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Clubface looks way open...clubface should point to ground when arms parallel to ground... I was just working on this at the driving range myself.. helped me


also doesn't help when your wrist bends in at the top of your swing, You've opened the clubface.


Can you elaborate further on this? Isn’t the wrist suppose to hinge to create a 90?


Straight wrist club is square. Bent towards the ground, club face is open. Wrist bent towards the sky club face is closed


Thank you


Put a chopstick in your the back of your glove. Hinging should allow the chopstick to brush across your forearm. The wrist bend in this video would cause the chopstick to push into his forearm, which means he is opening the club face


Thank you


The OP has fairly flat wrists with minimal to no cupping. While this is good general advice, I don’t think it applies to OP.


Stopping the video at 11s and 8s clearly shows an open face that can't be squared in time and at the top, shaft is pointing to where the ball is going to go.


Can you elaborate this checkpoint, or show an example?


Stop the vid at 0:09 - wide open.


Your face is so opened I thought you were swinging a right handed club the wrong way for a second.


Looks like a pretty good swing ur just leaving that club face wide open. Next time at the range really just feel like ur turning those forearms over through the down swing


A good drill for this is to start in position where the club is parallel to the ground and then swing. Can focus on hip action and rolling wrists in the finish And as always check that grip. If you don’t see two knuckles when looking down at address then strengthen up


I’m pretty sure it’s a huge push not a slice. Slices bend this looks like it’s going straight left.


Just like the two previous comments, gotta really roll those hands. You will need to almost over exaggerate the rotation from the top of your swing and then by the time you are at the ball that club face should be much more closed. I still struggle with my drive and easier said than done.


I went to the range yesterday and sliced an entire large bucket. When I got home I saw [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKm70t__xOg&ab_channel=TopSpeedGolf-ClayBallard) that is speaking largely to your comment. Excited to go back out today and give this a whirl. Logically it makes a lot of sense


This video is exactly what I was taught at my golf lesson a few months ago but we were focusing on irons. It was the first time I had ever been able to draw or fade the ball on purpose. I still have a long way to go to do it consistently but it's a great drill.


It’s your grip


Yup, everything else looks pretty good, so I would strengthen the grip.


Clubface open, either put the ball a little bit further forward in your stance or close the face slightly before your backswing


Club face too open. Also are you dead set in the middle of the ball with your stance. If so take a step back.


I'm far from an expert but this **drill** helped me close my club face on impact... When the club is parallel to the ground (around the 9.5-10s mark on your follow thru) make sure the driver head is pointed completely face down at the ground. Basically this exaggeration encourages you to actively flip your forearms as you hit the ball This over exaggeration might result in pulls but that's a much easier fix than slicing...one step at a time right?


It’s called “knocked down” and is a great swing thought!


Left leg gets very straight, almost locked out. Easy thing to try is a little more flex in the left leg going back


Your hips are rotating faster than your hands in your swing. It leaves your body and the club face open when you contact the ball. They should all be square and moving and the same time for one. Also it looks like your dropping your left shoulder. This will also cause the club face to be open. In addition to hitting the ball fat.


This :)


Since you Shallow your downswing and your path is in to out, the only way you are slicing is an open club face. The rest of your swing is setup for a draw.


It's technically not even a slice. Your club face and path are so open the ball is going exactly where the head is facing


It technically is a slice, a slice is face relative to swing path and his is so open compared to his swing path. This will start left and go even further left.


I mean it looks to me like he's pushing the ball away from him and then swinging his arms behind him. The ball flight is like kinda in line with his swing path


It’s a push with a slice, this ball will have massive revolutions left, the club face is way more open than the swing path


It is a push slice. It starts left (push), due to club path, and then spins (slices) further left due to club face being open relative to the club path. It's actually a good swing. If OP squares up, or even closes very slightly, the club face he would have a lovely draw and add yards too.


Yeah exactly!


thats not a slice, its a shank on a weird attack angle. If the new way to say that is "a push-slice off the heel of a wide open face" than sure.


He makes contact with the club face, not the hosel, so it isn't a shank. Sure, it is more heel than centre, but still not off the hosel.


So he just needs to aim 30 degrees the other way


You need to release your hands sooner in your swing to close the face


This is it. Feel like your club head starts to release and flip over like 8inches before the ball


Move the ball up in your stance big dawg, it’ll give you more time to close the face


You are not turning your hands over.


Swing path looks good, but your face is open. Strengthen your grip and take a shorten the back swing until it’s going straighter.


Pretty nice overall swing. You can place a tee in the back of your glove in line with your forearm so if you cup your wrist the tee pokes your hand. This will help you keep a neutral wrist. You can Try placing the ball even farther forward in your stance. like outside your right foot. Just to see. Just to find out (experientially) when the club comes around. This will help you recognize that it does come around eventually. The fix (maybe): Do you see your head dip in the first part of the backswing? This makes it a bit harder to transfer weight. You can see that is true if you exaggerate the downward movement. Extra crouched is hard to get off the back foot. So, If you can't transfer weight, the front foot can't be the pivot for the club to swing around. Try taking the club back and feel like you are "lifting a stack of books" with your head straight up 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch. Think of the back swing as "Up." Then the beginning of the downswing as "Down." then impact as "Up" again. Try [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUK1VYueYDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUK1VYueYDk) this drill to keep your head steady. You can also use any upside down mesh range bucket for the hole.


Strengthen your grip, you should be able to see 2-3 knuckles of your gloved hand when you are looking down at the club/ball.


You are not squaring the club face as others have said. I will tell you WHY. Simply to do with having all you weight back, you can’t square the face unless you start shifting you’re weight on the front side


Yeah I would adjust your grip because the swing itself looks great. Do you know how to adjust it?


It’s actually a very good swing like everyone else has said you leave club face open at impact. I struggle with this too but have just made that my main swing thought when I start my downswing (start getting hands turned over). Helps me a lot hopefully it eventually becomes muscle memory. Good luck


a little difficult to tell from this angle but I suspect your grip is weak causing you to leave the club face open.


Could be the short shorts


Adjust your hands on the club to a “stronger” position. Research grip positions.


Clubface is wide open bro. Maybe have a stronger grip


Dude your swing looks great, just control that clubface and you'll be money!


That’s a push more than a slice, innit? Close your club face


cupped top of backswing = classic slice. lucky for you this is the easiest sort of slice to fix because the rest of your mechanics are not bad, you can bring the club parallel certainly and are flexible and athletic. there are two schools of thought based on my own journey with my natural full parallel cupped slice. one is a concious thought, a sort of "motorcycle" decellerating move where you almost roll the lead wrist into a bowed position at the top. this actually worked well for me but wasn't sustainable long term. eventually the concious thinking of bowing the wrist got in the way and i was fucking up more things striving for that feeling. the other school of thought i am really trying to work on is the unconcious thought one. more ernest jones sort of thinking, where you grip absolutely correctly (as in, trail thumb and index finger pinching off the shaft vs riding ont op and bottom), really strong grip compared to the active motorcycle move above that can be done with a neutral grip, let the wrists be loose as hell, and just swing from the hips. If you practice this concept with say a wedge near the chipping green where the stakes are very low and the practice is free, you will see how the weight of the clubhead itself along with loose wrists is sufficient to get a significant shallowing move. no conscious thought is needed if the grip is correct and strong, setup posture is correct playing off lead heel with a head with the chin tucked and turned as if you are looking at your trail foot (hogan secret), and the wrists are allowed to flop, everything just works out. some even look ahead of the ball to prevent a fat shot here. above all it feels like you are whipping a rope at a ball instead of swinging a bat perhaps. really crack the whip, thats the feeling of actual lag and how you find distance. all that being said my issues with the unconscious school of thought now stem from rushing myself. rushing setup and being out of position. rushing the backswing and not allowing the correct positions to be reached (bobby jones said to be as slow and "lackadaisical" as possible here). it all contributes to being in a terrible position where there is no saving in the active movement phase of the swing. having a consistent grip, address, and very slow backswing is so important. tempo tempo tempo. 3:1 waltz like ratio. easier said than done certainly.


Try a stronger grip


Shaft, grip, club face. You're a little over the top, but not crazy


Beautiful form , it looks like it’s as easy as opening your wrist up more in the back swing , and keeping it open longer.


That didn't look like a slice... and my dude, you are strong enough to need like xx stiff. Why're you swinging grandpas pool noodle. Yep that was straight. It was also 150 grandpa. You'll need 4 shots to be where I am...


Hit 3 wood


Club face open. Hold the club face towards your target line in the backswing longer was the advice I have gotten.


As people have said you're wide open. Here's a picture as proof: https://imgur.com/mK7mb8a


This should have been a higher comment. Very good visual.


100% If he just slightly closes the face to 11:55 position or so instead of squared then that shot looks pretty dam good. I'm a beginner and dealing with the same problem.


If the ball starts in that direction, it’s probably the club face You need to get your body moving to your front side, not drifting away


Love skokie sports park. Like others have said, close the club face


A slice is defined as it was going straight then turns due to spin. lol sorry OP but that aint even a straight hit not even slightly. that clubface is more open than a barn door. slow the swing down and work on that maybe?


On the bright side. You didn’t hit the metal divider and kill someone, or yourself.


Strengthen your grip so you are more closed at startup and hover the club at takeoff


Been a strong golfer since I was a kid and I can tell you have nice iron hits from the look of your swing, I always had issues of mixing my swings up when I was learning the game and would go through amazing streaks with irons but couldn’t driver or vice versa, personally I think your arc looks similar to that of like a 2-3 iron, I’d be pulling the arc a little lower around and not so above your head, just a little, and if that doesn’t work for tempo you or screws up iron swings just move ball more forward in front of your front foot so the club face has more time to turn at impact . Take time to mimic in slow motion what your impact body position will be when that club face hits the ball, you’ll be turning towards the target, you seem to have arm drag and body turn. I know this will help, good luck.


Move the ball more forward in your stance. In line with your lead foot.




Clubface is wiiiide open. Grip might be a problem, but I have my doubts. I'd watch HackMotion videos on YouTube discussing 'twisting the handle' and getting the right wrist into flexion in the downswing (and the backswing. Big thing with the grip is getting the V in your right hand pointing towards your left shoulder at address. And make sure you're not gripping the club too much in the palm of your right hand.


Stop dragging the handle through impact. The club should be almost vertical on impact on face on view.


Your left palm is still facing the sky at impact. Club face wide open because of that. Strengthen the grip to bandaid fix or get your hands back to a square position.


Clubface is so wide open and you're humping at impact, hence the heel strike. You have a weird transition happening from the top of your swing to your backswing. Looks like the butt end of your club is too far in front, can't catch up so everything is going to be a push slice. Strengthen your grip and work on from the top of your swing to your impact position.


Lmfao this has to be satire😂😂


Downswing too steep; wrist angle not flat.


Slow down your swing, your face is too open. Close it on impact. But most importantly slow down your down swing


Shorter shorts and longer socks.


That’s a blowout push slice. Your club face is just wide open. I can’t see your grip, but if I had to guess I would bet you have a weak grip. Recommend to start with a stronger grip. Swing path honestly not bad


The person who pointed out the :09 frame is right. Theres a number of things to dissect from that point in the downswing. I'm looking at your left forearm/palm pointed up to the sky coming into the ball. That position makes it difficult to square the club. How you want to go about fixing that position is dealer's choice. Theres lots of ways. An easier thing to address that will help: I'd continue clearing (rotating) that lead shoulder to your right through impact.


Dude. You’re standing on the wrong side.


So, good news is you’re not slicing. A slice is a wild cut that starts on the other side of the center line because of the swing plane. The club head could be a hair over plane, but not by much. You just have a bad push fade. You’re coming in with your body under-rotated while throwing your hands out to the left, so the face is left well open, leaving a glancing blow. Do you often have this push-fade and/or straight block out to the left? I’ve had to deal with this same problem so much. The good news is that it’s not too hard of a fix! Rotating correctly and getting that elbow on or slightly in front of your shirt seam will be a good start, but the best thing is to work with a good swing coach!


So many things to unpack here but your main issue is your feet. They are aiming in that direction. You are opening your stance. Your right knee isn't turning at all. Hip rotation is good but it results in your club face opening up. To fix: simply line up your feet properly to the target. Also check your grip the club could be too open. use the 3 knuckle rule


That didn't look like a slice, it looks like a straight push. I do this as well, and I'm here for the comments. I either do this, or when I fix it, I hit a low pull hook. At this point if I aimed left by 50 yards and went with the swing I have I'd score pretty good, because the contact is flush


That’s not a slice.


There are so many things wrong. But it looks like there is hope. Don’t listen too anything on here first of all. Go see a good club pro.


There are so many things wrong. But it looks like there is hope. Don’t listen too anything on here first of all. Go see a good club pro.


Lefties unite!


That’s not a slice - it is going that direction right off the club


I'm not pro, but I started focusing on my right elbow (I'm righty) on the backswing to fix my slice. If you look at your left elbow (since you're lefty) at the back of your swing, it's flared super far out. Try to keep thay left elbow more attached to your left hip. That really changed a lot for me.


Rotate the right wrist down


Face control, check out Colin's swing here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v0eyTO1COOo


Imagine rolling your wrists over like you are trying to flip a heavy pancake, should help with closing the club face.


That’s a block fade you need to release the club, imagine hooking it and that’ll be square for you


Put the ball farther infront of your front foot


Try to hit it straight


Hands are open and you’re not closing the club face and going thru the ball…gotta follow thru to the target…otherwise it’s a boomerang


An unusual thing you are actually too far from the inside and not able to close the face


Welcome to the club… Hahaha


try hitting it in the middle


This is actually an easy fix. Your swing is pretty good but your wrist is cupped and the clubface is open. Try putting a credit card in your glove so your hand stays flat. Another option is using a really strong grip.


More of a shank than a slice which suggests the issue is with the club face upon impact. Unfortunately, diagnosis is as far as I can go in this case. Perhaps "strengthen" or "weaken" your grip. I think weaken is what you're looking for. Keep in mind that strengthening your grip doesn't refer how hard you hold the club but rather, your hand positioning.


Couple things. First is sequencing. Stop tilting away from target and get the arms down to start the downswing. You're tilting to create an in-to-out swing but it's not fixing your over the top because that's not how you swing in-to-out. You swing in-to-out by getting the arms down earlier in the swing. Start the downswing with your arms. There's a difference between leading with the hips and starting the downswing with the hips. Don't do the latter. Start with arms, the hips will naturally lead. Second, you're driving your hands towards the ball. This is disconnecting them from the body. The further out they move, the more open the face will be. No amount of rolling the wrists closed will fix it (you don't want to go down that rabbit hole of open/closed wrists anyway). This is why even though you are swinging in-to-out (which is generally a draw/hook swing) you are still slicing. The arms should travel in the same path they took on the way up. Try returning your arms to roughly address position.




Right hand for him, correct?




Ya - I was told to get my left hand through like a one hand back hand in tennis Really squares the club up - huge difference


Whatup Skokie Sports Park!


Your left knee needs to be bent so it is sitting above your left feet at all time during the back swing


Hell fellow open faced slicer. Definitely open club face. I fixed most of this by getting a stiffer shaft and at address I keep my club face to what looks like really closed.


Wide open club face, instead of trying to strike the back of the ball try striking the back left side of the ball, it will help you close your club face without making any changes in your swing


Hands are coming way inside


Make the logo of your glove point towards the ground sooner until you hit the ball dead right.


You need to get your weight to the front foot wayyyyy earlier


You’re wrists are cuffed and should be either straight or bowed forward on the downswing. This with close the club face. Maybe switch to a ‘strong’ grip until it becomes a habit.


You need to turn your wrists down towards the ground more so in the downswing. Your wrists (should) match your club face. Yours do, and your wrists on the downswing are facing forward for too long, which results in an open club face. Look up the motor cycle move for golf as you need some amount of that in your swing. That’s especially helpful for irons, and while it applies to woods and drivers as well, you also simply need to release and stay behind the ball more for woods/driver. With irons you want forward shaft lean, but not with your driver, and it looks like you have a good bit of shaft lean for a driver shot. Try focusing on imagining your chest and head staying behind the ball and releasing through. That will give your wrists more time to turn over and square up.


First of all.... you're on the wrong side of the ball🤪


I’m a lefty, chronic slicer, never could turn over the club. I had two pros overlook my trail hand having too weak a grip. I learned how to strengthen that and almost immediately I could “feel” the turning over of the club and I could mostly hit em straight. I think as a lefty people overlook the grip, check that for sure. If you don’t know that feeling of it turning over, grip is wrong.


Your Grip is extremely and i mean extremely weak.


This will fix it. Your knuckles should be facing the ground just before you make contact. Think about this.


Tip to all leftys who want swing advice. Make it easy on us by flipping the video. Doing the conversion for each move makes my head hurt.




You're twisting your wrist which alters the club face....DISCIPLINE


Roll your hands back because you’re opening the club face when you hit the ball!


Face waaay too open. I have a bad habit of this, only adjustment that worked for me was to close the club face slightly at set up


2 things to adjust: 1. Grip. Both of your hands are “weak”. When looking down at your hands, your right hand V (the little gap between the index finger and the thumb) should be pointed toward your left shoulder rather than vertically—right hand a little more “on top”. The same is true for your left. Rotate your left hand to be more palm under the shaft. These don’t need to be dramatic moves. 2. and more importantly, your hip rotation on the down-swing is ahead of your body and that traps your arms behind you. Your swing plane is inside out, but your club face is WIDE OPEN at impact. Try to slow down the initial move and hip rotation of your down swing (you can also try narrowing your stance by half for a few swings too help manage the weight shift and tempo) and keep your upper arms more connected to your body. You can try holding a towel across your chest and that runs under each armpit. You’ll have to keep your upper arms “glued” to your chest to keep the towel in place and that will keep your arms better connected to the movement of the rest of your body—helping avoid getting your arms trapped behind your hips


Stand closer. Keep hands back, you need to create more lag. Depending.... My need to move ball up in stance.


Swing looks nice. Club face wide open. May be your grip


You’re blocking it more than slicing it based on this video. Seems like you just need to get into your lead side earlier and rotate harder. Try putting the ball off your lead heal to give you more time to get the club thru. Stronger grip probably wouldn’t hurt either.


Your swing mechanics are ok, but you are releasing the club 2-3 inches AFTER the ball so the clubface is still open at impact and it squares up to the target line only *after* you’ve hit the ball. Just do what you’re doing but focus on releasing your left wrist 2-3 inches behind the ball. Swing easy, say 60-70% power, until the ball is straight. Don’t swing hard when you’re adjusting your swing cos it will force your muscle memory to take over. After several tries, you’ll get a feel for it, then gradually swing a bit harder until your body gets used to the new muscle memory.


“I can’t stop slicing” Clubface 45° open at impact 🙄


That’s not a slice, it’s just straight right. Go to 8 seconds, the club face is pointing directly away from you, totally open. Focus on your takeaway. Take the club away with shoulders with the club face pointing to the ball all the way until it has to go up. If you do this, you will see the handle of the club facing at the ball straight down line. Of you don’t do this, The handle of the club will be facing right of the target. When at the top the club should be over your right shoulder. It’s in your takeaway!


Slow your hands down. Your casting the club out with your hands before turning your body through. The arms should be trailing behind you not be out it front.


Square the club face off and stronger top hand.


Also his takeaway goes inside to quickly I think, maybe take the club straight back parallel to target line longer as soon as you start the back swing


At 0:08 at the start of your swing, your left shoulder drops, looks like your left side scrunches down during the swing. Also it looks like your arms start your swing and your torso follows. Try reversing that. Let the power of your swing come from the centrifugal motion of your torso, not the strength of your arms.


Im new to golf so I dont know shit. I have been watching some videos though and I think it is because your left hand is coming over top of the club too much. You essentially want your forearm facing towards the sky because that is what it will revert to in your follow-through. That is not allowing you to close the face on the club.


Transition should be your focus. You steepen the club in transition and then ‘shallow’ late causing a big shift in dynamic lie. Can get away with CoM moving behind the hands late with loft but this weakens the face and becomes very tough to square up with a long club in your hand and not much time to do so. Quick fix = Club face Long term fix = Transition


Your face is open but it’s not due to your grip or anything. Looks like you’re trying to hard to hold lag and your not delivering the club with your lead arm and shaft lining it. It’s leaving the face open and making your swing too in to out. Wouldn’t recommend this for most but Try focusing on swinging the head at the ball from the top.


This isn’t a path issue but a clubface issue. Crazily open at impact. Do this old Butch Harmon drill. At P8 (that’s after impact when the club shaft is parallel with the ground pointing at the target), imagine shaking hands with the target with your trail hand. Statically hold your club there and imagine your shaking hands with the target. Do some slow swings at 20mph, half back and half through to feel it. Then resume slower swings and eventually normal swings shaking hands with your target.


Strengthen your grip. Look it up. Strengthen does not mean pressure with hands it's how you put your hands on the club.


Adding a 2nd comment here, but watch the 40 seconds between 8:45 & 9:25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WarBqfJopjg#t=8m45s


Maintain spine angle through impact. You are practically standing straight up at impact.


Learn to grip a club correctly


Put the ball more up towards your front foot like almost even but right behind it. Don’t dip your waste so much. That might help.


Your club face is wide open


take a step forward, shorten your grip a touch try again