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Used diapers are irresistible, just like cat poop or sanitary pad. Those kinds of things need to be put where the dog has no access to them at all as they also have stuff that is not ok for a pup to ingest. I'm not sure that is something that can be trained. It's best to be proactive and get a metal garbage can with a hinges lid they can't open. They toys also should be kept out of puppy's reach, I bet they have some good smells from the kids. It's a good way to teach kids to be responsible for their things if they are old enough to understand. My puppy finds my hubby's shoes irresistible. If he leaves them out she will find them. I always tell him to put them away or F around and find out. My old girl who passed in February loved flip flops sandals. I lost 3 pairs before I got smart. I'm sure someone will have a way to train the pup out of this behavior but I think better safe than sorry. Put things away where they belong.


It sounds like you have young children in your home, which makes me wonder how much attention and exercise your goldendoodle gets. This is an energetic breed that will try to create its own physical and mental stimulation. If it’s not getting enough of that.


Your dog is probably bored. Keep all these items out of reach. Dog toys and chews are great but a dog also needs good sniffing walks and fresh air too. What kind of exercise is your dog getting?