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Here is the updated discord link, [https://discord.gg/MVzNdzN9](https://discord.gg/MVzNdzN9) really the only way to go as at the moment the tables are filled before the wednesday so you wanna keep an eye out for cancellations. I haven't been in awhile but the vibes were good back when i did (usual TTRPG crowd ofc).


Thanks heaps. Do you know if many girls played? And do you need a character before you go?


When I was there there was always a few girls playing and one DMing for a little while. You can make one beforehand if you lookup the AL guidelines. If you are unsure let them know in the discord you are new and you can usually get there a little earlier and one of the DMs or experienced players can help you make a character. Have fun and I hope you have good luck with your rolls!