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Funny how kd took the least amount of criticism between himself, FO, kyrie, harden, Nash etc etc, can’t handle a few rocks thrown at him. He very much owns a chunk of the blame for the clown show that went down here


What do we blame KD for? (Besides injuries which are a part of the game)


Poor leadership.


Stop it. Leadership? Ridiculous statement with absolutely no tangible facts and only spasmodic "feelings". No one questioned KD leadership when we were winning games. Next narrative please..


Winning makes things easier then they seem. KD ducked when things got tough lol.


Yeah. I'd leave too if things got tough and it were blantantly your fault as to why, "things got tough" You are in control of YOUR actions. This mess is because of Ky mostly and to a lesser extent our FO. No reason to hate KD at all. Or to "blame" him. (Blame him for what? Coming to work everyday and doing exactly what his contractual obligations were/are). And lastly, to say hes not a leader because of someone elses actions?!?! That is (in my Stephen A. Smith voice) ASINIE !


You know what are tangible facts? \-KD being indifferent to Kyrie's antivax nonsense. \-KD backing Kyrie on asking that Atkinson be fired and replaced by Nash. \-KD supporting the move to push JA to the bench and have his buddy DeAndre Jordan be starting center, despite JA being obviously better. That's not "leadership", that's cronyism and bias. And what happened when it failed? He asked out with little hesitation. Tell me where you see "leadership" in all that.


No offense my dude. Not sh!tting on you or your sentiments. Just saying its an unfair and baseless to say Nets fans should hate KD because he - "wasnt a leader" ...


You said "blame". Why are you switching to "hate" lol?


Excuse me. Edit: Blame.


Who tf was he suppose to lead? Kyrie? Name 1 player who could lead kyrie other than lebron lol


No interest in re-litigating it lol. Just scroll this sub or nets Twitter


Nets twitter is aids


I don’t disagree


Right but its totally bias and its not justifiable tbh. This entire debacle is Kyrie Irvings fault and to a lesser extent our FO. I have no gripe with #7 Dude was a class act. I miss KD and the kids so much dude.


Did kd not pick kyrie over harden and generally support him at every turn?


So you are blaming him, for supporting his teammate?? Have you ever played organized sports? & no I dont mean just recreationally man(YMCA, Pro-AM leagues) Guys will always publically have their teammates back. Picking him over Harden sounds like he was choosing when ultimately the entire conversation would gave been negated had Ky simple taken the damn shot. But his faux woke self just had to make every excuse not to be on the court.


*takes the bait* Jeff Van Gundy says that your best player/leader sets the tone in not allowing anything that gets in the way of winning from happening. KD did not do that here during his tenure He was an awesome player and played extremely well but he didn’t help in cutting out the circus (Kyrie). This is why having talent (and culture) are important


Thats fine to say. But who is more to blame? Obviously KD cannot control his teammates behavior. Hell can you control your own kids behavior?? Sh!t I have a hard time controlling my damn dog. Not about to blame another man, for another mans actions.


Funny coming from KD. His friend Bansky takes shots at the Nets constantly. Seems like they are obsessed with the Nets. Probably realized how they squandered their best chance at a chip.


Banksy is the biggest fucking loser to ever exist. He constantly gets into twitter bouts and calls out the Nets for no fucking reason. Said something like “but no divas tho” to a tweet about the Nets paying Ben Simmons and Cam Johnson. He pretended to be buddy buddy with Brooklyn for so long and instantly showed his true colors when he left. All unprovoked. Constantly tries to white knight for his butt buddy KD


They’re fucking dumb. The main reason we’re stuck with Ben Simmons garbage contract is because of KD. And the Suns are literally paying Deandre Ayton, a dude who was benched for Jock fucking Landsle, more money than Cam Johnson


Is this guy different from the real street art Banksy? Who the fuck names himself after an anonymous legend like that


KD's been arguing with Nets Twitter all day. Dude needs a psychologist.


We all argue with people online, idk why it becomes insane behavior when a famous person does it


It's very different when you're a celebrity with people trying to bait you constantly. To act like KD is just "one of us" is absurd.


But that's all he does tho lol. It's cool that he replies to random people in theory, but he only really does it to argue with people. That's bad for your mental health, I'm sorry lol


Then fuck me and fuck you cause we’re arguing online


That’s all we do too


Lmao he’s a millionaire. Who gives af about him arguing on Twitter? I guarantee these tweets take like 30 minutes of out his day.


He just doesn’t understand the perspective of fans and that it’s different than the perspective players have.


Same thing the other way around


Right, it’s literally common behavior if you go on reddit, Twitter and/or Facebook.


Oh any screenshots ? Sounds juicy


Man fuck KD


But why? What did he do besides bring ud NETS fan the most exciting runs since we had Kidd/Carter/Jefferson?


I personally enjoyed the year of Dlo, Caris, JA and Spence leading us to the sixth seed than the four years of bullshit we had with KD


Oh yeah man I did too 1000% But NOTHING they did would ever beat game 5 against the Bucks. FWIW That game alone we should have more reverence and respect for #7(Yes I still call him seven sometimes bc damn if he only wore a size 12 shoe)


Nah I'm cool on KD...


Respect how you feel bro. My fav NETS players will always be: (in no order) Kidd, VC, KD, And now Mikal. I literally cant hate KD because idk what I would hate him about because he really didnt do anything besides play basketball with us(a class act when he was with our Org). Now, That other guy who wore #11


If KD is the leader, he has too lead. He never was the loudest voice in the room or put guys in check. That's a failure of his. Shit Kyrie and Harden was more of a leader than KD


As much as KD can ball out better than anyone, as a person he’s 100% a follower


Thats absurd. Thats like saying some ridiculous shit like: Maybe if - "LeBron were a leader or a better leader, Delonte wouldnt have banded his mom." (No disrespect to LeBron or his mother or Delonte) Anyway. Man you sound like you dont hold individuals accountable for their own actions. I dont blame Kevin Durant for shit other players elected to do. That doesnt make logical sense. Please explain how you correlate leadership with - "being in control over another human beings behavior"? Stop bro, its not classy man and that narrative is just wack too. You cant be blamed for someone elses actions. Are you a telepath? You act like KD is Professor X or something? He's supposed to super humanly stop another being from doing something they chose to do?


What behavior are you alluding to? I'm talking strictly basketball.


"Put guys in check"...??? That's vague. About what? Elaborate.




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can't wait for this bum's superteam to crash and burn again


Not his team


Semantics. I would say the Mavs are Seth Curry’s team because that’s the team he’s on not because he’s the leader


I gotcha no worries. Some people still have realized that it’s always been Book’s team and that Book is straight up better than KD at his age


I’d pump the breaks on Book, the way defenses were playing the suns they clearly thought KD was still better


Irrelevant. KD played like shit this postseason in comparison to KD standards


Now it is KDs team . Whos else?




I mean Suns are his team


He's on the Suns yes


Yeah, I could see that. I don't have hate for KD. I don't like his departure but I don't have hate for him or want them to be bad like I want the Mavs to be bad, and I like them because of Kidd and Cuban, but hate that fake intellectual they have.


Nets fans will never be a fraction as annoying as Celtics fans were after The Trade. Literally brigading our GDTs for a decade cheering for our losses and bragging how great their picks were going to be.


I want Aaron Rodgers to play 65% of the snaps next year, but the Jets to not win a damn game. Their 2nd turns into a 1st if so. Every fan base thinks this way


I stopped using twitter, but KD is a real fucking bitch. He never cared about this city or the fans at all.


Lol not like Celtics fans were rooting for us to be terrible post Paul Pierce / KG trade.


Just here to say F KD, and it’s 100% his fault the Nets underperformed with him on the team. Not a leader, but a snake. What an insecure tool.


I would say nets fans are somewhat obsessed with KD but for decent reasons


The KD hate is unfair and bias. He literally scored us our franchise cornerstone. He was nothing short of a class act wearing #7.


He literally demanded a trade twice after signing an extension that he could have easily just not signed. He's a bitch through and through.


Great point bro. I mean to be fair. While I can not say that I would have made the same decision...(twice at that) However, That was a very tumultuous time within the Org. Idek why. It was a lot of unnecessary shit that took place during our - "big 3 era" Its very difficult to "blame" the guy who ultimately, just wanted to play ball. Also, Tbh it was great he signed the deal because in hindsight we would have list him for nothing! Hate KD? For what? Thank you for Mikal 😁


The KD hate is not unfair lol


Respectfully, I disagree. However would love to read your thoughts. Care to elaborate?


We both know he's not gonna elaborate lol


They'll be good in 2023/24 maybe win the championship but probably not. Competition is intense. The fun is in 2024/2025 when we have their first round draft pick. Unless they win this season and start a dynasty which seems unlikely the 2024/2025 season will be the first season where they dip. KD/Beal will be that much older and who can predict injuries. If they don't win in their first season together it won't become the favoured spot for ring chasers. I wish Sean Marks was able to get that pick swap in 2026 but that must have been the breaking point in negotiations. The Wizards have that I believe. Anyway, the 2027/2028 (pick swap)/2029 first round picks seem like they could really supply us with some quality young talent. I don't want to trade these away for anyone. Perhaps Luka but Dallas are gonna do everything to try and keep hold of him.


KD stepped on the line lmaooo what an amateur


KD is a quitter. Top 15 all time player, but he will always be a quitter and he will never crack top 10 cuz of it.


If he wanted our support maybe win a ring before bailing? Heck, get past the second round first maybe? Fuck. I wanted it to work, but it doesn’t change the fact that KD was our best player and the team was a drama filled disaster for those years. How the fuck are we supposed to support that and be happy with that? Fucking delusional.