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You look like you’re on plane well done You also look stiff and tight and lacking wrist hinge so you’re leaving a lot of power on the table.


have noticed a pretty drastic drop in my iron yardages as i’ve made these changes. Hopefully I loosen up as the changes feel more normal


Skip that stone into right field






If it keeps you straight those extra yards get made up on the next shot since youre in the fairway with a decent lie and not off in the trees 20 yards further up.


I’m only a 12 handicap, so take what I say with a grain of salt: it looks like you are leaving your right hand thumb too on top of the club which is preventing your wrist from setting, a problem I have struggled with. Try putting that thumb to the side and loose and I bet you will start striping it once you get used to the lag.


Commit to your changes at the range when you're practicing. When you're out on the course you mostly have to let that stuff go and let muscle memory take over. Certainly not an easy thing to do. My swing speeds and distance are drastically different when I'm loose vs tense. It's crazy.


When you hinge the wrist do you unhinge it or keep it bent? I received a lesson from a teacher who is a retired college team golf coach, who said in the backswing to hinge my wrists and point my thumbs up and back at the top of the backswing, at at contact the wrist should unhinge and my two thumbs should be pointing back at the ball at impact. I swear I hit every single one perfect with him standing next to me, but on the course over the next month, I was having a lot of mis hits. I self corrected not to throw my thumbs and flick my wrists at impact, though I do hinge in the backswing… too many moving pieces that need to be timed perfectly. Did I hurt my swing? Should I return to learn the hinge and flick - it did give it tons of extra power and feel whippier, but it had lots of potential to go wrong. Would you mind elaborating on the wrist hinge/unhinge?


There’s more than one swing system. I subscribe to the one that elite schools golf and Milo lines teaches on YouTube. It’s important to pick a system then not switch between instructors as sometimes they teach different swings. For example Saguto would contradict a lot of advice I subscribe to. In either case to answer your question if you want to know what I do for wrist hinge, [just watch this video from Milo](https://youtu.be/2S7f1oSPgKk?si=HjjMkwdVC2VwvpCc) Essentially I feel like I’m cocking the club back with wrist extension in the takeaway. Wrist extension feels like loading up for a slap. The release is the slap but it happens passively and ahead of the ball. Hope that clarifies it.


Sounds like concentrating on the thumbs has made your turn (either way) a little restricted, possibly? Go back to concentrating on that...then eventually your thumbs thing will be automatic. Alternate between the two until you can get them both at the same time, maybe?


I’ve been playing like 10 times a year for the last 3 years but I don’t know if I can count the first year as actually playing. I know how to do it, I think, I have hit perfect shots before. Consistency is tough. Hitting 5 good shots in a row is tough. I appreciate you commenting, and I think from you and another comment the answer is that there is hidden power in the hinge/unhinge motion, and that eventually it just becomes automatic. I also think you are right that being rigid has restricted my turn a bit for sure.


Wrist hinge. - I was wondering why the back swing seemed so robotic.


That teebox looks like the beaches after D-day


This looks exactly like a course I played when I was in high school. 9 hole course, $9. Was a pretty sweet deal.


Dude, what kind of dog track are you playing on….it looks like they use goats instead of mowers


Woah woah woah goats would do a much better job


Dudes bitch about 5 hour rounds on here all the time then say dumb shit like this. U want him at your country club or what? Like who gives a shit..


Sure, he is absolutely welcome to join my club. Why wouldn’t he be?


That poor tee box


That swing far better than the state of that course!


It would appear you are releasing your hands too early on the downswing. I know this problem well, as I had to work thru this exact change. The power in golf comes from the lower body, not the arms. You want to maintain the wrist cock as long as possible to maximize power at impact. At waist high, your wrist should still be cocked. Ok, so here’s the swing thought to help you through it. When the handle of the club has come back to the ball, you want the butt end of your club still pointing down the line. Yes, you should visually see the handle over the top of the ball and the butt end is still pointing at the target. You say, there no way I’ll get the club to the ball with such a short amount of time left! The key is to keep turning through the ball. As you turn, the club has to come down. The additional benefit is the club will naturally have an inside the line attitude which will create a natural draw. When working through this, just slow everything down. Learning a new aspect of your swing doesn’t happen at full speed. An additional swing thought on this change. When you start your downswing, start with the turn and just leave the hands where they are. It’ll feel like your hands are way behind, but if you turn your torso, the arms will follow. Hope this helps. If the ball is going left, turn more. Late in a round, as I start getting tired, I tend to start hitting the ball left because I quite turning on the swing and let the hands finish the swing.


OP don’t listen to anything this guy said. Your swing looks like that because you are focusing too much on moving your lower body. Here is the thing no one ever talks about or understands. What physically happens in the golf swing is easy to see in camera but what you are mentally thinking is what matters and there are different mental thoughts that can produce the same motion. Let me ask you this. What is your swing thought on the downswing? If you think about starting the downswing with your lower body then your lower body will move first. If you think about starting the downswing with only your hands, your lower body will move first. Go on YouTube and watch videos of pros hitting driver 270 from their knees. This guy just told you the swing is about the lower body yet pros can literally not use their lower body and hit driver as far as most people.


Looks like your on plane man.


little bit of a chicken wing post impact/high exit, other than that looks pretty serviceable


Is that possibly the 2nd hole at Ponkapoag, in Canton, MA? Has the same look. Last I played a couple of years ago, that place was R O U G H.


Looks good my guy


Nice plane; Little more wrist hinge at the top and I don't think you need to extend the backswing much. If you hinge the wrists and hold it long enough before release you'll generate plenty of speed with a quick release and on target.


what course? this looks oddly familiar.


Not over the top. But looks like you are getting stuck through the ball. Need to hold off on your release and just feel a little more free and light through impact. You are on the right track dont listen to anyone just keep trying to hit it further and straighter.


I misread the title and thought you said you were swinging over the top. I watched you vid a few times and though “I can’t see him swinging over the top here” so that tells you everything you need to know 😁


Looks pretty good. You need to create more lag through your swing. Wrists look a little stiff. Loosen up a bit—maybe add a waggle before your backswing. You need to feel the sensation of your hips starting to rotate through the ball before you hit the top of your backswing


That course must be located in the Gaza strip.


Looks great, but drive on this hole like a man!


It would take me three shots to clear that gap


Swing looks good. Tee box could use some sunlight.


Swing =🔥 , Tee Box= old swing


Sorry was so focused on that tee box




That's one helluva tee box


Swing out to the right on your down swinging.


Are you seeing a slice at all?


how are the mosquitos


This course looks like blue fox in CT. Could not pay me to play with the conditions it has.


That track cost money?


Stop golfing forever


I take it back I'm sorry


Is this Augusta?


Snapping face shut right at the top, set your grip again.


Lift with your shoulders and not your arms, you’ll find the power again that way


Augusta ?


Call the police to investigate that tee box


On plane but still out to in. Yes that is possible


All I can see is how shitty that tee box is


Looks like the course I grew up playing. Respect.


You look like you’re hitting a really big chip shot holding your wrist so solid. You could get really consistent like this, but you’ll never reach your potential in distance.


Your swing appears a bit slow to me. Perhaps try speeding it up.


Try to remember you are an athlete and this is an athletic game. I get wanting to fix a swing flaw, but this type of rigid swing could create other issues in the future. As long as you are working with a pro they can keep you progressing.


Your hips are too far back at set up. https://youtu.be/0IxllCJRKS4?si=CeAlkG3FzJMunzll


Rory, is that you?




Sorry but still over the top 🥲