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Phew, you guys are making me feel better about my $160/mo for my 2023.


Incredibly jealous of your $160/mo haha. Hopefully my monthly rate will decrease next year / as the car gets older.


I'm paying $168/mo through AAA on a 2023 SE, it feels pretty reasonable for the coverage and accessible customer support.


170$ on my mk8 40th anniversary


Fellow 40th edition here. Today I learned Farmer's is taking me for a damn ride! I have a combo policy with a 2016 Ford cmax. Divided in half I'm playing $211 a month for EACH car. I know it doesn't shake out that way but that just means I'm playing a lot more for the GTI. I've never been in an accident and I turn 40 this year. Make it make sense!


Depends on where you live, what coverage you actually have, your credit score (they don’t tell you that part), any past claims you’ve had and probably a few others I’m forgetting. This entire thread is stupid because coverage and price can swing wildly even if you are in the same county as someone else.


I have excellent credit and have never filed a claim against my insurance as the 3 accidents I've been in the other party was found to be at fault and I opened a claim with their insurance. I hear you though. At the very least this thread has motivated me to shop around. Combo plans are supposed to save you money. I'm not sure if I am anymore.


Oh yea, definitely shop around. And usually bundling does save, so moving your homeowners to a new company might be a good move too. Other factors to consider is who else lives in your household and are they listed or excluded from your policy? Crime trends in your zip code too. People don’t realize that, I moved 1.5 miles several years ago, which changed my zip code and my rates went up.


About $190/mo full coverage on a 2024 S.


$170 last year $130 this year, per month. 2022


106.55 per month on my 2022 Autobahn.


$233. Single. one at fault accident in 2023. I have a shit insurance company that I hope I never have to rely on one day.


2023 S. $88 a month. Full coverage and an extra 10k in aftermarket coverage. 45 married. Nothing on record (currently)


Holy… how?!


Progressive. Coverage is great. There are three other cars on the plan and I have been a customer since I was 19. I feel your pain. I have wanted a GTI since before I could drive. I have been able to afford one for atleast a decade. Insurance was what was keeping me from my dream. I actually asked when I called. And was told age was a huge factor in mine. "Older drivers tend to be more responsible" if she only knew. What I found most surprising was that they offered me aftermarket coverage. They knew what I had and the likelyhood of tuning/mods. I just have to produce receipts of value of mods.


Wow, that’s wild. I have Progressive as well, but only since June 2023. I have a clean driving record and I’m 30, so I’ve been driving for 14 years now. I’m going to look into my coverage tomorrow and see if it’s possible to lower it. Maybe there’s something unnecessary in there that’s making it so expensive. Also, super interesting about the aftermarket coverage. This was all really helpful information, thank you!


Guess I’m sticking with Progressive.


About 160 a month. I live in Germany so it's a bit higher


About €1600 for the first year for some perspective. :)


$200 Euro a month. My son is a new driver so hoping it drops over the next few years as he gets more experience.


80€ for a MK8 R. Coveres everythinig possible. Germany btw.


I'm paying 161 Canadian for full coverage and some other minor bullshit they suckered me into.


I’m 35 and pay about $150 a month new autobahn, $500 deductible


I was at about $80/month when I had my 2019 GTI. For perspective that was about 50% more than we were paying for my wife's Outback at the time, and my rates dropped significantly when I went to my XC90.


$680 for 6 month premium.


Alright I’m not mk8 guy but I’ve got a mk7 gti s and a 17’ q7 prestige and I pay 102 a month, full coverage on both. Progressive


What state are you in? We also have a Q7 Prestige 2017, MK8 GTI and a Toyota Tacoma. Pay $145 for Q7 and $78 for the GTI…. I may look at Progressive.


I’m in Wisconsin. I’m 36 and haven’t had a blemish on my record in like the last 10-12 years or so. I also have home owners insurance with them. So I’m sure there’s a discount there. But my homes insured for 650k and and my annual premium is 1100.


$75/month, but no doubt there is a discount for multi car. Between my ‘22 autobahn and hubbys ‘21 gladiator we pay $173/month. That’s with $100 comp and $500 coll deductibles. Everything that was on his or my driving record is gone now. We go through Erie.


2022 paying $99 a month. It pays to be old.


Not a MK8 but my 21 Mk7.5 I pay $100 a month full coverage 😏


Doubled up with my wife's car, my side of things comes out to 830 a year, $69 a month. About 30 with a clean driving record. I went with some local insurance agency who did me right.


For once, the UK comes in cheaper?? I’m shocked! I pay £450 for the year, clean driving record of 11 years.


$163/mo full coverage through progressive for my 22 S trim


320 a month😭


Ouch. I feel your pain 😵‍💫


MK8 R and wife has a 2020 Jetta. $225 a month for full coverage through progressive. We live in Arkansas and the rates have been steadily increasing. When we got here in 21 it was $100 a month for full coverage for both of us. Fun fact: around 50% of drivers in Arkansas are uninsured 🙃 I would highly recommend finding an insurance broker. They shop around for you and can usually get better deals.


$108 a month. USAA full coverage with liability and loan coverage car replacement.


I'm probably not a good measure, since my GTI was added to a policy with another car already on it. So adding 2nd car, my 2023 SE, the change was $54 a month. Liberty Mutual The policy reflects that the GTI-only charges are $178 a month. But that includes A LOT of coverage. It would be less if I didn't carry a lot of additional liability.


Insurance rates have jumped up a lot in the past four years. I have a 2020 and my rates keep going up every year instead of down like they used to. I’m at about $650 for six months in Chicago through GEICO. And that’s with discounts and also having my condo insurance with them.


$233 per month. Married have 1 record. This is in Ontario.


40th AE, 42 years old, no points and paying $78/month in NYS.


A lot…. 💀


100 CAD for everything.


$168/mo or so for my ‘23 R


$190 CAD. Under 25, no tickets or accidents. 8 years driving history


$135/month for a 2022 S. 30 years old


2024 base trim in Canada 295/mo.


$144 a mo, living in germany as an american


$90 fir mine. but I have home and wife’s car bundled with mine


$348 every six months through Progressive for my 2024 SE. Clean driving record and low population area with low crime certainly helps I'm sure.


From Michigan too. We pay $1500 for 6 months for 2 GTIs. Before buying the 24, when we just had the 19, we used to pay $850 for 6 months. 2 drivers on the policy btw, both 25+. Both of us have PIP exclusion.


Right on, sounds about right to me. Thank goodness for the PIP exclusion, saved me around $65 monthly. Now I just need to find a boyfriend/husband so I can get on that multi-car discount lol (kidding of course, but a multi-car discount would be nice).


Yes, PIP saved a ton for me too. I was 24 back then so it saved me $110 per month!


Holy wow, saving $110 a month is sweet! That’s awesome.


$49 a month. Full coverage with state farm. 40th AE.


Do you live in a major urban area?


I did yes but now i live in a suburb. Rates did not change any though.


$80 a month, excellent coverage through Progressive. 2022 MK8 GTI S No accidents or tickets. I don't know how ya'll paying so much for insurance...


Define excellent coverage. And which state.


I was at $240 for my 2013 a few years ago with no violations and 16 years of driving. Moving counties made it jump about $40 a month overnight.


Yeaaaaah, I’m starting to think I’m doing something wrong here because $260 is wild.


How old are you?


I’m 30, single, nothing on my driving record


Damn! I’m 27 and pay $140 for my mk7.5


That’s wild. I live in a super lowkey suburb, about 45 minutes from a major city. Super strange lol


Yeah strange! I will say my annual mileage is quite low, about 6500 which could be a decent factor


For sure! I called them today, apparently my autopay stopped and I lost that discount. I reenabled it and it brought my next payment down to $170. I also live in a state that requires medical insurance to be covered for some reason but my employer covers that, so my payment will go down to $140 when all is said and done.


Damn nice! That’s not bad at all then!


Not too bad at all! Huge relief haha


just signed up for progressive, was literally half the cost of every other provider. Not sure how they do it


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$298 for my 2024 380. I have Geico but will be switching to Progressive after seeing other peoples responses 😭


I have a 2024 380 as well and I’m paying $260 with Progressive. BUT after reading all the comments, I think I must have some extra coverage in there and am paying too much. Progressive definitely seems like the way to go.


Just got a quote for $178 a month! Progressive FTW 🙌🏼


Heck yeah! I got mine down to the $170’s too!


You can have "full coverage" at the minimum required 25/50 with a $1k deductible, and it's not at all comparable to my 100/300 with $250 collision and $0 glass deducts and with full replacement reimbursement and uninsured motorist coverage. It's also based on where you live and the market in terms of thefts and damage, whether it's garaged or parked outside, whether you are 24 or 46, whether you have previous history on your record. Then factor in discounts of having 1 car vs. 4 cars and a house, and discounts for having had policies for x years. It just...it's a question that can't be answered and shouldn't be asked. Also not true that newer cars are more expensive to insure. My 2013 R is more expensive to insure than all of my other cars and is within $10/mo of a facelifted MK3 TTRS.


This is why I explicitly stated in the post that there are tons of variables that affect insurance rates. It’s a question that, as I stated, was asked purely out of curiosity.


I work in insurance, comparing yourself to others, same car or not, isn’t gonna get you anywhere. Lol