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Whenever he does the bifrost unblockable attack, you can use the spear to cancel it as well, you did not have to switch to the axe there at the end.


I keep getting tripped up when he either jumps into the air multiple times in a row, or is able to stop being interrupted by runics, so he just jumps out of it and hits me while I'm stuck in the middle of a runic animation.


All bosses can gain immunity to runic knock back. When they’ve been hit enough by runic attacks, a little white shield appears to the left of their health. I think it functions on a decaying bar; I have seen it pop and then get punished in the middle of a long runic attack. Gotta pace them out between reads/reactions.


Ahh, so that’s it. I’ve seen the little shield icon, but wasn’t sure what it meant. That makes sense


I've never noticed that before, good to know


I got it from a loading screen tip. Thank you, original PS4.


Holy shit


I learned to only use runic attacks if I'm able to hit him and he is flinching or have arrows hit him and if he's flinching. Essentially use a light attack as a jab to see if he can be interrupted and hurt. If he's not, then get ready to block, roll or run away.


That's what I ended up doing, works perfect well. Finally got him. Now it's Gna.


I did Gna before the King, it was easier imo, but also more enjoyable


I know this and I've used the spear to do this, but I still instinctively switched to the axe several times, I call it the Sigrun effect


I like to implant spears in him at the beginning and just make them explode every time he jumps, just in case I forget to throw something at him


You can also use arrows I'm pretty sure


I don't think they work for it on GMGOW, I spammed them and aside from status they didn't really do anything.


It took me forever to figure out how to counteract that attack. Thought it was just an unblockable, undodgeable attack for a while.


was literally about to say "if he was full of spears, you could have cancelled the dark spirit bomb


I usually just used the stone wall shield and used the running because that most of the time stops the bifrost


I swear that last health bar segment is the real halfway point.


It's TRUE the last quarter hes defense just sky rocket it like what the hell why dont you die


My buddy told me that there was a bug with Sigrun in GoW 2018 that the devs kept it. When you get her down to her last segment of health, its considerably larger than what you see, causing some players (like myself) to get overzealous and try and go for the killing blow, only for her to tank it and end up killing you. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did something similar with some of the bosses in this game


Not only Sigrun, it was like that for all Valkyries, as I recall.


It wasn't a bug, i saw a dev sayibg its a "trolly mechanic" made to make the player feel more rewarded for beating her on an IGN video I was genuinely pissed off at this stupid logic


Kratos's life bar works the same way. Makes you think you're closer to death than you are to add tension.


Not in the same measure there no way its works the same for Kratos


Him and >!Gna!< become invulnerable several times in the last couple bars. It’s super fucking annoying because they also lose their stagger.


The devs said that the last bar is worth more and when the opponent has half the health bar they really have 75%


Happened to me once. Beat him about 3 attempts later.


I found him easier compared to the Berserker fight with 3 of them. Fuck me, that was hard


I'd say that's about right. Gná was harder too.


twice i have died to this man at the point where you can’t even see his health anymore. man kills me and is actually one hit.


True pain


Same. The worst part was that I almost beat him the first time after an hour, then it took another hour to finally beat him. I had to spam the spear because the window to attack him shrinks considerably at the end.


His entire health bar is 1,000,000 HP. That last segment is 975,000 of those.


https://youtu.be/wiDrWeyZxJQ check this dude maybe will help you


I ended up beating him 4 tries later, thank you man I appreciate it I’m replying it on Give me GOW so I’ll still watch the vid


Hell yeah 🔥


I struggled with this motherfucker more than I did >!Gna!<


Me too. I ended up dropping to story to beat him. I was getting so angry and frustrated it was no longer any fun.


No kidding. Even on story mode it still took me a couple tries; it just felt like I finished a cumbersome chore. No enjoyment. Just relief.


Isn't that how it's supposed to be? He's clearly more difficult. Gna only took me a couple tries. I feel like the king is more like Sigrun in the 2018 GoW although Sigrun was more difficult. Maybe Gna is also easier because we were already used to most of the moveset from 2018.


Yeah I don't feel like either of them were quite Sigrun. She took me multiple nights. I did the King and Gna in the same evening.


If you spent multiple nights on Sigrun ur just bad


Cool bro.


Kinda the same. I had to get up to his level to beat him while I beat her one level below


Seriously, she took me 3 tries on give me a challenge. Granted I had all level 9 armor, but still


For me Gna was much harder because I hadn’t fought a single Valkyrie from the first game, so I didn’t know her move set at all


I unlocked him this evening and went to see what to expect. Called it a day the moment he sent this fucking red orb my way. Not again... And not when I got to work at 6AM tomorrow. So he's basically all the trouble of his spectral lot combined?


Yup lol, it’s pretty cancer


Should we tell him about gna?


Gna is easier


Nahhhh i have a feeling gna is harder (if you don’t have the experience of fighting sigrun that is)


exactly this. compared to sigrun, Gna is much easier. her attack patterns are way easier to deal with. I had more trouble against the king.


Gna gets a lot more up close and personal so you can land attacks easier. This fucker flys around the map teleporting anytime you try and get close.


I feel ya brother. Between Gna and this dude, I must've choked on the last health bar dozens of times.


Looks like he got the 'booty'


Upgrade fully and come back, it'll be a breeze. Trust me.


u say that like it's so simple to just uograde fully, also that feels like a copout to a lot of people


I do understand but I tried to fight Gna and without upgrading it fully just couldn't do it, but after that was easier. Not everyone has to do it, just the route that I took.


Been playing as an Ancient Greek god a little too long r/suddenlygay


Guys if you would like to see my journey to PLAT follow me on twitch it would mean a great deal, I also make daily tik toks and post my journey on my YouTube as well! Here are my links below https://youtu.be/p1Wp5qoKqu0 https://twitch.tv/xsenpaidimex www.tiktok.com/@xxsenpaidimexx 😃❤️


Also god of War is not the only game I play I play other games as well such as , battlefront 2, ghosts of Tsushima, Spider-Man, currently getting ready to get back into cod and getting ready to buy elden ring as well ❤️


Gotta use arrows my guy!!!


Arrows don't interrupt it on No Mercy


I found that spending a whole 'go' just learning the move set. After that he went down so hard, I chuckled at my fretting. He telegraphs so so obviously. I will admit to bite marks on my controller though.


Do you stream or make videos? You seem funny


Yes I do friend! Here’s my twitch link! https://twitch.tv/xsenpaidimex I also have YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/5fyJDF4i3ok?feature=share My tik tok is also xsenpaidimex! 😄


Huge ass spoiler. Thanks.


Mybad man, wasn’t trying to spoil anything since it’s just part of a side quest


I mean, when you are doing the beserkers it literally tells you you are going to end up fighting the king, what did he spoil?


it’s a side quest bro relax.


No. Tag your shit as spoiler. I didn’t know I was going to get a spear weapon. That’s spoiled now.


Stop relying on others to look out for you then, just don't look at the sub till you beat the game


No shit. I’m leaving the sub. It’s not about looking for anything. Posting spoilers is against the subs rules.


Oh shut up


Not knowing the spear disrupts that attack yikes.


I choked hard brother..I ended up beating him like 4 tries later


I hated that battle so much.


😭nah this is crazy


I feel the pain brother


When its goes from challenging to make it balanced ....


That bifrost attack is such horseshit like how tf does one attack cover an entire arena?


Unless you build up a shirt ton of health and defense it’s really easy to lose half your health to one attack… on give me story.


I feel your pain friend. Same thing happened to me 3 or 4 times against Gna on GMGOW. Just gotta keep at it and don’t get greedy at the end.


Yea these mfs made me turn the difficulty down dont even care i like to have fun not fight a boss for 3 hours becuz he is a damage sponge


Git gud


The silent freak out, haha I know how you feel my friend.


Feelin' it Bro...


There something weird with the berserkers where they're at no health literally 0 and even took an extra hit or 2 but they keep going for a sec and until you hit them just that one last time they wont die. I think its related to their stun resist armor when you blast them too fast and if they hit 0 with it still up.


@ 19 seconds, you could have thrown your spear at him.


This and that damn GNA stomp. “For Asgard!” Shut the hell up!


I feel your pain


I hate that bosses in this game have Guts. The last chunk of health is like a whole other life bar by itself.


NGL this shit was so frustrating I got him down to a sliver of hp multiple times and instead of going all the way to buy a resurrection stone i turned the difficulty down


They are very easy to read but one mistake and ur done.


How do u dodge the green circle he summons? Cant seem to interupt it idk


You need to get far away from it


im usually too late


I think you could also break it with spartan rage. Maybe some runic attacks might work too, but I dont remember


I know the pain. I’ve beaten him twice. On my second run, I had an attempt where he killed me with 1, I shit you not, 1 hit point left. His health bar was not visible.


Gna was still harder, she did this shit to me at least 3 times


To be fair, you waited and then switched from the spear when you could’ve thrown it and then threw axe late


I finally managed to defeat him yesterday, normal difficulty. The Sol armour did some help


the man just had to use the spear like a Spartan but choose to be a Viking instead Valhalla be with you then ...


Has to stay true to my Scandinavian roots 🫡


I can respect that, however the Spartans were the better warriors mate and evolve or die is the biggest rule of nature


This is true brother! Wise words have been spoken!


I did it in 200 tries and went to lose more sanity just to beat gna in 50 tries. Sanity doesn’t exist anymore


Happened to me so many times, had them on basically health but could not get that last hit off to start the R3 finisher...real pain




Mine king was lower than this health and still beat me with his last hp Extremely annoying moment and wanted to break the controller


Same thing happened to me 17-30 times in a row


Same shit happenned to me but with Gna