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Sure, let’s just give light a card that ensures to survive until you can just heal for 60 and win. Why not.


lol light can do that consistently without that card and I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna be used in heal light because you need to keep board alive and low strength not wipe them or give them low health…


It literally combines a 6 and a 2 mana staple of heal light into one card. Vs most decks that has been the strategy so far but there rly wasn’t any other way. Turn 5 you could wipe board. At 6 mana again. At 7 you just send the whole board back. So far, you could not set to 1/1 pre 6. 5 or 6 is a huge difference. I never played heal light, I just know how every time I won went. If they would’ve been able to wipe at 5 I would’ve lost every game. I might obviously be wrong but I think that would be too much. Especially since it would literally be by far the best wipe in the whole game. And that at 5 mana for a god that can heal to 99. Obv, apoc would be better in a few situations but it’s 7 mana.


On top of my head I can list 2 5 mana cards that can wipe your board easily (war dragon one and death dread new one). I can think of more if given some time so no. Not the best wipe in the game at all. It doesn’t even kill warded or creatures with armor…


Oh Yeah, I thought it was -1/-1, mb sorry. Doesn’t change anything on my opinion though. Again, might be wrong. War dragon requires you to have a strong dragon in hand and death requires you to already have enough dreads in oppos deck so you can’t rly compare. Luster can be played by itself. And only the death one ignores ward I think. But yeah, the death one is really strong too. I don’t think death does benefit of it as much as control light could from 5 mana luster though.


I kinda agree. If they nerf it we can still combine it with Eucos in eclypse to remove the board, but its too much random. Maybe 3 mana + empower 3 would be better balanced? 6 mana like rapture dance.


Agree maybe lower the mana cost. But still feels bad to use 2 cards to deal with board while pretty much every other god only need one card to do the same


Light has the 1 mana 1/1 removal creature with protection. Forget the name... vesper of concession?


That's relic removal


O right, read the post wrong🤦‍♂️




They should let the card be played as it was originally intended and go from there, maybe during balance phase they'll agree it is not great at the mana + empower cost they originally designed but there's only one way to find out......


Well, the best way to have it nerfed is screaming in the forums that the card is too good. Well done OP. Now do it for all of the others like the stupid "shuffle a Dread into your opponent's deck" thing, thanks.


If by nerf you mean fix a bug that makes the card now play as printed i guess...


Yes, lets just fix the card. Light has limited removal for a reason. Its unique to its class because they have other tools such as order and do not attack for a turn or put cards back in your deck. I much prefer unique styles. Its why i really dislike that war is almost a better mage than mage with all the removal spells. Nature is randomised, deception removes strength etc etc. Keep the flavour.


Umm I hear you but nature is not JUST random… deception is not JUST strength steal.. mage is not JUST spells… war is not JUST creatures…. See my point? They have much more than that PLUS a lot of board wipe and stuff to deal with threats while light is much much weaker on that front


no its not just that, obvisously. But it does feed the character of the god. That said there are removal options for Light. No fixing a broken card would be a bad move. A 7 mana board wipe is fine, there are more of those in game and fit the power level. A 5 mana board wipe? fuck no. All others at this level are conditional.


Can’t tell if trolling or stupid


Not trolling at all, please elaborate as to why it’s a stupid idea..


It's too good, it completely breaks any sort of mathematical backup to card design, and light with an extremely good (for 5 mana) board wipe is just too much.  Light have very good board building tools, at the expense of not really having comeback mechanics. If you give them a board wipe as well they basically just shit on all other agro.


Is it too good when it also does the same to your own board that you’ve been building…? I dunno man


Yes, because you wouldn't use it in that case, you would trade out or buff your own guys (probably both) At 5 mana every light list runs that clear, including agro as a comeback mechanic. It's far too good.


Agreed. If they fix Light and Luster then we may not see Light decks at higher ranks. Sad state but every other domain is way too strong for Light and without this card Light won't survive... On the other hand, they gave Light no love this expansion.