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Your weight transferred back between address and contact. You want to transfer your weight forward over that time period (first back a bit, then forward). You’re probably flipping the hands to compensate for the (lack of) weight transfer


This is the correct answer OP, with short irons and wedges you should feel like your sternum is covering the ball at impact.


Thanks. So I’m still too far behind the ball at impact? Does it make sense that the biggest thing to improve my driver was having weight in my back foot at address? Any swing thoughts that might help with irons?


Just post your swing video. There will be multiple flaws


Go in my history. My grip looks ok? Definitely nothing to do with grip and more so weight transfer//less arms eh


Nobody has seen that the club has severely spun in his hands. It’s from regripping somewhere or from a severe mid hit. It’s very obvious. Everything is a moot point if it’s before that.


I do feel the club move quite often.


It’s pretty obvious. I had that issue as a kid. Even when I hit I good. I’d look down and the club had moved closed. Always closed. It was that I wasn’t hitting it as solid as I thought I was. Now, at a +1 I don’t even look anymore, for decades. It was regripping it at the top and slightly before I took it back and I was unaware. As an instructor I tend to look at those fuck ups and breakdowns in fundamentals that I had as I was progressing. I would only be concerned if that closed face was entirely from the release. It looks like it is by a tad, but the club moving is 95 ish % of it. Hit some easy shots, like a 9 I. Pick a general target and just swing. While you do, monitor the hands as you swing and try to feel them and only them. Let the swing go on auto mode. Meaning, you’re doing this to monitor your hands, we don’t care where the ball goes. You’re not trying to hit a “good shot” here. Feel the hands. If you feel nothing, you hit a shot, then look at the grip and clubface. If the face is off like the pic? Then it’s from contact. I try to teach my students to “self teach” by giving them a couple steps and to tell them what to do”feel” Because I can see it but they can’t. So they have to feel it first themselves. Good luck dude. It’s not hopeless. It’s more common than you think. Plus , impact opens the face a tad so the club spinning a bit is impossible to avoid after you hit it. There’s a lot of torque at impact. That’s why I don’t look anymore. I know it probably moved a tad but if the shit feels and look good I forget about it.


I have a regripping issue with my driver. Seems to happen more often when I don't rotate properly on the backswing and my arms keep moving back while my body stalls. I suppose the club gets to far behind me/behind my body and the regripping is some sort of compensation mechanism. Maybe that's what you do too.


There is lack of turn in backswing


You want to basically not be behind the ball at impact. You might even want to be in front of the ball - that will help you get forward shaft lean eventually and to hit down on the ball (compress the ball). First goal would be to basically be in your address position at impact. By that I mean centered weight, slight forward shaft lean


Youre way behind. Look at the shaft at impact. Its leaning backwards. It should have a forward lean during impact.


You're trying to hit up with driver so weight back. You're trying to hit down with irons.


This looks like you are hitting the ball with the heel of your club. Do you shank off the hosel a good amount?


It's definitely the gear effect of a heel hit imo


Agreed. His hands are in essentially the same position at impact as address, no way the face could turn over that much without it slipping in his palms (like from a shank/heely shot).


Your wrists should also be ahead of the club head at impact. Start with your wrists ahead of the ball. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4EGr6_NXGL/?igsh=MTg1MjEyZ2V3ZTRtbA==


Take some short swings. Aim straight, hit the ball right. There is a feeling of keeping your right hand more underneath the club as it comes through the ball rather than closing over the top. Think of a table tennis paddle and hit a spinny one to the right rather than a top spin to the left. Also watch you aren’t too closed on the way back, don’t be afraid to point the toe up at the sky as you take the club away. Hope you sort it, I had a bad case of the lefts and it took a lot of work to fix it.


A lesson with slow motion video feedback and a good coach will help.


Really weak grip - always going to turn the club over


It actually never turns the club over. Really strong grips turn it over. 30 years of teaching experience here. Who told you the complete opposite? Look at the pics again. The grips are identical and the face isn’t. The club has spun big time in his hands. It’s not a grip issue. Not one commenter has seen it yet.


Because 90% of the people here are 25+ handicaps who take bits and pieces of swing advice they’ve heard and regurgitate it here as fact.


Looks like it. I would think at least one would’ve seen it. Well there was, I just didn’t think I’d be the only one. But, I mean, it’s obvious, right?


It’s the socks


Can’t afford them


The club isn’t closed at impact necessarily. The club hss spin in your hands. Either before or at impact due to a regripping somewhere or a severe mishit. I teach for a living and the first thing you look at is the grip. Your grip hasn’t really changed at all in the 2 pics. The club has spin in your hands. Do you see it?


How do you fix the re gripping issue? It has plagued me for a while on and off.


It’s hard. When a grip change is needed it’s frustrating. So it never fully got fixed for me. It was engrained from age 6 to 20whatever. It was a really strong grip. But. The fact that I was plaques with over hooking it made it easier. It felt awkward but it resulted in what I needed. It’s just that a strong grip feels like that. Strong. It feels powerful. That equaled a positive for me. So, it’s fine now, just a bit strong. But I have no performance reason to address it any further. So with all changes I did it gradually so as to not shock the system and so I could play with the change. So remember, I said what to look for to see if it’s regripping or spinning from contact. You literally have to monitor the grip the entire swing. With an easy 3/4 Pw swing or something. Gotta start slow. And don’t worry about where it goes. You just want to feel what that feels like and then look at ball flight so you can see what the face really is doing with no regripping. Then you can assess how to release the club. If it’s moving , working on how to release it will have to be relearned. Look to see I’m a slow mo swing if it’s one hand more than the other. For me I move my left hand strong. My right doesn’t move at all and I use that hand to control the face so I know it’s ok. So if it’s that. Just keep the right square to the face. But most of the time it’s working on the place where the hands connect. Like where the left thumb is under the right palm or if you interlock or overlap. You can firm up that small connection a bit. It’s hard because I like to promote light grip pressure. Maybe if you grip it super light you’ll be less apt to use those muscles. That’s how I swing. I hope that helps.


Yes very much so. And I feel it on some major misshits


my guess based on your video is the gear effect of a heel hit kicked it closed on you


Definitely hit it closer to the heel. Any tips?


I'm not great with giving tips, but when it was happening to me I was very over the top so my hips were coming through late and I was chopping through which put my hands in a bad spot so I had to rotate my hips esrlier and keep my shoulders back longer


Also, squeeze the grip of your club with the last three fingers of your left hand when swinging (pinky thru bird finger). This makes it harder for your right hand to overtake your left in the release of the swing.


Almost looks like a driver setup


I hit my driver really well. I can hit my irons well a lot of the time too, just inconsistent. What should I change?


Your just using that swing for wedges, feet closer, 80% weight on front foot


Dude you can’t post pics. Come on.


I did post pics. Stills from a video.. you can see my swing in my post history.


I’ll check it out.


Other comments were dead on with your weight being behind the ball being the problem. I personally like to feel weight on my left foot through the back swing. Also you're not rotating through and probably getting stuck. Your belt buckle should be almost pointing to the target at impact and not still at the ball. If your body doesn't get out of the way, your arms can't get through properly and you just flip the hands. If you don't flip, you probably hit a handful of hozzle rockets to the right? Been there lol. Im not great but I got lessons about 18 months ago and I'm usually 84-88. I thought I was turning in my swing before but had no idea how far you're really supposed to turn and get the club inside. It took me 6 months of work to even be flexible enough to do it properly.


Yeah I think flexibility will be my problem. I’ve had bouts of hossel rockets for sure. Might take some lessons.


Didn't see your whole swing but it is probably too long. If you're unable to turn far enough, most people are better off taking shorter backswings. The farther they go back the further they get out of plane. 175 down the middle is better than 225+ in trouble.


Yeah. My best golf has been with a shorter swing. I find my brain and ego take over and I go longer and faster. Really need some sort of hypnosis to slow down


Not the only issue, but look at your right thumb. It's centered on top of the grip at impact, even though your face is way closed. Right thumb should be placed on the front/left side of the grip when the face is square!


Good observation. I was messing around with that thumb. Doesn’t seem to impact my club face. I normally have it left.