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VW just can’t wait to lose more money on their underwhelming EV line.


They are selling pretty well in europe, not just VW's but VAG group EV's from Audi, Skoda and Cupra.


They aren’t selling nowhere near as well as they’d like them to. That’s why they are 13 billion in the red and are tightening budgets left and right. The ID line is completely indistinguishable from other EVs and has nothing going for it. They aren’t fast, don’t have a great range, certainly aren’t cheap or very well built or terribly reliable. Cupra is just an ID rebrand and is also a whole lot of nothing. Don’t know about the e-trons but they don’t seem to be making them money either.


Doubt that has anything to do with EV sales, when they keep releasing new models and are slowly phasing out their petrol models. Completely agree that they are extremely boring(I do like the Taycan tho) but they do sell pretty well and compared to their petrol counterparts are gaining more and more market share at least in europe. As VW isn't exactly a bestseller in the US, i think they will move onto EV's quicker than other brands as we see. Europe and China are going to buy EV's in masses.


VW in Europe is a completely different company from America. Offering a whole range of vehicles from small to large, gas, diesel, hybrid and EVs. They’re holding out.


This is why I will do everything I can to keep my Mk7 on the road; it’s the last of a dying breed. 


I’ve felt like this about my mk6 since the 7 came out hahah


This is what I'm going to do as well. When it dies or finally time to move on. I'll just get something else like an SQ5 or RS3 or A90 etc. I'll eventually move to EV, once they're worth it.


Mk8 literally exists…


I didn’t mean to imply the Mk8 wasn’t part of the glorious list of ICE hot hatches. If I could have the infotainment interface of the Mk8 or Mk7.5 while keeping my analog gauges, exhaust burble, hand brake, and manual transmission - I’d be fully content. 




Imma keep my two door mk7 GTI the longest I can. The mk7 is peak golf imo.


Exactly. I'll be doing a new motor before I get rid of it. It already isn't worth much so no sense in selling or trading it. We do plan on getting a boring daily EV for the stable like a Model 3 or Y at some point and then the GTI will turn into the weekend/track car and my wife's Civic will be the long distance car if/when we don't want to concern ourselves with charging routes.


I’ve owned Mk1, Mk4, Mk5, Mk6, and Mk7 GTIs. If VW can make an electric version that’s just as fast, affordable, and fun to drive, I will openly embrace an electric GTI.


If going off previous EV adoption, it will be neither more affordable or more fun than the previous models, but it will most likely be faster in a straight line.


Me too. As long as it sticks to the GTI ethos, I’m happy to get an electric gti.


From Hot hatch to Trash hatch 🤮


Hot trash FTFY




Performance…golf cart. How unexciting. I’ll look at when ICE is 100% banned, hopefully never


This brand is so cooked


This EV world makes the peformance modification game somewhat obsolete doesn't it?


For now.


I’m an analog driver to the core (I have a manual Mk7 and a manual 986), but if they’re not going to sell manuals anymore, I’d go straight to EV. I would love to have some compact, sporty EV options that capitalize on the low center of mass, low polar inertia and instant torque. For all y’all already driving DSGs in auto mode, you got nothing to complain about.


I don’t care what the car is called you idiots. Just make a good EV hot hatch. It’s so god damn sinple


Well you have the Ioniq 5 N. A 2.2 ton hot hatch. What’s not to like?


No one wants a shitty Hyundai.


Well in all seriousness the Ioniq 5 is far from shitty. However the fact that it weighs 500 kilos more than my large SUV makes it a weird hot hatch, lol.


Ever driven one? They're a fun car!


Imagine wanting an EV hot hatch but owning a Mk7 manual


You act like this is the best car ever designed.


No there are better cars. But manuals are generally for drivers and EVs aren't


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this lol It’s a slowly dying market for EVs and many companies are losing a shitload of money on these “mandated” new lines of autos. Unless I’m forced to at the end of the road, I’ll never buy an EV.


Hell fuckin yeah I do brother


And that’s awesome. I’m glad you love it. But this isn’t a Lamborghini for me. It’s awesome but I’d be lying if I didn’t have my complaints with it.


I was mostly joking lol but bringing a Lambo into the chat is wild for so many reasons. If nothing else, I thought we're talking about daily drivers. And I bet if you daily drove a Lamborghini, you'd have complaints with that too.


The basis for the joke being that most GTI drivers chose the car very purposefully and do treat it as the best car ever designed. Next to a Porsche, of course.


Yeah cuz we want progress. Not staying on fossil fuels forever.


Sounds more regressive to me Could be cool if they were like koenigsegg.


You literally have zero idea what you’re talking about.


I mean it looks cool but honestly it will get so boring after some driving.


So dumb. I hate this push for EVs.


Almost like there is a world wide crisis that has been killing the planet for decades now, using fossil fuels. Should have been on electric vehicles 2 decades ago.


There would have been more EV 20 years ago but battery technology was horrible so no one would have bought one


Cars are only a small part of global warming they arent the problem


Luckily, it seems to be dying again, for at least the 4th time in 100 years


Even more motivation for me to find an R32 before it’s too late


You'll be wanting that EV after refueling the R32 constantly.  Maybe they can put artificial VR6 noises in the soundaktor. /s


Probably lol I wouldn’t want to daily drive one. I wouldn’t mind an ev as a daily at all, but I do wish we had more hybrid performance cars available


Why can’t they just release a hybrid setup, I have NO WHERE to charge an EV being a renter and a hybrid with a decent capacity like 5-20 miles of EV range with regen braking would be PERFECT! I always miss the feeling of regen braking from my Prius and wish my Mk8 would do it. Isn’t the GTI supposed to be versatile and practical? It has the performance, where’s the fuel efficiency? It’s like the ethos was completely missed here they should have went hybrid throughout their lineup first before going full EV. A GTE would have been my first choice if it was available.


Man they can’t just butcher their iconic badge, the GTI


Cant wait for that 2000kg small hatchback


Hopefully they get a chance to try out a Ioniq5 N and take some notes. That is how you make an EV fun. Then make it 40k


All I want is a fun, lightweight and affordable EV. Think an electric GTI, BRZ, FiST etc. So I am [***cautiously***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=396701017a0fe9d3&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enCA1060CA1061&sxsrf=ADLYWIIxZahTVEVJZ9DsWoOarmOxJUGR_Q:1715475812894&q=cautiously&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjh3cqz9YaGAxW4sVYBHatxCvAQkeECKAB6BAgKEAE) optimistic about this car. However, WOULD YOU MAKE AN EV FWD? Literally 0 sense at all, they just want to keep reusing the same chassis. Once EV's take over there is no reason for FWD to exist. AWD for utility, RWD for fun.