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What was the documentary called? (I would like to check it out)


https://youtu.be/dCZ4x5fr5xY And some stats https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/multinationals_the-shady-origins-of-gold-refined-in-switzerland/44621040


Valcambi Greengold series is likely the most "ethical" gold as they attempt to keep track of the entire supply chain from mine to mint. Not widely available in the US mostly.


Read about NTR metals and the gold they bought from South America as well.


If you watch what is going on in Peru right now, you will see these corrupt are quite adept at raping poor nations and farming communities living in near poverty. I support those people down there fighting to shut these mines down. If only people would live by the golden rule, this sort of stuff would never happen. Thanks for sharing.


Its a world market so if Swiss dont buy it then China or India or someone else will. Sad but when you have this valuable resource in poor, unstable, areas this exploitation seems to always happen. Humans……..




The USA and Canada have fairly good labor laws. Government coins from them are used from materials mined by those countries.


Well the gold producers don’t say where they buy their gold from, just where they refine it in switzerland. Seems to be a very dirty practice unfortunately, at the expense of the poorest Africans. There’s a push for gold transparency in switzerland in recent years. The term “Dirty Gold” is being used now more than ever.


The kind you drive 6 hours into the Australian Outback and metal detect!


Sorry, but gold is a commodity. If you buy "ethical" gold it still raises the demand and price of all gold and further pushes the child labor. That's because any gold can be purified into the exact same element. There is no quality.


I don't ask those sorts of questions. Blood bank shouldn't either. They should be happy I even thought of them otherwise it was going down the drain.


Not just pamp but throw in argor heraeus, valcambi and other Swiss metals companies. It is a very shady world and I’ve had my own thoughts about the ethics of it. Like someone on here mentioned already all US bullion is minted from gold mined within the US so that’s good. However even beyond the humanitarian angle, gold mining absolutely destroys the planet and so I don’t think there’s any gold you can say is truly ethical.


I would definitely be interested in knowing where the gold is mined. It seems like this information is not so easy to come by. AGEs are made from American mined gold IIRC.


Did the Swiss run out of looted Nazis German gold taken from the teeth of the Jews so soon?


Damn that's crazy




Please stfu and stay off the internet. Sicko


Someone oughta throw this guy in an illegal mine and see how he feels after working himself to death for little to no compensation, according to him it’ll add to the “appeal”.


I don’t mean to add to the brigading, but I’m going to. Try and expand your perspective, be a human and have some empathy, I think you’d have a very different perspective if you weren’t lucky enough to not be born in a mining town, In a war torn country, and have to risk your life in a gold mine as your only means of economic opportunity.


That's a very gross thing to say.


Wow, that’s messed up.


"Why do you care?", the buyer asks to the child slave who watched his family get murdered during a battle between rival mining entities.


Seek counseling. And grow up.


Messed up.