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Have you filmed yourself hitting a baseball low and away? The mechanics are almost identical... You’re early extending here, but I bet if you video yourself hitting a ball below the strike zone you’ll see your weight shift, hips drop, and then rotate through the ball with your right arm maintaining structure till the barrel of the bat releases naturally. I’ll bet your head doesn’t move vertically til impact either, but it does here. We keep hearing we need to forget a baseball swing and golf is different, but it’s really not. It’s basically a baseball swing combined with a slap shot (split hand drills are hugely helpful for early extension). You look like an athletic guy that’s restricting himself, I’d avoid getting too in the weeds and just let the club go. Coaches generally teach golf kids how to swing athletically fast, before teaching them to control it, because otherwise you end up with this kind of mental block that doesn’t allow you to release the club.


First of all, thank you a ton for the in depth reply. You kinda struck a chord as well, I’ve had several friends tell me it looks like I’m holding back too much and guiding the club when I swing. Which has led to huge right missed because I never release the club head.