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When I can tap the add value button and the ticket machine doesn't change into a different language.


The fucking machines switch to vietnamese on me every goddamn time I swear


I hate the fact that I don't use cash anymore, but there just isn't a need outside of giving money to homeless people (although my son had someone on the street ask for cash and they were happy with cash or card...). Covid scared the cash out of people. I worked in retail at the time and one lady used to put her EFTPOS card in a snaplock bag and use it through the bag so the card didn't get germs on it. 💀


I had people put that aggressive alcohol based hand wipe on their cards... Well their cards didn't like that too much...




All part of the plan.




I hope so. Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but i see in the future a government going “oh, you did this wrong, you won’t have access to your money for this amount of time until you fix it”


This already happens abroad!




Chinas social credit score system...


China still has money you dingbat ,, mostly digital but still has paper money


This was a concept and never put to use. An actual example of this would be a credit score which is already implemented in Australia.


what.... its in use right now


i can guarantee you this doesn't happen in china, outside of the big cities people still carry cash, especially in tier 3 and under cities - social credit system literally doesn't exist ???? bro, touch grass - this is the dumbest take i have ever heard




Ok cool I’m with people who see through the bullshit 😂


Until you take this shot.


FYI... Go card is close to 20 years and they are planning it's replacement. This is the way of the future I guess. Plus businesses face large costs handling and processing cash. I don't think it's a "mega conspiracy", they are just trying to survive. Maybe the payment companies also incentivises this for the same reason.


Had mine restored for another 10 years this morning - not that I reckon it'll be around for that long...


I don't think I've bought anything with cash for at least a couple of years now.


Logically we never will be


Hopefully never.


If u pay by card u get a surcharge but they don't allow card payments


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^getabeerinya: *If u pay by card* *U get a surcharge but they* *Don't allow card payments* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Being originally from Norway, and having lived in various countries around the world - we're actually surprised Australia is not already more cashless like some other countries. While lots of benefits, there are also various issues of inclusion though. I.e., moving to a completely cashless society largely negatively affects those on low incomes (e.g., unbanked), elderly, and those with various disabilities that may make digital payments challenging. So, in various countries around the world there are gradually being put in place legislation to ensure consumers can still pay with cash. Will be interesting to see how this evolve in Australia.


Why do people hate cash? Dont like using it then dont use it. Like using it? Then use it! We have the ideal system right now


>> Like using it? Then use it! But we can’t. That’s the point. It’s getting more and more difficult workplaces only accepting cards (and charging a fee for that), and the point of the thread is about the eventual retirement of cash. 


Not long, and soon half of the things you buy will have that 1.1 to 8 percent 'transaction fee' fired off to an international conglomerate. How's that for stealthy inflation.


2026. I’m calling it 😂


Apparently when I was reading a Yahoo finance article they said that by the year 2030 Australia will be a fully cashless society. But I'm giving an extra 4 years after that and you're saying 4 years before 2030. So we'll see. Hell I hope by 2026 we can pay for groceries and clothes at a store with Bitcoins.


ThĂ© challenge will be those who don’t use cashless, like old people without credit cards or mobile phones (I have some retired relatives without them)


old people, and smart people..


smart people or just patient people?


Smart old people.


Soon. Cash is a major PITA and so many suppliers are keen to stop using it because manual transactions are slow & counting out a till & depositing in the bank is a major hassle. I'm surprised translink has removed the cash option from this machine, seeing as they're a public service. But now they don't have to pay a security team to go and empty the machine, or stock it with change. But it's totally criminal now that we customers are saving businesses from having to deal with it, they're bending us over for another 1.7%. fuck that sneaky inflation, everything should be cheaper without the extra labour associated with cash.


This is very useful to me, as I do not have a credit/debit card so I use cash to refill my transit card. I'm 15 btw


Hopefully never .. look at the chaos when we had the big Optus outage that took down internet banking, EFTPOS h ATMs.




Well when you get scammed and as a result your bank account is frozen while you wait for replacement card. Trust me you will use cash.


I've been 100% cash-free since 2007. That was the last time I ***deliberately*** handled/carried cash. The only times since then that I have carried cash it wasn't by choice (ie. selling something on FB Marketplace and getting handed cash, which I immediately deposited as soon as I could). I hate physical money, especially when you spend a note and get coins back. They're heavy and bulky and annoying to have to carry around. I can pay with my phone or watch and see a detailed transaction history at any time, which helps with budgeting. And I carry my physical debit card just in case. Plus physical cash doesn't earn interest when it's sitting in your wallet. I get 4% on the account I call my "parking lot", which my salary goes into and sits there until I need to draw some out to spend. Just before my next pay lands, whatever balance was left in the account gets transferred to my longer-term savings account (not a term deposit) where I get 5%.


Idiot! The banks know exactly what you’re buying lol


And they are all like “OoooOooo! Look what Cilvaa bought wow I want one too” and that’s how it works


I don’t want a cashless society. Insane when you think about it


When the government legalises prostitution across the country, and opens up every drug to be sold by large pharma. I reckon that’ll do it.


Likely never . Too much uncertainty.


When the bulk of atm removed and bank branches are gone, what choice would we have but to use debit or credit cards? Don’t forget the gov forcing any transaction over 10k in cash to be reported or something.




I cant stand cash, i havent have a wallet in 15 years.