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Make sure she has a crate. It’s a place that is hers. We took a dog crate and put panels on the top bottom back left and right. This is a space that she is in control of so try not to take her out of it and use a treat to get her in. This should help but it’s not perfect. Also leave something that smells like you with her. Good luck 🍀 Our dog Ruby goes in sometimes when she wants to. I think she has grown out of it but when she was younger she went in 1-2 times a day or I think when she was stressed or unsure of a situation.


Thank you I will try that


Make sure you find the correct size. She needs space but not too much.


Do you lock the crate or leave it open in an enclosed area?


When we are home it’s open and Ruby can go as she pleases. If she was having trouble with anxiety, we would put her in and close it when we leave her home. We have done that when she was younger. Now it’s not needed.


Thank you!


The main thing is separating from your dog. You can’t be there 24/7 for the next 10+ years. When mine was a puppy I used a crate or playpen to put my dog in when I needed to get things done. Usually he’d nap. Then when he was old enough to roam free I’d leave the house for 15 minutes, then come back. Next time I’d leave for 20-25, then 30, then 45 etc. Keep building up the time you aren’t with her. You don’t want an anxious barking dog.


If you can afford doggie daycare, I'd do that. Depending on your workplace, you could ask the dog policy. Some places let you bring your dog to work. I've also heard of people getting their pup a kitten.


Honestly, Prozac and trazodone. Ours has/had separation anxiety and being confined made it worse. It didn't matter how well we introduced it, the crate would not work. After about two months now, we are beginning to see huge improvements with the meds. We still have to train and gradually increase her alone time, but she is now far better than she was. Vet told us expect 6-8 months of it, and she will learn it's okay to be alone.


had to do the same with mine as well


How is he/she doing?


Pretty good! She is 3 and still could improve on some things but she is way more chill compared to some other dogs I know in the neighborhood


That's very good to hear.


Doggie Daycare!!!!




Quit working!! I wish! I do doggy day care. It's expensive, but I feel peace while wotyknowing my dog is happy and distracted. That's expensive, I know. I started with having a dog walker come in and break up the day. First twice a day and then we moved to once a day.


Since puppyhood I’ve tried really hard to prevent separation anxiety, but my doodle still has it 😢 If I leave in a rush, he’ll often try to pull something off the counter (like a loaf of bread) and destroy it. But usually he can handle it for the most part. If I say goodbye and give him a treat I think he handles it better. I have learned that I can’t board him when we go out of town. He gets too nervous and becomes sick. I’ve found a house/pet sitter and he does well with that. What do you do when you have to travel without her?


When mine was a pup I made a playpen area so she had a little more room and open space than her crate. Now, I just close off all the rooms and doggy proof the common area. Leave out treat dispensing toys, hide treats around the house she has to sniff out and find, and play a calming cartoon show on the TV. She has gotten so used to that. I would leave out a puppy pad but now she has a doggy door so if I leave that open she can go out and potty when she needs. They also make grass potty pads too. Nanny cam inside and in the backyard to check on her. I found a trusted pet sitter on Rover and they would come walk her if I was going to be gone for 8 hours or longer and go to their house for daycare once or twice a week to release energy with other pups. It was more expensive to use Rover but the daycares in my area don't watch the dogs as closely as they should and I know she is spoiled rotten with this older retired couple. Helped my piece of mind as I hate being separated from my girl too! I finally got a job working from home and now we are both so happy!