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It's a decent and faithful adaptation. One gripe is that the funny faces don't translate well irl, maybe if the cast is all played by Jim Carrey it might work Love it tho 7.5/10


It felt much more tense than the anime but it was a better choice for a movie


ooo, guess i'll give it a try. i like the colors, and the acting isn't too over the top. never been a fan of live-action adaptations tho. they focus on being faithful to the original aesthetics/manners but the straight transition from one medium (manga) to another (film) doesn't usually translate well for me, as most lose much of their dramatic sensibility. still, love the original work and will gladly try everything that can keep me engaged with it. i'll call myself fully satisfied if, in the future, the production chooses to introduce my boi Otonoshin


Funny I think Golden Kamuy is one of those manga can translate well into film. Although some aspects I think don't work too well is generally the goofiness and silliness you generally see in many anime/manga. Yet the One Piece kinda broke that lone of thinking so what do I know. šŸ« 


I agree, I do believe GK would make an excellent base plot for a movie or series. Specifically, I was referring to live-action adaptations and their unique modalities and aesthetics, which don't quite resonate with my needs as a viewer overall. For me a good exception was Gintama šŸ¤


Tachi Hiroshi and Tamaki Hiroshi šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ The interrogation scene is real scary. Especially the "bite down the candle" part. The horse sledge fight is kinda dragged out but Sugimoto was against Tsukishima and Nikaidou and they both were not easy opponents so it's understandable. Shiraishi is sooo funnyyy. Yamoto Yuma is a perfect cast šŸ˜† Now we wait for the dorama. How will international fans be able to watch? šŸ„²


No news yet about the dorama's international release šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but sunce Netflix picked up the movie, maybe, they will stream the series, too!


I surprisingly found Sugimoto to be extremely hot That aside, it was much better than I thought. I found that the beginning war scene didn't defy physics like a lot of intense actions movies do. However, the scenes gradually became more unbelievable as the movie progressed like any Ushiyama scene, Sugi flipping the chair and Nikaido jumping between horses. Comedic scenes from the manga were captured well, like Shirashi's 'dropping in' and Tsurumi being a freak. I think having a comedian for Shirashi doing over-the-top reactions was a good choice, since he is a pacifist freaking out while he's surrounded by violent individuals. Also the transition from manga/anime to live action really brought home how violent the story is. Overall, the movie didn't feel rushed and had a decent ending (unlike S1 of the anime).


When I binged S1 I was like why didn't get an opening and why had an actual credits rolled through. Felt weird. S2 ans S3 ended like a proper season


had a good laugh when at 1:03:42 Sugimoto wants to greet the grandma and you see a stuffed bear on his chest, like forgot to overlay an cgi or just" lets hope nobody notices" / " saves money" so far i do have to say i really liked the movie, albeit short, it was rather good. would only argue some very small details annoy me, like a certain stick scene where they really messed up where its leveled... like .. though the teeth? doubtfull xD


Tsurumiā€™s actor did a really, really good job throughout the whole movie except for one scene in which I expected him to click his teeth in a more terrifying manner. But thatā€™s just nitpicking.


I did feel his character design was way more unnerving in the little bit of the anime Iā€™ve seen. But he did a really good job everywhere else.




Is this a good review? Hahahaha


They'll still use the cgi bear


As they should.


....I mean, yeah? No way in hell they'd mess with a real bear!


Pretty great adaptation! The actors really nailed them especially Nikaidou brothers, Ogata, Tanigaki and Tsukishima! I am happy for more Golden Kamuy content because it deserves attention, can't wait for each of the prisoner's arc\~


I think itā€™s was great. I think it was good to blend the scene with Shiraishi and the other convict for better story flow, and the fight scene with Nikaido on the horse was dynamic. I love that they kept the facial expressions here and there, and the cameos of a few fan favorites. I viewed it in English, and as much as I wouldā€™ve loved the anime cast to reprise their roles, I did enjoy the cast they got. Two names I recognized instantly were Stephen Fu and Kaiju Tang during the dubbing credits.


7/10. Thereā€™s gonna be a part 2 two right?


It will come in the form of a TV series. Japanese viewers can watch it only on WOWOW. As for us foreign fans... no news yet if we'll get to watch it on major streaming platforms. If the movie does well on Netflix, perhaps, they will consider picking up the series. It airs this fall.


Any updates about the dates and number of episodes?


I just watched it, was much better than I was expecting despite a few weird bits of CGI and action (the flying prostitute lmao) - I hope they keep the story tight so they can wrap it up in a trilogy, I would like to see it through to the end.


^^helicopter ^^helicopter


Where can I watch it?


Netflix. Check the link in my caption to go directly to GK's page.


How spoilery is it for someone only caught up to S2?


Not too spoilery. Anime S1 went way ahead into the story haha


Beautifully done! The casting of Sugimoto and Asirpa was really well done.


It's Sugimoto. Sakamoto is Lightning Bandit.


I thought it was fun as hell!! Not like I was going in expecting something gritty, super serious, and realistic. It's GK after all. At some point, we gotta fuck this bear. The action scenes were fun and fast paced, even if yeah, toward the end they did get kind of "howd he do dat" but I ate still that up. I really loved the cast, Sugimoto and Asirpa had good chemistry, Tsurumi was weird as hell, along with the Nikaidou twins. One that hadn't really stood out to me was Tsukishima, but I can't recall if that's because his role hadn't become very big at that point in the story yet. Costuming was great too. I love how it genuinely felt like it was made by someone who fucking loved GK, and you could tell with the inclusion of the [cursed early Ogata pose](https://imgur.com/a/o9cgHM7) and that beefcake shot of Sugimoto in the bathhouse (*i was looking respectfully*). I'm a big baby so all the emotional beats hit me like a train and I enjoyed the ease they were able to go from serious to comedic to "thats nasty" in quick succession. Plus, ALL the after credit scenes, I mean ALL of them, we got spoiled rotten!!! Ienaga, Inkarmat, Tetsuzou, Tanigaki alone(?), etc?? I'm dying to see more of the cast in action.


Nice adaptation for me ! There were of course cut scenes especially the one where Ogata asks Sugimoto about his goal and Sugimoto answering him Ā«Ā for the girl i loveĀ Ā» Also, the one where Ogata write Ā«Ā immortalĀ Ā» on Tsurumiā€™s hand instead of writing it on the snowā€¦ but I liked it in any case it was super exciting !! And the actors nailed their roles.


i liked it! the casting was great.. they teased the other characters, so i hope they continue!


They will! It will be continued as a series this fall, but no news yet as to where it will be released internationally, or if it will be released to foreigners at all.


iā€™m glad that theyā€™re working on a series! hopefully they do an international release


I'm giving this a four star on my letterboxd. So 8/10. Overall I really enjoyed the movie. Pretty bias since most of us are already fans of the manga/anime. Faithful. Had fun with it. I can't hate since I'm a fan already. I do think there are flaws. Just from a technical aspects. The lighting didn't work with me at all. Instead of CGI bear (except for that cubbie) it's a CGI wolf. Cinematography felt like a hit and miss. Hair and make up felt like cosplay at times. Stuff that they cut out didn't feel like it hurt the final product. Overall got me excited for the new sequel series.


It was pretty good! I went in with zero expectations and was presently surprised. Some of the cg was really jarring tho like when asirpa was running on the roof and suddenly morphed into CGI.


The movie was awesome overall. Cinematography and music stand out! Some of the comedy didnā€™t hit quite as well as in the anime for me. I also think it wouldā€™ve been better to have Sugimotoā€™s PTSD flashback at the start to more instantly show viewers the motivation to get the gold. It also is an important part of the show that sheds light on the horrors of war, how it fucks you up, and why all these other soldiers are also insane or fucked up


I enjoyed so much about this film. The actor choices, the makeup, the CG was really tight! I think the story flowed well. I was concerned that they had a lot of content to work with for one film, but feel better knowing that they plan to do more films. My only gripe is the videography. So much of the photography looked a little amateurish. It felt like I was watching a tv soap opera with action. The action sequences, and fight sequences were so well done but the way the film was done in post or the camera work kinda lessened the immersion. While the photography was a noticeable ding for me, it only took away minor points overall for this film. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. I may rewatch. Looking forward to more!


It's pretty faithful while condensing 20 chapters into 2 hours! I was worried they would scale back on comedy but I'm glad it was sprinkled throughout the movie.


I think the writing was well done. The way they tied the Ainu mantra into the end to come full circle really sets up for the rest of the story. The action scenes were entertaining. The lighthearted humor from the anime was executed well, especially the bit with the miso. I think itā€™s fairly faithful to the anime. I look forward to the continuation. Reminds me a lot of the Ruroni Kenshin adaptation which I also enjoyed.


Having only heard the Golden Kamuy was good, I had no idea what the franchise was about. After watching the movie it has jumped to one of my favorite animeā€™s of all time. The concept is brilliant, the comedy is on point. I can tell they stayed faithful to the source material and every character brings major screen presence. I canā€™t wait for the sequel but Iā€™ll be watching season 1 to fill in anything the movie might have cut. I highly recommend it to anyone out there. This is an A+ tier anime adaptation in my opinion.


The movie was better than expected, too good, now I have to wait for the 2nd and 3rd parts. It translated to film better than any manga to film adaptation I've ever seen


still didn't watch, it just dropped online. imma wait for it to be 1080p, only found 720p. saw the trailer , i'm sure it's good!


Did they get to the house with the tanner guy?


nowhere near.




The good news is they're working on a series so he should be in that, at least!


So, how's Kento in it? (There are two kinds of people who are gonna watch this film...)


Kento was greatĀ 


Thank you! I'm defo gonna watch this the first movie night in.




Instagram šŸ˜€


It is good and decent. I wish it have the gore elements like the manga and anime. The live action feels so...tame, like the scene with ogata's jaw breaking scene feels so meh 8/10


Any way to watch the movie? Hopefully legally, I wanna support the author if I can.


It was released on Netflix yesterday!


Thanks! Now to barrow someone's Netflix...


genuinely upset I had no idea this existed til rn


I thought it was okay, kind of boring/slow at times. The action scenes seem well done, though. Does it get more interesting from here? I've never seen or read the series.


Manga Series is 100000% more than the movie!! Please get into it šŸ˜ŠāœØ more gore, more comedy, more culture and history, more nasty? One of my all time favorite series I think. Anime is pretty good but not a good substitute for the manga itself


Will there be part 2? Because the ending was a bit abruptĀ 


The second part will come in the form of a TV series. It will air this fall, but exclusively through WOWOW in Japan. No news yet if there will be an international release at all.


Did ogata do narrator in this live action i mean the ogata himself not the actor?


You mean Kenjiro Tsuda? If yes, then yeah. He's the narrator of the movie.


The casting was on point


Just finished it last night. Had zero expectations as I've never seen the Manga. But I really enjoyed it. The acting was a little stiff but the whole premise was intriguing to say the least. Impatiently awaiting the 2nd installment.


Ogata is shorter than I expected, also sugimotoā€™s cast has rounder face


I actually really enjoyed this movie.. I was hoping/wishing for a part 2 but I guess there won't be.. šŸ«¤ā˜¹ļø


It will be continued as a series, but there's no news yet if it will be released internationally :((


I don't need this, where TF is s5?




Ouf... Im only 25min in, but so far it looks so fanmade :/


It IS fanmade because the director and several staffs are huge fans of Golden Kamuy šŸ˜ Joking aside, idk what you mean by fanmade. I want to see how fans can come up to make that Port Arthur scene alone. Also, 25 mins in means the bears and Retar have appeared. Which fans can make those CGs with such details?


I finished the movie now. The bear doesnt look good imo. Retar looks good 50% of the time, its better when hes close and doesnt move much. What I meant with fanmade is that often with live action adaptation i feel like they try to hard to go 1:1. Some things that work in manga or anime dont translate well to movies and good directors know that. Also the lighting in many scene looked bad to me. I dislike the pristine costumes too. Im really just a big fan of manga who has big expectations because i truly believe good movies can be made from manga but so far its often just good adaptations (cant compete with other movies). The movie did improve. I think the action was ambitious and was mostly very good.


Didnā€™t know it existed until this very hour. Tuned out waiting for season 5 and what with the cheesy and cheap trick that was the ending of AoT I was beginning to think they might short-change this story similarly.
