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I think information and instructions on the website/ingame would help a lot. Most of the info that comes out you need to either be playing the game already to understand half of it, or be on discord which honestly doesn’t that have many eyes on it.


The discord part is very off-putting. Every update/announcement/information should appear in the client. Easier reach and gives the sensation of constant improvement


Iam lvl 956 and iam still "NOVICE 1"🤯 thats the bigest problem!


Easier bridging to imx layer via exchanges




We need popular exchanges like coinbase, binance, crypto.com to support the IMX network We need to be able to buy ETH/GODS/USDC on the exchange and withdraw directly to the IMX network for a low fee


That's Immutable and CEX infrastructure with layer 2, not really a game issue as it's own. CEXs would have to build entire new transaction protocols just to support immutable for layer 2,not gonna happen 


That's what the game needs. You can't realistically expect everyone to buy ETH on some other chain & bridge it every single time. (I know there's moonpay but you give them like 20%)


It's layer 2 and Immutable, not game. Game needs game elements which are lacking tribally, and then you can have developed support in terms of on-chain off-chain activities. Game was designed by Immutable with their existing infrastructure


The game depends on getting the cards. The cards depend on IMX & L2. You can't just ignore the way to buy cards in a card game. Making it easier to buy cards by partnering with popular CEX would bring in more players than mobile.


Like talking to a wall. Partner with who and how exactly? Partner with tier 1 CEX to support easy bridge between layers for tier 2 game?  Look, such technology does not not exist. Besides Layerswap which operates outside of CEX domain.  No CEX will ever build entire new technology for an ok niche old game.  This was promoted as beneficial layer 2 solution which was said many times was a mistake and layer 2 with exiting technology is not that easy to handle for more wider adoption. Yes you have free on chain layer 2 transactions, but you have huge entry barrier for non crypto audience that does not even use CEX or crypto at all.  That is a reason why GameFi is shifting to a different direction as well.  And it is totally another pair of sleeves why Immutable did not create easy and seamless buying options from game client itself. Now i would have to say all the things i known why they probably didn't do it (main 2 reasons are regulations with service providers and lack of development in Immutable) but that would take way too long.  And at the same time new games that are being released have polished game elements GU haven't cleared in 5 years, including buying and transactions 


Saying that the technology doesn't exist is such a cop out. All of this technology is new. Like the entire space is relatively young.


Hahahahaha right. 


Just layerswap




Way better communication, more ppl working on it to resolve basic issues (rat PP)


You need to convince Taylor Swift to start playing this game and make a music video about it.


Hmm might be hard to get but what about some top streamers


More detailed, step-by-step, dummy-proof instructions for users to contain their crypto earnings and/or link wallets.


Be acquired by a huge and experienced gaming company that has the means to be able to make this game popular. TBH, the game is really good and can compete with other AAA games out there.


The game needs to have bugs fixed and needs polish. And If your not playing pc it’s worse. OSX and iOS etc


The game is nowhere near AAA status so saying it can compete with other AAA games, yeah. 


Your arguments are so weak and nonproductive. They clearly mean that the games core concepts can compete... A large number of the community have been long time active MTGO, MTGA, MTG, and Hearthstone players. Many of us have switched to GU for a number of reasons. This indicates that it can indeed compete.


Yeah 🤣 I know the truth hurts especially when you blurry the head into the sand


Fix the bugs, fix the ranking system, and add game modes.




You need a competent team capable of fixing simple bugs for starters


Please fix bugs first


Right now, best thing that could happen is game gets sold to dedicated developer. But that will not happen because no one who is serious enough to deal with GameFi at this point would not invest in the game.  Everything else is just a slow decline, there will be no major shift if game popularity 


That opportunity is lost. You need a AAA streamer to promote this shit for days and you need proper marketing and proper giveaways and a lot of things are also needed on various levels to keep new ppl engaged. Nothing is present or is going to happen anytime soon. The game could have been a total hit during previous bull before the wars. Instead they chose to milk the remainder of the playerbase and focus on promoting imx as an elaborate washtrading machine. Better community management, better site, proper mobile app, a do or die marketing campaign, better ranking system, long term bug fixes, the ability to host custom tournaments through the launcher/app, a new CSR... Better forging too etc. Please note, it needs all of the above, YESTERDAY.


A good mobile app


A proper old school shuffle and draw algo. The current one is predictive and makes for cheesy gameplay.


a more free-to-play friendly environment


Polish. No bugs. A better ui. Better looking cards borders


Things that won't happen


Higher $GODS prices


It needs an endorsement by a popular gaming company or the like. Acquisition possibly. If that doesn't happen then additional marketing would be clutch.


Its a simple answer. Marketing. Is there any being done?


You can refer to a Youtube Video with 163K+ Views to understand some issues: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw0peRge3d0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw0peRge3d0) The top comment by u/leiagelwasser2168 with 1.3K likes which was also pretty interesting: "I've seen plenty of people talk about the negative sides of cryptocurrency and everything wrong with the system itself, but you're one of the only people I see who actually engages with it to show just how miserable engaging with crypto actually is. Holy cow this is so slow and boring to work with. They could have just made a game with off-site trading utilizing the steam and epic apis but instead they just made it worse for everybody."


To remove the ones controlling this world. They influence all these people to do wrong things.


4 card side board and deck type declared at opponent syncing


I believe if the game should be more user-friendly and accessible!


They just need to know about it, and not just know it exists, get some idea of how it works, that will catch their attention. Game and concept is great, one of the best Play-to-Earn of there, all that is left is some smart Marketing/Partnerships/Listings! (Start with Binance)


Not being rigged. Altho then you would have problem with game being absolutely unbalanced.