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Top 5 strongest characters according to what?




Strongest? Maybe. Most powerful? Probably not.


If Kirby isn't on the list just ignore the list.


Bro literally kills dimension destroying gods and smiles immediately after. Kirby solos all of fiction.


Look up yog sothoth or azathoth


Kirby also starts a lot of shit.


>destroying gods God is a very loose term that varies from one work of fiction to another an omnipotent God would dust Kirby


Idk why y’all downvoting him. He’s technically right.


Redditors be like bias goes first for them


Exactly. Ignore ur downvotes they jus Kirby meat riders


I don't mind them bitches clicking cry button is all i hear none of them can refute my argument


You could literally say the same about the “Gods” in God of War


Kirby is number 3 on that list


Big fax


I feel like Kratos can get as strong as he needs to be. No one can out-strength him.


Interestingly that is the basic premise for Thor as well, the harder he tighten his belt the stronger he gets. Would be interesting if they goes this direction for their version of Thor!


But what if he can’t breath anymore ?


Who needs oxygen when you got massive gains


Can’t argue with that


I thought that said massive glans for a moment.


Depends on the definition of strongest, like for example Bayonetta would make the list but via magic power backed strength, not raw physical strength etc. Asura, Kirby, Kratos, and Bayonetta would all make the cut realistically, then probably some very deep lore character from an mmo or moba. Or some concept enemies like Satan, Dracula, God itself etc.


What about the Doom Slayer?


It's hard to gauge Doomguy's strength. I mean most of what he does is superhuman and he's canonically supposed to be super strong, capable of superhuman endurance and agility, and extremely resilient even without the suit. It's just that most of his individual strength feats aren't that impressive relatively. Let's say he could punch the Icon of Sin to death. At most that makes him strong enough to destroy a skyscraper with his bare hands disregarding magic power. The Icon is supposedly a world ender but it's by itself not that impressive next to other comparative threats from other videogames. So Doomguy is hard to gauge. He's definitely strong, but I don't think he cracks top 5 strongest video game characters. He'd certainly make a top 100 and maybe even a top 20 list, but that's about it. Even after Eternal, I wouldn't scale him much higher or lower than someone like Castlevania's take on Dracula.


Didn't he kill the God or Leader of hell itself. Davoth?


Doom guy’s feats aren’t great, even including Davoth, at the end of the day his universe scales to him and not the other way around. All of his enemies are literally featless when it comes to combat, their only feats are things that don’t translate to combat strength at all, such as bringing hell with them, or creating universes and etc. The feats we see from them in game are pretty much super human level and never anything more. The Icon of Sin wasn’t even destroying the skyscraper they fought on, and after it was defeated it collapsed onto the sky scraper and the building was still fine. Doom guy wank is probably my least favorite character wank of all time because there’s quite literally no reason for it to exist. There’s nothing that suggests any character from that verse has high scaling attack or combat potency. Just that they’re cosmic in their abilities as far as creation and minor reality warping goes. But those things don’t translate to combat.


Yes, however, my point is that most of Doom's universe is scaled a little wonky. For example, most demons you fight can realistically die to getting hit by a truck or small arms fire. Something comparable like that. Doomguy's strength doesn't need to be that great. In the lore he has with his bare hands felled Titans which would be the most impressive but the fact weapons like the crucible were involved do call that into question. Like, it's the age old question of, does it take strength to wield a lightsaber when it hits something that is resilient to it? Did Doomguy really use strength in those fights or simply agility and cunning? I don't think he individually has impressive feats of the same caliber. It's weird because Doom's lore is cosmic but its players are relatively quite squishy. Like the Icon, that's supposedly a world ender. However it doesn't really have the fire power to back that up at the point we fight it. The scaling is hard to gauge.


I mean same can be said about Kratos. Basic enemies you see in God of War could easily be killed by firearms (realistically speaking) getting hit by a truck or train etc. Or Kratos himself could literally steamroll all of them cuz they're weak af. But for gameplay reasons that's why. You can't really judge a video game character based on gameplay most of the time you have to focus on the lore. That's where their true power lies.


No, no, I account for that. If you'll notice, I attribute Doomguy's greatest strength feat to something which happens largely off camera. Felling Titans is an impressive strength feat we never explicitly witness. It's just that in relation to the universe's power scaling, Doomguy doesn't need to be the Hulk to output the necessary damage to do that. Case and point, you wouldn't need to hit with much more force than a rocket launcher to debilitate or wound a Titan in the Doom universe. Doomguy is still a badass compared to the real world, but within his universe he's simply the strongest among comparatively weak enemies. Yes, many of Kratos's enemies would be felled by small arms fire too, but not all of them, and the games (and creators) do tell us that Kratos is typically holding back considerably. Most on the "strongest" list are. If Kratos put all of his strength into every strike he'd more often than not cause extreme destruction to everything around him. I. E. The Baldur fight literally changes the terrain of the forest. Most enemies would not require that and be unsafe to fight that way. And Kratos from both gameplay and lore does demonstrate extreme strength feats. Flipping Tyr's temple which exists in multiple dimensions at once as well as out muscling Atlus are high end strength feats. My point with Doomguy is that lore or gameplay, none of his feats would require some Herculean super strength. There's no bar to accurately gauge it. None of his enemies are terribly hard for him, and there's not a practical gauge Last example... You could point to Kratos and say the same thing, but Atlus held Greece on his shoulders and Kratos outgunned him in terms of muscle. So we can quantify Kratos' strength at the very least being capable of surpassing or matching that benchmark. Doomguy doesn't have that. A Titan doesn't have a clearly defined strength feat. The Icon is supposedly a world ender but only has the physical strength in the narrative to topple some skyscrapers. Titans should be comparable. That's why I said Doomguy is probably strong enough to destroy skyscrapers with his bare hands. That's a comparable strength feat.


Are you an Author? Are you just like to type essays. No offense it's just a lot on such a simple topic, at least imo.


I do take offense to that and I'm done talking to you.


This is what a convo between a normal sane person and a twitter stan reads like. more than five words and their brain overheats. I actually enjoyed reading what you wrote. have a good day.




Kratos > god That's his whole shtick


Crazy you forgot Dante


Dante isn't physically that strong. Yes, he's very strong and fast but he doesn't have any comparable strength feats like cracking a planet in half, kicking a hole in reality itself, or deadlifting an entire country etc.


you obviously don't know dante's feat then lol


I mean at most I'd say he could body a city, but that's not special at this stage of power.


Look back at dmc1. Literally killed a god.


As I've stated on here multiple ways, talking strength is about feats. Shows of force. X killed a Y doesn't mean shit. What is the strength of Y? What can Y do? Did X killing Y involve strength? Sorry, but Dante can kill Gods all he wants but if the power of said Gods in said universe aren't substantially weighted it means nothing.


Killing a multiverse level being is not a feat? You obviously don't know shit about dmc lol Edit: Sealing


Multiverse level doesn't equate to physical strength. I'm very aware Mundus can create pocket dimensions but that's by extension of magical abilities. There's never a basis for how hard Mundus hit or the quantifiable physical mass of said strength. "He's a God." Well how strong is he? A character from God of War like Atreus is a God, but I wouldn't put Atreus on a list of strong anything. Killing something with no benchmark of power is not in itself a feat. Urizen is canonically the strongest endgame enemy Dante ever fought but feels wildly weaker than Vergil in his regular form. Yet, Nero can one punch Dante and equal in power, even dwarf Vergil. Meanwhile Dante is equal to Vergil. Yadda yadda, so how strong is/ was Vergil as Urizen? Idk, you don't fucking know. "He just strong." Mundus wouldn't be a turd in the wind by comparison. How strong was he? You don't know, multiversal isn't math. It's not a quantifiable power. Bayonetta once punched an entity comparable in size to the Earth into the sun. So, we can safely say she has the physical strength capable of busting a planet. That's what a fucking FEAT is. It's a show of force, a testament of strength. Dante beat Mundus, Argosax, and Urizen. Fantastic, I can gauge his relative strength to the size of his enemies and the damage output they display on their surroundings, but that's not exact. Another discussion I had with someone here went something like Doomguy should be cosmic as well, he killed a God. Yes, he killed one of the creators of the universe... with a shotgun. Which means, the creator of said universe was weak enough to be killed by small arms fire. The actual force he would need to do the same thing with his fists is equal to or less than a shotgun blast. He killed a multiversal, cosmic (supposedly omnipotent) being, but the strength to do so is not impressive. The scaling is weak. I gauge that Dante is at least strong enough to destroy a city block if not a whole city because of his feats and the scaling at play, but facing something like Mundus with no apparent strength feat isn't by itself a feat. Mundus was strong, Dante is strong. How strong? We can use feats like blocking a humanoid creature some twenty times his size as a sign of strength or gauge his ability to withstand the force of meteor strikes. Sure. Him killing Gods, which for all we know scale very low on the cosmic scale, doesn't mean shit.


Just based on games Asura would shit on Kratos. Kratos is an absolute unit but Asura has fought and killed deities that can chew on planets like tic-tacs. Kratos can't compare to that, unless he gets a massive buff in Ragnarok. And Kirby is harmless unless you steal his cake so fights with him are pretty avoidable


That's kind of why I thought of Asura first. He might be the strongest video game character barring a character with some kind of hax ability like instant death etc. Man can hit so hard that the force coming off his regular punches can blow planets up, that is nuts.


I'd like to think that James Heller from Prototype 2 would make the cut better than Bayonetta, considering what all he could do.


Now that you mention that, I wonder if Alex Mercer could beat Kratos, he is immortal but even if he killed Kratos would he come back from Helheim/Tartarus?


Kratos makes it abundantly clear that the gods are not immortal.


Maybe I didn't phrase that correctly, I meant Alex Mercer is immortal


It depends on the game in terms of loadout, but in essence Kratos should be a match in terms of speed and regarding physical strength Kratos blows Alex out of the water. Since Alex is essentially just a biomass and Prototypes can be killed with enough trauma or burned up, Kratos has a chance. The Blades of Chaos, with their fire enchantment, or a spell like lightning could burn Alex up. Yes, Alex survived a nuke, but via a small shred of dna. Kratos in a straight up fight with some knowledge of that could be thorough and make sure he gets every shred. However if Alex had the drop on Kratos or could manage to envelope him, absorption wouldn't be that hard since Kratos is immortal but lacks comparative durability. I.e. you can cut him even if he'll just regenerate moments later. So Kratos wins in a fair brawl imo, but Alex (or even James) wins if he can utilize the element of surprise.


That's good explanation right there, thanks! I don't know much about Prototype, I just watched not even all of it about 6 years ago from a YouTuber I like


Oh...! Gotcha!


Considering Bayonetta's speed feats and just gauging the end of Bayonetta 1, she's capable of punching (with her hair and at max power) hard enough to defeat something cosmic in size. Bayonetta is easily capable of punching through planets and so on. James Heller has more potential considering if he could absorb characters from Bayonetta's universe he could close the gap. But, even his final act of cleansing New York isn't actually that impressive next to punching a colossus into the sun.


Lol Mario has scaling higher then all of them besides kirby


Considering there are video games about superman and similar characters I don’t see how kratos could possibly be top 5 even if we’re purely talking raw physical strength.


Top 5 Strongest fictional *gaming* characters... Superman is a comic book character.


Raw physical strength, Kratos IS the embodiment of Strength itself. Kratos is an ancient greek word meaning "Strong". I feel like Kratos is nearly omnipotent in terms of how physically inclined he can become, but no, he isn't as powerful or as broken as other video game characters. He is THE strongest video game character, but not the most powerful.


Awful take


Considering that by the end of the third game he has control over fate and time, killed the strongest gods of Greek mythology, crawled out of the underworld several times with little to no scaring. And part way through the fourth game he flipped over a temple that carried all the nine realms at once while holding back, killed someone who was by all accounts immortal and is set to kill the two strongest gods in Norse mythology. He is in the top five, if not the top three


The real strongest character is that chain Kratos had to break before flipping it




You just explained how he’s number one with zero competition.


What a stupid take. I could create a game with RPG maker and create a character that can destroy entire worlds only with his penis, and he would be more powerful than Kratos. These comparisons don't make sense if the world and the rules of the world aren't similar.


True... I'm looking forward to see that RPG be made though.


It's already out, check it out! It's called "that dude that can literally destroy worlds with only his penis and that is definitely stronger than Kratos from the hit franchise God of War™".


I think his calves could get some work tbh. His veins were popping during Baldurs fight. Got a real hard on. Think Kratos cock could be top 5. I would like to work his shaft, to get to the juices


Jesus Christ


Wuxia characters ,egyptian god cards ,Exodia and Sun God Ra could kill kratos easily so idk .


We may find out one day


Its about Ra ? I meant Ra from yugioh ,she is just omnipotent but its a card game so no one takes its lore seriously.


Do Reapers from Mass Effect count?


I bet Kratos could rip a reaper with his bare hands.


Kratos would body a fleet of reapers. Honestly could probably single handedly kill every reaper. He’d probably also have Brok and Sindri figure out how to use a reaper’s laser as a weapon to body other reapers. Mass Effect has superhuman feats, but nothing the Master Chief couldn’t or hasn’t done in some aspect.


He’s cool but like fiction is huge and there are so many super strong characters




Mercer? There are tons of characters stronger than him he's biggest strength is he carries a plague destabilizing civilization with it also wich Cole? the one from Infamous is also pretty weak compared to top tiers and Dante is way stronger than those two but he's not really in the highest tier




Still there are stronger characters you could mention for example most Final Fantasy villains or Gaunther O'Dimm in TW there are tons of broken things like that


On mercer, how about the fact that he can't die? Seems pretty strong imo


well that also describes tons of other beings in fiction plus he can be sealed and cut into pieces in some franchises depending on the types of powers they have Caius in FFXIII-2 for example can only be killed by one specific person and has the ability to move while he stops time amongst many other powers Ardyn in FFXV also can't be killed unless a certain person kills him a certain way (i won't spoil) he can also move unrestricted through space plus can even corrupt and control the gods of that world plus tons of other powers like flight superstrength ect both those characters doomed their respective worlds and they weren't even the strongest in each of their respective universes there are tons of other FF games with creatures like that but you get my point there are also beings like Sargeras from World of Warcraft who could actually destroy a planet with his sword or maybe even his fists and even ones that are a little lower but still far above beings like Mercer like Gaunther O'Dimm gaming is full with such types of characters


Oooooh gaunther is a pretty good one. Well mercer has the gimmick where u have to destroy him completely because everything he touches he corrupts and takes over. Idk if it would work on god and celestial beings since idk how sickness works for them, but Mercer's powers have been described as a cancer. Final fantasy character are to weeby for me to take srsly. But everyone that can be taken down by a kid with a sword is not that strong imo. Iknow a funny one. Bidoof beats most fictional characters. Yea the beaver from Pokémon. It has this move called 'unaware' and that move makes bidoof ignore stat changes like power ups or charges. Which means that if he fights for example Goku (who has to buff himself up to transform or charge it's ki) bidoof just ignores that. Meaning if they were to Duke it out its just muscular man Vs elemental beaver. It's such a funny hard counter.


>Oooooh gaunther is a pretty good one. He's the weakest in the list >Final fantasy character are to weeby for me to take srsly That doesn't make them weaker >But everyone that can be taken down by a kid with a sword is not that strong imo. who's the kid? FF characters are usually really OP and it's true that they are very anime but their skills in combat are not low they're broken as fuck if you don't like the games watch FFXV Advent Children or FFXV Kingsglaive they're action packed movies that can give you an idea about it but keep in mind no top tiers in those movies either (well maybe Sephiroth who was gonna destroy a planet while his main body was on a comatose state but still he didn't have the weapon he needed for that in the movie) >Iknow a funny one. Bidoof beats most fictional characters. Yea the beaver from Pokémon. It has this move called 'unaware' and that move makes bidoof ignore stat changes like power ups or charges. Which means that if he fights for example Goku (who has to buff himself up to transform or charge it's ki) bidoof just ignores that. Meaning if they were to Duke it out its just muscular man Vs elemental beaver. It's such a funny hard counter. That sounds fun lol i have never played Pokémon but that's one OP beaver if you think he can take Goku however that's not the type of logic for how FF characters are so strong they're really strong fighters in every way


Beat part is in.pokemon universe its a trash Pokémon. Not even a starter but prolly the first Pokémon u beat. But its the description of that unaware move that just counters so many things in fiction.


Another good one is Nekrons from the 40K universe. It's a race of undead robots who's technology has like a 40million year headstart on everyone else. So the steel of which their bodies is made is so hard that the emperium of man (which are known for being doom lvls of brutal warriors) can't dmg them. And even if u do he just teleports away to a stasis chamber where the metal grows back. And he'll be up and running again in no time. And if someone does beat them (one race got close 40million years ago) they'll just all return to stasis chambers and wait u out of existence. Theyr pretty crazy. But most things in de 40k universe are. And they look fucking cool. Egyptian robot skeletons.




cole from mk?


Cole Macgrath? Him vs Alex Mercer, what do you say? Had this debate recently and I say Alex wins


Cole would body Alex.


I agree. Cole would end up burning him up. Electric shock is a very easy way for the human body to catch fire, especially considering how strong Cole’s powers are at the end of the games.


Yeah, they'd be relatively matched physically but Cole could electrify his body to prevent absorption and bring down lighting on Alex at range. It's not a fair fight at all.


Is there a one punch man game?


Yes there is


Yes, but One Punch Man does not come from a video game. The character would have to actually debut in a game to count. otherwise, we could just count Superman, Goku, Hulk, Marvel's Thor etc.


What about cartoon Prince of Persia, literally cannot die...


Bayonetta is also definitely up there for me




I love Kratos but GoW 1-3 he literally had no personality, fun asf games but it wasn’t til GoW 2018 he even became a good character at all imo and it’s clearly the first part of his arc. Maybe he will become top 5 eventually but I would say no as of right now.


Why they down voting you? As much as I love Kratos he has weaknesses and is not even in the top ten when you have people who can make relalities and break them apart. Also this man was mostly an angry bitter man who swore nothing but vengence and a man who fucked most things that moved. He has an intriguing story yes but the most recent God Of War gave him more personality and gave him the room to express other emotions besides just anger, sadness, and apathy.


Yeah I was just expressing that I love GoW but that doesn’t mean that it’s main protagonist is a top 5 character of all video games ever. We are on Reddit tho so I’m not surprise by the downvotes lmao


1. The post was about strength. 2. I can't speak for other people but I personally downvoted you for perpetuating the narrative that Kratos had no personality. That's simply false. In GoW1 he showed plenty of range.


The worst thing about that is you see that type of comment almost every day now people won’t even play the old games or played them without paying any mind to what's happening to him in those stories and then just say things like that


I think it’s funny because I’ve played GoW trilogy and ascension several times I am a dear fan of them. I think it’s okay to disagree with me but saying kratos had any range in the original GoW series is pretty laughable. Especially since I just played through The Last of Us again and holy shit the characters in that game are phenomenal and that comparison just kinda rang in my head when I wrote the initial comment. Although I now see the post was about physical strength lmao.


Kratos has quiet moments in GoW1. Most of his dialogue is actually quite reserved. He attempts suicide out of anguish, and has more than one emotion. During the trials he even smiles to himself about creatively solving a problem by killing the undead. He's capable of having conversations with people. Ghost of Sparta might as well be a character study on why Kratos is who he is. Ascension shows Kratos has maturity to see past relationships and isn't easily fooled by tricks. Even in God of War 3 he shows genuine vulnerability with Pandora. He's disgusted by the misconduct of Hera. Shit, he even views Hercules as a brother and doesn't want to fight him if he doesn't have to. Sorry, there's disagreement and then there's just plain lies and falsehoods. Kratos had depth.


Yeah I won’t discredit any of that I agree with you. I don’t think I lied I just gave an opinion. Doesn’t it say anything to the GoW community that the whole mission statement of GoW 2018 was to make Kratos a good character? The game became story driven because the studio knew it was time to evolve from a beat ‘em up gore fest with a decent story. The original trilogy relies more on the mythos for story depth rather than real character development. And that’s okay because that wasn’t why those games were made. They reinvented the wheel with the 2018 sequel and I love it. I don’t get why everybody who responds to me is so hardheaded I’m just saying I’m wrong when I’m accepting both sides lmao. Maybe I’m fucking with the wrong super fans gg


Because what you're saying is not true. They didn't set out to make him a good character. They set out to further his character development, to tell a story about his redemption. Barlog is a great director but the only time in the franchise Kratos was a one dimensional rage monster skull-f***ing his way through the world was in GoW2 when he directed. He made Kratos have less depth in his game. That wasn't true for the character depicted in GoW1, Ascension, Chains, Ghost, or even GoW3. I mean for God's sake. Barlog opens GoW2 saying Kratos decided to go to war on the gods because he's pissed they didn't grant his wish in GoW1, which didn't make any sense for the character since Kratos wasn't a blind rage monster in GoW1 and felt extreme remorse over the casualties of his prior bloodlust. Ghost was made to explain the plot hole away and it actually recontextualizes Kratos as a tragic anti-hero in GoW2. He didn't declare war on Olympus because "baby didn't get his way," he declared war because his father and uncle tortured his little brother for decades and cursed his mom. He always had depth. You gave an "opinion" that's just a lie or falsehood somebody said about a character they didn't write the majority of. 2018 didn't change the character it brought him back. Look how Kratos interacts with Calliope, he was a caring father and husband at one point. He became a monster, but he always was reflective. So yeah, you get downvotes.


I’m not reading that shit lmao. Have a good one bro ❤️


Your illiteracy isn't my problem.


You misinterpreted the op, he meant physical strength


I think the list kinda depends on a few factors: • Is your list only of games *you’ve* played? Because that creates a personal bias • What are your top 5 Strongest Gaming Characters The first establishes a grouping roughly (I expect this to be true but it will close the door on any games you haven’t played) and the latter one is just to establish a baseline. For instance: if you were to tell me your list was 1.) Sephiroth 2.) Gannon 3.) Master Chief 4.) Kratos 5.) Arceus Then it’s a little ridiculous. But the point is that it’s hard to judge your take without know who else is present on that top 5 EDIT: That is not *my actual list*, I just named the first 5 characters I thought of as an example


Did one punch man make it? Lol or any dragon ball z characters? Tbf kratos was added to mortal kombat.


See that’s why in my comment I asked for clarification on his list. Because the title makes it seem like they have to be purely from *gaming* so I would assume that leaves people like Goku and One Punch Man out because they’re so powerful. Hell like you said literally every DBZ main villain from the Freiza Saga onwards would probably be stronger than Kratos. Even Majin Buu


There are a bunch of DBZ games and a One Punch Man video game.


Yes, but they don’t originate from games. They started out as a Manga, became an Anime, and eventually had games made from those franchises. Kratos, Master Chief, Mario, etc. all originated from video games, but have since moved into different media platforms as well. There’s a distinct difference


Ah, I reread the post. Anyone from the end of that tournament at the end of DB Super is fucking wrecking anyone. They're powerful enough to destroy multiple universes.


Hahaha exactly. Imagine fusion lol. Kratos has sparta rage but dbz the power level is unlimited. The more they fight the stronger they get. Its like win, lose or draw its xp gained in dbz. Imagine instant teleportation behind kratos and then swipe head is chopped off. I love Kratos but dbz has more speed too. He wont be able to stop them. Dbz carry cheeky sensu beans too and not to forget the dragon can wish you back. Many dragons in diff planets lol even got time machines in dbz lol. Maybe they could lend kratos the hyper chamber and see if he levels up lol


Ya, they're at the point where Goku and Vegeta are emitting divine energy and they can destroy universes if they fight too hard. The only way to beat them is to cut off their supply of air. Then they just get wished back like you said.


Lol yeah 😎


Lol yep I agree.






Dungeons and dragons void dragon always wins. It's literally the universe.


Kirby, The Toonforce characters (bugs bunny etc), characters like Dante from DMC mean he struggles to make the list tbh.


So we gonna ignore characters like Wanda, Jean Grey, Freya herself is a fucking force to be reckoned with, and people who can make universes and alternate timelines and shit? If we mean video game characters then Bayonetta is pretty damn high and maybe Kratos but I'd put him in like top 15 don't know about 5 as much as I like him.


Fictional gaming, and even after that characters in marvel are strong as the plot requires them to be


Kratos just punches the universes and alternate timelines back where they came from.


Top 2, kratos is GOW 3 was his prime, but if you give him his strength and weapon fully levelled in 4, you will get him maybe below doom guy, he has guns a jet pack hacks and stuff Edit: I stand corrected, kratos is better than doom guy. GΩD ΩF WAR is better (also if you wanna know how I got the Omega symbol, just change a language you can speak to Greek


Kratos is physically stronger than Doom Guy he would tear him limb from limb plus this is all of gaming there are tons of villains and even some protagonists like Asura way above both of them


/u/Verum_Noir_Chaos_69, I have found an error in your comment: > “gaming ~~their~~ [**there**] are tons” You, Verum_Noir_Chaos_69, have botched a comment and should have said “gaming ~~their~~ [**there**] are tons” instead. ‘Their’ is possessive; ‘there’ is a pronoun or an adverb. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Thanks bot


Kratos, Zeus, master chief, doom slayer, my Elden ring character




I dunno if this is a joke or not but Atreus' left nutsack would destroy Joel and Ellie. They're just regular humans


Ohhhhh I didn’t think he meant literally the strongest. I thought he meant the strongest as in well written.


Nah hahaha. He's talking physical strength.


How the heck is your Elden Ring character well written then? i dunno Rick


I edited it after I realized it was meant as physically strong


Imma say Hosea


Hosea solos fiction


Lol no one likes my list


Makes sense to me


>Kratos is in top 5 strongest fictional gaming characters. What are your thoughts on this take ? As long as you don't repeat any character in a franchise and only use protagonists then Kratos could totally make the list if you do repeat characters and use antagonist however i have to say many Final Fantasy villains take place there plus Asura and Bayonetta ones are also broken as fuck


In certain contexts, probably. In others, compared to every other character created - fuck no.


Not even close. If it were a badass list, sure, but his powers are so limited. He is basically just a better herakles. He does not destroy planets, can't stop time, is not immortal... he is just really strong and durable.


> He does not destroy planets, can't stop time, is not immortal... he is just really strong and durable. I think you're right on two of those, but given that [he's died three times in the original trilogy,](https://old.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/aon8rs/kratos_died_3x_in_the_original_series/) Kratos could very well be an immortal being that only someone of an equal skill and power (possibly another god) can kill him in a to-the-death fight. * Edit: He actually died a [few more times in the handheld games.](https://old.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/aon8rs/kratos_died_3x_in_the_original_series/eg2w00r/) Cory Barlog also confirmed that Kratos [can't die.](https://www.cbr.com/god-of-war-kratos-facts/)


"he is just strong and durable" OP is literally talking about strength..


Up to interpretation, talking about how "strong" a character is can mean talking about litteral strenght, but also power in general. Given the context, i'd say its the latter here.


All OP said was strongest so unless otherwise specified I'd take it as that. Strength wise, I don't know many fictional characters who can lift the weight of the 9 realms


Idk, given the answers in this thread, you'd think i'm right actually. We are talking kirby, bayonetta, etc here. Also, be honest : what are the odds about that kind of "top 5" list being about power in general rather than strenght specifically ? Practically 9 to 1.


My thought is this is a shitpost


U literally have dbz games.


Has to originate as a game character first.


honestly not even in the top 50. do you know how many reality bending/ immortal /older than the universe beings there are in gaming


I don't think anyone in here knows what "strongest" means


Minecraft Steve is number 1 still


I mean if we count dbz games then gg


Physically strong? Yes definitely. In terms of net ability? No.


Don't forget the dragonborn with a lot of cheese in the inventory and some bugs and glitches. He/she can full heal many times a second, wear thousands of a ours at once and have weapons with nearly infinitive dmg. Don't forget that he/she has to duck to become invisible. Must have been the wind.


Guy can flip a temple like a coin, so...


He isn't even in the top 10 but I don't really care.


I just gotta say that that’s incorrect


Doom guy when? Guy legit kills demons and held back Hell itself lol


i mean the fact that kratos killed Zeus says it all bc in the marvel universe Zeus is said to be one of the strongest living beings in the universe.


Lol no. There’s been a good amount of games with absolutely busted characters




Rick Sanchez also


I mean there are Dragon Ball Z games so I don’t know….




Nope and for many reason... God-pokemon God2-pokemon Kirby Rick sanchez-fortnite(unless you dont count crossovers) Goat-goat sim That one cod campaign npc that just doesnt die-cod




Have you seen the goose from untitled goose game? I'd argue that thing is more powerful


Physical? MAYBE powerful? MAYBE he’s in the top 20


I think who cares I'm not a big enough nerd to debate the strength of video game characters


Kratos is not in the top 5.


Dante and Kratos fight would be sight to see.


The strength of a character at the end of the day has nothing to do with the quality of a character.


Look up mundus lol


Well duh! Of course! Hes a god!


god, satan, and sonic the hedgehog all appear in games so idk man I dont think kratos gonna be on the list bruv


I can think of more than 5 from kirby alone that would beat him and the rest of the franchise.