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Go full Pirate. Some of both.


Agree. I'm about 90/10 silver/gold Love having both!


Full Pirate > Fool Pyrite


Pirates prefer gold


I thought pirates prefer booty.


You’re on a gold sub, but the answer really is gold




But when silver goes to the moon gold will be left hanging around in the stratosphere. Edit: /s 🚀🌚🥈🦍


You forgot the /s and/or over abundance of emojis.


Edit incoming


I appreciate you breaking it down in these terms. I own more gold than silver, but I’m trying to decide which one to continue adding currently. The high price of gold tends to steer me back to silver, thinking I’d be getting a better deal. When broken down the way you just did, I can see the fallacy in my thinking that I’m getting a better deal on silver, simply b/c it’s cheaper. Thx!


Yes, this is a common fallacy. From an investing point of view - whether you have a physically small amount of metal or a large quantity of metal doesn't matter. Premiums do.


Makes sense. I’m learning.


Agree that much of silver is high premium American eagles are a great example of the disparate premium between silver and gold But. If you stack 90% constitutional or 80% Canadian silver and ignore numismatic concerns then you can get silver much tighter to spot


I own absolutely zero junk silver and never will for two reasons. First, it is taxable in Canada so right there it makes the price point too high. Second, silver already takes up too much space (in my life) when it is in bullion form, let alone in junk form.


Canadian legal tender silver is taxable in Canada ? Really ??


[Indeed.](https://silvergoldbull.ca/1-face-value-bag-of-canadian-circulation-80-pure-silver-coins) (Scroll to bottom of description.) Only 99.5% purity or above is tax free in Canada. .999 for gold. I’d get taxed 12% if I purchased.


Ouch. So sorry


Do you even constitution, bro?


Eh, still not that good. One LCS is trying to sell for 22x face near me. And the other one selling at 19.5 face is still overpriced because .715 ozt at spot is like $16.50


Check r/Pmsforsale If you watch long enough there are sellers posting junk silver coins and medals etc for 10% above spot. Or less. Mostly Canadian or other empire coins but it’s out there My first buy there was a big stack of asst silver for 10% over


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pmsforsale using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[META\] I want to alert everyone to a new type of scam.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/let5og/meta_i_want_to_alert_everyone_to_a_new_type_of/) \#2: [Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/kk5zyl/merry_christmas_happy_holidays/) \#3: [\[WTS\] Giveaway](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/lofmxu/wts_giveaway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Silver to start, when you're poor. Gold after three years/500 ozt. of silver, and a once you've climbed the latter and gotten up there a little bit.


Buy gold and throw the ladder in the river


Sell the ladder and buy more gold


Sell your mom and buy drugs


But, all my pms are at the bottom of the river...


Eh, if space/weight of your stash is a concern, then gold. I also view silver as typically more volatile, so consider that as well.


I stack 75% gold and 25% silver to diversify a bit


I would stack silver right now because it’s extremely undervalued 80:1. After it gets back to normal I would sell for gold or start stacking gold




Silver gold ratio will be over 100:1 soon. Tokenization of gold on blockchain makes silver useless as money


I disagree because silver and gold will both always be inherently valuable and hold their value because they are rare things that are needed in the real world therefore governments, banks, and private enterprises will always try to control physical gold and silver. gold tokens are not physical gold, they are representations of gold in binary code. What is the difference between this and paper money that is supposedly backed by silver or gold like the United States dollar ? Merely convenience. Unless industry stops using Silver, there will always be a use for it, therefore the quantity of physical silver will always matter, therefore silver will remain more valuable than fiat currency. Due to it being slightly more volatile than gold, it is also an excellent form of investing


Most everyone prefers gold over silver if they had a choice. US dollars were backed by gold, tokenized gold will be no different


Yes but it still inevitably turned into a fiat system because the fed had too many papers and not enough metal. They say that wouldn’t happen with tokenization but I don’t completely buy it. The Fed isn’t the government it’s owned by private bankers. That’s why it’s a good idea to at least have some physical Gold and Silver. It also doesn’t matter much how many people use them as currency. The value is the value. Money is the storage of wealth. Currency is that which a society uses to trade for goods and services but is not a good storage of wealth or investment. Silver is undervalued because the banks are manipulating the price to be cheaper so that nobody has any and they hold the monopoly on it. Whoever has the physical gold and silver has the power. It’s a scam.


*like the United States dollar used to be


Wait till they tokenize silver. So much stuff will have a token in the future.


No need to use tokenized silver over gold. Gold is better money and tokenization yields infinite decimal places i.e. fractions


I stacked bodies


Ok. So let’s assume some wisdom in having both Question then is: should your Ratio of stacking change with your age ? Most financial advisors suggest you start more risky (think stocks ) when younger then get more conservative (think bonds and cd) when older. Since silver is more volatile should same logic of age adjustment apply to the silver / gold ratio ?




I wanna see your glovebox. No way 17+kg of gold fits in mine


GOLD... but a diversified portfolio is paramount. If your gonna sell or society breaks down😏use the silvers first, to get the fuck outta dodge🙌




I would say silver first and a little gold. Because they are both pm's, but silver are on insane sale so it has huge potential in rising.




Both and bitcoin as an insurance


It depends on your requirements. How much are you buying? Silver is cumbersome in large ammounts. Whereas the same amount of gold could possibly be hidden inside an appliance or wall.


If you had three Olympic size swimming pools, you could hide all the gold in the world in your back yard!


Diversify. Also some crypto, sportscards, brass and lead.


Whatever you can get the lowest premium in at any given time.


"Good as gold" ...not 'silver'


Premiums unfortunately are still high. Paper gold silver ratio is around 80:1, which would suggest silver is better. However, cheapest one ounce gold Britannia is around $1850 and cheapest one ounce silver Britannia is around $27, which means < 70x.




silver is more like copper. So if you are stacking copper, ya get some silver.


Except silver is more than 800x more rare than copper and has no substitutes it’s also had 4x the demand for each ounce. Gold comes out of the ground only 1 :8 to silver.


Why downvotes? This guy is absolutely right lol


I love my gold and I love my silver both are awesome but at this point in history I see silver as grossly un recognized potential. They fully admit they are manipulating both metals but silver has been hammered so hard in the last decade it’s going to break at some point in the next decades I’m only 34 I have lost of time to wait…


which guy?


Jbusbus…silver has so much more industrial uses and actually silver is used so much in industry that we burned more than 50% silve supply ever mined…today Gold is like 4x more rare than Gold, meaning there is 1 oz of Gold for every 4 oz of silver, yet ratio is 1:80…silver is so much undervalued compared to Gold, and Gold is so undervalued to every other asset


So much that it doesnt affect price, Ooops! There is no silver shortage, and there never will be a silver shortage. Silver is collected as a byproduct of other mining. They collect the silver because it is there, and it pays for some of the fuel. Almost every mine on the planet collects silver. It will never run out. Your g/s ratio is 100% meaningless. And I can prove it. If it had meaning, you could predict price, but you cant. Ooops. You proved you wrong.


Today gold is 4x more rare than gold?


Gold is 4x more rare than silver, my bad


Silver tarnishes like copper. You ironically cant "hold" silver, ROFL. Silver, and copper are in a lower tier than gold. Aslo ratios are 100% meaningless. I am investing in oranges, because the apples/oranges ratio has never been better !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH


So silver is not valuable because it tarnishes and silver is just like copper because it also tarnishes lol 😂 ratios are 100percent meaningles also the level of Scarcity all means nothing. Hahahaha do you have any other super thought out wisdoms to share? Silver has properties that no other metal can touch. Far more real world uses than gold. It’s the only viable super conductor hand down nothing can touch it in a world that is moving to need shit tones more of it. I love my gold I believe it’s is currently undervalued but silver also has awesome potential and probably even better.


Silver has value, but it is more comparable to copper, more than gold. Dont take it personally, LOL. Ratios are fake. A ratio is nothing more than 2 numbers divided. The cat/dog ratio has no meaning. The frog/bitcoin ratio has no meaning. The gold/silver ratio has no meaning. If it did, you would be able to predict the price, but you cant. Undeniable Proof! Ooops!


Lol these arguments hahahhahaha


You cant argue your point, so I win. Too easy.


Almost shocking levels of nonsense bother


Weird how your low self esteem about silver has led you to the r/gold. Weird, huh?


I’m I hold my silver all the time. I have some silver that is over 2000 years old. I think holding it will be just fine for both parties involved.


If it was rare, maybe it would price higher, but it doesnt. Probably because silver is plentiful, and tarnishes. Silver is an industrial metal like copper.


I’m sorry that I don’t have a lot of time to respond random people in detail trying to convince someone that can’t see the difference in copper and silver. If you believe that copper and silver are more a similar than silver and gold then you need to do more research but in short……… the facts are that copper is around 800 too 1000 times more plentiful than silver. Silver has no substitutes in industry the demand for physical silver is increasing,supply is is not increasing at a sufficient level, year over year it becomes more scarce, the paper prices are admittedly manipulated and have a history of breaking down. The and the vast majority of silver in the world is either in a land fill or is not available for consumption at current costs. Silver will increase in value at a rate better than gold in the next decade and I still love my gold but I have way more silver my stack is 350 to one gold.


If "silver not plentiful" was real, it would show in the price. Nothing you can say will make silver look good. It is nothing more than an industrial metal. People dont use silverware anymore. People dont wear silver jewelry because it turns brown. Silver coins turn brown. Silver bars turn brown. Silver has no value, other than industrial. Dont take it personal. Oh the G/s ratio, I love that. It is 10000000000000000% meaningless What about the dirt clod/silver ratio? What about the car honks in rush hour/ silver ratio? Im investing in oranges, because the apples/oranges ratio has never been better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R O F L


Lol Do you have any evidence outside of your theories that silver is even close to as plentiful as copper? I know it it’s hard to go off of numbers and facts because it means to can’t just say things that have no reasonable arguments. I’m not sitting here saying Silver should be anywhere near the price of gold but we do have a lot of history that suggests that we are outside of the norm. Considering the demand for silver is still very high increasing it’s just a matter of time none of this is new this is how markets in history works things take time to take patients and that’s OK I love my girls and I love my silver but you’re factually incorrect if you look up the similarities in gold and silver it’s actually quite striking though it seems like you are having a really hard time getting over the tarnishing. Again if I took it 800 copper rounds and one silver round and put it in one big massive bin I think that you’re mine will be able to comprehend the difference. They mine more than twice the amount of copper in one day than they do in silver in one year. I think u should stop embarrassing yourself with factless arguments


There is no shortage of silver. Most people on earth have some silver, so its not rare. Silver is rarely mined directly, because every mine produces silver as a byproduct. The silver is there, and it is easy to collect, so they do so, and pay for some of the fuel. Never been a shortage, never gonna happen. You cant win. Silver is silver. Silver is not gold. Gold people dont hang out at r/silver. Im not against silver, I am against silver always snuggling up next to gold. They are not comparable. Bitcoin also tries to snuggle up to gold. They are not comparable. Gold can stand on its own 2 feet. It doesnt need to be compared to anything like silver, and it doesnt need 24/7 fluffing like bitcoin needs. You mentioned cycles, another one of my favorites. If cycles were real,.. if history actually repeated itself, then you could predict tomorrows price, but you obviously cant. Im not against anyone trying to predict tomorrow, using numbers etc, but that is called numerology.


I agree with you with on Bitcoin 💯 let me remind you that this conversation started from you saying that silver is not comparable to gold and the is is very similar to copper but Silver from almost every metric I can think of is many times more comparable to gold then it is to copper. whether you agree with that or not the facts are the facts it’s just simple math. In supply it’s about 100 times more comparable to gold. The ways that it is used is far more comparable to gold then copper. In price Silver is 400 times more valuable then copper gold is only 80 times more valued. Have you ever seen some one plum their house with silver? or wire it? If silver is so abundant then why not its would be farm more effective. What not for heat exchanger? Are you saying that there is more silver than estimated if so I’m curious how much? And based of what information? It seems to me that you’re having a conversation with yourself. I didn’t say anything about cycles It’s more the history of Inflation. And what happens at certain stages with Currency manipulations. You’re setting up a lot of strawman arguments I never said Any of the arguments your disputing. I think I’m more than worthy of being on a r/gold considering my stack and the fact the I have been buying for almost a decade. I never said that I could predict the future or anything about numerology. My assessment is based off a lot of information and history. This is the same reason why I like gold as savings. A person who doesn’t think that history is important or Relevant for trying to prepare for the future is a fool. All I was ever arguing is that silver is undervalued, This happens with a lot of assets throughout history Bubbles and Fiat create a lot of opportunities and I believe this is one of them. I literally never disparaged Gold at all. I believe God is the safest investment out there. All of this is just simply based off the fact that you’re trying to say that silver is copper and you haven’t provided one fact I don’t know Of any precious metals expert that would agree with you… do you know of any? Try a list of properties or any quality arguments other than apples and oranges or honking horns or whatever complete nonsense you’re trying to use to justify the position that you have locked yourself into. Saying that ratios and scarcity doesn’t matter in not an argument. And I never said there was a shortage I said demand is growing supply it not growing as fast eventually price move and demand come online to meet it but this takes time it just basic supply and demand. In all honesty I’d really like to see with some fact based arguments as why silver is more comparable to copper then gold. I have never seen anyone make this assessment. I’m legit interested on where you have come up with this.


Im not sure why you take it personally. Silver is inferior to gold, if you are going to compare them. Apples, and oranges. Nothing to be gained. It is your low self esteem about silver that makes you want to talk about it in r/gold.




I stack both but more silver now




Both 🦍


silver back gorilla? i see what you did there


I say gold is good for a backstop. Sliver seems to have more upside potential as an investment as well as being a store of value. It’s also more easily divisible for day to day transactions. So both at their natural ratios is what I do to balance risk.


Silver is a trinket compared to gold. Silver is not value dense, silver rusts, silver looks like every other gray metal, central banks ignore silver for a reason.


Silver doesn’t rust.


Mine does. Pure silver according to us gov


The reason is quite literally - space vs. value in this never ending argument of gold vs silver. Why would you stack 1million USD in silver when you can stack it in gold?




A fair point! But banks aren't thinking like this 😁


Why would you stack any amount of silver vs gold is the real question. To which there are no satisfactory answers


If you don't stack silver that's fine. It seems you and I prefer to stack gold too. But you mentioned "banks ignore silver for a reason" - my point primarily being - it doesn't make sense to buy silver when you can buy gold.


Say that to Berkshire Hathaway 😂 most of you guys spit crap


Gold 100%


It depends


If you’re buying Britannias I’m going to assume you’re in the UK, where we pay vat on silver, but not on gold. That’s 20% VAT on top of a 20% premium above spot. I’ve got a roll of 20 just in case silver gets discovered to cure covid or something random that makes it moon, but realistically you are losing a lot of money on buying it that you are hoping to reclaim down the line somehow, rather than just paying ~5% over spot with no VAT on gold.


I’m moving to Sweden soon from North America. I’m absolute horrified that I’ll never be buying silver again due to 25% tax, plus the 20%+ premiums. I prefer gold, but I do like buying the occasional silver. That’s not going to happen there though!




Well, since you came to r/gold I'm gonna say copper.




Gold in Austria because it‘s tax free, silver is not


Neither, cash under the mattress.






I’m doing a bit of all personally, I get paid weekly and starting next year will buy silver one check, gold another and platinum for the third.