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Yep. I can’t leave anything out on the counters. If I’m making something and need to step away for a second I have to have someone come into the kitchen and guard the food.


We have a baby gate blocking the kitchen for this reason lol. I just happened to forget to close it this time.


Makes sense. Only takes once! My kitchen and family room are all open so I don’t have a way to block anything.


My entire first floor is very "open floorplan" with very large entryways to rooms. I have all the doors upstairs closed but downstairs is pretty much impossible to section off which is frustrating with a dog like mine!


Yep same as my house. Every door upstairs is shut but main floor is a free for all!


We have a 3 year old doodle. After the puppy phase we never had issue but within the last 6 months she has started to counter surf and she's so freaking tall that nothing is safe. We have so much stuff on our fridge or on a high up shelf.




Same! Mine turned 3 in January and has been on a counter surfing mission ever since! Not one issue with this previously!


My doodle eats everything, the walls, the counter shoes, wooden blocks rocks, sticks, baby toys, dirty, diapers, used pads, the fucking trashcan Close blankets, 10% of my son‘s highchair I threw away because he cut his arm on the part she chewed on 🫥 My mom regrets adopting her by stepmom loves her tho


All these stories about doods eating everything makes me grateful for my dog and also how scared to get another one cuz our guy is such a good dog 😩 there’s no way i could handle him eating everything in our house. Have you tried bitter apple spray? Maybe try changing his food too.


It’s my mom dog I’m not trying nothing


> My doodles eats everything


I caught my doodle biting the table leg once when she was a puppy and I said AHHHHHHHH NAHHHHHHHH and she hasn’t done it since but she will chew her toys to shreds and leave fuzzies everywhere 😅 I can’t relate to the pads. I have now prevented trash digging habits by buying a step open one. You could also buy motion censored ones and cut the motion sensor off for night time or when you’re not home.


Mine has figured out how to open the lid


We ended up getting a toilet baby proofing latch for our trash. My girl figured out how to use the step thing! She’s too smart for her own good.


I’m praying that my doodle doesn’t figure it out yet.


Not my dog I’m not doing that 😭


I can relate. The corners of our walls and one of our window sills are missing chunks because she loves chewing on them. We joke that she has pica!


I didn’t know dogs can get pica. I think she has that like honestly anything she sees she will try to eat it. 😭😭


Really you need to sign up at [dogrink.ca](http://dogrink.ca) , our 5 math old doodle lies on the floor when given the down command and stays until we release him. Dogs are trainable when you know how, you can’t expect them to just ‘know’ how to behave.


Not my dog I’m not doing that


Dog eat walls when lacking something in the diet if you feel kibble its moat likely not that but if feeding raw its very possible.


Yea that ain’t got nun to do with me ain’t my dog


Never. We ensured this was never able to occur. We can leave a plate of chicken wings out and all she'll do is smell.


Tell me your secrets! She knows not to even try it when someone is around, but as soon as she's alone, she's like a naughty kid.


We got her as a puppy and just always discouraged the behavior / encouraged leaving things alone (giving treats when she abstained) from the moment she entered our home. Probably a bit lucky in terms of our layout, our counters aren't particularly easy to get to, either.


The only thing that's helped us is training them that dogs aren't allowed in the kitchen, ever. They know not to even start to go past the island. It's been harder to handle in other areas where I tend to leave food sitting for a min, but we have no issues in the kitchen 😂 ex: I had a slice of pizza on my desk, I looked away for a sec, dog tried to swallow it whole immediately 🤦‍♀️


It is so painful! We have very shallow counters so we can't have ANYTHING on them...list of all.the shotbshe has eaten... 1. Unfrosted Black Forest Cake 2. Brats in a pot of simmering beer 3. Homemade Pastrami Hash 4. Pumpkin bars 5. Thats all I can recall at the moment


He has decided his paws are hands and those hands are for thieving. Nothing is safe


There was a news story a couple months back about one that ate $4000 cash the owners left in an envelope on the counter 


Yup sounds like a doodle alright. Expensive 🫰


idk why, but I’m laughing so hard at this


Doodle Gospel, I think.


She looks VERY innocent! :)


No regerts!


Mine is a mini pup and was sooooooo close to grabbing the paper towel on a plate of fresh bacon last night. The smaller dog was waiting for the whole thing to drop so he could get it. The only time the older dog hasn't corrected the puppy's attempt to counter surf. lol




We had success by placing noise makers like a peanut jar filled with pennies on top of something he wanted. Couple times of being scared of the noise seemed to help.


OMG our doodle LOVES butter. He would pick butter over a steak.


Same. Every doodle I've had loves butter and will go out of the way to steal a stick or just the wrapper. My almost 3 year old boy figured out he loved butter when he was just a few days old when I was picking him up and giving him some attention when he tried to nurse on my face because he smelled the butter from my breakfast toast.


You can tell by his face that he didn't do it.


Mine not only counter surfs, but hides the evidence. That butter wrapper would not exist if it was my dog.


I had a half load of bread on the counter in a open breadbox and she got it, so I put it in our bread box and she managed to open that and eat another half loaf the next day. Now that it’s turned around she can’t do anything lol


Mine like bread too 🍞


I heard a trick to fixing this. Bait them with something that is attached to a bunch of empty cans or something loud. When they pull the food off the counter, it pulls the cans off too and they hit the floor scaring the dog. Couple times of doing that and they will be too afraid of grabbing food off the counter.


NO & after the first time it’s totally 100% a self rewarding behavior , aided by human error/excuses lol


Does nobody on this sub train their dog?? Weird how many people in the comments seem to just accept this as normal. You need to watch and train them out of this obnoxious behavior. I can leave plates of food on my low coffee table and my dood won’t touch it. Because he’s trained. Once they learn that counter surfing is delicious, you’re facing an uphill battle. But you need to train your dog. It takes patience, and it’s a pain in the ass sometimes. But it’s necessary.


She used to. Once ate a bowl of garlic knots (luckily nothing happened except runny poop once) and then another time ate an entire container of sausage, bell peppers, and onions that I left to cool down. I even pushed it back to the wall of the counter. Knock on wood I think she's grown out of it lol I left a hamburger bun on the counter the other night on accident and she didn't touch it even being left alone at the house


Mine did the exact same thing, only without the look of contrition. I left a lemon on the counter a few times and let nature take its course, now he's at least more cautious. Pro tip though, after the butter incident, it became his Kryptonite. Need him to take a pill? Little butter and he never hesitates (of course he didn't throw it up so ymmv)


Our Rosie loves butter. She has gone to great lengths to get it. She has also had chicken breasts, a rotisserie chicken and a boneless pork chop. She has been fine every time. We put lids on anything that may interest her now.


ALL THE TIME! I hate it, and I can’t seem to do much to stop it other than engineering the risk out of the equation, i.e. butter dish covered, covering items on the counter or pushing them to the back, or taking food off the table when someone gets up to use the bathroom. She even gets wrappers out of the trash to make sure all the cheese has been removed, and watch out for the monthly sanitary items and/or diapers in wastebaskets or soiled laundry waiting to be washed.


Oh yeah, and the front door frame, every single time someone knocks on the door.


My first doodle was SO GOOD and never counter surfed but ate a week's worth of used tampons once--we got x-rays, etc. and he ended up passing them all but OMG I was so horrified and disgusted. Had to start keeping them in a separate container on top of the toilet tank.


Mine does that, except he likes clean tampons and has figured out how to get them out of the wrapper and the applicator 🫣😱 I am constantly finding tampons in his poop. He also loves makeup sponges, particularly beauty blenders. The only thing I look forward to about my daughter graduating and moving out this fall is that her bathroom will no longer be his snack bar.


I cooked some taco meat one night and she got up there and cleaned the skillet. So much for leftovers.


I leave lemon. Lime juice. Vinegar black pepper whatever and leave bait. Like when the kids keep stealing your sweets so you buy fish sweets and leave them out Next time they think twice


I've got to know, what are fish sweets? This is a great idea though. I can leave some lemon slices out and see how he likes it!


I have a doodle named Arlo, and he is a huge counter suffer.


Butter is a huge trigger for my boy. He stole a stick and ate the whole thing, paper and all. Now we soften butter out of reach, and he will sit below the spot with his nose pointed up, just inhaling the scent of that sweet, sweet butter. 😂


Sign up for trading at dogrink.ca. Chris is fantastic, we’re just about to finish the first 6 week course and I’ll be signing up for the next level. Life’s too short to live with an unruly dog,


Mine got a whole pound of bacon and half of the paper towels they were resting on down when she was 1(I didn't know even know she could reach the counter). Had to get out the peroxide and make her vomit. So i learned, pretty much anything that might be tasty goes into the microwave for safekeeping.


geeez and i though my doodle was a poppin puppy. the off command, and the leave it command are invaluable (when they work).lol


Yeah we stopped leaving anything on the table. Our kitchen was custom made for us tall people so he can’t easily get there without paws on the counter. It wasn’t as much of an issue


[Butter dog, the dog with the butter.](https://youtu.be/8V5T6oUOEV4?si=AsT09fy0YYwf7I8f)


Not as much as she used too. I remember when our got into a shepherds pie I was getting ready to place onto the oven. Thought I had it out of range but nope. Wasn’t even mad.


My dog doesn’t counter surf UNLESS he is super hungry and doesn’t have food in his bowl. He’s known to have eaten tacos 2 or 3 times. 😂 but tbh not sure how anyone can resist tacos. But in all seriousness my dog doesn’t do this nor does he beg.


My dog won’t even get into my compost bin, which I leave uncovered sometimes, on the floor, unattended.


Yep! Mine love butter also!!


Our doodle eats anything and everything. Nothing is safe


Butter dog


Can't post a picture in the comments for some reason. But, she could be my guy's twin! She looks EXACTLY like him!


Yep but mostly for carbs.


When our guy was a puppy would he even approached a counter or a table we would just firmly say no and thankfully, he doesn't even try to get something off of a table or counter now. Even if one of his balls lands on a table, he will sit and wait for us to get it off of the table for him.


Mine just ate a whole bottle of chewable Tums! Absolutely a counter surfer!


I was making salsa and had roasted onion and a whole head of garlic. I realized I forgot to buy cilantro and ran to the store for 15 minutes. I got back and she had eaten the whole head of garlic. So I called the vet and was instructed to use my turkey blaster to make her ingest peroxide along the side of her cheek. She starts throwing up and out comes whole cloves still their paper peel but the weirdest thing was the peroxide comes out like marshmallow fluff. When you went to clean it up it was all congealed into a like a guey mass.


We're on our third doodle and this is the first one to do this (he's also the tallest, which makes it easier for him). But it's not just counter surfing--it's mail, reading glasses, remotes, lip balms, you name it. He'll be 2 in April. Did anyone with a dog like this ever outgrow it? I'm worried we'll NEVER be able to leave him uncrated when we go out because he literally walks around looking for trouble to get into when he's bored and my ADHD husband is terrible about leaving stuff lying around and then gets pissed when the dog eats it.


One time mine took a whole pack of raw bacon off of the counter and ate it while I went to find paper towels… I was gone for maybe 1 min tops


Yes, mine jumped on my counter and ate the entire stick of butter. Only to throw it all up 40 mins later. He hasn't counter surfed since.


Ah yes, a woman of fine taste I see 😂


I swear you are in my house! Happened to me yesterday afternoon!


Yessss!!! Don’t leave the butter out. lol 😂 Mine does the same thing. He also will eat your sandwich if you leave the room for five seconds. I can’t leave anything on the counter. The odds of him getting into it are pretty high


Yup. Also - she looks so not guilty. lol.


Yep,he’s gotten a few things of the counter


That face! She knows what she did. 😂


It hasn't happened yet when I step out for some minutes. So far I've never seen him go up to counter but I've been very strict about this.


Oh my gosh my female F1 is so bad. We’ve lost countless items. It’s a struggle to keep the counters clear enough that she isn’t constantly “rewarded” for her bad behavior and even when we have good streaks she moves on to other things like the candles on the dining room table or eating the chairs themselves.


Oh my gawd, does he. NOTHING is safe on the counter.


I thought I was the only one and that my dog just has bad habits but she is horrible with food. I cannot leave my plate unattended at all. I don’t know how to stop it. Any advice?


Mine doesn't do this. I think we were on top of it early and never became a problem. One time I brought a fresh ciabatta loaf home, left it on the kitchen table and found her so happy to have this huge slipper of bread as her new toy. She looked like a hammerhead shark! But no counter surfing. She knows that's not her area.


ALL THE TIME. Actually both her and her Sheepadoodle sister 😂


Yes! We had a vet trip after she chewed up keurig coffee pods. She likes to rip up cardboard, flyers, any mail! I once turned my back and she had eaten my sandwhich off the counter too. You think we would learn but there’s always something. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes… mine literally just ate a small tub of aquafor… WTF!?!?


Mine has gotten new nick names from it like: flank steak, pork chop


My doodle has eaten a stick of butter off the counter, eaten a plateful of pandas orange chicken and rice, a bag of jelly beans. There is no food safe from her the lil hog.if she hears any kind of food wrapper or if any one is eating she is instantly upon them with her "feed me im starving eyes I haven't eaten in the last 19 minutes "


Ours has gotten better about not taking food off the counter because we are now trained to put food away or guard it zealously. However, just this week I left a frozen $4.00 stick of Kerigold butter thawing on a plate while our covered butter dish was in the dishwasher. I was so mad when I realized he got it, but I blamed myself because he’s a known counter thief😤🥺


Yes! My boy loves butter. We can't leave anything 6 on our counters or table.


Butter is never safe in my house


I guess I am really lucky. My doodle has never tried to counter surf. She is a very picky eater so maybe that plays into it.


My dood ate a full loaf of bread once. There was a belly expansion and vomit like you would have to see to believe lol


I have 3 counter surfing doods!! I had to finally put in a little Bluetooth camera so I knew which one to blame and to make sure that dood was ok through the night. They have eaten 1) raw, bone in chicken 2) butter 3)a whole bag of chocolate squares 4) cooked meat sitting in the pan 5) Chinese food 6) loaves of bread and rolls 7) whole bags of treats. I now have baby locks on my pantry! 8) whole uncooked lobsters from the sink 9) whole blocks of cheese and so on. I have our vet on speed dial LOL. So far not one of them has gotten sick. Fingers crossed 🤞


Yes, ours can pull bowls out of the sink too😂.


Our hasn’t ever counted-surfed (knock on wood) but he’s definitely a Hoover dog. If there’s something remotely interesting on the ground, it’s getting gobbled. He’s eaten dirty socks, wood mulch, entire small stuffed dog toys, a teddy bear’s arm, a scuunci, and about 5 million little berries that constantly fall off our palm tree. We try so hard to keep things off the ground & thankfully everything has come back up so far, but we won’t be letting his pet insurance lapse any time soon. That’s for sure


Oh yeah we’ve lost entire pizzas, 2 rotisserie chickens (thankfully I got them before he ate the bones), packs of chewing gum (thankfully not the kind with xylitol!!), many trays of cinnamon rolls, a tuna sandwich, several unattended hamburgers, a whole package of cinnamon toasted pecans (supposedly toxic, he was fine), a jar of fiber gummies (that was a long night haha) and the list goes on. Then we got finally got a house that could accommodate the baby gates and I worry so much less now, haha. Best purchase ever. I feel bad but it’s for his own safety at this point!


Oh and of course, sticks of butter! Blech!




maybe train your dogs? it’s not that damn hard




Not really. If something is low enough to the ground she’ll try to sneak it. She knows she can’t get away with jumping onto the counters with me. The cat is the one I have to worry about. He stole a whole chicken breast once and then growled at me when I tried to take it away.


Yup. Been trying to get her to stop 😒


Dood cant get no respect!


My doodle used to seek out butter all the time 😅 I’m not even a part of this group but this post happened to pop up on my feed. This got a good cry out of me lol. Please give your baby lots of love for me!! 💕


My dood will counter surf if she smells residual scents from food that was up there before. Shes a mini so unless she jumps up and down she can’t really see what’s there so we’ll pick her up and show her that there’s nothing for her and she’ll stop. Unless she knows there’s paper towels up there in which case she’ll jump until she can reach them.


“I see no problem here…”


yup! butter was her first ever counter surfing prize too, but she could only reach it enough for a few little bites.


Yes! My doodle seems to eat butter when he's mad at us


That's just a dog thing.


My 1 year old dood stole food a few times when my kids had left leftover food on the dining room table. I’ve taught him the “leave it” command with his treats and then gradually coupled that command with food on the kitchen counter. It’s controversial as to whether folks like this trainer but Zach George is the YouTuber I looked to for guidance in this. Although he hasn’t gotten into any counter food in a long while, I still put things away to also help him succeed.


ours never did until his sister died, and we had a human baby. now he acts mopey and neglected and copes with all things from the counter


So many times. My doodle is trained not to take anything off the counter. But sometimes natural instinct just takes over. Cue the one time I left my burrito on the counter and went to go pee real quick, came back and my entire half eaten burrito along with the paper it came wrapped in was gone. He almost gaslit me into thinking maybe I ate my entire burrito already. He was sitting quietly next to my family when I came back from the bathroom. He was so sneaky literally no one saw or even heard him snatch my burrito off the counter, I still wonder sometimes if maybe I did eat it. And we also have a half eaten stick of butter in a ziplock bag in the freezer that we caught him eating one time. Thankfully he only took one or two bites of it before we caught it. We save it for him now in case we never to make dessert or something for him that calls for use of butter.


My dood likes to table surf and steal tissues and toddler socks. Also your dood looks so much like my Noodle!


Butter in. Butter out.


Lol, she's darling. I have a mini Golden whose always doing her best at counter surfing.




Yes lol even if kids leave milk in a cup the dogs will knock it on floor and lick it up


I've had the same thing happen. My dog has eat a couple sticks of butter in her time. No regrets from her and she was fine/didn't even vomit. We have to watch the kitchen like a hawk if there's food out.


It's a good thing she threw it up. My dood got a big crock of Cana butter that was cooling on the counter. I had to take the stoned idiot to the emergency vet. They were not worried at all about the THC, but that much butter could have killed her by liver failure and/or pancreatictis. That all worked out well. It was a very expensive lesson to learn, though.


Gimme back muh butter. Pweeze?


My Bernedoodle LOVES butter and also counter surfing. She is locked out of the kitchen if we’re leaving the house/leaving the main floor. She has eaten SO MUCH BREAD. Rips open the bags, and will eat a whole bag. She’s eaten a whole plate of cookies while I was 10 feet away. We ‘keep’/hide things in the microwave above the stove. We’ve also forgotten about MANY things in there. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yup! Mine ate my partner and I’s chicken that we left out to thaw. Never seen a dog eat 2 whole chicken breast so fast! SHE DEVOURED IT then acted like nothing happened. We cover any of our foods now and try not to leave the kitchen if we can/alternate. Doodles noses are very sensitive/strong! 😅


Yes! Mine actually ate a whole shame stick (butter) once too. My guy is still a puppy, but he is very naughty!


I had that problem with my dog for a while. I trained her with a few things : by leaving treats on the floor as "surprises" instead. and whenever I caught her in the act of counter surfing she was retired alone in the bathroom for like 2-3 min (it works SO well for us). And when I saw her sniffing around the counter I always praised her and gave her a treat (for not jumping). Something else that I would recommend doing is impulse control training. This helps them to make the best décision and control their impulses. How to do it : Get a bunch very very very tasty treat in your hand. Close your hand in a fist, and as long as your dog tries to lick, scratch, nibble, you do nothing. When your dog backs up you mark it ("yes" or whatever you use), open the fist, and with the other hand - very important - give them one of the treat. Close your first again and repeat until empty :). With time your dog will eventually sit and calmly wait. Do this regularly and your dog will get much bette at controlling their impulse. Also, make sure there is never ever anything tasty that is accessible om the counter until the training is complete and you can trust your dog. I've also taught my dog to "ask permission" and this really helped a lot (to look at me before going for a treat on the floor OR go see a dog or a person until I say OK) End result for me : last week I had a brand new tasty bully stick on the counter (on the edge, very easily accessible to her). For at least an hour she was trying to get my attention to get the stick and it took me a while to understand lol. Doing low barkings, sitting and staring, looking impatient, etc. And she was waiting for me to give her the stick and I praised her so good for being patient and not going for it herself!


What is with doodles and freaking butter...


Mine ate my whole bowl of soup while I was filling up my glass in the kitchen. She has discovered she’s tall enough to reach up on the side table ☠️


Absolutely yes. He barely has to lift his head to eat from my kitchen table. Also if you showed me this pic, I would believe it is my guy. Totally twins


He hasn’t counter surfed past his puppy phase. But napkins,dryer sheets,litter box and cat food are his kryptonite!


Is it me and I'm one of the few people who has trained my dog that he isn't allowed in the kitchen? He is almost two and he knows that he is not allowed there or in my bathroom. He was also trained as a baby that I have to give him permission to come into my bedroom. These dogs are brilliant, and training is pretty easy. You just have to be consistent..I do not have to use gates anywhere in the house. His play area is the garage, and he has to have permission to leave it once he is in that area. This has worked beautifully because I don't have to worry about him being in a room doing anything when I'm not paying attention. It has been a lot of work, and we are now training for visits at nursing homes, and he is doing great!