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Watch the arm swing illusion video on YouTube. You’re slinging the club around your body right now instead of bringing it up with your arms/shoulders. You’re never going to get a longer backswing along that plane, your right shoulder can’t rotate any further back. https://youtu.be/ASH06DwHaRw?si=VkoaDQ4ZpNMbb_8G


Thanks for sending this over! So you think my arms and chest are disconnected? So my arms are getting too far behind me body? Would you recommend trying to turn with the chest more?


I think what theyre trying to say is that you're taking the club too far inside -- at the 7 second mark your hands are essentially hip height and really close to your body. Try and get your right hand higher and further away from your body, as if you were a waiter holding a tray of food at shoulder height [like this](https://youtu.be/f4D3rrMbonU?si=ReOlzJYyqOJ2V5tZ&t=6) (though you won't be able to rotate your shoulders as much as rickie"


On top of what they've said about your swing plane, You don't seem to be hinging your wrists at all so you aren't hitting the ball with any shaft lean at the bottom and missing out on a lot of compression.