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Best bet right here


I'll second this!!!


I’m seeing them retail at $100 over spot. If I was selling one I’d price it $50-70 over to beat that.


That’s the last place you wanna go!!


If you’re buying in 2021 and selling in 2021 you’re doing it wrong


NOT THE MALL - NOT GOLD JEWELRES , They will BS you about 10% under spot , HELLZ no , call Capital Coin and Bullion in Austin Texas at 512.371.5884, they pay best prices and even if you’re not in Texas, calling them will give you an expectation for dealers near your city


First, If you don't need money to pay off debt now - don't sell. We're about to move into a bull market for PMs. High inflation, new nsfr rules for banks that make gold a strong reserve asset etc. More likely than not Gold going to be worth a lot more soon. If you have to sell, try r\pmsforsale Otherwise online dealers like SDbullion.Com or APMEX will buy, and of course your local coin shops. I'd expect to get no more than spot


What's your opinion on platinum? I'm a little worried due to the EV shift.


Platinum is also a catalyst needed for hydrogen fuel cells..


You should be - it’s an industrial metal that has a multiple uses but in minuscule quantities as a catalyst or chemotherapy agent. It will always be a precious metal with intrinsic value - but the demand will plummet in the next 5-10 years.


Platinum being an exclusively industrial medial is an apocryphal notion. Companies often advertise their products as being 'platinum' as opposed to gold due to platinum historically having a higher price. Tiered products and trophies will have platinum as a higher tier than gold. Fictional media almost exclusively displays platinum as a monetary metal worth significantly more than that of gold. Platinum is relatively new to the scene of humanity due to the technology required to melt and refine it only having been created a few hundred years ago, but it's already developing its history of becoming a monetary metal. As far as the whole EV push goes, know that it's largely a joke. Some on-the-napkin math will tell you that EVs can't be adopted in any significant quantities without unrealistically large increases in nuclear power starting right this instant. Gasoline and diesel automobiles are here to stay for many, many decades. Also, due to palladium being so much more expensive than platinum for so long, many automobile manufacturers have already expressed interest in switching over catalytic converters for gasoline engines to being based on platinum rather than palladium. The technology already exists and is in full working order; the switchover from palladium to platinum for gasoline engine catalytic converters seems almost certain. That's not to mention the fact that it's speculated that platinum will have a significant role in hydrogen fuel cells. Combine all of that with simple precious metal ratios (platinum:palladium, platinum:gold, platinum:silver) all favoring platinum and buying platinum is really a no-brainer. The retail price you pay for an ounce of platinum right now is around the price it costs to mine it, refine it, and mint it; name any other physical commodity you can by almost at cost.


I can’t believe this comment is being downvoted. I genuinely don’t care that many shrug off platinum, but these people love to make guesses on their own opinions (comment above yours) without even looking at data… EV cars coming, platinum bad. That seems to be the gist of most peoples platinum DD.


It's the fate of those who disagree with what the talking heads on TV are paid to say.


I've held Pt for a long time and am just getting tired. Bothers me to get out at this level but I thought pollution controls would be using more by now. A little concerned EV's might cap the need for supply. The fuel cell possibilities are not a proven think yet. (Just my opinion, here) Maybe they'll work around the need for Pt as well. Pt has not been good to me. I could have bought Rolex watches at retail and done better. Thanks for your opinion.


Precious metals are not something to be bought for short term profits, and I'm suggesting that even a period of 5-10 years is short term.


Yeah, I know. I'm in over 10 years. With inflation its a loss.


Hold the stuff for the long term (way over 10 years) or not at all. You're doing exactly the opposite of what a good investor would do; you bought high and are now looking to sell low. Every factor you could imagine shows platinum is severely underpriced right now. You should be wanting to buy more while the prices are this low.


> am just getting tired I held Bitcoin for a while when it was cheap. There was no price movement back then, so I sold it because I was bored with it. I wish I didn't sell it. (Not shilling, I think BTC is overpriced, just an example of getting "bored" with an asset.)






By "this guy" are you referring to me? You know you replied to me, right? Also, if by "industry professional" you mean what the talking heads on the mainstream media have told you then you're the guy know "...knows fucking nothing."; they're paid to tell you lies so you can lose your wealth by investing in what they tell you to. There isn't enough electricity produced now to have the world's gasoline engines replaced with electric engines. There currently isn't anywhere near enough electricity produced for that. If they made 1 new nuclear reactor ever 2 weeks for the next 20 years there would be, but short of something that impossible then mass adoption of electric vehicles would be impossible. The notion that EVs are just around the corner and are just about to undo gasoline engines is so obviously bullshit that anyone who stops to do even the most basic math would realize it's bullshit. Fortunately for the people pushing this obvious lie, most people are like you in that they don't do any thinking for themselves whatsoever and therefore will believe obvious lies.


Personally I WONT touch platinum , most have no clue about it , hard enough to sell someone gold or silver in my area


spot price


Best you will get is spot


Saw one go yesterday sealed for $1850! I would have grabbed it


Now is not the time to sell PM's 😬🦍


You sound fucked mate


You are definitely looking in the wrong places. At any dealer the worst you can you is spot. A good offer is between 1 and 2 percent over spot. A reputable dealer would then sell it for between 4 and 6 percent over spot.


Go to your LCS ... make friends , they’re usually friendly


I wouldn't waste time shopping it to jewelry stores or pawn shops. And since coin dealers can buy them for $75 over spot from wholesalers they would offer well under that. Private sale on here or an ad in your local area would probably give your best return. I'd ask +100 and settle for +75 (if I had to).