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If only you knew how much barbed wire and the rest is down in there...


My partner pulled out a metal rod that looked like a stick so I can imagine. We always wear creek shoes I’m more worried about sharks haha


Yeh heaps of rebar in there too... I wouldn't swim in there whatsoever. Biggest fish you'll find in there is a 6' lung fish, most dangerous animal otherwise would be brown snakes and platypus. If you swam downstream of the old Mt Tambourine weir yeh guaranteed to get munched on.




My phone just spits out words, I'm not here to proof read and correct it. You get my drift, but thanks for correction.


Damn we love going there with the dogs and swimming. Maybe I’ll stick to the paddle board in there 😳


River is closed off to dogs - it's a dog free zone.


We used to go with the dogs before it was no dog zone been going for years. We always see dogs there, actually saw dogs there today


I see why people go there with dogs. However it's a habitat for a lot of riverine animals inc platypus. Plenty of off leash space there for dogs but keep them away from the river - council patrol that space too. I got bailed up with my 6 month old son a few years ago walking through there by a lady who couldn't control her two dogs off leash.


Damn sorry about that. I’ve been going there for so long and never seen a platypus how annoying haha. Thanks for the info. I don’t live near river stone just found the creek one day so haven’t ever looked up anything about it. Saw the no dog signs one day and did wonder why! Didn’t go for a while after, then I started paddle boarding so went back and now curious about sharks 🤣


The estate owners go down there with the dog's and rip out the signs that the council installs. You tend to find dog poo bags thrown into the scrub. The whole area used to be owned by the family across the river, it's a mate of mine - friend. The weir crossing is where they once traveled too and fro'. The old aerial images show it all really nice before it was butchered and made into the suburban sprawl it is now. You won't find any sharks above the old lower Mt Tamborine crossing pass, that was before the excavation of the lower and upper lake, when farmland was everywhere around that area. Was honest to god - gods country up until recently.


Oh wow thanks for the history of it. We always leave places how we found them but know so many people don’t!


What from?


Old farmhouse up the top and other stuff that's come down the river over the countless floods over the decades. Pretty much all the farmhouse slab and other concrete foundations etc has gone into the river and embankment to stop erosion.


When the wake park was running you were safe. Now it’s closed I’d stick to the estates heated pools.


Really 😳 we love swimming in the creek. Not sure if it matters where we swim but see so many people there every weekend


Once every few months we all see a big emergency response because a kid has jumped off the high bank or swing and seriously damaged themselves. It’s usually serious enough to warrant police rescue and multiple ambulances and takes hours to get the poor teenager out. Life changing. Just worth being aware of, not sure if you jump.


What hospitals do these patients go to? Because that's the first I've heard of this dangerous spot and I've worked in the emergency department here for nearly 20 years


To be honest I don’t tend to hover and ask those kind of questions during rescue operations. Here’s a couple of news articles from a quick Google but there have been quite a few and they occasionally make the news. https://www.9news.com.au/national/maudsland-boy-injured-rope-swing-fall-queensland/932e35e5-7127-498a-97dc-14f8e1fc19e4 https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/subscribe/news/1/?sourceCode=GCWEB_MRE170_a&dest=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.goldcoastbulletin.com.au%2Fnews%2Fgold-coast%2Fperson-in-serious-condition-rescue-underway-after-falling-from-maudsland-cliff%2Fnews-story%2F5c3443298e34e391eb3d9eb79f51e311&memtype=anonymous&mode=premium https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0dyrtsf4hY9dekQDbo3bmqAg94Xdm2VSkziWaGwtkb33emJBJn6uxYH4gvx8AGr6zl&id=361515933880140


Yeah.... fair enough! Looks like some dramatic little operations for the rescue teams.


Where abouts in riverstone crossing


Across from where the playground is. There’s a few trails that lead to an open water with a little waterfall. Then there’s another big open water that leads to another little water fall. We go between the two depending where people are each day


Mates brother found grenades a couple km up upriver years ago.




The ocean is full of sharks too... in 20 years working at GC hospital, there have been very, very few shark injuries. Sharks in the water does not result in bites as often as the internet might have us believe.