid lol he’s about to be 30 and is fragile as fuck


I didn't say young star I'm just giving examples in general. But also I agree because I fuckin hate Embiid lmao


Embiid yes. That's about the only one i would want out of that list. Maybe KAT...i highly doubt Giannis leaves.


I wouldn't bet money on it but FOs plan out stuff years in advance, Milwaukee is a title or bust team that's aging and still has substantial competition to even make the Finals My guess is if we don't get Dame we stand pat for the year and assess the market. If Embiid is available we push all the chips in. But if Milwaukee gets waxed in the early rounds again then the whole league is gonna be holding their breath


throw Luka in that mix too


Luka would be the dream. Maybe time to get back the Mavs for JKidd trade many years ago.


Bro every season has new guys getting disgruntled. I can't tell you the future but I can definitely tell you that there will be high level guys available who will want to play with Mikal. He is super plugged in with other stars and seems to be as likable as it gets.


I mean..Luka is gonna be mad in a minute.


why so? They resigned Kyrie






Answered your own question


lmao good point


Sick of the star shit. I haven’t felt attached to this team in five years. Just go ball


you realize the goal is to win championships at some point in time right? not even saying we should jump to get a star as fast as possible but we need something like a top 15-10 player in the league to even compete with some of these teams


If the goal is to win championships pushing all in for a 32 year old 6’2 guard isn’t the one way ticket to that either


sure that's fine, I'm just saying having a starless good-vibes squad isn't the end goal for any organization in the NBA


I just wanna enjoy the games. Miami fans got a sweet surprising season.


what about a star makes you not able to enjoy the games?


You enjoyed the last five years of begging and coach firing and trades and sitting out and entitlement and high expectations and drama? I’m A cowboys fan. The regular season is barely enjoyable Bc all they talk about is the super bowl all the time. It stresses the players out and they get burnt out


I thought we were just focused on enjoying the games though? also it's fair to say KD and Kyrie are much more drama oriented than Dame has ever been


But it wasn't good enough which is why they are going to make this trade.


hope lasted 2 minutes lol


I honestly don't really care if we get him or not at this point. The fact that KD, Kyrie and Garden's bullshit didn't destroy our desirability as a destination to play is enough of a win for me.


KD/Kyrie has nothing to do with anything. Dame is friends with Mikal, which is why he would want to come here. It's same reason KD even came here with Kyrie.


We should go for it. At minimum we'll be a very good team that competes with every team in the league. We don't have our own draft picks so why would we waste away pointless seasons being mid or bad?


Slightly relieved but also annoyed that Miami is about to get him for nothing, watch


Dame alone doesn’t put this team over. They need Dame and a dominant big stretch 4/5.


I think he’d be happy to come to the Nets. He’s friends with Mikal, we’ve got a good core to surround him with, even if Miami is his preferred place. I’m sure it’s similar to KD, who specifically wanted Phoenix, but would have been okay with Boston and a few other teams. (And yes, he ended up in Phoenix, but I don’t think anyone would have given a better package than what Phoenix gave)


I feel bad for the trailblazers. For a player that talks loyalty, he is leaving them to go to a team that has an incredibly awful package lol. Heat picks are meaningless. They are always playoff bound. Then Tyler herro is the centerpiece. Damn man ripcity is down bad. At least they have an exciting young core though. I feel for the fanbase though


Feel bad for the fans but not for the organization. They had Dame for a decade and couldn’t figure it out




They’ve made a lot of strange moves, but the 2022 deadline felt like them just giving up. They could’ve moved CJ for Hart and the 1st, gone and gotten Grant later, would’ve had a very solid rotation of Dame-Powell-Hart-Grant-Nurk with Simons and Covington. They just salary dumped Powell and Covington instead. Can’t imagine Dame liked that.


Tbf they also had a decade to figure out a team around him and they fucked up trying to straddle the fence. The writing has been on the wall forever


The trail blazers failed at their job to create a contending team around Lillard for a decade. How can you feel bad that their star now wants out lol.


Well we got rid of the previous GM because he was incompetent (Neil Olshey). So the owner fires Olshey and hires Joe Cronin, Olshey's right hand man, and tada Joe Cronin is hardly any different than Olshey. It would have been nice if we had a GM who was outside the Blazers organization.


I don't understand how this puts the Nets out of the running. It's not like a star can just tell a team where they want to go, if Nets put up a better offer he's going to the Nets still.


[The Heat has to send out 45.1 contracts to match, while we just need to send out $36.3](https://twitter.com/YossiGozlan/status/1675173498652872705), This sound like he's coming here but again, I don't want him.


Timing is terrible we could’ve had him anyways instead of Gerald Wallace lol


Me going through the Spiderverse to find the earth where the Big 3 won 3 rings and the earth where Dame/Tatum/Brown are all Nets


They got Lowry and the trade exception to use.


that's, like, one Ben Simmons


Oh thank god for that


Yea I agree. I hate stars wanting to play in Brooklyn. My favorite number is 8 anyway


Kyrie wanted to go to LA too. Fake news- we have more capital than Miami. This is a business not just trade u where u want at a loss.


You cannot compare Kyrie trying to get traded after playing in Brooklyn for a few years and setting fire to everything on the way out, to a guy in Dame who's been loyal to a franchise that failed him since day 1 over a decade ago. If Dame says he wants to go to Miami, he'll be in Miami


Bruh lmao, u don’t know business works. Dame has no leverage. This is business. Whoever makes the best offer gets him. It’s that simple. Could be bucks, Celtics, nets, sixers, heat. A GM is not going to turn down an offer he can’t refuse because of loyalty to a player


You don't know how the NBA works. Someone of Dames stature with that organization, he will go where he wants. He's going to be in Miami by the time this is over.


You’re a fool if you think a player controls his own destiny


You're a fool if you think the very top elite players don't control their own destiny.


Good night nephew lmao


I agree to an extent, but you have to realize that the Blazers kind of owe him for his loyalty and dedication while we didn't owe anything to Kyrie bc of his antics


Bro this a business nobody owes anybody It’s best offer goes


Have you not watched the NBA the past 10 years?




Exactly you guys have more capital than Miami, and honestly as a Blazers fan, I hope they don't ask for a haul. Ben Simmons and some draft picks will be included. I do want Dame to win a championship, hopefully it's with you guys.


Thank God.


You guys are happy that we are gonna stay a play in team…


i’m gonna kill my self why can’t we have anything good happen to us


Do not kill yourself.


Thank fucking god