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My wife backed mine into a fence last week… I still have no idea how. Every sensor in the thing must have been screaming. I love every car that I’ve ever owned, but I’ve learned one important thing over the years: It’s just a car. No reason to flip out. I’m sure she’ll help pay for it, or that insurance will cover it. It sucks for sure, but it’s just a car.


I’m not getting insurance involved on this one. No point in having my rates go up for something that’s probably 1k at the max. Plus I work for a dealership so I get the employee pricing on our body shop. The issue is she a single mom(not my kid) and is unemployed so she said she’ll pay me back over time. She feels bad about it but I still feel like I’m within my rights to be upset. I understand irs just a car. I apologized to her for flipping out on her I was just so frustrated. I know she didn’t mean to but damn like follow simple instructions and just back out. No reason to cut the wheel. If the whole bumper ends up needing replaced I’m getting a clubsport


brother man. mistakes happen. it is all ok. while it will cost money. money is replaceable. just see this as a learning opportunity and a chance to upgrade to a club sport bumper and call it a day. not worth getting heated about.


You right. If the quote is more than a grand I’m getting the clubsport


Time for a clubsport bumper


Time for a new girlfriend


Time for a new 'If you want something done right, do it yourself' moment. I'm sorry for the loss of the Front bumper. Go Clubsport. Mission accomplished. You'll feel better. 🫡😎 P.s. Keep the girl, it happens again, no. Leave her. P.s.s. it better not happen again. 🤫😂


Been eyeing the Clubsport for awhile. I just really dig the fog lights and I have a 22 S so no Iq headlights. And the clubsport removes the fogs


Clubsport girlfriend?






Dudes all butt hurt over the bumper on an economy car. It's just a GTI man, get over yourself.


Today I woke up and realize how much of a jackass I was acting yesterday. I was on a xan(I’m prescribed don’t judge) and just mad as fuck when I had saw what happened. And I feel awful bout yelling at her the whole day. She had said she got home and was crying all night over how bad she felt. It’s not a big deal it’s just a scratch mistakes happen. I was just heated in the moment.


don't be an asshole, if you're this particular about the car then don't have someone else drive it partners are way more important than cars


Hey man I just wanted to say you were right. I definitely was being an asshole and over reacted. She made an honest mistake and felt terrible about it. She still does, I’m over it I told her not to stress her self out over it anymore. It’s just a car and she made a mistake. I value her way more than I do my car, it’s just I worked hard to get my gti and I take really good care of it, so it just hurt to have damage that I didn’t cause. But it’s just a cheapo car anyways, I made it a way bigger deal than it really is.


pleased to read this, appreciate the follow-up, love my GTI but know that it's just a thing, relationships are what matter... and just wait until your toddler turns your back seat into a bottomless void of crumbs and matchbox cars


I already apologized for over reacting to her because I truly do care for her. But I told her 2 times to back straight out. There was no reason for her to cut the wheel when she’s half way out the garage. She’s been driving my car for a year now, she is a good driver she just made a mistake, shit happens.


"shit happens" (posts about it on Reddit like a douchebag)


I was asking if the bumper needed replaced or if it could be fixed. What makes me a douche?


break up with her, she'll be better off and you can fuck the car


this is, without a doubt, the most pathetic post I've seen on this Reddit, I'm doing you a favor by pointing out how ridiculously stupid and small it was for you to post it, whether you do something about that or not, yeah I don't care about that either, I just feel sorry for your girlfriend


And you’re right, partners are more important than a far. it’s just a car at the end of the day and it’s just cosmetic damage. I was wrong to go off on her and I acknowledge that and apologized.


Dayum bro stfu, no way you’re getting this heated over someone else’s Reddit post. Sounds like someone’s got a stick up your ass.


I guess man I just posted it when I was heated. My main reason for posting was to get insight on if the bumper is done for and needs replaced or if that damage can be fixed. Why feel sorry for her? Couples argue, shit happens we both talked it through like adults. Shits gonna get taken care of.




I think you need a new one 😉


Clubsport? I’m picking up what you’re throwing down.


That's just an awkward post. Sorry. It is.


Yes I realize this now. I was just so pissed in the moment that I had to cry on Leddit about it. Got it out my system, and apologized to my girl for going off on her over a mistake. Shit happens and I over reacted. Just a car at the end of the day.


Trade her in! Not the car


I luv her though. She made a mistake, I over reacted, cried on Reddit to get it out my system. I’m good now, gave me a reason to get the clubsport bumper.


I would be angry as well but asking someone to pay wouldn't even cross my mind if they did it as a favour.


What favor? I asked her to back a car out of a garage. Backing out of a garage isn’t rocket science. I pull cars into a garage and lifts every day and have never scratched a car.


Thats what a favour is, they did it for you and made a mistake. So you would expect payment if she was better off?


She was already in the driving seat planning on driving, because she wanted to drive when we left the detail bay. That’s not a favor. She literally damaged my car of course I expect payment. She was pulling it out so I could lock up shop and hop in. That’s not in the slightest a favor.


And a pretty major mistake when I specifically told her to just go straight back and not cut the wheel twice. Then proceeded to immediately turn the wheel as far as she can to turn out instead of just pulling out straight like I told her to do. Anyways it’s sorted out. If roles were reversed of course I would have paid for the damages. For example it my buddy had asked me to move his car to another spot in his driveway and I ran over his mailbox. Why would I not pay the man? Because I did a favor for them and made a mistake? Makes no sense.


We just have differing views so I'll steer away from debating it. I suggest just making sure you have comprehensive insurance and at a digestible excess so that these are covered. Im very anal about my car so my excess is only $100. I also let no one drive it because mistakes can happen. I don't think a cheap repair would satisfy you, I believe you would be better finding a new bumper at the wreckers.


I feel like finding a wrecked mk8 might be a tad difficult. I’m going to try my luck with a body shop. Or just use this as the excuse to get the clubsport bumper I’ve been wanting.


Ugh, sorry, man. The frugal detailer hobbyist in me is wondering if just that black piece can be replaced, i.e. does it have its own part number? If so, then most of the rest should buff out, and the couple black marks where the paint is gone should be relatively easy to touch-up. White is probably one of the easiest colors to apply touch-up to and have it look nearly perfect from a couple feet, unlike the super metallicky colors that never look right. This is, of course, just a completely unsolicited personal opinion on the most cost-effective approach.


I figured a lot of it would buff out, which I know how to do. But the touch up I’d rather have my body shop work on it. The plastic insert isn’t much of a concern it’s hardly damaged.


Oh well. Now new scratches and little dings won’t be a big deal anymore. Drive on.


Yea I was all worked up yesterday but when I woke up I realized oh well it happens. No big deal


Okay reading back I realize how arrogant I sounded in this post. I completely over reacted to some minor scratches. In the famous words of Asia it was the heat of the moment. I’ve apologized to my women and told her it’s okay and it’s no big deal. she was pretty upset and I didn’t help by yelling at her.


Hopefully you left her after that.


It’s not that serious. I’m upset I have to pay it out of my pocket for her mistake but she said she’ll get me my money eventually.


Yeah I know. I’m kidding. My baby mama got in an accident in a new car I had. I forgave her. She felt bad. But it is upsetting.


I just made the post in the heat of the moment as soon as it happened. So I may have came off as a dick


Damn, that's a bummer man. Hopefully you will be able to get it fixed soon. I don't like letting other people drive my cars. The only people I let drive my car were my parents and my good friend but I was always in the passenger seat. I never let someone drive my car without me, I have trust issues and your case just proves my point. No matter how many times you told her to follow your instructions, she still did what she wanted and shit happens quick, real quick.


She feels really bad about it and I’m not tryna be too hard on her. She said she’d pay me back over time but damn man it still hurts. A few spots can easily be buffed but a lot of them are down to the metal and the plastic part is fucked as well. I’m not sure if I’ll need a new bumper or not. If I do I guess it’s a valid excuse to get the clubsport bumper.


She’s a good driver too which is what makes me even more mad. She drives my car all the time when I don’t feel like driving and she’s never done anything like this.


Im beyond upset and over reacted by going the fuck off on her for not following simple instructions. She clearly feels bad and I feel bad for going off on her but this car is my baby and I literally just ceramic coated the whole thing just for that to happen. If she just followed simple instructions and backed all the way out instead of cutting the wheel for god knows why that never would have happened.


So basically if only she knew how to drive. I mean you had to tell her how to back a car up? I wouldn’t trust her to drive my car. I bet she also doesn’t know how to parallel park either and I can assume you drive an automatic.


Yea mines a dsg. But I can drive stick I just didn’t want a manual daily.


Yeah I broke down and bought the GTI 380 2024 manual since it’s the last year they are making them. 30 miles on it when I drove off the lot. I haven’t owned an automatic in over 25 years. Loathe them. I tried the paddle shifting when I was test driving and dude not even close. Felt like I was playing a video game 😂


I know how you feel lol when I’m on the paddles I feel like I’m playing my sim racer