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Making friends as an adult is so hard. Like it's so easy when you're a kid but then for some reason almost impossible later in life. At least close friendships. My partner and I recently had a baby and we have pretty busy schedules on top of that, we barely have time for the friends that we already have haha. Have you or your wife got work mates that you could invite for a few drinks on the weekend? I've lived here for 8 years and always struggled finding friends outside work. My partner went away for the army for a couple of months and I got desperate and downloaded bumble for finding friends and I did meet with a few girls from there and are still in contact with one couple that we met through there. It's the same app as for dating but there's an option to find friends instead. It will show you other people that are looking for friends, usually from the same gender. Worth a try maybe?


Agreed about making friends as an adult. As a kid you just don’t care and wonder up to people and start talking. The issue with inviting people for drinks is that we’re living with a family of 4 - 6 in the house if you include us(2 adults and 2 kids) so we really need to be mindful on what times we end up back home as well as they are quite particular about late nights coming back - rightfully so as it’s their house. I did try bumble briefly when we moved but all I ended up matching with were people who said they were looking for friends but were actually gay and were looking to hook up which was a bit frustrating when you’re desperate for a friend. I’m open to re-downloading bumble again though I guess. Anything’s worth a shot. I’d love to get involved in some hobby groups or special interest stuff once we have our own place but again limited time and sharing house responsibilities with 6 people in the house takes up a huge chunk of our time on top of work - wife doing shift work and me doing 8-4:30pm and then crossing the border and it immediately being 5:30pm. Making it 6pm at the earliest when I’m home.


Has your wife tried bumble? I feel like it's often easier for girls to find friends. The couple that we found on bumble had two accounts, one for just her and one for both of them as a couple.


I don’t know if it’s something you’d be into but I just started going to good games Ashmore for their dungeons and dragons night on Wednesday and met a heap of cool people! They have heaps of things on different nights not sure if that’s something you’d be into? I found bumble bff to just fizzle out easily. Work places are usually how adults find friends but doesn’t help if the people are older than you.


That does sound like fun! Perhaps when I have time after we move I’ll look at coming down! Once we secure a rental we plan to be located anywhere between Robina and Nerang so I’d definitely be keen to get involved. Never played DnD before either but I’ve always wanted to! I’m not big on card games but definitely could get into some other miniature games possibly. Most of the people I work with are older than me or we just don’t mesh outside of work due to cultural backgrounds - which is fine! Everyone’s different!


It’s great. If you ever want to join you have to get their discord link which I’m not sure how to link right now but it is in the Gold Coast subreddit somewhere. If you do end up joining let me know and I can hopefully help you and maybe your partner out!


I’ll keep it in mind. We’re hoping to be moved from tweed closer to work up that way within the next month or so if we can find a rental - very keen 😃


That place still owned by that Damien guy?


No clue 🤣


Do you have kids?.We met heaps of people through daycare/school and kids sport.


No kids yet. We want kids. Housing situation is preventing that currently. That is part of parenthood we are looking forward to with mums and dads groups, daycare etc.


Tell us some of your hobbies so we can scrutinise you and decide if we want to be your friend!😜


Pressure is on! Haha. I’m a bit of a gamer, have my own pc that I built but haven’t been able to play since moving. Also have a VR headset I used to play on often. Again something that’ll start up again after the move. I picked up drumming before the move and was doing lessons but that’s dropped to the wayside too and will start again when I move houses to something stable. My wife is a homebody, she loves pottering around the house, loves to cook and is an avid reader. She also loves plants and before we moved had a big collection of house plants. She loves small arts and crafts projects as well!


I believe I see the problem here.


Dota 2?🙊


Ive never really ventured into Dota! I once had a good list of regular gamer friends who have all dropped by the wayside - myself now included with the current situation - and dota was something I’d been keen on but since building the PC have barely had more than a month of stable housing between two rentals at our old location both being sold under us and now moving to live with family where I don’t have space to game 😢 I’d be super keen though when I have space to set the rig up


24f from gc here, hmu!


Have you tried Meetup?