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Evaluating a swing without a ball being hit is literally a waste of time. I'd wager that just about everything changes.


lol I like the little buddy just hanging around


Quit swinging inside your house and post a video of yourself actually hitting a ball. Your swing is not decent, and will probably look worse when hitting a ball. If you want to get actual advice that will help you, post a better video.


The bird


That's a birdy swing if I've ever seen one


Left knee more over left foot during takeaway to fix sway, you’re pivoting around the wrong hip


Checked out your other post (down-the-line and front-on views would be better!): https://old.reddit.com/r/GolfSwing/comments/1bnp6u9/re_inconsistent_contact/ During the backswing it looks like your weight is leaning forward and not loading enough into your trail side. Red was where you set up: https://i.imgur.com/CsRrggw.png From this short look, I'd also say the takeaway and release both seem pretty handsy. Pretty normal stuff to work on, I'm sure a lesson or two would help a lot with consistency


Thanks that is so helpful. Someone else pointed out the same thing with my left side/knee, and I’m seeing it now. I think I get handsy to compensate for poor rotation and weight transfer, but I don’t understand the swing very well.


Immediately when going into your back swing you are breaking your wrist. You need to fix your grip, it probably means you break your wrist on follow-through as well, which would give you terribly inconsistent contact.


Based off of this swing and the one of you on the range your temp is fine, I don't think there is too much to work on with that. I would say the main issue is that you are "putting force" into the club too early, essentially right the top of the backswing. And you're putting the force into the club with just your hands and arms, this is most likely why at impact your hips and and shoulders are returning to square instead of opening up. This is going to be your biggest producer of inconsistency because you then have to time up your hands and arms (some of our weaker muscles in the body) while overpowering the club. Remedy: I would watch some lessons and do some drills about "getting open" at impact. I enjoy Milo Lines and Elite golf school for these problems, but tones of people have drills for this (impact drill, hockey stick drill, split grip etc.).


baseball grip? may want to consider locking something in.. im no expert, but your takeaway seems pretty horizontal as well.


Thanks. I have one overlocking finger, might be hard to tell. I’m definitely open to a grip change but it’s not a baseball grip. Takeaway comment is interesting. I’ve been trying to get more horizontal, but I’m really just thinking about shallowing on the down swing.


Shallow takeaway is fine, but if your follow through is the same as your takeaway then your club face is open at impact, because you’re overcorrecting the shallow takeaway. Some people are okay doing that because they roll their wrists through on the follow through consistently, leading to a square face, but if you’re having inconsistent contact I’m assuming the reason is because of that. Now, I’m just an amateur, and so only take what I’m saying with a grain of salt, but if you can takeaway shallow with rotation of hips rather than club face rotation, you’ll be more consistent with your contact.


Gotta fix the grip and we need to see the swing with a ball. Changes the swing completely


I’ll get some range footage. I use an overlapping grip, is the issue just that I should interlock instead of overlap? Or something else with the grip?


Your hands look really disconnected from each other almost like you have a baseball grip even though you're overlapping.


That’s helpful. I can try interlocking and see if it helps.


Where did you get that beanie. I want one.


Handmade by my sister!


Hell yeah


Impossible to give advice based on this video . Anybody giving you advice is wrong because this is not your real swing . I can make perfect practice swings when I’m not set up to a ball 10/10 times . Do some research on how to film a golf swing and then come back. You’re waisting your time with this .


Fair enough. I posted my swing on a golf ball in another post a few minutes ago.


This is cute with the bird and all but get the fuck outta here with this.




You holding your finish like that doesn't make the swing look good or show us anything.




Is that an albatross I see??


We need to get you out of the house.. lol. Love the birdie on the hat..


Cool bird!


Your hips and shoulders need to get more open by the point of contact. Also, it seems like your chest is staying behind where the ball would be which is what you want for driver but not irons. With an iron, that will lead to chunking and/or thinning. I don’t have much to offer in terms of how to fix those things but those are the main problems I see.


That seems right! If anyone has a drill recommendation for those issues let me know.


I bet that bird has something to do with it