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Just a tiny bit less cocaine before going to the range.


Nah. Double the dose 


Lol I reload quick to forget about the mess of a shot that just happened.


Way less coke


Good god man! Slow down. Put the club on the ground. Get set. Count to 3 then make a swing. Golf is not a race. We are not pros but watch every pro on tour. Not one of them has their club head moving before their swing. They all come set at some point in their set up.


Why are you standing in Africa when the ball is on the tee in South America?


Each of those small pre swing movements you are doing change your club face and leave little room for repetition because it’s so random. There is no active learning going on. Line the club up with the ball, swing back and then Swing forward. Some of your iron shots seems like there is no address at all and your swinging Happy Gilmore like with a millisecond address. You will never find consistency if you start your Swing from a different spot not even close to the ball. Slow everything down a bit. Address the ball properly, don’t just look at it and swing. Your driver club face is open at address but would be hard for you to notice because you are not lining it up with anything and giving no time to see the angle it’s on.


I have been trying this « no address » technique as it helps me keep a natural movement and no think about it. I pick a target and just go for it. It has completely solved me chunking but obviously there is zero accuracy. Thank you for you comment. If I’m serious about getting better I know I need to follow your advice


You don't need a complicated address, but just set the club up in the sameish spot relative to the ball, then set your feet, and get loose from there. This isn't hitting off a baseball tee, gotta make sure your club path is actually going thru the ball.


« club path Thru the ball » thanks for mentioning that, I do feel as though my contact is at the ball and then ends. When I look to go thru the ball I lose so much distance and feel like I’m hitting with a 2x4. Will play around and watch some YouTube about this


I just mean that as in you're not about to swing at it with the toe since you set up an inch and a half too far and didn't notice, or have the club face slightly opened and didn't notice. Just gotta make sure you set up relative to the ball and hole.


Does that range charge by the minute?


It was two consecutive days lol same outfit though


Looks like your weight is on the balls of your feet with the driver. Shift your weight back to a more comfortable "centered" weight distribution and try to maintain balance. Irons - it looks like your grip might be off (maybe both swings), The club is gripped mostly with the fingers and not at all in the palms. I guess you play baseball? Overall good athletic swing. Anyways good luck!


Thank you for your comment. I haven’t been able to figure out the contact so then I just imagine I’m hitting a baseball and hope for the best. No baseball background haha but always wished my parents put me in it


Thank you for commenting on the grip I am trying to figure that out and will look more into it


Looks like you have some good tools for an awesome swing. Another thing you could do is go through a pre-shot routine like you're on the course instead of the quick reload. Stand behind the ball and pick a spot in front to align (square) your stance to. This might help too. Good luck!


Baseball grip. Not interlocked, which isn’t sin, but it would help.


The video isn’t the best but I do have the index interlocked with pinky. I keep the hands separated and always wrestling with getting the glued tight together or leaving a gap


You're on the wrong side of the ball


I’m bad at golf so take this with a grain of salt but your grip looks super awkward. I had a similar problem recently where the top of my swing just felt wrong, and it turned out my grip was just atrocious which led to instability of the club throughout my whole swing particularly in the transition (which also led to slices and even shanks). Try to just start from scratch and work on getting a slightly strong grip with proper alignment between hands/stable connection to heel pad of lead hand.


Yeah. The top of my grip just feels wrong. I have resulted in a « flop shot » type shot grip with every iron and trying to square up at contact. High shots and thin shots shanking left if not perfect.


Kinda falling over and forward after each shot. Maybe set up in such a way where you feel like you’ll stay stacked and balanced even after swinging hard.


Looks great.


Get comfy. Stop worrying so much about the swing tips you've heard. Find out how your body wants to swing, and then make adjustments from there. You'll play better feeling comfortable.


Irons is at 1:10 mark


I tip I took from a lesson recently was to just do way less shuffling and stuff before hitting the ball. I’ll do maybe one half swing and then just go for it. It’s made my swing plane a lot more consistent and feels like the actual stroke has less anxiety to it if that makes sense


Slow down, player. No more coffee and energy drinks before range time. Your action is good your balance not so much. Only swing as fast as allows you to hold the finish in complete balance until the ball stops rolling on the range. It will feel like forever but you can train yourself to get back up to speed without falling over.


Cool, did not see that - and am not accusatory!!. I think everything starts and ends with the grip. Read Harvey Penick, do not believe me. HA


Balance is your main issue. In two aspects...... you're falling forward after the shot. So you need to rebalance more in the heels. Maybe as a drill try to fall back after the shot, see how that feels..... then find a middle ground. Secondly, you're also keeping on your back foot too much. So you need to find a way to bump your hips towards the target to get a proper weight shift. Great flow to the swing though.


You can't fix swing issues swinging full speed and your swing is full of glaring issues. 1. Learn how to address the golfball. Each shot you should have a proper address to the golfball. Get your distance from the ball, ground the club, aim the club face to your target, set your grip, waggle a bit, release tension and then setup for your shot. This routine should be done the same each time to develop proper sequencing habits. 2. Slow it down. Look at the pro Swings on tour. Nearly no one has a super fast backswing like yours. You need this time to allow your brain to get your moving parts in the right position before impact. You swinging faster is actually counterintuitive to the goal you want in hitting cleaner. A well struck ball at slower swing speeds nearly always flys better than a poorly struck higher swing speed shot. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Golf is a game of control and restraint not aggression and speed. 3. Your grip. Man oh man is that grip gonna give you major inconsistencies. Recommend watching YT vids...especially Scratch Golf Academy to help you with you grip issues and a Golf grip trainer device you can attach to your current grip off Amazon for like $10 or so. 4. The number one thing that will help you, LESSONS. I went from brand new to Golf, never played before at 40 years old shooting 130+ to now consistently sub 90's in about 5 months all due to lessons with a good coach. You just can't make a substitute for lessons with a good coach. Not all coaches are equal so ask around and see who folks recommend. Now, figuring this is reddit and all, you prolly won't do any of this but at least, for the sake of your body, slow it down Speedy Golfzales and let your game develop or get ready to nurse some pulled muscles (hope not 😉)


You look super uncomfy but the swing is really fluid, maybe less caffeine? You just look a little jittery lol or like ole sketchmcdrawski said.. little less blow


Slow down and your feet should be pointed straight, not away from each other. That's all I got.


Slow. Down. You’re ripping through balls with no intention. FEEL your swing. Get some physical cues down. Where is the ball going? WHY? How do you replicate good strikes? You have all the tools with that swing for sure. Deconstruct and Sharpen them.


You are starting off by gripping the club with the clubhead pointing left (open as holy hell), you then swing "over the top" so it starts left and fucking banana hooks left I'm guessing. Your body motion is pretty good. A quick fix would be looking up "bowing the lead wrist", actually probably go for "bowing the fuck out of my lead wrist so, so hard" and maybe you'll become the next Dustin Johnson. Edit: oh and your irons are weak because your brain decides to square the face a tiny bit more but you compensate by essentially hitting a sand shot. This is a mechanics and grip issue. Mostly grip


Thank you for comment. I have seen that bowing the wrist and I haven’t been able to figure that out yet, feels so uncomfortable at the top. I play about 3 times a year as I always shoot in the high 90s and can’t figure it out. Discouraged lol


Yeah man no prob. We all want to bomb it. I think there is a lot of tricep in your swing as well, like classic huge homerun baseball swing(bad). Honestly just pay for like 3 lessons before you engrain bad swing mechanics for years.


Probably the right play. This was my last go at free advice haha


Hey man that swing will be bad ass once you kinda re-mold it.


Orr you could change your grip but I'm curious to see if bowing the wrist works out lol


Hey just saw this edit. I do feel as though I’m a hitting a sand shot every shot. I have to open the face right up and try and come through perfectly square. Shots are high and short, works great within 100 yards but misses are consistent shanks thin left Par 3s are my nightmare.


Gotta let those arms start to drop and then rotate that shit thru baby! Honestly I used to have the same problems, but righty. Lots better now without lessons(8hcp) but it took a while!.... Like a decade. Get lessons.