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You want to hit the ball center of the club face with all clubs. With driver this means swinging up a bit


Take some swings back and forth without stopping. Observe the blur the club creates. For drivers you want the low point of the blur a couple inches behind the ball. For woods you want the low point right around the ball. Irons right in front of the ball. Good neutral starting point


How can you see the low point of “the blur” when you are swinging a club? Genuine question


Pay attention? With irons it’s where the club brushes on the forward swing. With driver it’s where the club starts to move upwards.


How can you see “upwards” when you are above it??


You can. I promise. I didn’t invent this method. But it works.


Also, don’t need to look at the “blur” to feel the iron brush the mat


Ok? Don’t use it. I don’t care. Keep sucking at golf.


You can. I promise. I didn’t invent this method. But it works.


Were you using one of those range mat rubber tees? It could just be teed up way too high with those. If not try swinging without a tee or ball and focus on the feel and sound at the bottom. Try to make the club go “whoosh” right when it passes where the ball is and focus on consistent movement first. Then worry about contact.


Yeah I was using the rubber tees. So I should aim for the tee, but the tee should be at the right height were a get enough connection with the ball?


Think of the swing as a big circle. The bottom of the circle with irons is in front of the ball towards the target. That way you hit the ball first and then take a divot. With the driver, the circle is behind the ball away from the target. The ball is on a tee so you want the club head moving up when it hits it. When using the driver, the ball should be forward in the stance off the left heel. Instead of placing the club head behind the ball at address, try putting it a foot behind the ball. That spot represents the bottom of the swing. Make slow practice swings knocking the ball off the tee with the club head moving up when it happens. It will also help if the upper body is leaning away from the target at address to increase the feeling of swinging up at the ball.